River Oaks Elementary Dolphin Gazette


River Oaks Elementary Dolphin Gazette
River Oaks Elementary Dolphin Gazette
Responsible Learners Today Becoming Successful Leaders Tomorrow
April, 2015
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents,
Thank you to all who participated or
came to support our School of
Excellence Celebration on Friday,
March 13. The students who
participated in the Choir, Strings, SCA,
Safety Patrols and in the audience did a
fantastic job!
I hope all of our River Oaks families
had a relaxing Spring Break.
The 3rd Nine Weeks Report cards will
be coming home April 14th. If you have
questions or concerns about the
progress of your child/children, please
do not hesitate to contact your child’s
Aerica A.Williams
Aerica A. Willia ms, Principal
Oonina S. Copeland, Assistant Principal
w w w . p w c s . e d u / r i v e r o a ks
SOL Testing Dates
Library News
Scholastic Book Fair Coming
April 13-24.
Due to the time lost to inclement weather, the county
has adjusted the testing window. Please stay tuned for an
updated testing schedule. Testing will start immediately
after morning announcements during this period.
Please try to avoid scheduling appointments on your
child's testing days. As always, we appreciate your help
in getting students to school on time for their tests, as
they cannot join their class once testing has started.
Please help your child complete and review the study
activities that your child’s teacher sends home.
Grades 3-5 SOL Testing Dates:
Grade 3 Reading SOL – May 19 & 20
Grade 3 Math SOL – May 28 & 29
Grade 4 Va. Studies SOL - May 22
Grade 4 Reading SOL – May 27
Grade 4 Math SOL – June 3 & 4
Grade 5 Reading SOL – May 26
Grade 5 Math SOL – June 8 & 9
Grade 5 Science SOL – June 2
Book Fair Volunteer Wanted!
We need parent volunteers, for the Book Fair, at various
times during the day. If you would like to volunteer, call the
school at 703-441-0050 or email Mrs. Robinson at
robinscm@pwcs.edu. Parent volunteers make the Book Fair
fun for the kids!
River Oaks Spelling Bee
Congratulations to George Tamakloe, a 3rd Grader in
Mrs. Mangrum’s class, for winning the 2014-2015 River
Oaks Spelling Bee!
Way to go
The years Spelling Bee finalists are:
DJ (ROES Mascot, Brianna Gartrell) and
Mrs. Aaronson
Third Grade
Ms. Piazza – Caleb Mintah
Ms. Jones – Kavineeta Harris
Ms. Clarke – Corey Campbell
Mrs. Barrett – Carmen Jones
Ms. Rogers - Jordan Simmons
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Carter – Lexi Boateng
Mrs. Chatman – Dilkush Bhagat
Mrs. Cutcher – Shakib Shahriar
Ms. McKnight – Amira Ibrahim
Mrs. Chandel – Joshua Tamakloe
Fifth Grade
Ms. Francis – Ezekiel Amoah
Ms. Andresen – Nathan Wilson
Ms. Doyle – Amiya March
Ms. McIntyre – Tracy Barnie – Runner Up
K- 3 Classroom Instructional News
During the month of April, continue to work on practicing the sight
words with your child at home every night. Also, keep counting to
100 with your child frequently. Reading at home will help them
become better readers at school.
First Grade
First graders are working on READING, READING,
READING!!! We are also organizing our ideas for better writing;
adding and subtracting to 18 and solving 2-step story problems;
and identifying the needs and characteristics of plants and animals.
We will soon be taking field trips to the Mount Vernon mansion
and to see the monuments in Washington, D.C.
We will also be going to the National Zoo and to visit the Potomac
Branch Library!!
We are SO EXCITED!!!!!
Second Grade
During the month of April, 2nd Graders will be learning many
exciting new things! In Language Arts, we will be practicing
comparing and contrasting. We will be able to be compare and
contrast objects, pictures, and stories! We will also be learning
about homophones. Homophones are two words that sound the
same, but are spelled differently. How many homophones can you
think of? In Math, we will be learning all about fractions! Please
keep practicing basic addition and subtraction math facts at home.
In Social Studies, we will be learning about Native Americans. We
will learn all about the Powhatan, Lakota, and the Pueblo. Don’t
forget to complete the weekly vocabulary activity and return it
every Friday. Thank you for your continued support!
Third Grade
News and Updates:
The last quarter of 3rd Grade already?! SOL's are
approaching fast! We have much to cover before we
test. To better prepare your student(s), make sure that
they are completing their homework, reading
consistently at home, and studying the material
Our current units of study are:
Language Arts: Drawing Conclusions - fictional text
and poetry; Reviewing Nonfiction reading skills (text
features, ask & answer questions, cause & effect) and
Fiction reading skills (narrative elements,
problem/solution, ask & answer questions)
Math: Fractions - Modeling Fractions; Ordering
Fractions on a Number Line; Comparing Fractions;
Adding & Subtracting Fractions
Social Studies: Famous Americans - Thurgood
Marshall; Thomas Jefferson; Rosa Parks; Cesar Chavez;
Abraham Lincoln; George Washington
Science: Natural Disasters and Human Threatsinterdependency of plants and animals; effects of human
activity on the quality of air, water, and habitat; effects
of fire, flood, disease, and erosion on organisms;
conservation and resource renewal. Energy Sources energy from the sun; sources of renewable energy;
sources of nonrenewable energy.
Grades 4 & 5 Classroom Instru
Fourth Grade
March has been a very exciting month for our 4th grade
students. We have been busy in the classroom catching up
on instruction that we missed due to snow. Spring Break
will start on Monday, March 30 and school will resume on
Tuesday, April 7.
Fifth Grade
In Fifth Grade we are very busy learning many new things
and preparing for our SOL testing at the end of the school
year. In Reading, we will be focusing on Poetry and
The students have really been enjoying our Poetry Unit. As identifying Figurative Language in different poems. We
a culminating activity, the students will be creating and
will also begin writing and illustrating our own poems. In
designing a Poetry Book. The Poetry Book will be due
Math, we will be working more with fractions and taking it
Tuesday, April 14. This will give the students an
to the next step and learning how to add and subtract
opportunity to work on their book over the Spring Break if fractions with unlike and like denominators. We are also
they wish. The guidelines for this project will go home this continuing to work on our Math Facts.
Please keep an eye out for Field Trip Information. We will
have a permission slip coming home soon! We will be
Our SOL’s are quickly approaching. We are including our
taking a trip to Washington D.C. to visit the Natural
SOL testing dates so that it will help you plan for any
History Museum.
upcoming appointments that your child may have. SOL
Test Dates: Virginia Studies, Friday, May 22; Reading,
Wednesday, May 27; and Math Tuesday, June 3 and
Wednesday, June 4. It is so very important for your child to
come to school every day as we will continue to cover units
and review for our upcoming SOL’s. Continue to work
with your child each night on their multiplication tables and
studying for our Friday and unit tests.
Thank you for your continued support. It is because of you
that your child strives to be the best that he/she can be and
our team would like to say thank you! Please have a restful
and enjoyable Spring Break! We will be in high gear
preparing for our SOL’s upon our return from Spring Break!
Enjoy this relaxing time with your family and we will see
you April 7!
Nurse’s Notes
Kathy Cobb, RN
Pink Eye or Allergies?
An inflammation of the whites of the eyes is the main
sign of allergy eyes. It is also indicated by redness,
tearing, stinging or pus discharge from the eyes.
Many children with allergic runny noses develop the
symptoms of allergy eyes and are sent home from
school even though allergic conjunctivitis is not
contagious. Many of the symptoms are the same and
you may be asked to have your child evaluated by a
physician. Bacterial and viral forms of conjunctivitis are
contagious. This is called pink eye.
Itchy eyes are the key distinguishing feature of allergic
conjunctivitis. Symptoms that indicate pink eye are
burning and itchy eyes.
Please remember that ALL medication, even over the
counter allergy medication, should be brought to the
school by the parent and be accompanied by the correct
paperwork and must stay in the clinic.
Mrs. Lester’s Cafeteria Update
Students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade will be
learning about healthy eating on April 16 (rescheduled
from March 2, due to a Snow Day). PWCS Food
Service Department is sponsoring a play titled
My Plate.
Please remember to keep your child’s account for lunch
current. We do our best to keep you posted on the
balances of your child’s account with verbal reminders,
letters and calls. If you have any questions or concerns,
please do not hesitate to contact the cafeteria at (703)
221-1018. If you want to monitor the balance of your
child’s account, PWCS has an online option available.
You can visit mylunchmoney.com. This site offers
online transaction services in addition to viewing
student’s meal purchases.
Counselor’s Corner
D. Wells & L. James
April’s Character Trait is:
· The ability to face danger and find strength to overcome fear
· Doing the right thing in face of difficulty
· Determination
Career Day
ROES Career Day
River Oaks Elementary School Career Day will be held on
Friday, June 12, 2015, from 9:30 AM-12:30 PM. Please be
on the lookout for the Career Day letter in April. We would
love to have you here to share information with our students
to get them interested in different job opportunities. For
questions please contact School Counselor, Deborah Wells @
(703) 441-0050 or wellsdc@pwcs.edu.
PWCS Student Transfers for the
2015-2016 School Year
The PWCS Student Transfer request process is
January 5 through April 30, 2015. Transfers are granted to
accommodate Prince William County residents with
elementary children when both parents are employed full
time outside the home and it is necessary for someone in a
different school attendance area to care for the student before
and/or after school. Transfer requests are also granted for
schools with designated Site Programs. This process is for
new and returning transfer students. Parent/Guardians are
encouraged to read the information on the student transfer
request process in Regulation 721-1.
Request forms are available on the PWCS website:
Parent Outreach
Our last event, Chick-Fil-A Night, was well attended
and it was so fun to see so many of our ROES families
out! We also had a great success with selling our
Smencils, and will be doing another one with
spring scents really soon.
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for our next two
awesome events. On April 17, we will be having our
Chuck E. Cheese Night. That is always lots of fun!
Then you will not want to miss our Spring Luau
happening May 8. There will be games to play, snacks
to eat, and music to dance to!
We are still collecting Box tops and Labels for
Education. Keep those labels coming!
ms/pages.phtml?pageid=259854& .
Kindergarten Registration for the
2015-2016 School Year
Kindergarten Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will
be held: Thursday, April 9, from 5:00-7:00 PM and
Thursday, April 23, from 11:00 AM– 1:00 PM
To enter school in September, 2015, a child must turn five by
September 30, 2015.
For further details, contact Mrs. Osborne (Registrar) or
Mrs. Praino in the River Oaks Office (703-441-0050).
February Behavior
Incentive Winners,
Enjoying Ice Cream on
the Playground.
ROES Families
Enjoying Chick-Fil-A
Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser
Art Show
The Annual Prince William County Schools Fine Arts
Festival will be held at Patriot High School on April 18th
from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Join Ms. Brosnan, ROES Art
Teacher, as she displays some of ROES student’s art
We would like to thank everyone who participated in our
Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser. In our efforts to help
support the American Heart Association River Oaks raised
a grand total of $4,999.58!!! Awesome job!!!!!!
Makaila Baker-Gray, from Mrs. Hoover’s second grade
class, raised the most money with $425.00. Makaila will
get to be PE teacher for a day, great job Makaila! The
following students raised $200 or more and have won the
chance to throw a pie at Ms. Holmes:
Makaila Baker-Gray
Xiomara Jackson
Nora Lafferty
Alexis Basoah
Ayden Demby
Brayden Martin
Gabriel Esquilin
Branden Melvin
Kyle Diaz
Ezekiel Melvin
Jewel Keels
Summer Art Opportunity
Are you interested in a summer art opportunity?!?! The
county hosts a WONDERFUL summer art program taught
by Prince William County Art teachers!
It really does fill up fast- so sign up ASAP if you are
It meets from July 6-17th from 9am-12pm. There are two
locations to choose from-Marstellar Middle School or
Benton Middle School.
The registration materials are attached under the files
section of the Art school fusion page. Don't delay! Sign up
today :).
River Oaks Upcoming Events in April
Please use the information below to schedule important events for you and your children.
April 2015
Spring Break
No School for Students
Teacher Professional
Book Fair Begins
April 13-24
9:15 AM Safety Patrol
Spring Break
Fire Drill
ROES Chuck E. Cheese
Night 5:00-8:00 PM
Kindergarten Registration
5:00-7:00 PM
Kindergarten Registration
11:00 AM-1:00 PM
Strings Solo Ensemble
Festival After School –
Godwin Middle School
Fire Drill
Spring Break
Bus Evacuation
ROES Tropical
Smoothie Night
5:00-8:00 PM
“My Plate”
( An Assembly about healthy
9:15 AM – Grades K-2
2:00 PM – Grades 3-5
Awards Assemblies
9:15-9:45 AM-Kindergarten
10:00-10:45 AM-3 Grade
2:30-3:30 PM-1 Grade
Book Fair Ends
Awards Assemblies
9:00-9:30 AM -5 Grade
9:45-10:30 AM-2 Grade
1:45-2:30 PM-4 Grade
Upcoming Dates for May:
May 4 – Safety Patrol Meeting
May 4-10 - Children’s Book Week
May 5 – 4th and 5th Grade Strings Concert
May 6 – Fire Drill
May 8 – PTCC’s Spring Lua
May 19 – 3rd Grade Reading SOL
May 20 – 3rd Grade Reading SOL
May 14 – 5th Grade Reading SOL
May 28 – 3rd Grade Math SOL
May 29 – 3rd Grade Math SOL
May 26 – 5th Grade Math SOL
May 21 - 2nd Grad Field Trip to the Natural History Museum
May 22 – 4th Grade Va. Studies SOL
May 25 – Schools Closed (Memorial Day)
May 27 – 4th Grade Reading SOL
June 2 – 5th Grade Science SOL
June 3&4 -4th Grade Math SOL
June 8&9 – 5th Grade Math SOL
Yearbooks are currently on sale! Please send in
$15.00 cash or Money Order with the order form
located on the last page of this newsletter. (Checks
will not be accepted.)
Parents also have the option of ordering and paying
online at YBPay.lifetouch.com. Be sure to use
ROES school code (1518415).
River Oaks Elementary
Yearbook Order Form
 Yes, I want to order a yearbook!
Student’s Name ________________________________________________
Teacher ______________________________________________________
Enclosed is a cash for ___________________________________________
Order on line at YBPay.lifetouch.com
ROES School Code 1518415
Thank you for supporting
our school!
Dedicated to River Oaks from Mrs. Bridget Carter, 4th Grade Teacher
Listen closely and you shall hear
Superintendents Kelly and Walts
The story of a school so dear
Leadership, Dedication, and Success of our Division
Nestled within PWC
Has Been Their Ultimate Mission
We’re a school with a distinguished legacy
An Education that is World Class’
Is What Prince William County Has
Smith, Sigmudsson, and Croom preceded
Principals our school needed
Petersen, Aikens, and Goss
They left behind an indelible print
Upon whose guidance we were dependent
For future students to represent
Stood behind us no matter the cost
Smith, the first, what can I say,
We honor them for being our Area Superintendents
The model for all who has walked these halls,
If you know him, you’ll agree,
Future Leaders have graced these halls,
Outstanding, outstanding, outstanding to me
Werle, Notyce, and Hart
You know River Oaks has been a part
Sigmuddson had big shoes to fill
Of the legacy they leave behind
But she did it with such grace and skill
A caring heart is what I remember
Exceptional Visionaries in Leadership is what comes to
To every student and staff member
Next came Williams and Copeland
Croom had been an Exceptional ROES teacher
Continuing our rich history,
Then she stepped in to be our leader
One thing we can definitely say
And with Croom there is evidence
A New School of Excellence is their legacy
For with her we got our first school of Excellence
Wait, Wait, there’s more that’s true
They both brought their children to ROES too
What a belief they had in our staff
To educate their children on their behalf
Listen students so you might hear
(Students Sing)
The story of some students so dear…..
Sung to the tune of “You’re So Beautiful”
Do you know how special you are?
To everyone here, you are a superstar
Just in case you don’t know,
You are destined to be great!
You have character, dignity and much more
We want to recognize you galore!
(Teachers Sing)
Take a look around this room
All the people that you see
Are here because you’re the Honoree
Part of a legacy that started in 1990
Walts, Darlington, and Goss are here today.
They wouldn’t miss recognizing you, NO WAY!
Our history is not complete
As we sit here with Copeland and Williams
We wouldn’t trade this moment for billions
To honor our students is the reason
For all the accomplishments that we’ve made
We can thank Head-start, Preschool, to 5th grade
Don’t get me wrong, I am not through
We thank you, thank you, yes we do
You are Exceptional so let’s be clear
We are striving for School of Excellence again next year!