CVU ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, April 10, 2015 Red Day


CVU ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, April 10, 2015 Red Day
Friday, April 10, 2015
Red Day
Archived announcements:
Birthdays: Fadhili & Faraja Achinda, Elaine Beaudin, Cari Causey & Brooke Merchant
Hot Roast Beef open-faced sandwich served with mashed potatoes
Vermont Maple Salmon served with mashed potatoes
V & JV Girls Lacrosse at Rice 4:30pm & 5:45pm; Depart 3:30pm
Field Trips:
State House in Montpelier (Business Law/Wedge) – all day
39 Annual Latin Day (Morton, Birch & McLure)
Jazzercise (Wood/PFit); In school – R3
Advisors: Please remind your students that if they are not feeling well, the need to go to the Health Office first.
If the student needs to go home, a parent (and the House Office) will be contacted at that time. This ensures
the student has a safe ride home.
Federally Funded Chinese Language Program at UVM for High School Students
Audience: New England Students, Grades 10 - 12
New England high school students entering grades 10-12 are invited to apply to STARTALK Vermont, a
weeklong summer residential Chinese Language Program at the University of Vermont. Funded by the U.S.
Department of State, the StarTalk program is intended to generate student interest in learning the Chinese
language. The program is from August 1-7, 2015. The $250.00 program fee covers the cost of housing, meals
and learning materials. Financial Aid scholarships are available. The program enrolls beginners of the Chinese
language only. Learn more at STARTALK. .
Contact: Jacqueline Drouin, Asian Studies Outreach Program, at (802) 656-7985 or
AP EXAM: The make up date for the mandatory AP Exam Pre-Administration will be Monday, April 13th
during Advisory in the Direction Center Conference Room.
PE credit for playing a SPRING sport. If you'd like to receive PE credit for playing a spring sport at CVU and
you have already completed Personal Fitness, now is the time to submit your application and SMART goals.
Applications are available on our school's website (student activities/athletics/forms). Deadline for the
submission of the application and goals is Wednesday, April 15th. Questions: see Dan Shepardson in
****SENIORS**** Please be sure to check out the scholarships listed in Naviance.
CVU Dominican Republic Trip February 2016. This is an immersion trip available only for upcoming Spanish 4
and 5 students. Total cost is $1900. If interested, please attend mandatory parent/student informational meeting
on April 15th at 6 pm in Rooms 104-106. Questions? See Seth Jensen, Meredith Visco or Kari Roberts.
Rosie’s Girls Residential Leadership Camp: Vermont Tech is pleased to announce its brand new Rosie’s
Girls Residential Leadership Camp with June 22nd to June 26th for girls entering 9th and 10th grades (fall 2015)
– Randolph Center Campus. This new STEM-focused leadership camp will be a place where girls can enhance
their leadership skills as well as get their hands dirty, express themselves creatively, explore what the world has
to offer them, what they have to offer the world and take positive risks! It will help build strong, powerful,
confident young women through hands-on exploration of STEM activities in areas as: engineering, architecture,
computer technology, firefighting, horticulture and the skilled trades as construction/carpentry; followed by a
mentorship program.
This all inclusive program includes: three meals a day, snacks, shared dorm room, program activities, supplies,
closing luncheon with family members and mentors, follow-on mentorship – five days and four nights $300.
Partial financial aid may be available. For more information go to:
Stiller Family Foundation Scholarship
The ideal recipient of this 4-yr scholarship will be a student who puts in good effort, has been a late bloomer in
high school, and has the potential to blossom further in college. Financial need will be considered but is not
intended to be the primary factor in selecting the recipient. Student's GPA must be between 2.3 and 2.9.
Application's can be downloaded from Naviance, found in the Main Office, or the Direction Center. Completed
applications are due back to the Direction Center by April 17.
The CVU Unified Scholarship Application is now available. One application covers these scholarships: Arthur
Scott, Cowboy Lewis, Don Moore, Eunice B. Farr Incentive Award, Kevin Riell Memorial, M & R Charities and
the Williston/St. George Lions. Please check out details in Naviance. You can download an application there or
come to the Direction Center to get one. The application deadline is April 17.
UVM Athletic Training Symposium for Prospective Students: will be held at UVM on Sunday, April 19th
from 10AM-1PM. Registration begins at 9:30 AM in the Bostwick Room. The cost is $5 pre registered and $10 if
registering the day of the Symposium. Discover the world of athletic training. Registration forms can be picked
up in the Direction Center.