World in motion


World in motion
World in motion...
Reaching New Heights
in Motion Technology
Delta Tau (UK) Limited
18 Faraday Close
Gorse Lane Industrial Estate
Essex CO15 4TR
Tel: +44 (0)1255 221055
Fax: +44 (0)1255 225391
Precision motion and
machine control
For more than a quarter of a century Delta Tau has consistently
and continually set the global benchmarks for precision motion and
machine control. Over a million axes of motion installed worldwide
in control equipment as diverse as machine tools and medical
device manufacturing, robots and the Hubble telescope, packaging
machines and Hollywood movie sets. There are few lives untouched
by products made using Delta Tau motion controls.
Delta Tau in the UK has forged specialised
services to the high technology and
scientific communities. Many Synchrotron
and high energy laser and neutron facilities
depend on Delta Tau technology
to control their complex multi axes
equipment –
Diamond Light Source is the UK’s national
synchrotron science facility, located at the
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
in Oxfordshire and uses Delta Tau motion
Controllers on many of the beamlines
there. By accelerating electrons to near
light-speed, Diamond generates brilliant
beams of light from infra-red to X-rays
which are used for academic and industrial
research and development across a
range of scientific disciplines including
structural biology, physics, chemistry,
materials science, engineering, earth and
environmental sciences.
Despite its scientific pedigree, Delta Tau
also offers the most versatile and flexible
multiple axis motor controllers for general
purpose machine control and automation
tasks. The ability of the PMAC range of
products to control different motor types
and technologies from a single motion card
offers machine builders many practical
advantages. Moreover, all the Delta Tau
products are backed by expert technical
support right here in the UK .
One of the big storage ring sextupole
magnets at Diamond Light Source.
Image courtesy of Diamond Light Source
Protein crystallography sample holder on
protein crystallography beamline.
Image courtesy of Diamond Light Source
MATLAB®’s Simulink® with Power PMAC
Facilitates user-servo code generation for
Power PMAC using Simulink®’s Embedded
Coder (previously known as Real-Time
Workshop). The objective is to fully
automate code generation for Power
PMAC’s servo loop closure routines (tasks)
utilising Simulink’s® control blocks.
Beamline i04.1 experiment end station.
Image courtesy of Diamond Light Source
Sophisticated Firmware Features
Five built-in control algorithms:
The New Power Brick LV-IMS
Motion Computer
Power Brick LV IMS
The Power PMAC is a Motion Controller and
Linux computer rolled into one.
Running an open source public domain
operating system with a Xenomai real time
kernel The PMAC has come of age.
Now with EPICS and TANGO compatibility
running onboard or remotely, the new
Power Brick LV-IMS offers the scientific
communities around the world a powerful
integrated package.
Using fully programmable four-quadrant
four-phase technology in the eight axis
amplifier stage, the power PMAC-LV-IMS is
capable of running any mix of stepper, AC
servo or DC servo motors. Having unique
software control of the current in each axis
allows the user to fully customise each
application. Each block of four axes comes
in three different current ratings of: 0.25A
continuous 0.75A peak; 1.0A continuous
3.0A peak; and 5.0A continuous 15A peak.
All current ranges operate between 12 and
As well as standard quadrature encoder
inputs, both versions come complete with
a range of serial encoder interfaces. These
include Endat 2.2, Hiperface, SSI, Yaskawa
Sigma II, and Tamagawa. For more
recent and future protocols, not included in
the DSPgate3, provision has been made to
fit a mezzanine board to facilitate the use
of these and analogue sin/cos and resolver
feedback devices.
The Delta Tau MACRO (Machine And
Control Ring Optical) interface now comes
as standard, enabling the controller to
control 32 axes. It also allows any Delta
Tau MACRO product such as I/O, analogue
interfaces or amplifiers to be added to the
Standard PID only
PID enhanced with notch filters, deadband filters, lowpass/highpass filters, velocity loop filters, and/or trajectory prefilters
Standard Gantry Control
Cross-Coupled Gantry Control
Adaptive Control
Programmable input, integrator, and output limits
Automatic or manual tuning of all motors’ current loops
and servo loops
Phasing algorithms for maximizing the torque output of commutated motors
Commutation algorithms for commutated motors (e.g. DC Brushless, AC Induction, etc.)
Field weakening algorithm for AC induction motor (through the Motor[x].DtOverRotorTc structure)
The user can also implement his or her own custom servo and phase algorithms in C
Look-ahead for dynamic acceleration adjustment for accurate contouring
Jerk limiting for smooth motion and reducing mechanical wear
Cutter radius (2D) and shape (3D) compensation for machining
Position, torque, and backlash compensation
Multi-threaded general purpose background programs that run asynchronous to motion: Up to 32 in PMAC’s Script language, 32 in C
0 to 3 multi-threaded general purpose foreground Script programs , 1 general purpose foreground C program, which run asynchronous to motion
The above programs can be used for whatever purpose the user desires (e.g. safety and status monitoring, servo gain scheduling, data reporting functions, etc.)
User-programmable, PMAC-Scheduled kinematics subroutines
Position following (electronic gearing)
Time-base control (automatic feedrate adjustment based on an external input signal)
Transformation matrices for coordinate system rotation and translation
Direct microstepping or pulse and direction (PFM) control for encoderless, open-loop control of stepper motors
Position Compare with Digital Output at User
Programmed encoder positions at 10 MHz, accompanied by an optional user-written interrupt service routine (ISR) that runs at these positions if desired
Coordinate systems make grouping motors for synchronous motion and converting motor units to engineering units simple
Multiple-motor axis definitions supported (e.g. for Gantries)
Synchronous motion move modes: Linear, Circular, Spline, PVT, and Rapid
1/T extension for digital enhancement of standard Digital A Quad B encoder resolution
Automatic move-until-trigger functions with hardware capture
User-configurable servo clocks (for closing the servo loop
at the appropriate sampling frequency), phase clocks (for commutation), PWM clocks (to get the right pulse frequency depending on motor characteristics) and real-
time interrupt clocks (for move planning)
Safety Features:
Hardware and software over-travel limits
Amplifier enable/fault handshaking
Following error limits
Integrated current limit
Encoder loss detection
Watchdog timer and relay for safely stopping the machine if the controller freezes.
Motion Controller
Geo Brick LV IMS-II
Delta Tau sets the global benchmarks for
precision motion control, The Turbo PMAC
based multiple axis low voltage motion
controller/data acquisition system with
integral amplifiers is designed specifically
for the high energy physics market.
Controlling up to 8 axes of mixed servo and
stepping motor types, the new Geo Brick LV
IMS-II family of products is also a fraction
of the size and cost of most conventionally
built 8-axis systems.
The Geo Brick LV concept was designed
to control the combination of motor
technologies typically encountered in
synchrotron applications. Given the
complexity of such systems, this new
design has significantly reduced cabling,
simplifying installation and reducing costs.
the amplifiers, the LV controllers offer the
unique power of the Delta Tau position
control systems. This concept provides
great savings in both panel space and
installation costs and whilst the design is
optimised for operation using a 48VDC bus
- a level that eliminates many regulatory
concerns – the amplifiers each have a 250W
or 5A capacity.
By simply adding the MACRO (Machine And
Control Ring Optical) option, the controller
can be expanded to 32 axes, also enabling
any Delta Tau Macro product such as I/O,
analogue interfaces or amplifiers to
be added to the system. It is also possible
using MACRO to create master/slave
configurations linking two Geo Bricks.
The Geo Brick LV IMS-II expands the
range of Delta Tau’s widely used Geo Brick
integrated multi-axis controller/amplifier
family of products. As well as integrating
Six circle diffractometer.
Image courtesy of Diamond Light Source
Quad PSU 1.6kVA
& Quad PSU 500VA
Power Supplies
Quad PSU 1.6kVA
NEW Digital Brick Controller IMS-II
Delta Tau has two new compact switch
mode power supplies, called the Quad
PSU, that not only reduces cabling for the
new Geo Brick LV IMS-II, but also provides
reliable power for up to four separate
controller crates in a single rack mounted
The power supply unit is a low profile 1U
configuration with three power supplies
plus a Regen unit. It has a universal Input
(85 - 265VAC) with built in power factor
Brick Controller IMS-II and the
Power Brick Controller IMS
The PMAC “Brick Controller IMS” now
comes in two distinct types. The original
Turbo PMAC based Brick Controller IMS and
now the NEW Power Brick Controller IMS.
Not only has Delta Tau upgraded to the
NEW Power PMAC we have created a whole
new digital version of both systems. These
units do not come with integrated drive
To augment the original system concept
with analogue outputs Delta Tau now
offers a wholly digital version. Designed
with stepper motors in mind, the output
from this unit is a digital PWM signal that
can be configured to be either step and
direction to interface with existing external
stepper drives or it can be configured to
output a PWM signal compatible with Delta
Tau’s larger AC servo drives.
Quad PSU 500VA
Because of the highly efficient nature of the
switch mode power supplies used, it runs
at a cool 10 degrees above ambient at full
As well as standard quadrature encoder
inputs both versions come complete with
a range of serial encoder interfaces. These
include Endat 2.2, Hiperface, SSI, Yaskawa
Sigma II, and Tamagawa.
Both the Quad PSU 1.6kVA and 500VA
offer a 48Vdc or 24Vdc motor PSU and two
150W 24Vdc supplies for logic and I/O
providing the power to up to four motion
For more recent and future protocols, not
included in the DSPgate3, provision has
been made to fit a mezzanine board to
facilitate the use of these and analogue
sin/cos and resolver feedback devices.
The Delta Tau MACRO (Machine And
Control Ring Optical) interface now comes
as standard, enabling the controller to
control 32 axes. It also allows any Delta
Tau MACRO product such as I/O, analogue
interfaces or amplifiers to be added to the
Each motor, Logic and I/O output is
individually switched and thermally
Storage Ring at Diamond Light Source.
Image courtesy of Diamond Light Source
The Motor power supply is additionally
protected from over voltage by motor
regeneration with an internal electronic
circuit and thermally protected regen
All power supplies are internally protected
from over voltage, over current, over
temperature and fan failure where fitted.
Diamond Light Source facility at
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near
Oxford UK.
Image courtesy of Diamond Light Source
Cables & Accessories
Delta Tau offers a full range of mating
connectors and interconnecting cables.
The addition of TANGO software for the
Power PMAC provides another option for
synchrotron motion control community.
Observatory Sciences has worked with
Delta Tau to integrate its GeoBrick LV
controller and the Brick Controller IMS with
EPICS to provide the Diamond Light Source
synchrotron with its next generation motor
controller solution.
TANGO (TAco Next Generation Object) is a
distributed control system, based on object
oriented and service oriented approaches
to software architecture. It is being actively
developed by the collaborative effort of a
group of European scientific institutes,
including Alba, Desy, Elettra, ESRF, FRM II,
Solaris and Soleil.
The first user of Observatory Sciences
TANGO software library for the Power
PMAC will be the Soleil synchrotron –
the French national synchrotron which
provides a multi-disciplinary instrument
and research laboratory. The synchrotron
is currently home to a number of high
profile research projects, including
looking into the production of graphene
semiconductor nano-ribbons. This twodimensional crystal composed of a single
layer of carbon atoms has very promising
properties that could drive major advances
in microelectronics.
More recently, Observatory Sciences is
continuing its work with Brookhaven
National Laboratory’s Synchrotron Light
Source II (NSLS-II) with the latest project for
Power PMAC EPICS support.
The ability to use the Power PMAC with
both EPICS and now TANGO will enable
adoption of these systems at large
scientific facilities such as synchrotrons.
Observatory Sciences is a recognised
leader in EPICS, developing control systems
and delivering EPICS training. The EPICS
toolkit has been used on many high energy
physics facilities as well as on large
astronomical telescopes around the world,
and EPICS software now provides the
core control system for many synchrotron
TANGO software interface
EPICS interface screen
A highly integrated and compact
automation controller
Safety & Other Features
Power Brick AC
The Power Brick AC is an integrated fully
scalable Machine and Motion Controller
combining the brain of the cutting edge
Power PMAC processor, the unsurpassed
custom-designed Digital Signal Processor
Gate3 ASIC and the brawns of the latest
IGBT-based amplifier technology into one
compact 4, 6, or 8-axis servo package drive.
Additional axes are available via MACRO
(high speed fibre optic network) and/or
EtherCAT for a possible total of 104 (8
local + 32 MACRO + 64 EtherCAT) axes of
centralized and coordinated motion control.
Motor Control
The Power Brick AC performs current
loop closure, commutation and servo loop
(position) closure to drive directly:
• AC/DC Brushless Servo (synchronous) linear / rotary motors
• AC Induction (asynchronous) motors
• DC Brush and Voicecoil motors
• High Voltage Stepper motors
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
Encoder Support
Fieldbus Connectivity
The Power Brick AC can interface with one
or a combination of the following types of
motor feedback devices:
• MACRO (Master/Slave)
• EtherCAT (Master)
• Quadrature
• Sinusoidal x 16K/64K
• Resolver
• Halls (60oe/120oe)
• Kawasaki
• Analog +/- 10VDC
• Mitsubishi
• Panasonic
• Yaskawa
• Nikon-D
• BiSS-B/C
• EnDat 2.1/2.2
• Mitutoyo
• Tamagawa
• HiperFace
• Encoder count error and encoder loss detection
• Dedicated brake relays and power input (24V)
• Plus/Minus over-travel, home,
user inputs
• Software over-travel limits
• Warning/fatal following error limits
• High speed compare outputs
• Internal and external shunt resistors
• Safe Torque Off (STO) with dynamic braking
• Abort Input for safe stop
• Watchdog output
• Over / Under volta ge faults
• Short circuit, overcurrent protection
• Hardware /Software thermal I2T protection
• Motor thermal inputs (PTC)
• EtherNet /IP (Scanner/Adapter)
• EtherCAT (Master/Slave)
• Profibus-DP (Master/Slave)
• DeviceNet (Master/Slave)
• CANopen (Master/Slave)
• Open Modbus (Master/Slave)
• CC-Link (Slave)
• PROFINET IO RT (Controller/Device)
GP Digital Inputs/Outputs - Relays
The Power Brick AC can be equipped with:
• 8 x general purpose relays
• 32 x digital inputs 12-24VDC
• 16 x digital outputs 12-24VDC, 500 mA
All protected and optically isolated. Can be
either sinking or sourcing. Thousands of
additional digital inputs and outputs can
be added via various fieldbus options.
4-Axis Model Shown
Top View
24V Logic
Motor # 1
Encoders # 1 to 4
GP Digital I/0
Shunt Resistor
Motor # 2
Limits & Flags
Status Display
(339.73 mm)
Watchdog & Abort
LED Status
Bottom View
Motor # 3
Encoders # 5 to 8
Motor # 4
Analog I/O
GP Analog I/Os
Alt. Enc. Pwr
GP Analog Inputs/Outputs- PFM
The Power Brick AC can carry up to:
• 8 x Pulse and Direction / PFM outputs
• 8 x 16-bit analog inputs (+/-10V)
• 8 x 14-bit analog outputs (+/-10V)
STO & Brake
AC/DC PowerBus Input
Power Brick Controller
A highly
and compact
The Power Brick Controller is a packaged,
scalable, Machine and Motion Controller
combining the brain of the cutting
edge Power PMAC processor and the
unsurpassed custom-designed Digital
Signal Processor Gate3 ASIC in one
compact 4 or 8-axis package.
Additional axes are available via MACRO
(high speed fibre optic network) and/or
EtherCat for a possible total of 104 (8 + 32
MACRO + 64 EtherCat) axes of
centralised and coordinated motion
Output Control
Encoder Support
Fieldbus Connectivity
GP Analog Inputs/Outputs- PFM
The Power Brick Controller provides servo
loop closure (position or torque) ouputs,
and current loop closure (PWM option):
The Power Brick AC can interface with one
or a combination of the following types of
motor feedback devices:
• MACRO (Master/Slave)
• EtherCAT (Master)
• Analog +/-10V 13.5 bit Filtered PWM
• 16-Bit True DAC (optional)
• Pulse and Direction
• Sine Wave
• Direct digital PWM
• Quadrature
• Sinusoidal x 16K/64K
• Resolver
• Halls (60oe/120oe)
• Kawasaki
• Analog +/- 10VDC
• Mitsubishi
• Panasonic
• Yaskawa
• Nikon-D
• BiSS-B/C
• EnDat 2.1/2.2
• Mitutoyo
• Tamagawa
• HiperFace
• EtherNet /IP (Scanner/Adapter)
• EtherCAT (Master/Slave)
• Profibus-DP (Master/Slave)
• DeviceNet (Master/Slave)
• CANopen (Master/Slave)
• Open Modbus (Master/Slave)
• CC-Link (Slave)
• PROFINET IO RT (Controller/Device)
The Power Brick AC can carry up to:
• 8 x Pulse and Direction / PFM outputs
• 8 x 16-bit analog inputs (+/-10V)
• 8 x 14-bit analog outputs (+/-10V)
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
GP Digital Inputs/Outputs - Relays
The Power Brick AC can be equipped with:
• 8 x general purpose relays
• 32 x digital inputs 12-24VDC
• 16 x digital outputs 12-24VDC, 500 mA
All protected and optically isolated. Can be
either sinking or sourcing. Thousands of
additional digital inputs and outputs can
be added via various fieldbus options.
8-Axis Model Shown
Limits & Flags
DAC-Sine Output/
Direct PWM
Encoders # 1 to 4
(PFM Ouput)
DAC-Sine Output/
Direct PWM
SD Card
Safety & Other Features
• Safe Torque Off (STO) with dynamic braking
• Abort Input for safe stop
• Watchdog output
• Over / Under voltage faults
• Short circuit, overcurrent protection
• Hardware / Software thermal I2T protection
• Motor thermal inputs (PTC)
• Encoder count error and encoder loss detection
• Dedicated brake relays and power input (24V)
• Plus/Minus over-travel, home,
user inputs
• Software over-travel limits
• Warning/fatal following error limits
• High speed compare outputs
• Internal and external shunt resistors
DAC-Sine Output/
Direct PWM
Watchdog &
DAC-Sine Output/
Direct PWM
Fieldbus Diagnostics
Encoders # 5 to 8
(PFM Ouput)
DAC-Sine Output/
Direct PWM
DAC-Sine Output/
Direct PWM
Analog I/O
DAC-Sine Output/Direct
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
GP Analog Inputs/Outputs- PFM
Safety & Other Features
The Power Brick LV can carry up to:
• 8 x Pulse and Direction / PFM outputs
• 8 x 16-bit analog inputs (+/-10V)
• 8 x 14-bit analog outputs (+/-10V)
• Safe Torque Off (STO) with dynamic braking
• Abort Input for safe stop
• Watchdog output
• Over / Under voltage faults
• Short circuit, overcurrent protection
• Hardware / Software thermal I2T protection
• Motor thermal inputs (PTC)
• Encoder count error and encoder loss detection
Power Brick LV
The Power Brick LV is an integrated fully
scalable Machine and Motion Controller
combining the brains of the cutting edge
Power PMAC processor, the unsurpassed
custom-designed Digital Signal Processor
Gate3 and the low voltage brawns of the
latest high performance MOSFET-based
drives technology into one compact 4 or
8-axis servo package drive.
Additional axes are available via MACRO
(high speed fibre optic network) and/or
EtherCat for a possible total of 104 (8 + 32
MACRO + 64 EtherCat) axes of centralized
and coordinated motion control.
Motor Control
The Power Brick LV performs current loop
closure, commutation and servo loop
closure to drive directly:
• AC/DC Brushless servo (synchronous) linear / rotary motors
• DC Brush and Voicecoil motors
• Low Voltage Stepper motors
8-Axis Model Shown
Encoder Support
Fieldbus Connectivity
The Power Brick LV can interface with one
or a combination of the following types of
feedback devices:
• MACRO (Master/Slave)
• EtherCAT (Master)
• Quadrature
• Sinusoidal x 16K/64K
• Resolver
• Halls (60oe/120oe)
• Kawasaki
• Analog +/- 10VDC
• Mitsubishi
• Panasonic
• Yaskawa
• Nikon-D
• BiSS-B/C
• EnDat 2.1/2.2
• Mitutoyo
• Tamagawa
• HiperFace
• EtherNet/IP (Scanner/Adapter)
• EtherCAT (Master/Slave)
• Profibus-DP (Master/Slave)
• DeviceNet (Master/Slave)
• CANopen (Master/Slave)
• Open Modbus (Master/Slave)
• CC-Link (Slave)
• Profinet IO RT (Controller/Device)
GP Digital Inputs/Outputs - Relays
The Power Brick LV can be equipped with:
• 8 x general purpose relays
• 32 x digital inputs 12-24VDC
• 16 x digital outputs 12-24VDC 500 mA
All protected and optically isolated. Can be
either sinking or sourcing. Thousands of
additional digital inputs and outputs can
be added via various fieldbus options.
• Dedicated brake relays and power
input (24V)
• Plus/Minus over-travel, home, user inputs
• Software over-travel limits
• Warning/fatal following error limits
• High speed capture outputs
• Internal and external shunt resistors
Top View
24V Logic
Motor # 1
Encoders # 1 to 4
Motor # 2
GP Digital I/O
AMP Status
Motor # 3
Motor # 4
Watchdog &
Limits & Flags
(34 cm)
Motor # 5
Bottom View
Motor # 6
Encoders # 5 to 8
Motor # 7
Motor # 8
Analog I/O
DC Bus Input
Analog I/O
Control Through Industrial
Network/Fieldbus Connectivity
Hardware / OS
Power PMAC
The Power PMAC EtherLite is a compact
and cost-effective product designed for
control through industrial networks and
fieldbuses. The network interface can be
configured with Delta Tau’s MACRO fibre
optic or electrical network and/or EtherCAT
electrical network, as well as with one of
various fieldbus options.
The Power PMAC EtherLite is a dedicated
controller for driving real-time motion
(servo) and I/O networks. The controller
communicates to a host PC via Ethernet,
or operates standalone, while providing a
singlewire connection to any MACRO and/
or EtherCAT drives, I/O or other peripheral
The Power PMAC EtherLite utilizes the
intelligence and capabilities of Delta Tau’s
7th and latest generation controller, the
Power PMAC, a general-purpose embedded
computer running under a hard real-time
Linux OS with a sophisticated motion and
machine control application built in. The
software PLCs, programmable in C and/or
• Up to 1.2 GHz Single/Dual Core
• Full real-time Operating System
(Linux OS w/ real-time kernel)
• Full file management system (programs, data, files, etc.)
• Dedicated controller runs in the RT Linux environment
• Full 32/64-bit architecture
PMAC script, and built-in motion programs
allow for complete machine logic control.
Capable of controlling up to 128 axes and
thousands of I/O points, the Power PMAC
EtherLite employs the motion and software
features of the Power PMAC Family in
systems with highly distributed network
hardware from vendors of your choosing,
resulting in a ”Motion Solution” with
unparalled performance capabilities.
• Built in USB2.0 Interface
• Optional 4x PCI Express (PCIe) port
• Optional Direct Video Interface (DVI Output)
• DVI output, 2 extra USB ports input (24V)
• Plus/Minus over-travel, home, user inputs
• Software over-travel limits
• Warning/fatal following error limits
• High speed capture outputs
• Internal and external shunt resistors
Fieldbus Connectivity
• MACRO (Master/Slave)
• EtherCAT (Master)
For large systems where networked
connections are important to simplify
wiring: Power PMAC EtherLite.
• Eth erNe t/IP (Scanner/Adapter)
• EtherCAT (Master/Slave)
• Profibus-DP (Master/Slave)
• DeviceNet (Master/Slave)
• CANopen (Master/Slave)
• Open Modbus (Master/Slave)
• CC-Link (Slave)
• PROFINET IO RT (Controller/Device)
Programming Languages
Delta Tau’s Open Architechture Platform
provides complete flexibility to choose
multiple types of fieldbuses, enabling
you to create a system perfect for your
PMAC Script
• G-Code
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
• Hardware 64-bit double precision floating point math
• Support for large memory
- Up to 16 GB Flash
- Up to 4GB DDR3 active memory with error correction
- 8MB NOR flash for Kernel & Bootloader
- Interface for SD Card
- Interface for USB 2.0 Devices (Hard drive, USB Stick, Keyboard, Mouse, etc.)
• 2 ethernet 1Gbps ports
Programming Tools
• MATLAB®/Simulink® Embedded Coder® generated code
• Epics
• CC-Link (Slave)
• Profinet IO RT (Controller/Device)
Fibre optic MACRO Version
Top View
+24VDC Logic
Power Connector
(188.90 mm)
Ethernet 0
Ethernet 2 or EtherCAT 1
(153.67 mm)
Ethernet 3 or EtherCAT 2
Ethernet 1 or EtherCAT0
Fibre optic OUT
Fibre optic IN
(99.06 mm)
SDCard & Mouse
Watchdog Terminal
Bottom View
Control Through Industrial
Network/Fieldbus Connectivity
Power UMAC
Power UMAC 465 CPU
Power UMAC
The Power UMAC a motion computer
with the latest hardware and software
technology, providing the most highperformance, flexible machine controller in
the world. The Power PMAC is a generalpurpose embedded computer. It runs under
a hard real-time Linux OS with a
sophisticated motion and machine control
application built in. With the capability for
a full operator interface, the Power PMAC
eliminates the need for a separate PC.
Users can also program in the easy-to-use
Script language or the standard C language,
leveraging its sophistication and flexibility.
Dynamic Multi-Block Lookahead
• Evaluates planned trajectory against motor limits
• Slows just enough to stay within position, velocity, acceleration limits
• Executes fastest possible traversal within machine constraints
Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Gantry Control with Skew Correction
• Simplifies programming for non-
Cartesian mechanisms
• User routines convert between tool tip and actuator mechanisms
• Permits direct specification of tool tip path
• Multiple motors automatically slave commanded trajectory
• Automatic removal of power-on skew in homing search sequence
• Optional cross-coupling servo correction
S-curve Acceleration
• Automatically limits rate of change of acceleration (jerk)
• Specified by jerk magnitude or S-curve time
• Provides smooth profiles with reduced high-frequency content
Position Capture and Compare
• Specialised circuitry tying encoder counts to I/O
• I/O on exact count (w/sub-count interpolation) at any speed
• For probing, registration, measurement trigger, laser firing
Delta Tau’s Open Architecture Platform
provides complete flexibility to choose
multiple types of motors, feedback devices,
encoders and fieldbuses so you can create
a system perfect for your application.
Additional axes, feedback, I/O and/or
fieldbus interfacing is obtained by sliding
accessory cards into the 3U rack system,
available in 3 choices of rack widths (largest
21-slot version pictured on the left).
Power UMAC 465 CPU
Single/Dual Core, Multiple
Speeds, Linux RTOS with
optional Video output
Power Compact UMAC CPU
Linux RTOS
Custom Designs
Power Compact UMAC CPU
Multiple Types of Communication
Electronic Gearing and Cams
• Powerful master/slave techniques
• Position following (gearing) requires no program for motion
• External time base (cam) keeps full trajectory flexibility
Multiple Coordinate Systems
• Axes acting together should be in same Coordinate System
• Axes acting independently should be in separate Coordinate Systems
• Separate Coordinate Systems act as independent machines
1Gb Ethernet
to host computer
Master Single-port
2nd Ethernet host port, or
EthernetIP and/or Modbus
USB port for mass
storage (i.e.-hard drive,
expanded memory,
program backup)
Dual-port option/
SD card for additional storage
Blended and Splined Moves
• Automatic on-the-fly transition for multiple programmed moves
• Controlled, specified, acceleration of transitions
• For single-axis profiles or multi-axis paths
R232 Serial
Fibre optic ring
Power PMAC CPU Capabilities
• Up to 1.2 GHz Single/Dual Core
• Full real-time Operating System (Linux OS w/ real-time kernel)
• Full file management system (programs, data, files, etc.)
• Dedicated controller runs in the RT Linux environment
• Full 32/64-bit architecture
• Hardware 64-bit double precision floating point math
• Support for large memory
- 1GB or 2GB DDRAM active memory with error correction
- 64MB NOR flash for Kernel and Bootloader
- 512MB or 1/4/8 GB built-in NAND flash for user project (built-in)
- Interface for SD Card (SDHC, 32GB support
- Interface for USB 2.0 Devices (Hard drive, USB Stick, Keyboard, Mouse, etc.)
• 2 ethernet 1Gbps ports
• Built in USB2.0 Interface
• Optional 4x PCI Express (PCIe) port
• Optional Direct Video Interface (DVI Output)
• DVI output, 2 extra USB ports
DVI Video Output
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
A powerful and compact integrated controller
and drive solution for cost sensitive applications
The Power Clipper Drive is an integrated
Machine and Motion Controller combining
the brain of the cutting edge Power PMAC
processor, the unsurpassed customdesigned Digital Signal Processor Gate3
ASIC and the low voltage brawn of high
performance MOSFET amplifier technology
into a compact solution for more cost
sensitive and OEM applications.
Motor Control
The Power Clipper Drive provides servo loop
closure (position or torque) ouputs:
• AC/DC Brushless servo (synchronous) linear/rotary motors
• DC Brush (Piezo, Voicecoil) motors
• Stepper motors
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
Encoder Support
GP Inputs/Outputs
The Power Clipper Drive can interface with
one or a combination of the following
types of motor feedback devices:
• 32 general-purpose TTL I/O points, direction selectable by byte:
-16-point mux port, Delta Tau I/O accessory compatible
-16-point “opto” port, Opto-22 style optically isolated modules compatible
• Supports thousands of I/O points
• “Handwheel” port with 2 each:
- Quadrature encoder inputs
- Pulse (PWM or PFM) output pairs
• 4 12-Bit Analog Inputs and 1 Filtered PWM DAC Output (optional)
• PWM laser control option (controllable TTL signals include PWM width,
PWM frequency, laser on/off, and first pulse suppression, typically with
CO2 and YAG lasers)
• Quadrature
• Halls (60oe/120oe)
• Kawasaki
• Analog +/- 10VDC
• EnDat 2.1/2.2
• Mitsubishi
• Panasonic
• Yaskawa
• Nikon-D
• BiSS-B/C
• Mitutoyo
• Tamagawa
• HiperFace
• Sinusoidal (with ACC-51S)
• Resolver (with ACC-8D Opt7)
Safety & Other Features
• Hardware/Software E-STOP and Reset
• Watchdog output
• I2T protection
• Encoder count error and encoder loss detection
• Plus/Minus over-travel, home, and user inputs
• Software over-travel limits
• Warning/fatal following error limits
• High speed compare outputs
• Automatic brake control
• High speed capture outputs
• Video Output
Plug-In Stack Accessories
• Up to 64 Axes (& I/O) Via EtherCat
• 32 In / 32 Out 12-24V Digital I/O, Optically Isolated (ACC-34AA)
• 32 In / 32 Out Digital I/O for Opto-22 Style Racks (ACC-34B)
• Up to 32 daisy-chained ACC-34 boards for up to 1024 inputs / 1024 Outputs
• ModBus , 24 In / 24 Out 12-24V Digital I/O, Optically Isolated with optional
2x 12-Bit DAC & 2x 12-Bit ADC & 2 Relays (ACC-65ETH)
• Additional 4 Axes (ACC-24ES3) with optional 4 12-Bit Analog Inputs and
1 Filtered PWM DAC Output (ACC-24ES3)
• 4 Channels Dual 18-Bit True DAC
• 4 Channel Direct PWM Output (ACC-8FS)
• 2 or 4 Channel 16-bit Encoder Interpolator (ACC-51S)
• 2 or 4 Channel Resolver (ACC-8D, OPT 7)
8-Axis Model Shown
Quadrature Feedback
The Power Clipper Drive is a 3-board stack
consisting of an amplifier section and the
Power Clipper controller conncected by an
interface board ”sandwiched” in the middle.
The interface board provides connections
that are common to the Power Clipper
controller, but are more conveniently
divided into individualised connectors.
Sinusoidal Feedback Power Inputs
DC Bus
24V Logic
Ext. Power
Analog I/0
Flag Power
User Flags
Power Clipper Drive
Cabled Accessories
Prog. Pul/Dir
IIW Enc.
Standard On-Board
• Analog +/-10V 13.5 bit Filtered PWM
• Pulse and Direction
With Accessory Stack Board
• 18-Bit True DAC
• Sine Wave
The Power Clipper can interface with one
or a combination of the following types of
motor feedback devices:
• 32 general-purpose TTL I/O points, direction selectable by byte:
- 16-point mux port, Delta Tau I/O accessory compatible
- 16-point “opto” port, Opto-22 style optically isolated modules compatible
• Supports thousands of I/O points
• “Handwheel” port with 2 each:
- Quadrature encoder inputs
- Pulse (PWM or PFM) output pairs
• 4 12-Bit Analog Inputs and 1 Filtered PWM DAC Output (optional)
• PWM Laser
• Quadrature
• Halls (60o e/120o e)
• Kawasaki
• Analog +/- 10VDC
• EnDat 2.1/2.2
• Mitsubishi
• Panasonic
• Yaskawa
• Nikon-D
• BiSS-B/C
• Mitutoyo
• Tamagawa
• HiperFace
• Sinusoidal (with ACC-51S)
• Resolver (with ACC-8D Opt7)
Encoders Amp Fault/
Enable Anlog In
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
Serial Encoders /
Safety & Other Features
• Watchdog output
• I2T protection
• Encoder count error and encoder loss detection
• Plus/Minus over-travel, home, and user
• Software over-travel limits
• Warning/fatal following error limits
• High speed compare outputs
• Automatic brake control
A powerful
and compact
solution for
cost sensitive
The Power Clipper provides servo loop
closure (position or torque) ouputs:
GP Inputs/Outputs
• Additional 4 Axes (ACC-24ES3) with optional 4 12-Bit Analog Inputs and
1 Filtered PWM DAC Output (ACC-24ES3)
• 4 Channels Dual 18-Bit True DAC
• 4 Channel Direct PWM Output (ACC-8FS)
• 2 or 4 Channel 16-bit Encoder Interpolator (ACC-51S)
• 2 or 4 channel Resolver (ACC-8D, Opt 7)
Output Control
Encoder Support
• Up to 64 Axes (& I/O) Via EtherCat
• 32 In / 32 Out 12-24V Digital I/O, Optically Isolated (ACC-34AA)
• 32 In / 32 Out Digital I/O for Opto-22 Style Racks (ACC-34B)
• Up to 32 daisy-chained ACC-34 boards for up to 1024 inputs / 1024 Outputs
• ModBus , 24 In / 24 Out 12-24V Digital I/O, Optically Isolated with optional
2x 12-Bit DAC & 2x 12-Bit ADC & 2 Relays (ACC-65ETH)
5V Logic
Micro USB
The Power Clipper is a compact embedded
solution for more cost sensitive and OEM
applications, but packed with the power of
the cutting edge Power PMAC processor
and the unsurpassed custom-designed
Digital Signal Processor Gate3 ASIC
bundled into one compact panel-mount
Plug-In Stack Accessories
Power Clipper
Cabled Accessories
MIP-22 - Machine Interface Panel with 22”
Touch Monitor
The MIP-22 interface panel includes an
industrial motherboard, 22” LCD Touch
Monitor, keyboard, pointing device, top
and bottom mounting locations, 4 USB2.0
ports (2 front / 2 bottom) and Ethernet
connectivity, emergency stop and power
buttons, and Microsoft Windows
7 Professional 64-Bit Operating System.
Power PMAC NC 14 Software + Machine
Interface Panel 22”
Includes one Power PMAC NC 14 Runtime
License plus the MIP-22 - Machine
Interface Panel with 22” Touch Monitor
MIP22 (Machine Interface Panel 22”)
The MIP22 is an industrial Machine
Interface Panel with a 22” LED Touch
Screen and feature rich handheld control
pendant. The MIP22 features an industrial
long life motherboard with all solid
state media and low power consumption
components. The MIP22 front panel can
be customised to add application specific
buttons, switches, or other devices. The
MIP22 comes pre-loaded with Microsoft
Windows 7 Professional. There are four
externally accessible USB ports (2 front/2
bottom). Internally a Gigabit LAN port
connects to PMAC devices. The Pendant
communicates via Ethernet directly
to the Power PMAC or through a user
supplied Ethernet switch. The MIP22 was
specifically designed to leverage the latest
Power PMAC NC 14 Software Suite.
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
Industrial Motherboard Specifications:
• Auto Mode
• MDI Mode
• Reset
• Single Block
• Block Delete
• Option Stop
• Continuous Jog
• Incremental/Handwheel Jog
• Home
• Emergency Stop (Dual Contact)
• 6 User Definable Buttons
• Cycle Start
• Feed Hold
• Jog + / Jog • ATC + / ATC • Spindle CW / CCW
• Long-Life Embedded Industrial Platform through 2020
• Intel Baytrail Celeron N2930, Quad-Core, 1.83Ghz CPU
• 4GB Ram (Supports DDR3L-1333 SODIMM up to 8GB)
• 60GB SSD mSATA Hard Disk
• Operating Temperature 0~60˚C
• Mini-ITX Form Factor
• 4 USB2.0 Ports (2 front / 2 bottom)
• Gigabit LAN Port (Qty. 1 – Second Optional)
22“ LCD Touch Monitor Specifications:
• 22“ Diagonal Elo Intellitouch LCD Touch Panel
• 16:9 Active matrix TFT LCD with LED backlighting
Input Voltage:
• 12VDC, 100-240VAC Input Power Supply Included
Front Panel:
• Emergency Stop (Dual Contact) & Power Button
• Feedrate
• Rapid
• Spindle
Power PMAC NC 14 Software + Power
PMAC Pendant
Includes one Power PMAC NC 14 Runtime
License plus the Power PMAC Pendant
Power PMAC NC 14 Software + Machine
Interface Panel 22” + Power PMAC Pendant
Includes one Power PMAC NC 14 Runtime
License, the MIP-22 - Machine Interface
Panel with 22” Touch Monitor and the
Power PMAC Pendant.
Power PMAC CNC 14
Power PMAC NC 14 is a robust CNC HMI
software package specifically designed
to leverage the capabilities of the Power
PMAC motion controller. Power PMAC 14 is
available in a configurable runtime package
with an optional SDK package which allows
customisation via Microsoft’s Visual C#
development environment.
Pendant mount
(can be shown
on either side)
Start/Stop button
(Keyboard tray
can be flipped
to extend
other side)
Mounting Brackets
• Axis Select (XYZABC)
• Speed Select (Lo-mLo-Med-mHi-Hi)
• 100 PPR Manual Pulse Feedrate
Power PMAC Pendant
The Power PMAC Pendant includes mode,
jog, speed, reset, spindle, tool changer, and
home function buttons. Analog override
knobs for feed, speed, and rapid. Six user
definable and legendable keys are included.
All mode and user function buttons are
LED illuminated. The unit communicates to
the control via Ethernet. 8 foot cable.
Pattern on top & bottom
For wires
• Up to 10 axes, INCH or MM
• Multiple Machine Types
• Coloured NC File Editor
• Mid-Program Start
• Execution Monitor
• Active G/M code Display
• NC File Queue (Automation Enabled)
• Jogging, Homing and MDI
• User Login System
• Foreign Language Translation
• Logging and Plotting Tools
• Companion Power PMAC Project
• Multiple Messaging Levels
• Compatible with Windows 7 or newer (64-bit or 32-bit)
• Simply copy files to install (approx 5 MB total file size)
• Companion PMAC projects for both Power
• Choice of Rotary or Fixed Buffer
• Secure SSH/SFTP communications with Power PMAC
• Includes command terminals, logging and plotting tools
• Utilises Block Queries for efficient communications
• Coloured NC file editor handles files up to 100 MB
G3 Drive
Motion Machine PC
The Motion Machine PC is an industrial PC
with the new Soft Power PMAC, a kernel
with all the intelligence and capabilities
of Delta Tau’s 7th and latest generation
controller, the Power PMAC. Software
PLCs, programmable in PMAC script or C,
and built-in motion programs provide for
complete machine logic control through a
network of EtherCAT and/or MACRO drives,
I/O and peripherals.
Software projects migrate seamlessly from
any of the Power PMAC controllers.
Significant cost savings are achieved
because a personal computer (already
present) need not be purchased and there
is none of the hardware used in traditional
PMAC controllers.
Protocol Support CoE
• Basic I/O
• DS402 Drives
Hardware Features
• 3x Display Ports (DVI-I,Display Port,HDMI)
• 120G Solid State Drive
• 4x 100/1000 Base T Ethernet Ports
• 2 Ports Dedicated to Windows/Linux LAN
• 2 Ports Dedicated to Motion Core (ie. 1
EtherCAT, 1 Modbus)
• 6x USB ports (w/ i7 two of the ports will be USB 3.0 capable)
• 2x RS232/422/485 Ports
• No Fan or internal cabling
• Industrial Aluminium Casing
• Small Formfactor 10” x 6” x 2.7” , DIN-rail Wall mount
• 9 – 36vdc (+24V @3A) (Min 72W) AT/ATX
• CE, UL, CCC, FCC, C-TICK, BSMI certified
• 2 Mini PCIe Slots
A PC with all
the intelligence
and capabilities
of the Power
See page 30 for a more
detailed overview of the
Power PMAC capabilities
G3 Direct
G3 Ultra
• Modular Design
• Single Axis Design
• Brake Control
• Ease of Use
• Ease of Manufacturing
• Ease of Service
• Robust Design
• Universal Controller
– 14 bit ADC Resolution
– I2T Protection
– Over/Under Frequency Protection
– PWM Over Time Protection
– IGBT Thermal Dynamic Protection (TDP®)
– Over Voltage Protection
– Regeneration Over Load Protection
– Soft Start Over Load Protection
• Short Circuit Total Protection
• Short Circuit Inrush Current Limiter
• Output EMI CM filter
• STO Circuit
• Static Brake Circuit
• Shunt Resistor Output
• Thermal Management
– Heat Sink Design
– Forced Air Cooling
– Using CFD Analysis
• Direct PWM Control
Three Level Amplifier Power Stage
• Reduced Current Ripple
– Reduced power dissipation
– Reduced position jitter
• Distribution of switching losses on more components
– Reduction of losses on each component
– Allows higher PWM frequencies
• Each power transistor only has half the voltage across it compared to a 2 level amplifier
– Permits use of MOSFETs for over 100V bus levels
– IGBT amplifiers could be used at over 1000V bus levels
• Lower switching losses due to lower voltage across each power transistor
• Switching during half of the commutation
cycle for each power transistor
– fully on or fully off during the other half
• Reduction in electromagnetic interference generated due to reduced voltage swing
• EtherCAT Interface
• Synchronous Cyclic Torque Mode
• Synchronous Cyclic Position Mode
• MACRO Interface
• Direct PWM Over MACRO
• Torque Mode Over MACRO
• Standalone Single Axis Controller/
• Expandable over Fieldbus
UMAC Accessory Cards
Power PMAC Overview
The power and flexibility of the Power
PMAC allows the integration of the Power
PMAC Features into virtually any kind of
industrial motion control application.
Motor Servo Control
• Extremely fast update rates (Phase and Servo)
• Standard PID with full feedforward model
• Powerful automatic tuning and analyser tools
• Analog, Pulse Width Modulated (PWM), Pulse Frequency Modulated (PFM), MACRO or EtherCAT Outputs
• Vibration suppression filters
• Multiple 7th order notch and low pass filters
• Adaptive control for varying loads
• Cascaded loops (force, height, camera auto-focus control)
• Support for custom-written commutation routines
• Support for custom-written servo routines
• Custom routines directly in C or from MATLAB®/Simulink®
Coordinate Systems / Forward and
Inverse Kinematics
• Up to 256 axes of coordinated or independent motion
• Up to 128 independent coordinate systems
• Up to 32 independent axes per coordinate system
• Dynamic axes transformations (e.g. offsets, rotations, mirroring)
• Forward/Inverse kinematics for non-
linear mechanisms
-User defined routines convert between tool tip coordinates and actuator positions
-Permits direct specification of tool tip path
Trajectory Generation - Motion
• Auto-coordination of multiple sets of axes
• Linear, circular, rapid, position-velocity-
time (PVT), LIN to PVT (curve fit), Spline move modes
• Seamless blending between linear, circular and PVT modes
• Automatic move until trigger (hardware input)
• True S-Curve accel / decel
• All move modes supported with user kinematics
• Dynamic multi-block lookahead with velocity/acceleration control and jerk limit
• Sub-millisecond segmentation time
• Negative feedrate for true motion reversal in lookahead
• Move block execution rate up to 10,000 blocks/sec
• G-code, M-code, and T-code ready
• Calculations and I/O synchronous to motion
• Tool radius compensation, 2D or 3D
Programmable Logic Control (PLCs)
• Access to all registers
• Trigonometric, transcendental, vector and matrix functions
• 64-bit floating-point architecture optimized math
• Executive functions for standalone operation
• Data gathering of up to 128 hardware/
software registers per servo cycle
• Program in PMAC Script
• Program in ANSI C:
- Real time with pre-emptive kernel routines
- General purpose routines
- MATLAB®/Simulink® Embedded Coder® generated code
Compensation Tables
• Position/torque compensation tables in 1D, 2D, or 3D with rollover and mirroring options
• 1st/3rd order interpolation between points every servo cycle
• Up to 256 compensation tables (64K each)
• Support for superimposed compensation table results
• Backlash compensation, fixed or in tables
Hardware Position Capture and Compare
• Specialised circuitry tying encoder counts to digital I/O
• I/O on exact count (w/sub-count interpolation) at any speed (within 10 nanoseconds)
• For probing, registration, measurement trigger, laser firing
Gantry Control
• Follower motor(s) executes leader’s trajectory
• Automatic skew removal on homing
• Automatic gantry cross-coupling servo correction
Electronic Gearing and Cams
• Powerful master/slave techniques
• Position following (gearing) requires no program for motion
• External time base (cam) keeps full trajectory flexibility (non-returning,
limited reversal, e.g. moving web application)
• Up to 256 cam tables (16k points each)
- Position/torque profile(s)
- Returning, forward/reverse travel
- Extremely precise synchronized outputs
• Requires a Single Slot
• 16 Bit Resolution
• 16 Channels
• 16 Bit Dual Port Ram with Switch Selectable Addressing
• Isolated from +5V Digital Supply
• 1KHz Update Rate(All Channels)
• 16KHz Single Channel Rate
• Low Power consumption
• +/- 10V Input
• High CMR Instrumentation Amplifier I/P with protection to +-40V
• 500K Input Impedance
• Pin compatible with Acc36E
• Optional Low Pass Filter Version
• Optional daughter boards
- 2 Channel Isolated CAN Interface
- Isolated 16 Input 8 Output Digital I/O Interface
For special versions contact us.
• Single Slot PMAC UBus compatible.
• Switch selectable addressing
• Selectable Baud Rates of 1M/bit/s, 500K, 250K via Dual Port Ram
• Data Transmission and Reception via Dual Port Ram
• Isolated from +5V Logic Supply
• Hardware: CAN bus drivers compatible with ISO 11898 standard
• Software: Supports CAN specification 2.0 Part B
• Supports 16 Message Slots with 11 and 29 bit I.D
• Auto selects 11 bit I.D. and 29 Bit I.D.
• Link selectable Termination Resistors
• Front Plate connection via standard 9 way ‘D’ Plug
• LED output indication for data transmission and error
For special versions contact us.