From Parking to Park:
From Parking to Park:
From Parking to Park: Transporta1on Impacts & Value of Parklets 22nd St. Parklet hosted by Fabric 8. Photo by Great Streets! Danielle Dai | UC Berkeley | Overview ! 1. Diversity! 2. Impacts! 3. Value & Measures! • Parking Space Comparison! • Analytic Hierarchy Process! More than 70% of San Francisco’s downtown outdoor space is dedicated to cars.! San Jose /Guerrero Park! Current literature focuses on art, design & public space. More information is needed:! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1. By taking away parking spaces, how do parklets impact pedestrian and vehicular traffic?! 2. What value do parklets add, and how do you measure this value?! Case Study: San Francisco! Case Study: 900 Block of Valencia St.! Pedestrian Impacts: Observations of Pedestrian Activity! Parklets are diverse…! ! ! ! ! ! & not all are “created equal.”! Vehicular Impacts: Analysis of Parking Activity! Vehicular Impacts: Analysis of Parking Activity! Weekday Parking Occupancy on Valencia Street by block! Blocks with parklets Blocks without parklets What is the value of a parklet compared to a parking space?! ! ! Price of Parking Space v. Parklet! Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach! • Alternative to traditional Cost-Benefit Analysis! • Developed by Dr. Thomas Saaty in 1970s! • Structured decision-making technique reflecting relative strength of preferences using ratio scales from paired comparisons! • Used in government & business! • Adapt for hypothetical parklet model! DIVERSITY | IMPACTS | VALUE of PARKLETS! “Play is the highest form of research” – Albert Einstein! 40th St Parklet in Oakland, CA. Sponsored by Subrosa Coffee & Manifesto Bikes. Photo from Oakland Planning Dept.! Danielle Dai | UC Berkeley |