EADMS Tutorials


EADMS Tutorials
 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Creating a Custom Class .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Getting Started .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Adding a New Class ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Sharing the Custom Class ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Removing Students from the Custom Class ............................................................................................................................ 4 Reporting on a Custom Class .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Deleting a Custom Class .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 EADMS Tutorials Custom Class Manager Learn how to create and manage custom classrooms. Adrylan Communications 12/10/2007 EADMS Tutorials C u s t o m C l a s s M a n a g e r Intrroduction
n Welccome to the EEADMS Custom Class Manaager! Custom
m classrooms make testing and reportin
ng on special ggroups of studeents simple and expedientt. Your custom
m classroom ccan contain aany or all of th
he students th
hat you have access to, which means thatt district administrators can even group
p students enrolled in diffeerent schools. This is greatt for tracking progress of students enrolled in special programs or classrooms p
participating iin team teach
hing. the p
In this tutorial, wee will create aa new custom
m class and leaarn how to usse the custom
m class in your reports. Let’s get started! Cre
eating a Cu
ustom Cla
ass Gettiing Started
d To begin, hover oveer the Utilitiess menu on the meenu bar. The menu will drop
p down below
w your mousee. Hover over Manage
ers, and anoth
her menu will fly out tto the side. Click on Custom Classs Manager.
About the Menu The EEADMS menu bar is accesssible from almost every pagee. You can usee the u without havving to go all tthe way menu
back to the home page. 2 | P a g e EADMS Tutorials C u s t o m C l a s s M a n a g e r Add
ding a New
w Class Click A
Add Classroom
m. In the textbox labelled Custom
m Classroom Name,, type the abbrevviated name o
of your scchool, the graade level off the studentss you aare going to cchoose, and aa description o
of the classroom. Be sure to give your classrooms unique, ur class. descrriptive namess. Duplicates will not be allowed, and you will want tto make it eaasy to find you
In thee textbox labeled Descripttion, type: Th
his custom class was created
for the EADMSS tutorial.
Click Save. You h
have now creeated an empty classroom. It has no stu
udents yet. Click Add Studentts. Be
efore you can
n start se
electing studeents, you ne
eed to select a student grroup that hass less than 50
00 students in
n it. If you arre a teacher, yyour uld be selecte
ed already, so
o you classroom(s) shou
dents. If you d
do not see stu
udents, probably see stud
you’ll need to Searching ffor Students w down narrow
the sttudent If yyou know the n
name or stude
ent group
p using the ID number of a p
particular stude
ent dropd
down lists. As o add, you can thaat you want to
soon as you have sselected a stu
udent group w
with less than
n 500 students, the list of use the textboxees labeled students that meet your criteriaa will appear in the Select Individual Sttudents udentID(s) or N
Name to searcch Stu
on. Check thee checkboxes next to five sstudents. forr the student. he bottom of tthe list, click A
Add Studentss. At th
Clickk Save. Your cclass should n
now have fivee students. 3 | P a g e EADMS Tutorials C u s t o m C l a s s M a n a g e r Sha
aring the C
Custom Class C
Click Configur
re Access in tthe Access section. SSelect All use
ers with teach
her level acce
ess. This will let all users w
with at least t
teacher level access in EAD
DMS view this classroom, which meanss they can report on thee students in tthe classroom
m. Keep in mind that this m
means that y
you are giving
g all of these users access to all informaation about these s
students. nt to allow evveryone accesss to all of theese students. Wee may not wan
ually, you will only want to
o share with aa few specificc users. Select No Sharin
ng. Check thee checkbox lab
beled Select U
Users. Why D
Don’t I See Th
hose Options? You
u will need to
o know the acccess level of the users you
u want to s
share the clas
ssroom with. Use the drop
pdown lists to
o drill down t
to the user yo
ou want to sh
hare with, and
d click Add. You can only share thinggs with users at or below your u
user level. This m
means that if you’re a teacher, yyou can only share with other teachers. If you
u want to allo
ow this user to change thee classroom (i.e., add or removve students, rrename it, etcc.) check the checkbox labeled Can Edit next to his or her name. Click Save. Rem
moving Sttudents frrom the C
Custom Classs Checck the checkbox next to on
ne of the students in the Students section. Click Delete Stude
ents. 4 | P a g e EADMS Tutorials C u s t o m C l a s s M a n a g e r Rep
porting on
n a Custom
m Class Now that we havee a custom claass, we can easily report o
on it. Let’s take a look aat a CST Perfo
ormance Leveel report usingg thesee students. Hoveer over the Re
eports menu on the menu bar. The menu will dro
op down belo
ow your mouse. Hoveer over Speciaal Reports, an
nd another m
menu will fly out to the sside. Click on C
CST Reports. ect Report, seelect Perf Levvel Report. From the dropdown lisst labeled Sele
Click on Custom C
Classrooms. Selecct your class ffrom the drop
pdown list lab
beled Choo
ose a Custom Classroom. C
Click Generate
e Report. We n
now see our ffive students separated byy their perform
mance level o
on the ELA CST. You ccan use custo
om classes forr all of your sttudent‐based
d reports, such as the Stand
dards‐Based R
Report, Repo
ort Builder, an
nd Student Profile. Deleting a Cu
ustom Cla
ass Findin
ng Private Claassrooms Classroo
oms created by users with a lower access llevel than you aree hidden by deefault. If you neeed to find theem, uncheck the checkbox labeled
d Hide Private Classrooms.
Let’s delete this tu
utorial class n
now so that itt doesn’t cluttter up your cu
ustom Custom Class Manager (seee Getting Staarted on pagee 2). classroom list. Go back to the C
Type the name of your class intto the Class N
Name textboxx and cclick Go to seaarch for your class. Click EEdit next to your tutorial cclass. Click Delete. Clickk OK. orted on a cusstom class. Th
hank you for taking Conggratulations! YYou have successfully creaated and repo
the time to go thrrough this tuttorial with us.. 5 | P a g e