Added Value for Oral Care The ADVOCATE


Added Value for Oral Care The ADVOCATE
Added Value for Oral Care The ADVOCATE project
Developing and comparing new models for safe and efficient, preven6on oriented and pa6ent centred health care systems Oral Health Services in Europe
• Are pa'ents receiving the best possible care? • Are we addressing their disease or symptoms? • What does successful care look like, from pa'ents, prac''oner and system perspec've? • How efficient are our services? • What can we learn from diversity of systems? • Can we use data to mo'vate disease preven'on and crea'on of health? • Lessons for general health care systems? Mission & Objec@ves
ADVOCATE will establish an innova-ve evidence-­‐informed oral health care model which is pa'ent-­‐centred preven'on-­‐oriented and delivers safe and efficient care The ADVOCATE oral health care model 2020 • Op6mise added value for oral health care to society • Maximising popula'on wellbeing given available resources • Align incen-ves to extract be*er performance in the produc3on of health and health care • Increase efficiency in health care 1. University of Leeds
10. NHS England
11. Aridhia
4. University College Cork
9. DeCare Dental Insurance
5. University of Copenhagen
2. Medical University Heidelberg
8. BKK Germany
7. Achmea Health Insurance
6. Semmelweis University
Theore@cal basis Theory of Reasoned Ac@on
Intrinsic Mo'va'on AMtude Towards Behaviour Behaviour Inten'on Subjec've Norm Extrinsic Mo'va'on Behaviour Approach
Big data Raw data material Status quo •  Limited access •  Incomplete content •  Non-­‐harmonised standards Systema'c use of exis'ng data Health Outcome Informa6on •  Benchmarking dashboard for intrinsic mo'va'on •  Fine tuning of financial incen'ves to increase mo'va'on Enhanced data Pa6ent Engagement Applica6on •  OHP •  Pa'ent provider interac'on •  Self-­‐reported OHRQoL Development of oral health care model 2020
• Varia'on among different systems • Most effec've and efficient system design to extrinsically mo'vate disease preven'on • Harmonised indicators of success in the preven'on of disease and avoidance of unnecessary treatment in a benchmarking dashboard -­‐ intrinsic mo'va'on Development of oral health care model 2020
• Assess the effec'veness of this approach within prac'ce-­‐based research networks (PBRN) • Provide evidence-­‐informed guidance to policy-­‐ and decision makers for improved health systems planning by demonstra'ng the advantage and feasibility of rou'nely collec'ng key clinical and pa'ent-­‐centred health outcome informa'on Added Value in Oral Care
Less invasive treatment BeWer Oral Health Cost savings? ADVOCATE
PIs: Helen Whelton (Coordinator), University of Leeds, UK) Stefan Listl, University of Heidelberg, Germany Geert van der Heijden, ACTA, Amsterdam, NL Helen Whelton