Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Safer and Stronger Communities
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
23 March 2015
Cyber Crime
Report of Lorraine O’Donnell, Assistant Chief Executive
Purpose of the Report
To provide Members with supporting information in advance of a
presentation by Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Victoria Fuller on raising
awareness and approaches to tackling cybercrime.
Cybercrime can involve a wide spectrum of activity from large scale fraud
to business and government agencies to causing harm on individuals
within their homes and communities. So significant it was identified as a
national threat within the 2010 National Security Strategy and in 2011,
the Government published ‘The UK Cyber Security Strategy- Protecting
and promoting the UK in a digital world’. The strategy included four
objectives to:
Tackling cybercrime and making the UK one of the most secure
places in the world to do business;
Making the UK more resilient to cyber-attack and better able to
protect our interests in cyberspace;
Helping to shape an open, vibrant and stable cyberspace which
the UK public can use safely and that supports open societies,
Building the UK’s cross-cutting knowledge, skills and capability to
underpin all cyber security objectives.
A progress report was published by the Government in 2013 and can be
accessed at . The report identifies work undertaken to
develop structures and capabilities through the National Cyber Security
programme and identifies future action to be undertaken at a national
level. In addition, cybercrime is clearly identified within the Government’s
Serious and Organised Crime Strategy and a key area for the National
Crime Agency.
At a local level, cybercrime is included within the draft Safe Durham
Partnership Plan that was presented to the Committee’s meeting in
February 2015 and is identified as an emerging threat within the Police
and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan that was considered
by the Police and Crime Panel in March 2015.
With regard to activity, Durham Constabulary, Durham County Council
and partner agencies took part in raising awareness during the a week of
activity that coincided with ‘Safer Internet Day’ on February 10th 2015.
DCI Victoria Fuller will be in attendance at the Committee’s meeting to
provide an overview presentation of cybercrime including work
undertaken by the Police and partners and future activity.
Members of the Committee are asked to note information within this
report and presentation and comment accordingly
Background Papers
Jonathan Slee, Overview and Scrutiny Officer
03000 268 142
Appendix 1: Implications
Finance – None
Staffing – None
Risk – None
Equality and Diversity / Public Sector Equality Duty – None
Accommodation - None
Crime and Disorder – Information contained in this report and presentation
relates to the Altogether Safer element of the Council Plan
Human Rights – None
Consultation – None
Procurement – None
Disability Issues – None
Legal Implications – None