English - DAV Public School


English - DAV Public School
Plot No. 267, 268, Sector-10, New Panvel,
Navi Mumbai-410206 (Maharashtra).
Phone 022-27451793, 27468211, Telefax- 27482276
Email- davnewpanvel@gmail.com, www.davnewpanvel.com
Sub: - English
Time:- 2 hours
Date:Marks:- 60
Section ‘A’ Reading
Section ‘B’ Writing
Section ‘C’ Grammar
Section ’D’ Literature
15 Marks
15 Marks
10 Marks
20 Marks
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. You may attempt any section at a time.
3. Write only the correct option along with the correct question number.
Q.1. Read the following passage carefully:
One day, Akbar decided to test Birbal’s wisdom. He removed his ring and asked a
courtier to keep it in his pocket. As soon as Birbal came to the court, Akbar said “Birbal,
I have lost my ring this morning. You have to find my ring. It was given to me by my father
as a remembrance”. Birbal after a few minutes said, “Your Majesty your ring is here with
one of the courtiers. The one who has your ring has a straw in his beard”. On hearing
Birbal’s words the courtier who had the ring immediately moved his hand over his beard.
Thus the culprit was caught. Akbar accepted the fact that Birbal was indeed very clever.
1.1 On the basis of reading of the passage answer the following questions:
What did Akbar decide to do one day?
Where did Akbar keep his ring?
Who had given the ring to Akbar?
What did the courtier with the ring do on hearing Birbal’s words?
Find words from the passage which means the same as
i) intelligence
ii) quickly
f. Pick out two verbs from the passage.
g. Find two common nouns from the passage.
h. Find the antonym for the word ‘found’ from the passage.
Q.2 Read the poem carefully:
My grandfather loves me a lot
He gets me coke and ice-cream
Even if the weather isn’t hot.
He gets up before my papa does,
Drops me at school
Without any fuss.
Every day we go in the park,
We play and run
And return before its dark.
When mom scolds, behind him I hide
But he firmly says,
‘I am not on your side’.
My grandfather wants me to be bright
As bright as my Papa is,
Never wrong, always right!
2.1 Choose the correct option to complete the following statements:
a. The poet’s grandfather gets him ___________.
i) coke and ice cream
iii) cream biscuits and frooti
pepsi and cold cream
coke and cold cream
b. The poet and his grandfather spend their time in the ___________.
i) park
ii) market
iii) theatre
iv) mall
c. When his mother scolds him, the poet __________.
i) hides behind the tree
hides behind his grandfather
iii) hides behind the gate
iv) hides behind his uncle
d. Grandfather wants the poet to be ___________.
i) lazy
ii) strict
iii) bright
iv) weak
e. The word ‘firmly’ means.
i) kindly
ii) strictly
iii) gracefully
iv) peacefully
iii) faint
iv) twinkle
The antonym of the word ‘dark’ is _______.
i) dull
ii) light
2.2 Give a suitable title for the poem.
You are Meeta / Mithun,the head boy/girl of the school. The principal of your
school has asked you to write a notice about a picnic for class IV students. Write
the notice giving details like place, date, timings and charges. Invite the students to
join the picnic.
You are Raghu / Rukmini. You participate in a drawing competition organized by
‘Save Environment Club’. You won the first prize. Write a page in your diary
expressing your feeling.
Read the following outline of a story carefully and then develop it into a readable
story. Give it a suitable title.
Boy finds a puppy – carried it home – mother scolds – boy leaves it in
the jungle nearby – feels sad – puppy returns two days later – hungry – boy feeds
it – both happy – mother allows him to keep it.
Q.6. Pick out the subject and the predicate from the sentence given below:
The naughty boys broke the glass pane.
Q.7.Fill in the blanks with the correct determiners:
(2X ½ =1M)
1. He has read _____ books. (much / many)
2. I have______ homework to do. (much / many)
Q.8. Use question tags to fill up the blanks:
(2 x1=2M)
1. It’s hot, ____________________
2. You didn’t meet him, ________________
Q.9. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
(4X ½ =2M)
The bus driver ______ carefully. (drives / sing)
Father bought ______ chocolates. (one / five)
The ________ liked our dance performance. (audience / people)
Where are the children playing? Call _____ here. (them / they )
Q.10. Write the opposite genders of the words given below:
1. uncle
2. queen
Q.11. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence
1) If it stops raining ……..
a. we will go out.
b. we would go out.
c. we could go out.
d. we might go out.
2) If I were a bird I ……
a. will fly high.
b. would fly high.
c. can fly high.
d. flew and see many places.
Q.12. Answer the following questions in two to three sentences each:
1. Give the character sketch of Birbal.
2. Where was the donkey being taken to?
3. Who was Lemuel Gulliver? How did he reach the land of Lilliput?
4. What did King Thrush Beard try to teach the princess?
5. What did the king do to the princess in a fit of anger? What kind of life did the
princess lead with the beggar?
Q.13. Answer the following extracts:
1. Birbal: Why do you carry that straw on your head?
Can’t you keep it on the horse’s back behind you?
a) Who is the speaker and to whom is he /she speaking?
b) What reply did the listener give?
2. A powerful storm wrecked our ship. I fought against the storm and swam for
many days and nights. Luckily I reached the seashore.
a) Who is the speaker and to whom is he speaking?
b) What happened to the speaker?
3. Today I can’t go out for hunting. But I am very hungry .Go and bring some animal
for my food.
a) Who is I in the above sentence?
b) Why was he not able to go out for hunting?
Q.14. Make sentences with the following words:
a) opportunity
b) feast
c) certainly
d) reward