Ovations Summer Classes & Camps - Ovations Dance and Fitness
Ovations Summer Classes & Camps - Ovations Dance and Fitness
25 E. Lee, Sapulpa, OK - (918) 227-2421 - www.OvationsStudio.com OFFICE USE: IN SYSTEM . PAID . Ovations Summer Classes & Camps Parent Name____________________________________________________________________________ 1 Home Phone_______________ Cell Phone___________________ Email___________________________ 1 Student(s) Name : _______________________________, BDay___/___/___ Grade:____ 1 _______________________________, BDay___/___/___ Grade:____ 1 Address ____________________________________________City/ZIP___________________________ Medical Disclaimer and Release of Liability I understand the concepts and techniques involved with classes my child will be taking at Ovations. I have not withheld any relevant information regarding his/her physical condition. I acknowledge that Ovations Studio, LLC, is not in any way responsible for any injuries that may be sustained by my child(ren) on the premises, during classes or during any other programs run by Ovations Studio, LLC. Further, I herby irrevocably release Ovations Studio, LLC, and all parties involved from any responsibility, liability or claim of any kind whatsoever, both present and future in connection with my child’s workouts, performances, or presence on property. Parent/Guardian Signature Date 1___________________________________________________________________________________ .X Each Camp is $65 (Early Bird Discount: $55 Before May 15) 1 . Princess Dance Camp I: June 8-11, 10am-12pm - Ages 3-5 yrs. . Diva Dance Camp I: June 8-11, 1:00-3:00pm, Ages 6-9 yrs. . Super Hero Camp I (Boys Only!): June 8-11, 10am-12pm - Ages 3-5 yrs. . Ninja Warrior Camp I (Boys Only!): June 8-11, 1:00-3:00pm - Ages 6-10 yrs. . Hip Hop Dance Camp: July 6-9, See Dance Classes For Enrollment . Princess Dance Camp II: July 13-16, 10am-12pm - Ages 3-5 yrs. . Diva Dance Camp II: July 13-16, 1:00-3:00pm, Ages 6-9 yrs. . Cheer It Up! Camp: July 13-16, 10am-12pm, Ages 5-8 yrs. . Olympic Gymnastics Camp: July 13-16, 1:00-3:00pm - Ages 6-12 yrs . Super Hero Camp II (Boys Only!): August 3-6, 10am-12pm - Ages 3-5 yrs. . Ninja Warrior Camp II (Boys Only!): August 3-6, 1:00-3:00pm - Ages 6-10 yrs. Classes, Camps & Clinics Fill Quickly! SPACE IS LIMITED. Pay at time of sign up to complete registration. Your child's spot will not be held without payment. All Summer Camps Registration Fees are Non-Refundable. Total price for Summer Camp Enrollment $_________ GYM CLASS ENROLLMENT (Schedule on reverse side) CLASS:______________________________ DAY/TIME__________________ CLASS:______________________________ DAY/TIME__________________ Total price for Monthly Summer Enrollment $_________ Class tuition is due the 1st class of each month. Camp Registration Fees are due at the time of registration. To enroll in Summer Dance Classes, please see our Summer Dance Form. For more information go to www.OvationsStudio.com Updated 5/515 TURN OVER FOR OVATIONS 2015 SUMMER GYM SCHEDULE Ovations 2015 Summer Gym Schedule Summer Season Runs June 1 - August 31. Full Season Runs September - May Mark Your Calendars. Ovations will be closed June 29 - July 4. Monday . 3:00-4:00 - Beginner Tumbling Instructor: Josh . 4:00-5:00 - Gymnastics Level 1 Instructor: Josh . 4:00-5:00 - Intermediate Tumbling Instructor: Nick . 4:00-5:00 - Flexibility - Advanced (JULY -AUGUST ONLY) ** * . 5:00-6:00 - Advanced Tumbling Instructor: Nick ** . 5:00-6:00 - Ninja Warrior (BOYS ONLY!) Instructor: Josh . 5:00-6:00 - Flexibility - Intermediate (JULY -AUGUST ONLY) ** * . 6:00-6:30 - Parent & Tot Gym (18mo-2yrs) Instructor: Josh . 6:30-7:00 - PreK Gymnastics (3-5yrs) Instructor: Josh . 6:00-7:00 - Gymnastics Team - Strength & Conditioning (Next Seasons Levels 2 & up) ** . 7:00-8:00 - Adv/Elite Tumbling Instructor: Nick ** . 7:00-8:00 - Intermediate Tumbling Instructor: Josh Tuesday . 10:00-10:30am - Parent & Tot Gym (18mo-2yrs) Instructor: Josh . 10:30-11:15am - PreK Gymnastics 2 (4-5 yrs) Instructor: Josh . 11:30am-12:30 - Gymnastics Level 1 Instructor: Josh . . . . . . . . . . 4:00-4:30 – Pre-K Gymnastics 4:30-5:30 – Gymnastics Level 1 4:30-5:30 – Ninja Warrior (BOYS ONLY!) 5:30-6:30 – Intermediate Tumbling 5:30-6:30 - Beginner Tumbling 6:30-7:30 – Gymnastics Level 1 6:30-7:00 – Tot Gym 7:00-7:30 – Pre-K Gymnastics 7:30-8:30 – Gymnastics Level 2 7:30-8:30 – Advanced Tumbling Wednesday . 10:00-11:00 - Intermediate Tumbling For Dancers Instructor: Destiny * . 11am-12:00 - Advanced Tumbling For Dancers Instructor: Destiny * . 12:00-1:00 - Intermediate Tumbling Instructor: Destiny . 3:00-4:00 - Gymnastics Level 1 & 2 . 4:00-5:00 - Intermediate Tumbling Thursday . 10am-12:00 - Gymnastics Team - Routines & Technique (Next Seasons Levels 2 & up) ** * This class on the Intensive Dance Summer Plan ** This class on the Gymnastics Team Summer Plan Tuition Rates: $40/month for 1st hour of class per week $12/month per additional 1/2 hour of class per week (1 hour per week = $40 per month, 2 hours per week = $64 per month) (1/2 hour per week = $30 per month) Class tuition is due the 1st class of each month. Updated 5/11/15 TURN OVER FOR OVATIONS 2015 SUMMER CAMPS SCHEDULE 25 E. Lee, Sapulpa, OK - (918) 227-2421 - www.OvationsStudio.com OFFICE USE: IN SYSTEM . PAID . Ovations Dance Classes & Camps Parent Name____________________________________________________________________________ 1 Home Phone_______________ Cell Phone___________________ Email___________________________ 1 Student(s) Name : _______________________________, BDay___/___/___ Grade:____ 1 _______________________________, BDay___/___/___ Grade:____ 1 Address ____________________________________________City/ZIP___________________________ Medical Disclaimer and Release of Liability I understand the concepts and techniques involved with classes my child will be taking at Ovations. I have not withheld any relevant information regarding his/her physical condition. I acknowledge that Ovations Studio, LLC, is not in any way responsible for any injuries that may be sustained by my child(ren) on the premises, during classes or during any other programs run by Ovations Studio, LLC. Further, I herby irrevocably release Ovations Studio, LLC, and all parties involved from any responsibility, liability or claim of any kind whatsoever, both present and future in connection with my child’s workouts, performances, or presence on property. Parent/Guardian Signature Date 1___________________________________________________________________________________ Summer Dance Session - June 8 - June 30 Standard Class Tuition Rates Apply X . . . . Creative Movement (Ages 3-4, Ballet, Tap, Jazz) Monday 6:00-7:00pm Dance Basics (Ages 5-8, Ballet, HipHop, Jazz) Monday7:00-8:00pm Leaps & Turns (Ages 5-7) Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm Leaps & Turns (Ages 7-9) Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm What is Leaps & Turns Class? Does your dancer desire to excel in dance and learn more tricks? This class if for them. The focus is on preparing dancers to accomplish more skills and technique. They will go across the floor and work in the center on basic leaps and turns and exercises they can do at home to improve their strength and flexibility. Hip Hop Dance Camp: July 6th-9th Come every day Monday-Thursday $25 WORK.IT.OUT. at Hip Hop Camp! Learn from some dance legends many of today's trendy dances "Shuffling, Cat Daddy, Dougie, etc…" along with some cool choreography to summer's hottest songs. Ovations teaches hip hop in an extremely age appropriate way and is proud to offer your kids an opportunity to learn current dance trends even dads would approve! . Beginners 6:00-6:45pm . Intermediate 6:45-7:30pm . Advanced 7:30-8:30pm Total price for Summer Dance Enrollment $_________ Updated 5/515 TURN OVER FOR OVATIONS 2015 SUMMER DANCE SCHEDULE 2015 Summer Intensive Dance Schedule Monday (July & August Only) . 4:00-5:00 - Advanced Flexibility * . 5:00-6:00 - Advanced Dance Technique * . 5:00-6:00 - Intermediate Flexibility * . 6:00-7:00 - Intermediate Dance Technique * . 6:00-7:00 - Petite Flexibility * . 7:00-8:00 - Petite Dance Technique * Wednesday . 9:00-10:00am - Heels (July - August) ** . 10:00-11:00am - Junior Leaps & Turns (July - August) ** . 10:00-11:00am - Intermediate Tumbling For Dancers (June - August) ** . 11am-12:00 - Petite Leaps & Turns (July - August) ** . 11am-12:00 - Advanced Tumbling For Dancers (June - August) ** . 12:00-1:00 - Beginner Flexibility & Technique * . 12:00-1:00 - Intermediate Tumbling Instructor: Destiny Leaps & Turns Schedule Turn preps and technique- July 8, Aug 5 Specialty Turns- July 15, Aug 12 (must have taken previous turn prep class) Leap Conditioning and Technique- July 22, Aug 19 Specialty Leaps- July 29, Aug 26 (must have taken previous Leap Technique Class) Gymnastics: Offered Every Mon- Weds. See the Gym Schedule. Tumbling: Offered Every Mon- Weds. See the Gym Schedule.** * Required for ALL Intensive Dancers , ** Recommended for ALL Intensive Dancers CLASS ENROLLMENT (Also Fill Out Student Information and Medical Release Reverse Side) CLASS:______________________________ DAY/TIME__________________ CLASS:______________________________ DAY/TIME__________________ CLASS:______________________________ DAY/TIME__________________ Total price for Monthly Summer Enrollment $_________ Class tuition is due the 1st class of each month. Tuition Rates: $40/month for 1st hour of class per week $12/month per additional 1/2 hour of class per week (1 hour per week = $40 per month, 2 hours per week = $64 per month) (1/2 hour per week = $30 per month) Ovations Intensive Dance Program is for dance students wanting to dedicate more time to the art of dance. Our Intensive students participate in a tryout system that places them into Levels 1-5. They learn routines with team members in that Level that they then take to competitions and performances throughout the season. For more information about our Intensive Dance Program, contact Rachel@Dance4Ovations.com WANT MORE? Look for Ovations Summer Clinics & Master Class Information on our website or in our Summer Brochure. To enroll in Gym Classes or Summer Camps, please see our Summer Classes & Camps Form. For more information go to www.OvationsStudio.com Updated 5/515 TURN OVER FOR OVATIONS 2015 SUMMER DANCE CLASSESS