ellsworth running club - Naperville Community Unit School District 203


ellsworth running club - Naperville Community Unit School District 203
Four of Ellsworth’s teachers with loads of personal running experience (Mr. Nelson, Mrs. Glenn, Mr. Liszka
and Ms. Foster) are helping us get our Ellsworth students out and learning to run for fun and good health!
Running club will again consist of two components this spring. Tuesday afternoons will include some
running and active games, as in the past. Thursday mornings we continue our “Marathon Club”. This
will be all running of laps with the goal of running a full marathon during the fall and spring sessions of
the Club. You may come in just mornings, just afternoons or both; whatever fits your schedule.
Meet at Ellsworth school gym OR on the playground if the gym is unavailable.
Afternoon sessions begin Tuesday, April 14th through Tuesday, May 5th from 2:30 – 3:15 PM. Morning
sessions begin Thursday, April 16th through Thursday, May 21st from 7:30 – 8:00 AM.
$10 per student payable to “Ellsworth Home and School” for new runners. $5 for fall runners who already
received their t-shirt.
Students may be interested in two spring races. The NCO Youth 1 Mile Obstacle Course race is May 2nd.
The G.L.O.W. 5K RUN is June 6th. More information will be sent home for these races. Races are
optional and students/parents will be responsible for the cost of any race entry fees as well as
transportation to and from races.
All new running club students will receive a t-shirt. Students that participated in the fall should have
received their shirt. Sizes will be ordered as follows:
Kindergarten/1st grade – Small
2nd/3rd grade – Medium
4th/5th grade – Large
If you want an alternate size for your student, please note this on the sign up form in the space provided
below. (XL and adult sizes are available.)
We love to have parents participate – please let us know if you are available! Responsibilities include a)
helping with sign-in/sign-out; b) running with kids, or; c) posted at corners to watch kids and stop alley
traffic as needed; d) help out with games. We will be thrilled to have your help at any of the practices that
you can attend – please note your name and contact info on the form below. Please fill out the attached form and return to your teacher
by Friday, April 10th
Please complete all portions of this form and return by FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2015. Parent
permission is required for participation in Ellsworth Eagles Running Club
STUDENT NAME: __________________________________GRADE & TEACHER: __________
I grant permission for student _________________________________________ to participate in the Ellsworth Eagles Running Club, and
understand that practice sessions will be conducted on-site at Ellsworth school, and will also include supervised runs around the
surrounding neighborhood. Grade K-2 students will run around the block surrounding Ellsworth (two alleys to cross); Grade 3-5 students
will run around the neighborhood (several streets and alleys to cross).
I understand that participating in the Ellsworth Eagles Running Club (“Ellsworth Runs!”) is potentially hazardous, and that I should not enter
and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I assume full and
complete responsibility for any injury or accident which may occur while I am attending any of the practice sessions, traveling to or from the
practice sessions, during the practice sessions, or while I am on the premises of Ellsworth school or in the surrounding neighborhood for
the event. I also am aware of and assume all risks associated with participating in “Ellsworth Eagles Running Club”, including but not
limited to falls, contact with other participants, effect of weather, traffic, and conditions of the road. I, for myself and my heirs and
executors, hereby waive, release and forever discharge the Ellsworth teachers or staff working with “Ellsworth Eagles Running Club”, any
parent volunteers, and each of their agents, representatives, successors and assigns, and all other persons associated with the event
including but not limited to Ellsworth School, Naperville School District 203, and the City of Naperville for my all liabilities, claims, actions,
or damages that I may have against them arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in “Ellsworth Eagles Running Club”.
I understand that this waiver includes any claims, whether caused by negligence, the action or inaction of any of the above parties, or
otherwise. I hereby also grant full permission to any and all of the parties to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, Website
images, recordings or any other record of “Ellsworth Eagles Running Club”.
The undersigned parent or guardian hereby consents to the applicant’s participation and waives and releases all rights and
claims as set forth above.
Signature (Parent or Guardian)
As a student participant of the Running Club, I understand that I will be given only one
behavior warning. If I misbehave a second time, my parent/guardian will be contacted, and I
will not be able to participate in Running Club. I agree to follow the instructions of the
teachers and parent volunteers, if I do not follow these instructions I will no longer be
allowed to participate in Running Club.
Student Signature Required: ____________________________________________________
PARENTS: If you would be willing to be a parent volunteer for any of the practices, please include
your name, phone, and or email.
Name (Parent or Guardian)___________________________________Email / Phone_________________
T-SHIRT SIZE if other than as shown on page 1______________________________
CHECK LIST – Parents, please check off each box to confirm this form is compete:
$5 payment for fall runners
$10 for new runners
Permission Signature
Volunteer Sign Up
Health Form
Student Signature