
Curriculum Vitae – Javier Fabra-Mata
Advisor and Researcher
M +47 95 75 11 58
E javifabra@gmail.com
Javier Fabra-Mata is ILPI’s affiliated researcher and is conversant with both the academic and the
practitioners’ discourse in peace mediation. With a doctoral dissertation on Norwegian peace mediation,
Fabra-Mata has conducted research on different aspects related to the professionalisation of the
practice of peace mediation, identifying and interacting with a number of Norwegians involved in
mediation and negotiation, at different levels. As advisor for methods and results and member of the
peacebuilding cluster at Norwegian Church Aid, Fabra-Mata has been involved in the planning and
implementation of a number of Track II peace initiatives – most recently in Afghanistan. He has long
experience developing mappings, inventories and databases for different organsations, on various
peace-related topics – e.g. on think tanks in transitional countries in the Arab world or political economy
and conflict analysis experts. His international experience includes working with UNDP, OSCE, UN
DPKO and WFP. Fabra-Mata is educated in philosophy, political science, peace and conflict from the
Universities of Helsinki, Tromsø and Castellon.
Norwegian Church Aid. Oslo, Norway. Advisor for Methods and Results –
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Middle East
§ Strengthening project design, monitoring and reporting.
§ Design and coordination of conflict analyses.
§ Quality assurance of applications and reports.
§ Developing NCA’s and partners capacities in RBM and M&E.
§ Enhancing the evaluability of NCA’s peace building programmes.
§ Coordinating NCA evaluations globally (meta-evaluation)
Nov. 2013
– Present
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre. Oslo, Norway. Programme Analyst
§ Development of a UNDP-wide research agenda on political transitions.
§ Contribute to the development of a political economy analysis approach for
§ Assist Democratic Governance Analysis and Learning policy advisors with
the collection, analysis and presentation of quantitative and qualitative data.
§ Support Democratic Governance Analysis and Learning policy advisors with
the development, organization and coordination of conferences, workshops
and events.
§ Contribute to OGC work on democratic governance in conflict and fragile
states, including providing support to governance assessments in conflictfragile environments.
§ Coordinate the production of DGTTF Lessons Learned Series and
Democratic Governance Emerging Issues knowledge products.
June 2010
– Nov. 2013
Curriculum Vitae – Javier Fabra-Mata
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. STO - Armenia
§ Short-term electoral observer (STO) – Presidential Elections in Armenia
Feb. 2013
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre. Oslo, Norway. Research Associate
§ Conducted research on the work of UNDP using a variety of quantitative and
qualitative sources in order to provide a basis for the analysis of democratic
governance programmes and projects.
§ Assisted in substantive tasks related to governance assessments in postconflict fragile states.
§ Co-authored the UNDP/DIE publication Users' Guide on Measuring Fragility.
§ Identified, selected and supervised international consultants.
§ Assisted in the management of the Governance and Conflict portfolio.
§ Supported the OGC Director and Policy Advisors in delivering appropriate
communication materials on governance and conflict to effectively engage
diverse audience groups.
Jan. 2009
– May 2010
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre. Oslo, Norway. Governance and Conflict
Prevention. Research Associate.
§ Conducted research and identified successful UNDP governance and conflict
projects, programmes and policies.
§ Organized an international workshop on local government capacities in postconflict countries.
§ Assisted in developing a programming guide on preventing electoral violence
and a guidance note on governance and conflict prevention.
§ Assisted in developing a Training Programme for the Junior Professional
Officer (JPO)
§ Identified, selected and supervised international consultants.
§ Assisted in the management of the Governance and Conflict budget.
§ Supported the OGC Director and Policy Advisors in delivering appropriate
communication materials on governance and conflict to effectively engage
diverse audience groups.
Sep. 2007
– Dec. 2008
UN World Food Programme, Field Security Branch. Rome, Italy. Security
Analyst. Internship (Paid).
§ Provided assistance in preparing weekly security briefings.
§ Developed and updated country security profiles.
§ Ad-hoc research on political, humanitarian and security conditions in specific
§ Conducted a survey on security procedures amongst WFP security field
officers worldwide.
– Jul. 2007
UN Secretariat, Department of Peacekeeping Operations. New York, United
States. Security Analyst. Internship (Unpaid).
§ Prepared and updated country security profiles.
§ Assisted in the preparations of weekly security briefings to DPKO personnel.
§ Maintained the UN DPKO Casualties Database.
§ Prepared updates on the political, humanitarian and security situation in
– Mar. 2006
Curriculum Vitae – Javier Fabra-Mata
I.E.S. No10 - High School. Castellón, Spain. Teaching Assistant (Traineeship)
– Feb. 2005
§ Teaching Assistance - History and Geography
University Jaume I, Philosophy, Sociology and Communication Department /
Bancaja International Center for Peace and Development -UNESCO Chair of
Philosophy for Peace. Castellón, Spain. Research Assistant.
Sep. 2003
– Sep. 2004
§ Researched on development, peace and security issues.
§ Assisted in developing teaching materials for graduate and undergraduate
§ Updated a database on academic publications.
Cum laude. University Jaume I, Spain.
§ PhD «International Peace, Conflict and Development Studies
– 2012
University Jaume I, Spain.
§ MPhil Peace, Conflict and Development
– 2007
University of Tromsø, Norway
§ MPhil Peace and Conflict Transformation.
– 2006
University Jaume I, Spain
§ BA and MA Humanities
§ Exchange Student (1 year) Dep. Political Science, University of Helsinki,
– 2004
Spanish — Fluent (mother tongue)
English — Fluent
Catalan — Fluent
Norwegian — Intermediate
Curriculum Vitae – Javier Fabra-Mata
§ Fabra Mata J. and S. Ziaja, Users’ Guide on Measuring Fragility, Oslo and Bonn, UNDP and
German Development Institute. (2009)
§ Fabra Mata J. and S. Ziaja, «State Fragility Indices: Lessons for Development Policy», in C.
Dijkema et al. (eds.), Rethinking the State in Post-crisis Situations, Brussels, Bruylant. (ISBN 9782-8027-3513-7) (2012)
§ Fabra Mata, J. «Acompañamiento Internacional en Conflictos Violentos. Una Lectura
Performativa de Brigadas Internacionales de Paz», in S. Paris Albert and I. Comins Mingol
(eds.), Filosofía en acción. Retos para la Paz en el s. XXI, Castellon, University Jaume I.
(ISBN: 978-84-8021-712-5) (2009)
§ Fabra Mata, J. «Global Civil Society for Peace and Human Rights: Dimensions and Effects of
the International Accompaniment in Colombia and Sri Landa», in M.Deguchi et al. (eds.):
Conflicts vs. Social Harmony: Does Non-profit Sector Matter?, Tokyo, Aggreplanning. (2008)
§ Fabra Mata J., Measuring the Effectiveness of Norwegian Peace Facilitation. Expert Analysis.
Oslo, Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre / Norsk ressurssenter for fredsbygging
(NOREF) (2014)
§ Fabra Mata J., F. Gutiérrez Sanín, M.Mezzera, S. Narang Suri and S. Repucci, Governance
Measurements for Conflict and Fragility. A Comparative Inventory, Oslo, UNDP. (2012)
§ Fabra Mata J. and S. Narang Suri, Governance Assessments in Conflict and Fragile
Environments: Challenges and Opportunities, Issue Brief. Oslo, UNDP. (2011)
§ Fabra Mata J. and S. Ziaja, State Fragility Indices: Potentials, Messages and Limitations,
Briefing Paper 10/2010, Bonn, German Development Institute (ISSN:1615-5483). (2010)
§ Fabra Mata, J. Towards the Development of Country-led Governance Assessments in PostConflict Situations: Review of Existing Methodologies to Assess Conflict. Briefing Paper.
Oslo, UNDP.[Internal Document - Unpublished]. (2008)
§ Fabra Mata, J. «Who Can Make Security? Competition over Securitisation and DeSecuritisation in Colombia», Journal of Human Security, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 37-47. (2008)
§ Fabra Mata. J. et al. Local Government in Post-Conflict Situations: Challenges for Improving
Local Decision Making and Service Delivery Capacities. Workshop report, Oslo, UNDP
DGG/OGC. (2008)
§ Fabra Mata, J. «Good for Others, Good for Us: Reflections on Human Security as Public
Diplomacy», IRINI, Peace and Conflict Analysis, no.1, p.22-30. (2007)
§ Fabra Mata, J. «Communicative Dimensions and Performative Effects of International
Accompaniment of Peace Brigades International in Colombia and Sri Lanka» ISTR Working
Papers, Vol. V. (2007)
§ Evaluation in UNDP for Practitioners and Specialists. UNDP. Online (Oct 2013)
§ Anti-Corruption and Human Development. UNDP Virtual School, Bogotá, Colombia (Nov-Dec
§ Short-Term International Electoral Observation. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain, Madrid, Spain
(April 2006)
§ Graduate Studies in Refugee and Asylum Law. University of Oslo, Norway (Autumn 2006)
§ Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics. University of Helsinki, Finland. (2002-2003)