5 AND 6 MAY - DEAL project
5 AND 6 MAY - DEAL project
5 AND 6 MAY NEW FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL Final event of the European project DEAL About this event We are very pleased to invite you to the final conference of the European project DEAL, whose objective is to promote sustainable local food. During the past three years, English and French partners of the DEAL project (Promoting Economic Development through Local Food) have implemented many actions in ordre to promote short food supply chains. The conference will focus on the outcomes of the project, with two round tables where partners will talk about their experience in the project and about all the work they did locally. We will also have the chance to visit several businesses that are part of the New Forest District Council’s plan to promote local food. Partners of the project are French and English local authorities, charities, and training organisations, all commited to promoting sustainable local food. This event will be an opportunity to learn from the achievements of the DEAL project, to find out new tools, and share your own project ideas to develop local food systems. We hope to see you soon ! 5 and 6 May 2015, NEW FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL Interpretation French / English Tuesday 5 May Venue : Balmer Lawn Hotel Balmer Lawn Road Brockenhurst SO42 7ZB 9.30 Welcome Anthony Climpson (NFDC) 10.00 Visits Local businesses promoting local food « The Matrix » Food Hub developed by New Forest District Council 12.30 Lunch 14.00 Local food systems, from local to global by Traci Lewis 15.00 A French-English perspectives on DEAL outcomes and benefits Introduction by the Lead partner Thibaut Guignard (CD22) Round table 1 : Food as a lever for local development Questions and answers on the following themes : - Matching producers and consumers Logistics platforms Education, awareness rising and training as key factors Contributors : New Forest District Council (GB), Plymouth City Council ou la Soil Association (GB), Conseils départementaux 22 et 35 (FR), Highbury College (GB), Communauté urbaine d’Alençon (FR) Round table 2 Economic actors (public and private) Questions and answers on the following themes : - Mobilise professionals Expand the market access Contributors : New Forest District Council (GB), Terre de Liens Normandie (FR), FR Civam Bretagne (FR), Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat des Côtes d’Armor (FR) 17.00 Fin 5 and 6 May 2015, NEW FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL Wednesday 6 May 9.00 DEAL partners meeting Event in Bruxelles : Issues and message 10.00 What’s next? - Presentation of European financial opportunities linked to project on food. - Workshops on project ideas on topics related to local food. 12.30 Lunch 14.00 Follow-up on workshops 15.00 End Contact : Anne Rouault, Project manager Rouaultanne@cg22.fr