enews 10 April 2015


enews 10 April 2015
10 April 2015
From District Secretary Annette Mackay email: jamackay@hotmail.com
Please Circulate this information as widely in your club as is possible.
The archive of this communication is available on the District website www.rotary9650.org.au
Important Dates
PETS – Tamworth 18th-19th April 2015 for incoming Presidents and Partners
Bowelscan - 2nd to 31st May 2015
Trivia Night Rotary Club of Port Macquarie – 2nd May 2015 6pm for 7pm Pt Macq Panthers
Dance Night and Charity Auction – Wauchope – 2nd May 2015 Wauchope Showground - flyer attached
District Assembly – Port Macquarie 3rd May 2015
MUNA – Inverell 16-17th May 2015
Shannons Motor Show – Rotary Club of West Tamworth – 16-17th May 2015
Book Fair - Rotary Club of Armidale Central – 16th to 23rd May 2015
Casino Royale Ball - Rotary Club of Tamworth Sunrise – 23rd May 2015
Beyond the Stars – Rotary Club of Port Macquarie Sunrise – 23rd May 2015 7pm in support of the new
Port Macquarie Science Centre and Observatory.
District Assembly – Gunnedah 24th May 2015
Rotary International Convention Sao Paulo Brazil - 6th-9th June 2015
District Changeover – Inverell Saturday 27 June 2015
National Rotary Success Conference - Canberra – 5th and 6th September 2015
RyMarine – Coffs Harbour Daybreak – 8th to 11th October 2015 Flyer attached
Hat Day – all clubs – on or about Friday 9 October 2015
DG Greg's Vanuatu report
Thursday, 2nd April Report 1
Things are going along well here with the local recovery effort really in full swing.
The top island Santo hardly had any damage as we flew over it and looked reasonably untouched, although I believe some
of the smaller islands to the east were hit.
Port Vila on the island of Efati was in the direct path and copped a hammering, many big trees down and houses without
rooves, but most have been repaired and recovery is in full swing. We had heard that the people are very resilent and
would have jumped in and started rebuilding. Still a lot of damage around Vila and almost every tree has lost its leaves
but they seem to be recovering already.
We had a meeting with CARE International in the morning as we are partnering with them because logistics are difficult
here. Once the shelter arrives it is still a major task to truck the goods and then barge them to the islands as there is only
a handful of barges. We have the HMAS Tobruk here as well and the navy is assisting to move much of the aid around the
islands. We’re hoping they may be able to assist us as well.. We left the CARE office and had some demonstrations on the
new type of shelter kit that some NGOs are distributing. It looks very good and purpose built for some of the situations
10 April 2015
From District Secretary Annette Mackay email: jamackay@hotmail.com
Please Circulate this information as widely in your club as is possible.
The archive of this communication is available on the District website www.rotary9650.org.au
here where damage is in the roof only. We had a cluster meeting with the UN who are coordinating activities with the
National Disaster office and charities including World Vision, Salvos, Red Cross, Samaritans Purse, Red Crescent , CARE
and Shelterbox, ensuring there is no duplication and all areas are covered. Easter is going to present an issue as most
things will shut down and we may have hold ups but we will see.
The island of Tanna is the place that we are going tomorrow. Our team of four is splitting with two to stay on here and I
will lead the two man team to Tanna to receive the goods and start the process of distribution, finding trucks and I believe
we have RAAF choppers lined up to help lift the shelter gear to remote areas that may be inaccessible. It should be
exciting and we will see a fair bit of the place and the damage to the houses and infrastructure. Tanna was in the direct
path and copped the full brunt of the cyclone, a miracle only 8 were killed but 90 percent of houses were damaged to
some degree.
When we were at the airport yesterday, we found the freight aircraft was delivering our 1000 Shelterkits which was great
but we are still awaiting the 500 Shelterboxes from Brisbane; when they arrive that will be great, but we still have to
barge them overnight to Tanna.
Shelterbox in Vanuatu Report 2
Over the last couple of days we have again worked with the Australian army in having them transport our shelters to a
secure location in the Whitesands area to the south of Tanna. We have also called on villages and continued assessments
as we travelled and it is really apparent that many people and villages have moved from the emergency response and
needs phase to the recovery phase as they are rebuilding their homes in earnest. The army has been outstanding to work
with being really proactive in approaching us to assist with transport. The roads in these areas are the worst I have ever
seen , movement is so slow and hence materials movement and logistics is severely hampered by the location and the
Our 1000 Shelterkits were meant to be on a barge arriving today but will now arrive on Tuesday so we will have 20 ton of
equipment to move and load on trucks so I hope we have lots of local volunteer assistance for that task. Again, the army
in the Whitesands area further assisted us yesterday as they have been in that area for several days and know the chiefs
so they were a great help with distributions of the kit to the village chiefs for further distribution. There will more of that
today as another 200 packs of shelter equipment has been trucked out this morning, Monday, and distributions will also
continue in that area.
We have also inadvertently been assisting World Food Plan as they are sending out rice to all village, as food is not
plentiful. We have found several villages and areas that have had no rice distribution and therefore have been able to fill
in areas for them that they had not been able to visit and issue bags of rice.
We hope that our Shelterkits will be able to be transported tomorrow to the Whitesands and Middlebush areas so that
the distribution and training can be carried out as soon as possible.
It is all coming together well, and hopefully within a week or so all of the Shelter kits and Shelterboxes will be out in the
community and being used.
Greg Moran (SRT)
10 April 2015
From District Secretary Annette Mackay email: jamackay@hotmail.com
Please Circulate this information as widely in your club as is possible.
The archive of this communication is available on the District website www.rotary9650.org.au
Welcome to our monthly eNewsletter for ShelterBox Australia
I want to start this month's newsletter by saying a huge thank you for the out-pouring of generosity from you, our
supporters, in response to the tragic events in Vanuatu. Your continued support enables us to respond quickly when
disaster strikes. We know that Cyclone Pam will not be the last disaster we deploy to this year and even as we are busy
in Malawi, Vanuatu and several other countries, we must be prepared for the next one. Our "ShelterBox Solution" fund
allows us to respond in a more flexible manner than just providing ShelterBoxes. In Vanuatu, where we are working
with CARE International as part of a Vanuatuan response, we've been asked to provide ShelterKits, Midi tents and bulk
aid items like blankets and mosquito nets. The "ShelterBox Solution" funds aid like this and helps us help more people.
Of course, there will always be a need for ShelterBoxes too, a thousand of which are being distributed in Malawi
alongside bulk aid items as mentioned above.
Whilst recent events in Vauntau have dominated our efforts, we are thrilled to announce that Sir Angus Houston has
agreed to become our new Patron. In accepting the position of Patron, Sir Angus said: “I am delighted to accept the
offer to become Patron of ShelterBox Australia. Over the years I have been involved in many disaster and
humanitarian relief operations. I am acutely aware of the need for the provision of shelter to those in need and
ShelterBox brings life saving aid, hope and dignity to families made homeless by disasters worldwide, responding to
earthquakes, fires, floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, landslides, typhoons and areas of conflict. I look forward to
working with the people of ShelterBox on current and future disasters.”
ShelterBox Australia Chair Bob Furner responded: “ShelterBox Australia is delighted to have Sir Angus as its first
Patron. Sir Angus is well known for his commitment to serve the nation in leadership roles in a variety of roles in the
community. His support of ShelterBox give us great confidence in the future of our organisation.”
This month's quote comes from Helen Keller, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"
Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries. Many thanks for your support Mike Greenslade
General Manager ShelterBox Australia 0459 959 501 mike.greenslade@shelterbox.org.au
Vanuatu - Cyclone
Early on Saturday, 14 March, category five Cyclone Pam hit the South Pacific country of Vanuatu. An estimated 90% of
buildings were completely destroyed or damaged, while infrastructure and communications were crippled as a result of the
tropical storm. ShelterBox has agreed to work with fellow aid organisation CARE International to distribute 1,000 shelter
10 April 2015
From District Secretary Annette Mackay email: jamackay@hotmail.com
Please Circulate this information as widely in your club as is possible.
The archive of this communication is available on the District website www.rotary9650.org.au
kits. More aid is on the way, 7,500 blankets, 1,500 solar lamps, 2,250 mosquito nets, 260 midi tents and 500 tarps.
Malawi - Floods
SRTs are currently working in the districts of Chikwawa and Zomba and 934 ShelterBoxes and 15 ShelterBox tents (for
mobile health clinics) have been distributed so far. Distribution of aid, including tents and shelter kits, has also started in the
district of Mulanje. Distributions have been slower than anticipated because of bad driving conditions, impassible roads
and the risk of flash floods in many areas, including existing and potential campsites.
Australian SRT Members On Deployment
We welcome back SRT memebers Peita Berzins, Jeff Barnard and Peter Pearce from Malawi. Peter wasted no time after returning
from his African deployment and was soon on his way to Vanuatu. Peter is now home safely whilst fellow Rotarian and 9650 District
Governor,Greg Moran is now on the island of Tanna as part of an SRT distributing aid in conjunction with CARE International. The team
are working with the Australian Defence force to get aid to hard to reach areas.
ShelterBox continues to work in: Cameroon, DPRK, Gaza, Niger, Iraq, Pakistan, the Philippines and Syria
The Operations Team is motoring events in: the Philippines, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, South Sudan and the ebolaaffected countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Have you held a successful fundraising event or are you planning one? Please send me the details, including images, for
inclusion in the next newsletter and promotion on the ShelterBox Australia Blog at: mike.greenslade@shelterbox.org.au
Bowelscan - Press Release
Bowelscan District 9650
District Chairman: Kevin Sharp Treasurer : Phil Streatfeild
Phone 6552 6547
Phone 6553 3692
ROTARY BOWELSCAN program in District 9650, will commence Saturday May
2, in other areas may be a week later.
Bowelscan kits will be available at local pharmacies during month of May and will also be
available at shopping centres at stands conducted by Rotarians for first week in May.
10 April 2015
From District Secretary Annette Mackay email: jamackay@hotmail.com
Please Circulate this information as widely in your club as is possible.
The archive of this communication is available on the District website www.rotary9650.org.au
Over 15,000 Australians are now diagnosed with Bowel Cancers each year and it is Australia’s
second biggest cancer killer. Over 4000 of those diagnosed with bowel cancer will prove fatal..
This year new kits are simple, highly accurate and require no diet or medication restrictions.
Tests are conducted in privacy of own home and are then placed in envelope provided and
posted to testing laboratory.
They are not to be returned to local pharmacies.
All participants will be notified of their results as well as reported to your local Doctor. People
over age of 40 are strongly advised to undertake this simple procedure. People of any age may
“Because of the Therapeutic Goods Authority (TGA) regulations we are legally not able to
test 2014 Bowelscan kits.
If you wish to participate in the 2015 Rotary District 9650 Bowelscan program we strongly
advise you to purchase and complete one of our current kits.
These kits that will be available in May are simple to use. There are no restrictions on diet, you
can have an underdone steak or whatever meat you like while undertaking this test.
Max Carey
6553 9304
Kevin Sharp 6552 6547
New RI merchandising procedures
R I closed its warehouse late last year which means that we now have to plan our requirements for events that are being
held. While this office is responsible for the distribution of required items, we only have a small storage space. As such we
now need to plan our usage up to 12 weeks out to ensure that we can supply your requirements.
Unfortunately we can no longer just supply as a result of a phone or email request. All requirements are to be ordered on
line, so that we can track usage and assist with forecasting. For those that have not used the SHOP before, it will seem
like you are using AMAZON, however the orders do come direct to this office. If there is a payment required, a credit card
10 April 2015
From District Secretary Annette Mackay email: jamackay@hotmail.com
Please Circulate this information as widely in your club as is possible.
The archive of this communication is available on the District website www.rotary9650.org.au
is best.
To order you simply go to SHOP in the www.rotary.org site. The Shop is under MANAGE. Most brochures are free, ($0.01)
however some do have a cost.
I know that there are a number of training events occurring over the next eight weeks and we will do our best to ensure
that you receive your requirements. We do have stock of most brochures at the current point in time.
For Australian DRFC’s, you will receive a package this week from The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust with some
brochures and envelops that will also be useful to have in your kit.
Yours in Rotary service Mark Anderson Senior Coordinator | Fund Development Rotary Foundation
mark.anderson@rotary.org Direct Line: +61 2 8894 9841 Office Line: +61 2 8894 9800 Mobile: +61 408 622 698
Facsimile: +61 2 8894 9899
News from the Rotary Club of Forster Tuncurry
The Rotary Club of Tuncurry Forster will be holding its changeover dinner on the 24th of June 2015.
Our Club has paid for two shelterboxes for Vanuatu: one from our Club and the other from the Forster branch of the
The Rotary clubs of Tuncurry Forster, Great Lakes and Forster-on-Wallius/Old Bar screened the Second best Exotic
Marigold Hotel . 179 people attended and a cheque for $1381.65 was sent to the Rotary foundation on behalf of the
three clubs.
RANZE - Australia - New Zealand Matched Exchange Program
This program fosters international understanding between Australians and New Zealanders. The program is for students
aged 13½ to 16 years, is arranged by the Rotary District but run largely on a family-to-family basis with assistance from
the District Committee and the local Rotary club.
The families directly involved in the exchange fund it.
Each participating Australian student is matched with a student from New Zealand and the students spend two school
terms together, one term with the Australian family and one term with the New Zealand family. Both students attend
school together for the duration of the exchange.
This is an excellent short term exchange without the language barriers of the long term exchange program. Students gain
confidence and an understanding of another culture which is different to ours although similarities exist.
It is one of the aims of Rotary International throughout the world to bring about better understanding between people.
How better can this be done than through Youth Exchanges where each student has an opportunity to experience
another country's way of life, the people, their outlook and beliefs? Much as there is a need for this among people of
different nationalities, there is a growing importance for Australians and New Zealanders to understand one another
10 April 2015
From District Secretary Annette Mackay email: jamackay@hotmail.com
Please Circulate this information as widely in your club as is possible.
The archive of this communication is available on the District website www.rotary9650.org.au
better. Student Exchanges are one of the best ways to help achieve this and also develop lifelong friendships between
individual students and families.
District Chair: Les Moulds (RC of Inverell)
Email: lymoulds@bigpond.com
Phone: 6722 1374
Mobile: 0427 221 374
Secretary: Deb Farquhar (RC of Coffs Harbour Daybreak)
Email: deb@ballyrogan.com.au
Work: 6652 6238
Mobile: 0428 656 660
Expressions of Interest are now open for this amazing short term exchange program for 2016. Please contact Les Moulds or
Deb Farquhar (details above) by 22nd May 2015.