Check out our Dilmun Hill newsletter


Check out our Dilmun Hill newsletter
Dilmun Hill Student Organic
Spring 2015
Farm Update
Summer is quickly approaching and we are busy preparing the farm
for the growing season! Managers and volunteers have been preparing beds and seeding crops. Kale,
tomato, and onion transplants are
looking good in the greenhouse,
and at Dilmun we have carrot,
arugula, turnip, beet, and raddish
seeds planted in the fields. In the
coming weeks we hope to plant
our transplants and put in a new
flower garden infront of the barn.
Meet the New Managers:
We are excited to announce our awesome 2015 Market Garden Managers!
This season Ashley Engels,, Fallon
Lowe, Abigail Prisloe, and Eli Shanks
will be working to improve the business and outreach aspects of Dilmun.
Through record keeping, the managers
hope to keep track of demand and sales
to better inform future planting and
marketing strategies. By providing more
workshops and hosting more events at
the farm, the managers are hoping to
expand Dilmun outreach to the broader
Ithaca community.
Graduating Dilmunites:
Former managers Ethan Keller and Nate
August will be graduating this spring. Ethan
(manager ‘11) will be going on to get his masters in engineering here at Cornell and plans
on staying involved with Dilmun during that
time. Nate will be doing data collection for the
Wegmans Organic Farm to evaluate the profitability and efficiency of their various crops.
Thanks for all of your hard work Nate, you’ll be
Join the Dilmun CSA!
What is CSA: CSA stands for Community
Supported agriculture. You pay up-front for
a share of Dilmun’s harvest, and get to come
to the farm each week to fill a box of fresh
and diverse veggies! The summer farm share
lasts 10 weeks starting in June.
Summer Farm Share: $200
To sign up, or for more information contact:
Upcoming Events
Field Day May 9th 1-5 PM: Join us at
the farm from 1-3 PM for bed preparation and transplanting followed by a
potluck and spring-themed activities
from 3-5 PM. Go home with a new
plant for your windowsill garden!
Weekly Volunteer Workdays: We are
now hosting work days for volunteers
every Sunday and Wednesday from
4-7 PM. Drop by, learn something
new, and, come June, leave with fresh
Dilmun produce!
Middle and high
school students got
their hands dirty
learning about soil
health in organic systems from
Dilmun’s Education
and Outreach team
during Cornell