Piezo Technology in Power Scaling
Piezo Technology in Power Scaling
Piezo Technology in Power Scaling sponsored by: APRIL 25, 2015 SAIT - CALGARY, AB 2 SESSIONS MORNING or AFTERNOON Lecture & some Hands-On Basics of Piezo Technology Difference Between Magnetostrictive and Piezo PRICING $90 Session Fee LOCATION SAIT POLYTECHNIC 1301 - 16 AVE NW - CALGARY Joan Leakey, DipDT, DipDH, DipPI, Med Joan is a full-time Associate Clinical Professor in the Dental Hygiene Program at the University of Alberta. She was the pre-clinic coordinator for 10 years, and has been the junior clinic coordinator since 2001. Her diplomas are in Dental Therapy, Dental Hygiene, Provincial Instructor Diploma from Vancouver Community College, and her Masters in Adult Education from Simon Frazer University. Joan’s primary focus is clinical education, and dedicates her time in the classroom, clinic and lab, in addition to working one day a week in private practice. Joan was also in the pilot for the Prescriber’s course. She is the CDHA representative for the Commission on Dental Accreditation Committee, and is also an item writer for the National Dental Hygiene Certification Board exam. Joan is co-author of the Dentition Assessment chapter in the Darby/Walsh, Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice text, and has written several articles in issues of “Family Health”, on topics of fluoride, tooth whitening, and tooth sensitivity. REGISTER AT: UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, FACULTY OF DENTISTRY - CONTINUING DENTAL EDUCATION www.dentistry.ualberta.ca/CDE | PH: 780.492.5391 | FAX: 780.492.8973 | EMAIL: dentce@ualberta.ca REGISTRATION FORM (DEN09) PIEZO TECHNOLOGY IN POWER SCALING SCHEDULE: REGISTRATION FEES: COURSE LOCATION: APRIL 25, 2015 Limited Attendance Course SAIT POLYTECHNIC Session Fee $ 90 1301 16 Ave NW Calgary, AB T2M 0L4 MORNING SESSION 8:30 9:00 11:00 Registration Program Adjourned CE CREDITS AFTERNOON SESSION 1:00 1:30 3:30 Participants who are attending this course will be credited 2 hrs CE Credits Registration Program Adjourned ROOM: NR421 ( SENATOR BURNS BLDG.) FORM INSTRUCTIONS: This form is provided with fields that can be completed online then printed off and signed. Upon signing, please FAX or EMAIL the form to: Fax: 780.492.8973 Email: dentce@ualberta.ca FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: TITLE: RDA RDH OTHER: ADDRESS: CITY: WORK #: PROV: ( CELL: ( ) PC: FAX: ( ) ) EMAIL: (required for confirmation/updates) SESSION: FEE: MORNING METHOD OF PAYMENT: $90 AFTERNOON SESSION FEE CHEQUE MASTERCARD NAME ON CARD: MC/VISA #: Please make CHEQUES payable to: UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA VISA EXP DATE: / SIGNATURE: MAIL or FAX FORM TO: Contact Information Below NOTE: Cancellations are subject to a $50 FEE, as this is a limited attendance course. Refunds are made only if notice of cancellation is given in writing (email) at least 3 weeks prior to the course date. FACULTY POLICY: The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry reserves the right to limit enrolment, cancel or change the location, time, course content or teaching personnel of any course as may be deemed necessary or advisable. For more information regarding courses please Contact: 780.492.5391 Email: dentce@ualberta.ca Fax: 780.492.8973 CONTINUING DENTAL EDUCATION, 5-566 EDMONTON CLINIC HEALTH ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA 11405 – 87 AVENUE NW, EDMONTON, AB T6G 1C9 PH: 780.492.5391 FAX: 780.492.8973 EMAIL: dentce@ualberta.ca
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