Agenda reports pack PDF 526 KB - Meetings, agendas, and minutes
Agenda reports pack PDF 526 KB - Meetings, agendas, and minutes
Public Document Pack Agenda Whoberley Ward Forum 7.00 pm on Thursday, 26th March, 2015 Mary Magdelane Church, Sir Thomas Whites Road, Coventry CV5 8DR Whoberley Ward Forum Ward Forum includes people who care about their neighbourhoods! At a Ward Forum meeting you'll meet local Councillors, council staff, police, community and voluntary groups and - most importantly - local people. At the meeting, there will be an opportunity to raise any issues you want to discuss. If you are able to come along we'll make sure you feel welcome. If you would just prefer to listen to discussions and plans, that's fine#if you want to join in and help us to get things done, that's even better! At this meeting we're planning to: 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Minutes / Actions from 11th December 2014 (Pages 5 - 10) 4. City Centre Area Action Plan - Rob Haigh 5. Police Issues and Community Safety (inc. Closure of Police Buildings) 6. Library Services - Councillor Kershaw 7. Any Other Business 8. Date of our next meeting - TBA The meeting will end by 9pm at the latest. Agenda For dates and locations visit or follow us on Facebook at or Twitter @CoventryCC. If you want to know what is going on in the city, or want an opportunity to raise an issue with us or the police, the Ward Forum is the ideal place to raise it. It's easy to get involved – all you have to do is turn up on the night! To find out more The Chair of your Ward Forum is: Councillor Dan Howells You can contact him on 07540 083974 or email You can also contact Andrew Walster (Senior Support Officer) at Coventry City Council on 024 7683 2621 or or you can contact Samantha Morris (Support Officer) on 024 7683 3343 or about any issue concerning Whoberley Ward Forum. Hearing loops will be provided, but if you'd like a British Sign Language interpreter to be at the meeting please contact the Support Officer at least a week before the meeting so we can provide this service for you. If you wish to start/stop receiving information relating to Ward Forums, please email or call 024 7683 1604 giving your details and requesting that you are added or removed from our mailing list. Coventry City Council is always looking at reducing the amount of paper we produce and send out. If you have an email address and would prefer to be emailed all Ward Forum documentation, please contact me using the details above. Public Document Pack Agenda Item 3 Action Notes Whoberley Ward Forum Held on Thursday, 11 December 2014 Attendance: Residents A Khan R Archer R Smith A Iqbal Saleam Khan Saira Khan M Whorlow P Khan N Adderley B Stote Dean Keegan (Guphill Residents) No of Residents: 16 L Clarke Z Iqbal R Wood R Newbold S McDermott Officers and Partner Agencies Name Representing Councillor Dan Howells Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor (Chair) Councillor Jayne Innes Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor A Walster Coventry City Council, Assistant Director S Morris Coventry City Council – Support Officer Coventry City Council: 4 Partners: 0 1. Welcome and Introductions Councillor Howells welcomed and thanked everyone for their attendance. 2. 3. Apologies for Absence Lee Froggatt – West Midlands Police Diane Hackford - Resident Syd Collins - Resident Minutes from 11th September 2014 Agreed as true and accurate Police Issues and Community Safety (inc. Closure of Police Buildings) Discussion: • • • Apologies have been given so no update for this meeting Cllr Howells advised that he was aware of some high profile breakins in the area Have been further break-ins at allotments Page 3 Action Notes 4. Future of Ward Forums Discussion: • • • • • • • Are the forums actually going? It looks like the decision is going that way but there is now a Working Group who will say what will be put in place, if this is the future then what does it look like. Can we have the feedback from this working group? Cuts are being led by constraints on budgets Cllr Howells advised that there is the battle between visible and non-visible services, we now have half the budget that we had in 2010 We bid for European Funding for all the major works across the City such as Bridge Deck, Gibbet Hill etc. Councillors to meet at least 1/4rly with all local residents groups Still only a small group of people attend forums (Tweets 15,000 people, ward forums less than 2,000), needs to be a middle ground. Much better when there was only 4 forums ‘Neighbourhood Services’. MP Constituency would work well each quarter. If we don’t have Ward Forums we need to ensure that something else is in place to discuss topics/raise issues such as: • Public Debates held for specific issues ‘One Item Agenda’, e.g Bus Routes, Coventry Local Plan – what are the big issues that warrant a public meeting? • Make Citivision the publication to advise people on all that is current • Petitions such as the Coventry Baths don’t work, what will, just not being listened too • Enforcement issues - Bins where there is not enough space in gardens. We just want to know what the council should be doing not what they can’t do which is always the message. All the enforcement areas are coming together in order to work more effectively. • Friargate updates • City of Culture – Post Office should be kept not knocked down • Councillors attend Residents Groups. This suggestion is being discussed, so that they have meeting with the Chair of each Residents Group as we have many across the City. • Improve better communications; what can we do differently with Residents Associations. Key contacts, possibly a ICT Portal that can log things on to, as there is a lot of good going on but feel that they are not supported. Which ones are the best to engage with and how. • Bus Routes debate never had any feedback (360 bus is empty but won’t come up Winsford Avenue), and views on this estate are not heard, people thought that this forum was going to be a forum for public debate, unless you buy the Telegraph you don’t know what’s happening with Roads etc. Page 4 Action Notes Action: Lead Find out the exact number of residents, friends of Support groups across the City (approx. 70) Officer 5. Deadline March 2015 Consultations Discussion: • • • • • • • • • Coventry Local Plan – ends this month Includes proposals for new housing etc. Coventry wants to be a top 10 city. Can access at libraries if you don’t have access to a computer (web address slips handed out). Super Investment Areas – Coventry wasn’t considered needy enough to get it, and Government was lobbied but still didn’t think we were needy enough. Wolverhampton and Black Country got it by Jaguar Land Rover, which is why it ended up there. Empty Buildings: o What happened to the Bishopgate Plan, now it’s all Friargate? We can only move with the developer that gets the funding first. o Allied Carpets building closed for years and dragging City views down, will not get investors o Telegraph empty what’s happening about this building too? Owned by a developer and at some point will come forward with their scheme (lots of drawing, but nothing specific submitted to date) Commercial Department should think about how they work with small business when they are experiencing difficulties. Council properties are standing empty why don’t they look at lower rents to help people. A more recent change has seen generous rents Cathedral Lanes now owned by someone else a few restaurants showing interest now, work continues on attracting others We should be helping small businesses more. There are empty property with no income, should give them cheaper. There is help for small businesses and if interested Coventry Investment Fund have up to £40 million available for start-up, machinery, space etc and they can come and discuss better rates on properties with us. What about Free Car Parking as it may encourage people to come into the City? If done on a Wed before Christmas, why not at other times, as why would anyone want to pay full price on car park with an empty City Centre. People are using out of city retail parks with free parking. Andrew said that we also need to work out how we get people in and out of the City, so need to improve the public transport for the future. We need to get people to work using Public Transport. Herbert Art Gallery and work around there with the parking bays are a good improvement. Shops aren’t the answer. Page 5 Action Notes Pre-budget Report Consultation • 27th Jan ready for the 22nd Feb Council Meeting • Look at the appendices • Would need to email in about what you think • Some individual actions will require specific Statutory Consultation on radical service changes • Drop in Government Grant 50% less from 2010 to 2016 • Increased demands in Children Services Comments: • Where we haven’t got the money, we do use Community Groups, Spinney along Kenilworth Rd and along the Canal, we’ll provide litter picks, bins etc and then we’ll empty them and provide much bigger bins • We are open to lots of people doing all sorts of services • Very early days, but some residents group are interested in taking over some of the maintenance of their local park Public Liability Insurance, how can we get past this as we would like to help, but in our own time. An area of open space could only do it when the Rangers were available. Need to cut the Red Tape! 6. Iqra Centre and Faith Schools Discussion: 7. Update only and not a discussion point. AW read a statement that has been prepared by Legal due to the process currently being under way. Updates will be available at future meetings but not for debate until it becomes possible. Wasps – Ricoh Arena Discussion: • • • • Page 6 City Council have sold their share in ACL to the Wasps which is positive for the City and the Council has been able to redeem the money lent. City Council remains the Freeholder of the Arena for 25 years Primacy remains with Coventry City Football and Coventry Rugby Fixtures Nuckle Project (extension of rail line to Ricoh) is currently being built and will be finished in April 2015 City Football Team won’t be able to move forward if they don’t own their own ground, suggested that Coventry City take over the Coventry Rugby Club, then the Ricoh would be permanently marked out as Rugby pitch. Action Notes 8. Any other Business • • • • • • • • • Poor Lighting down the Westmead Centre – know its privately owned, are the shops responsible or is it still Council. The planters need re-doing was done on some funding. Has an on-line petition. Council Sponsor is Councillor Bally Singh Need a public right of way by the Nisa and then ask the Co-op to help fund with the Community Garden. Is currently talking to the Rights of Way Officer. Trying to stop it from getting sold and more shops being built Concerned about the possibility of joining up with Birmingham. Don’t think this would be the best move especially as they have just had a damning report. Concern is lack of public discussion; we need a debate about this. o Conversations are only around some sensible discussions with respect to access to funding, for instance we’ve tried with Centro but this hasn’t really worked for Coventry. o Leader has advised that this has to include the other districts around us (Warwickshire) o It’s more about us working together with other authorities What’s happening to old Council House and other buildings? Council House will remain as the democratic centre for the City where public meetings will be held and Councillors will stay, but the bridge will come out. There is a 12 month exclusivity deal with Coventry University for Civic Centres 1 - 4. Do we want more students? Evidence does suggest that they are spending a lot of money in the City and are attracted a lot of overseas students too. Warwick Road has lots of Mistletoe in trees can this be sold? One third was taken out two weeks ago and Coventry Tree Wardens selling it at War Memorial Park for the Lord Mayors Charity. Also sold to lots of florists around the City. Ring Road – concerns about what has gone in the Telegraph. Plans are available, what has been described is not shown on the plans. Slip Rd by the old Ambulance Station can that be put into use? There is an e-petition and planned lobbys on the 13th Jan and 21st Feb for the Pre-Budget. Earlsdon Ave North outside Kensington Road – back up of traffic Coniston Rd. This is part of Cycle Path so there will be a post implementation review to take account of any views. Page 7 Action Notes 9. Date of our next meeting – date and venue to be confirmed If you would like to find out the most up-to-date progress on the action notes above please visit If you wish to start/stop receiving information relating to Neighbourhood Forums, please email or call 024 7683 3049 giving your details and requesting that you are added or removed from our mailing list. Page 8
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