Tiger for 3-16 / Adobe Acrobat Document


Tiger for 3-16 / Adobe Acrobat Document
The Tiger
Versailles High School Home of the Tigers
Volume 25
Monday, 3/16
Tuesday, 3/17
College Credit Plus
(Formally PSEOP and Dual Enrollment)
Parent Meeting March 16th at 7:00pm.
There will be a College Credit Plus meeting on March 16, 2015 at
7:00p.m. in the cafetorium for parents and students who are interested
in participating in College Credit Plus during the 2015-16 school year.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs.Ahrens.
Student Council
Anyone in grades 8 – 11 interested in running for the 2015 –
2016 Student Council needs to fill out a petition. Petitions will
be available in the Student Information Center Monday, March
16th – Friday March 27th. All petitions must be completed and
turned in to Mrs. Harman (D111) or the High School Office by
3:05 p.m. on Friday, March 27th. Voting for the 2015 – 2016
Student Council will take place during lunch on Tuesday, March
31st and Wednesday, April 1st. Students in grades 8-11 will
elect 6 classmates to represent them during the 2015 – 2016
school year.
Isaac Buschur was chosen
as the 2015-2016 Field Commander.
Quote of the Day
“Evidence is conclusive that your selftalk has a direct bearing on your
performance.” ~ Zig Ziglar
Number 111 March 16, 2015
Rotary Reminder – 3/18
Shelby Hyre, Faith Mangen, Mikaela Buschur,
Katerri Schmitmeyer, Sheyenne Shimp
Winners of the
Math Challenge
In the Transition to College Math class, two contests were
recently held. The first involved doing a sample workplace Math
Skills & Ability Exam. There were 26 questions and the top
scores were: 1. Katerri Schmitmeyer (24) 2. Shane McGlinch
(23) 3. Shelby Hyre (22) 3. David Stewart (22) 5. Zach Marshal
(21) and 5. Wesley Wilson (21). Next, we had a Mental Math
Challenge which involved doing 120 mental math questions in 4
minutes. David Stewart won the challenge by getting 119
questions correct. Second place went to Shane McGlinch 115,
3rd - Tami Groff 92, 3rd Austin Didier 92, and 5th went to
Katelyn Platfoot with 87 questions correct.
A Reminder about OGT Week
OGT Testing will be occurring all next week.
Students are reminded to be respectful of the test
takers and they are also reminded to not travel
into the cafetorium area while testing is taking
Thanks for your cooperation and
understanding of this situation.
Walking Taco
Spring Mix Lettuce/Cheese/Salsa/Black Beans
Tiger Feast: Pizza
Smoothie: Strawberry Banana Blast
FFA Schedule
Monday, March 16th
Darke County Foundation- High school seniors who live in Darke
County and attend a Darke County high school or are home-schooled
may apply for a scholarship from the Darke County Foundation One
application allows you to be considered for all categories of high school
scholarships. Some scholarships, but not all, are evaluated under needbased considerations. Other considerations include grade point average,
visit:www.darkecountyfoundation.org . The deadline to submit
applications is March 30, 2015.
Darke County Retired Teachers’ Association Scholarship-The
DCRTA Scholarship is available to any Darke County High School
graduate going into the education field. Each applicant must be a full
time high school student expecting to graduate by June, 2015 and must
have been accepted by a college of education program as a full time
student working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Education.
Applications are available in the guidance office. Applications must
be received on or before March 31, 2015.
The Light Foundation Scholarship- Open to graduation seniors with a
2.5or higher GPA who plan on attending college for an undergraduate
degree. Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded. Applications MUST
BE TYPED. Applications are available in the guidance office. All
applications must be received/postmarked on or before April 3,
Versailles Community Scholarship- Open to Seniors who are entering
a post-high school education program of at least two years and have a
cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. Applications can be found on the
forms tab of the high school webpage. Applications must be returned
to Mrs. Shardo no later than April 10, 2015.
Versailles Baseball Diamond Club Scholarship- This scholarship is
open to VHS seniors who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above that
has participated in one extracurricular activity their senior year.
Applications MUST be typed. Along with the application please
include a transcript, updated academic resume, letter of
recommendation, and essay. Applications that you can directly type on
can be found in darkenet jr. Hardcopy applications for reference of
information needed, can be found in the guidance office. Applications
must be returned to Mrs. Ahrens no later than April 15, 2015.
Darke County Foundation- High school seniors who live in Darke
County and attend a Darke County high school or are home-schooled
may apply for a scholarship from the Darke County Foundation One
application allows you to be considered for all categories of high school
scholarships. Some scholarships, but not all, are evaluated under needbased considerations. Other considerations include grade point average,
visit:www.darkecountyfoundation.org . The deadline to submit
applications is March 30, 2015.
The Tiger is the Versailles High School daily newspaper. If you
would like something added to the paper please send an email to
Joe Harrmann: Joe_Harrmann@darke.k12.oh.us
Ohio Association for College Admission Counseling (OACAC)
Charles L. Warren Memorial Heritage Scholarship- This
scholarship is for high school~seniors~who attend schools where at
least one school counselor in the school is a current member of
OACAC. The one-time $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to
several outstanding high school seniors and may be used at any Ohio
college or university. Students from underrepresented populations
with a grade point average of a 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale who are in
a college preparatory curriculum are eligible to compete for the
scholarships. The students must also plan to attend an Ohio college
or university. They will need to submit their completed application
along with their personal statement, high school transcript, and the
high school counselor recommendation (which must be signed by the
Please note that students may also submit a
recommendation from a teacher, clergy or someone who has worked
with them through a community organization. Applications are
available in the guidance office or at http://oacac.org/studentscholarships. All applications must be postmarked no later than
March 16, 2015.
Versailles Band Receives
Superior (I) Rating
Qualifies for OMEA State
On March 6, 2015 the Versailles High School
Band performed at the Ohio Music Education
Association Large Group Contest at Sidney High
School. The band selections from Class C
included “Brighton Camp, “ Nevermore,” and
“American Sailing Songs.” Director Ronda
Stammen gave credit to her students for their
preparation and Superior (I) rating from Friday’s
“Students rallied and came
together after two weeks of testing to create
beautiful music.
Students took on extra
rehearsals outside of the day to make this
happen. I am very proud of them.” Versailles
will perform either April 24th or 25th at Troy
High School for the State Competition.