NAAC Letter 13th Feb 2015


NAAC Letter 13th Feb 2015
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An Autonomous lnstitution of the University Grants Commission
Dr. Ganesh Hegde
Assistant Adviser
NA.trClWR/G H4HGO GN r 9 30 r /
l3th Febnrary 2015
Cy cle/ 2Ol 4
Tel(O): (06432) 222389
Dr. Sitaram Singh
Email: deogharcollege I
Website: www. deogharcollegedeoghar. com
Deoghar College
Deoghar - 8l4l 13
Dear Sir,
Further to our earlier correspondence in this regards, the Peer Team to visit your institutions
for Accreditation of l"t Gycle has been constituted. Ttre Peer Team Visit to your institution
has been scheduled for 3 days from 23'd - 25th March 2015. The followingl are the peer team
members visit your institutions for Accreditation.
Prof. Muthuchelian
Tel (R) : 0452-2458669
Mobile: 09443358790
(Former Vice Chancellor, Periyar
Resi : 2/133 Sakthi Kudil
Palkalai Nagar East
drchelian I
Madurai -625021,
Tamil Nadu
Dr. Rajaram Shukla
HOD of Vedic DarshanDept.
Faculty of Sanskrit Vidya
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi- 22lOO5, Uttar Pradesh
Dr. Udayan Ghandra Sarkar
(Former Principal, B.B. College )
Resi: Jaugram Bazar,
P.O. - Jaugram. - ?13166,
Dist. Burdwan, West Bengal
Email: rrsvns@grmail,com
Tel:03451 -279247
Mobile: 09434330462
sarkar udavanchandra@re diffmail
In case of any resenration or conflict of interest with any of the above members, you may
kindly indicate the same in the enclosed format for e><lrression of 'No Conflict of Interest
statement', so that we can suitabty constitute the team. You are reguested to post the signed
document within a week to NAAC.
-2The financial implications towards Assessment and Accreditation would be as follows:
t. Accreditation fees Rs. l, 68,540/-(Fee is waived for Colleges recognized under section
2(f) artd l2(B) of the UGC Act).
2. TAIDA to Peer Team mem.bers including a co-ordinator from NAAC (To be met by the
college; will be reimbr:rsed by NAAC to the Institution after the completion of visit and
submission of the claim/vouchers - based on the 'rGuidelines for UGG Assistance for
Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education fnstitutions" for Colleges
recognized under section 2(f) arrd l2(B) of the UGC Act).
3' Honorarium to the Peer Team Members and Chairperson (To be reimbursed by NAAC to
the Institution after the completion of visit and submission of the claim/vouchers - based
on the r'Guidelines for UGG Assistance for .[ssessment and Accreditation of Higher
Education Institirtions")
Local Hospitality for Team and NAAC officer (To be met by the college; part of this
amount upto Rs.40,000/- may be reimbursed, as incidental expenses for meeting
accommodation, local hospitality and travel, stationary, Xeroxing, computer hiring, emailing, telephone/mobile charges for Colleges recognized under section 2(f) and l2 B
of the UGC Act).
The tentative Visit Schedule of the Peer Team is enclosed herewith, which may help you in
planning the activities of your college during the Peer Team Visit. You may however modify the
same suiting to the functioning of the institute and in consultation with Chairperson of the
Team arrd NAAC Co-ordinating officer before finalization.
The institution is also requested to intimate the details of the Peer Team Visit
Registrar/Director, CDCIBCIID of the Affiliating University and. Director/Commissioner of
Higher education or any other concerned authority of the state Government along with a request
to attend the Peer Team discussion session - "Interaction with management", if they so desire.
Kindly follow the "fnstitutional Accreditation Guidelines to the fnstitutions (effective from
l"t April 2OO7r". Enclosed is a "Format for the Feedback on the Peer Tearn from the Head of
the Institution" and "Declaration - fi,dherence to the Gode of Gonduct and Ethical
Standards" which the institution should submit to NAAC within one week from the completion of
the Peer Team Visit to the Institution.
A few points/issues to be taken care of during the Peer Team Visit are enclosed herewith for
your consideration and guidance. For any further queries on the visit you may contact the NAAC
Co-ordinator whose details are given below:
Dr. Ganesh Hegde, Assistant Adviser, National Assessment and Accreditation
Cor.rncil (NAAC)
P'O. Box. No. 1075, Opposite to National Law School of India University Nagarbhavi,
Bangalore - 560 072,Telz 080-2300slgl(D), Fax: 080-2gztoz6g, Mob: g+4gg+ogez,
Email: ganesh I 79@gmail. com
Your early response on the above matters would help us in timely planning of the progranrme.
With regards,
Yours sincerely
e Institutions 2. Guidelines for Assessment & Accreditation of Higher Education
Institution by NAAC with UGC Assistance, 3. Tentative Visit Schedule, 4. No Conflict of Interest
Statement. 5. Declaration- Adherence to the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards 6. Blank Profile
Important Points
t. The Peer team members may be arziving on previous day of the visit. You are
requested to make accommodation irrrang'ements for three Peer Team members and a
NAAC Officer. The members will communicate their travel plans to you directly. It is
suggested that while the accommodation provided may have basic amenities,
luxurious and lavish arrangements may be avoided please. In case the institution
has its own guesthouse, the peer team members would be happy to avail of the facility.
2. Please prepare the visit schedule as per the format given by NAAC & discuss with
team members/handover to them on their arrival.
3. Please faxle-mail the details regarding the stay arrang'ements such as Name, Address,
Contact numbers etc to Peer Team Members and NAAC.
4. During the program, the peer team will interact with faculty and visit the facilities of
the departments, conduct meetings with staff, students etc., randomly and collectively
considering the profile of the institution.
5. Please arrang'e visit to departments keeping in mind their proximity, so that the Peer
Team members may move across the campus sequentially.
6. During.the visit, the Peer Team Members may be provided a room in the College
premises for their day-to-day functioning. It is necessary that the room be equipped
with a computer, printer and some secretarial assistance. As'the work of the Team
tends to extend into later hours in the night, it will be appreciated if similar facilities
are made available in the place of stay too to facilitate smooth functioning of the team.
7. Expenditure towards TA/DA, boarding, lodging and the local transport will have to be
borne by the institution. All the payments to the members may be made before the
team leaves the institution.
8. TAIDA may be paid as per the actual expenses of the peer team members and as per
the existing rules & regulations.
is as follows:
of honorarium
Chaincerson (Rs.3000 X 3davs +Rs.5000/- as Sittinq fee)
Member Co-ordinator (Rs.3000 X Sdays + Rs. 4000/- Co-ordinator
Member Rs.3000 X Sdavs)
Rs.9.000/Total Rs.36,000/-
keeping with the traditions of the process and in order to maintain Professionalism,
gestures such as presentation of gifts should be avoided.
t0. Circulars may be sent to faculty, staff and students for the meetings to be organized
independently. To facilitate the various meetings of the Peer'.Team it is suggested that
adequate internal publicity be given about the peer team visit. The institution may
kindly note that the peer team members would like to acquaint themselves with the
strengths and weaknesses of the institution and analyze the mechanism adopted for
quality improvement. The meetings are neither a faultfinding exercise nor an attempt
to solve the grievances and the whole exercise is "aimed at positive introspection".
9. In