2015 Sire Directory
2015 Sire Directory
Mark & Cathy DeBoo www.diamonddangus.com 1-800-932-6487 406-279-3633 2015 Sire Directory Semen for Sale 1 What will Diamond D Angus Genetics do for you? Diamond D Angus would like to thank all of our past and future customers for believing in and supporting our program. Some might say we are out of the main stream. We have chosen to put a lot more emphases on functional and economic traits rather than EPD’s. During the 1980’s, cattle were being bred to look like race horses - all legs and no guts. Many of the functional traits were left behind in the race for big numbers. We did not follow this trend; instead, choosing to breed for just classic Angus traits. While we have not bred cattle for carcass numbers, our ultrasound numbers are very good. This is an indication that just good basic Angus have always had good meat quality. Our commercial industry needs great cattle, not cattle with great numbers. Breeding cattle with great numbers is easy. Breeding great cattle is a challenging task. ♦ Consistency - Diamond D Angus genetics will breed more true—due to the many years of intensive line breeding. ♦ Calving ease - We have always put emphases on good calving ease. We typically will not use a bull on cows that we would not also use on first calf heifers. ♦ Carcass - Ultrasound has proven that DDA cattle excel in the grass fed beef industry, and as always, are still suitable for the feed lot. Diamond D Angus cattle have proven to be consistently superior in tenderness. ♦ Efficiency - For many years, the cows and calves have been weighed at weaning and conditions scores are given. Typically our cows are weaning calves weighing 50% of their own weight or greater. We prefer a 4-frame cow weighing 1200 to 1300 pounds in good flesh. ♦ Longevity - Most traits can be compared to a chapter in a book, but longevity is the entire book. Diamond D Angus has numerous cows that are still in the herd at the age of fifteen and beyond. What DDA Forage Developed coming two year old bulls will offer: ♦ More fertile and will cover more cows. ♦ Will continue to gain weight through first breeding season. ♦ No bull’s feet or legs ruined due to hot feed. ♦ More years of service; fewer injuries and breeding problems. ♦ Bulls are more conditioned to the real world. The emphases here on the ranch have been placed on efficiency, moderate frame and high maternal mothers. We like a 4-frame cow that will weigh 1200 to 1300 pounds in good flesh. These are the cows that will last in the herd. This is not a new direction or philosophy for Diamond D Angus. We have been on a consistent course with very little variation for over forty-six years. Mark & Cathy DeBoo 4092 Valier-Dupuyer Rd 1-406-279-3633 1-406-799-3480 cell 1-800-932-6487 dda@3rivers.net DDA Emblazon 27C Reg # 14257843 Calved: 2/01/02 Tattoo: 27C EPDs BW +2.0 WW +40 YW +61 SC -0.03 MILK +18 $EN +24.46 $W +44.22 Q A S TRAVELER 23-4 # DHD TRAVELER 6807 # BEMINDFUL MAID D H D 0807 # OCC EMBLAZON 854E #+ REG 12514348 PBC 707 1M F0203 # DIXIE ERICA OF C H 1019 DIXIE ERICA OF C H 615 SHOSHONE ERIC 1714 SHOSHONE 130-6357 SHOSHONE FRANCES 6357 # DDA MELISA 824 # REG 13054587 BEAR OF WYE UMF 6591 DDA MELISA 545 DDA MELISA 115 14257843 DDA Melisa 824 Mother to 27C and E5H ♦ We are happy to announce DDA Emblazon 27C has been put to the test all across the U.S., Canada, Australia and South America. He may be the thickest easiest fleshing bull we have ever seen, and he does it on 100% forage. A large part of our market on semen is to cow/calf operations. The times that registered breeders have chosen to use this great sire. The bulls top their sales. ♦ The mother of 27C is now 17 years old and still in production. Both her and 27C landed spots in the Angus Legends books. ♦ This great sire should be in every registered herd in the country. I know he will not be, because he was not bred for the EPD numbers game. DDA Emblazon 27C is a five frame bull weighing 2300 lbs. after the breeding season. He is an udder-fixer due to Shoshone 130, Bear and Fahren of Wye on the dam side and OCC Emblazon on the sire side. He traces to the same cow family as DDA Fahren 21X. Phenotypically, this bull is very correct with great feet and legs. 1 DDA Fahren 21X Reg # 12773616 Calved: 2/01/97 Tattoo: 21X EPDs BW -1.9 WW +24 YW +44 SC +0.47 MILK +11 $EN +62.6 $W +49.43 FAVOUR OF WYE FENLAND OF WYE FINE OF WYE # FAHREN OF WYE UMF 5830 REG 10762574 BUTLER OF WYE FLORELLE OF WYE UMF 5229 # FRANNIE OF WYE # BEAR OF WYE UMF 6591 CARTY OF WYE UMF 6952 CLOVA OF WYE UMF 6686 DDA MELISA 549 REG 12320123 MC GILL CREEK BLAZE 0241 DDA MELISA 381 # DDA MELISA 115 12773616 DDA Fahren 21X Daughter DDA Fahren 21X is a line bred Fahren of Wye. The Fahren daughters we have are some of the best cows we have ever owned. They are deep, thick and very functional with almost perfect udder quality. We have Fahren daughters that are very sound at 19 years of age. The temperament of his offspring is second to none. If you are looking for a sire to use on your first calf heifers and would like to sleep at night this is your bull. We have sold thousands of straws on this great bull for use on heifers. We have never had a complaint. Calving ease supreme Guaranteed. You will also want to use him on your cows and save every daughter he produces. His semen is in high demand and has been used all across the U.S. and Canada with outstanding satisfaction. 2 DDA Lodge E5H Reg # 15974013 Calved: 2/14/07 Tattoo: E5H EPDs BW +2.3 WW +17 YW +23 SC -0.33 MILK +10 $EN +65.45 $W +32.05 FABRON OF WYE CAREER OF WYE CLARICE OF WYE + LODGE OF WYE REG 4020202 PRINCE OF MALPAS + LORENA OF WYE DEVOTION OF WYE SHOSHONE ERIC 1714 SHOSHONE 130-6357 SHOSHONE FRANCES 6357 # DDA MELISA 824 # REG 13054587 BEAR OF WYE UMF 6591 DDA MELISA 545 DDA MELISA 115 15974013 DDA Melisa E706 Full sister to E5H What an outstanding individual DDA Lodge E5H is. He is very deep, long and thick. He has a great temperament and very good feet and legs. He is a maternal brother to 27C. His sire is Lodge of Wye. Lodge is one of twelve bulls in the entire breed that has been proven genetic defect free. We have four full sisters to E5H in production and they are phenotypically very correct. The E5H daughters are beautiful young cows. They are very feminine, fertile cows that will stay in production for a very long time. Udder quality is nearly perfect. The E5H sons have sold very well at our sale. 3 Hyland BC 0668 Reg # 15528673 Calved: 3/11/06 Tattoo: 0668 EPDs BW +1.3 WW +29 YW +32 SC -0.97 MILK +15 $EN +44.15 $W +42.97 FABRON OF WYE CAREER OF WYE CLARICE OF WYE + LODGE OF WYE REG 4020202 PRINCE OF MALPAS + LORENA OF WYE DEVOTION OF WYE LEONID OF WYE # MISTIC OF VOLGA 2018 + MARGARET OF VOLGA 9009 # HYLAND BARBARA 0266 #+ REG 14304783 LEROY OF VOLGA 9874 BARBARA OF VOLGA 2094 # BARBARA OF VOLGA 9835 15528673 DDA Hana 879 Daughter of 0668 When we saw this great pedigree, we thought what an opportunity to continue lining up the same goodness that Fahren came from. His dam is line bred good old Wye and Rito 707. She is truly a great maternal cow. His sire, Lodge of Wye, is one of the very few sires that has been proven genetic defect free. Lodge also ranks #2 in the entire breed for $EN. His daughters in production are beautiful young cows. Very feminine, great udder quality and fleshing ability. Co-owned with Hyland Angus. 4 DDA B&T 18K Reg # 16878656 Calved: 5/01/10 Tattoo: 18K EPDs BW -0.1 WW +36 YW +53 SC I+.07 MILK +9.0 $EN +34.14 $W +31.35 LONESTAR OF WYE BANJO OF WYE UMF 6413 BLACKBIRD OF WYE UMF 5362 # DDA BANJO 1101 REG 11603400 BLACK BROWE JUMBO 37P MISS DIAMOND JUMBO 587 MISS DIAMOND CHANCE 334 PARAMONT AMBUSH 2172 # HIGH VALLEY 4C6 AMBUSH # HIGH VALLEY GLORIA 1Q2 DDA GALATEA 031 REG 13647176 BANJO OF WYE UMF 6413 DDA GALATEA 423 GALATEA DIAMOND 006 16878656 Mother to 18K DDA Galatea 031 at 13 years old We are very excited about this young bull. Phenotypically, he is very correct. He is long bodied with great depth and thickness. Very good temperament. The average birth weight on his sons has been 75 pounds, all falling between 69 and 80 pounds. He is double bred Banjo of Wye. His mother is 15 years old and still in production. Diamond D Angus will be using this young bull very heavily in the upcoming years. His daughters are making very nice young cows, they are very good mothers and have great temperament. 5 DDA Pinebank 50H Reg # 15980176 Calved: 4/21/07 Tattoo: 50H EPDs BW -1.4 WW +30 YW +47 SC +0.35 MILK +12 $EN +35.63 $W +32.94 This is a bull that was sold in our 2008 sale to the Ole Farms in Athabasca, Alberta Canada. I had the opportunity to attend the Ole Farms sale in February. The 50H bull is now 8 years old and looks fantastic. His sons have topped their sale for two 15980176 years in a row. I feel strong enough about this great sire, that I bought a son at their sale. Look for his progeny in the future. We will also be using the 50H semen here at Diamond D Angus. Travis Olson from the Ole Farms reports to me that the 50H daughters are among some of their very favorite females. This is really worth a lot, because they are running over 1000 head. They are the largest seed stock producer in Canada. This is what the Ole Farms wrote in their sale catalog. 50H is one of the deepest bodied, smoothest moving bulls to have ever walked at Ole Farms. Use of him will improve feet quality, add fleshing ability, and reduce frame score and birth weight. 50H will leave you some of the most attractive and functional females in the industry. Co-owned with the Ole Farms. PINEBANK WAIG 5/93 PINEBANK WAIG 31/95 PINEBANK WAIG 58/93 PINEBANK WAIGROUP 41/97 # REG 14959541 TUPURUPURU 838/86 PINEBANK 639/88 PINEBANK 663/85 FAHREN OF WYE UMF 5830 DDA FAHREN 5Z D D A ZELDA 791 MELISA 206 DDA REG 14095558 O C C EMBLAZON 854E +# DDA MELISA 003 D D A MELISA 381 # Jad Fremont Z6306 Reg # 17472365 Calved: 4/05/12 Tattoo: Z6306 EPDs SHOSHONE LUD 840 JAD PRUDENT LAD 6157 SHOSHONE PRUDENCE 6157 JAD EX T3199 REG 16029920 SHOSHONE EUSTON 3131 SHOSHONE ESTER 731-3199 HBR ESTER 3128-731 SHOSHONE PYUS 6157 SHOSHONE PIVOT 6159 SHOSHONE PRUDENCE 6159 SHOSHONE FRANCES 6306 REG 14039458 SHOSHONE EGAN 3128 SHOSHONE FRANCES 6347 SHOSHONE FRANCES 6357 Mother to JAD Fremont BW +1.8 WW +23 YW +34 SC I+.39 MILK +15 $EN +30.88 $W +19.52 This pedigree combines some of the very best Shoshone maternal genetics. The Great Grandmother is also the mother to our Shoshone 130 bull. The Shoshone 130 is the maternal Grand sire to some of our great sires we are using today, like DDA Emblazon 27C, DDA Lodge E5H. Due to the fact that I could not say it any better, this is what John Dockweiler writes about this great sire. ”It takes time to concentrate genetically superior cows into every slot of an animal’s recent recorded ancestry. Once that has been done, it provides a certain stability and predictability.” Co Owned with John Dockweiler and Scott Shively. 6 RDDA Roy 33K Reg # 1410549 Calved: 5/03/10 Tattoo: 33K EPDs BW -3 WW +59 YW +82 SC MILK +14 $EN $W LUN CHEROKEE CHF 902 BB L902 BBRED 5236 BB 1502 KANSAS 1912 BB 5236 BBRED 6015 REG 322719 BB CHOCJULS SLEE1369 MM 1369 SALEE 1907 MHM LARETTA 420 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON JULIAN G1 J526 BECKTON ANNIE F743 LN RDDA MELISA 836 REG 1284627 BECKTON HUSTLER C2 L079 RDDA MELISA 627 DDA MELISA 420 This bull has great depth, length and fleshing ability. Like in all good Diamond D Angus cattle, he never had any grain or supplement of any kind. 1410549 His temperament is also very good. He traces to our good Melisa cow family, like so many of our good black Angus. His sire comes from the great maternal herd of Roy Beebe. HRegA# 17505028 R Pinebank 443 202 Calved: 3/27/12 Tattoo: 202 PINEBANK WAIG 5/93 PINEBANK WAIG 31/95 PINEBANK WAIG 58/93 PINEBANK WAIGROUP 41/97 # REG 14959541 TUPURUPURU 838/86 PINEBANK 639/88 PINEBANK 663/85 D D A AMBUSH 20Y DDA ALLY 69C GALATEA DIAMOND 006 DDA STELLA 443 REG 14663400 OCC EMBLAZON 854E #+ DDA STELLA 216 DDA STELLA 057 EPDs BW I+.5 WW I+34 YW I+52 SC MILK I+16 $EN +28.85 $W +38.53 This is a ¾ brother to the 50H. We used him natural service on 77 two year old heifers after their first calf. After pregnancy checking in December we had 2 out of the 77 open. This group of 77 heifers was not AI bred prior to turning the 202 bull. I am very excited to get 75 calves out of this great young sire. Bulls with this kind of fertility and drive will sire fertile feminine females. This bull is very correct with great feet. Co- owned with Hague Angus Ranch. 7 17505028 The Diamond D Angus Story I am the third generation DeBoo raising functional Angus cows. It all started with my grandfather and grandmother (Charlie and Mary) in the 1950’s. At that time, Charles was the only registered Angus breeder in the Golden Triangle area of Montana. In the early days, he owned a bull called Pattern of Wye. Pattern of Wye was instrumental in shaping the future for DDA. In 1972, my grandfather’s life was cut short after hip replacement surgery. He died less than 24 hours later. My dad and mom (Don and Janet) were married in 1957 and started raising cows on shares with my grandparents, on a small ranch 10 miles southwest of Valier. My Mom and Dad raised 7 kids on this small operation. Needless to say, everyone needed to learn how to work and be very thrifty and efficient. That also included the cows. In 1962, my Mom and Dad bought their first registered Angus heifers. They continued raising commercial cattle at that time. Due to the influence from Pattern of Wye, my Dad learned that all cows were not created equally. In the 1960’s, most cattle were very short and blocky; they would have been a frame score of 1 or maybe in the negative figures. The Wye cattle were the larger framed cattle for the time period. The industry trend changed in the late 60’s and early 70’s to larger framed cattle and the Wye cattle became very popular. There were a lot of very functional cattle at that time. The trend continued to go larger and larger framed in the late 70’s and 80’s. My parents tried to follow the trend until the early 1980’s. I am very thankful that at that time my parents knew what a really good functional Angus cow was like. It did not take them long to understand the direction the industry was headed and this was not the path they wanted to be on. Due to the influence of the Pattern of Wye bull in the early 70’s and the direction the whole industry was headed, Diamond D Angus knew they didn’t want to follow this route. They decided with the knowledge of the old Pattern Bull, they would once again go to the Wye herd for their genetics. My parents spent many years selling bulls private treaty to repeat commercial buyers. After working 6 years as a mechanic for John Deere, I (Mark) moved back to the ranch in 1988. We had our 1st production sale in the spring of 1989 in an old barn. Looking at it today, I still wonder how we did it. At that time, we were selling about 50 bulls at the sale. Perhaps our competition was averaging more per bull than we were, for it was the start of the big EPD race. We continued to line breed for functional, maternal and efficient traits. This was not a popular or easy path to be on at the time. I am 100% convinced it was the proper path to take. In 2006, we had our first fall production sale where we sold long yearling forage developed bulls. I would challenge any registered breeder to forage test your bulls if you really want to know what they are made of. This has proven to be a very good change for DDA. In recent years, we are selling our genetics all over the US, Canada and Argentina. We now sell about 130 bulls every fall and about 100 bred females at our production sale. This is our 10th annual Sire Directory where we offer our timetested line bred genetics. 8 Semen Price List—2015 ♦ Free ground shipping on orders over $1,500. ♦ 50 % off shipping on orders over $1,000. ♦*10 % DISCOUNT on orders over $1,000. ♦*Prices NAME DDA Emblazon 27C DDA Fahren 21X DDA Sure Enough 6D Carty of Wye UMF 6952 DDA Fahren 5Z DDA Dazeler 2E DDA Lodge E5H DDA B&T 18K DDA Freemen 68F DDA Banjo 2124 DDA Banjo E2B DDA Emulation 30K DDA Freemen 160K DDA Favour 26F Hyland BC 0668 MH Mick 53 DDA Lazer 114 I DDA Favour E4H DDA Roy 33K H A R Pinebank 443 202 Jad Fremont Z6306 subject to change without notice. REG. # SEMEN CERTIFICATE VOLUME #14257843 #12773616 #14381036 #11773159 #13299980 #14663340 #15974013 #16878656 #15165535 #11789346 #13825814 #16879584 #16893849 #15435944 #15528673 #15993873 #16256306 #15974012 #1410549 #17505028 # 17472365 $20 $20 $15 $50 $15 $15 $15 $15 $20 $15 $20 $15 $15 $15 $20 $20 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35__________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ $35 __________________ Call, Write or E-mail your order to: DIAMOND D ANGUS Mark DeBoo ------ 1-406-279-3633-------- 1-406-799-3480 cell ------ dda@3rivers.net 4092 Valier Dupuyer Rd., Valier, MT 59486 ♦ www.diamonddangus.com As founder and President of Thousand Hills Cattle Company, I have examined over five thousand 100% grass fed cattle over the past five years. The fat open 24 month old heifers Mark ships me every spring are consistently the best cattle I kill each year; excellent marbling and backfat, large ribeyes, calm dispositions, great tenderness and fine muscle texture. My only complaint is that there aren’t enough of them and they make the rest of the fat cattle look bad! In addition to the desirable carcass qualities, because of the tight breeding and ruthless culling over the years, I like all the DDA cattle I’ve seen at their sales - they would all work perfectly in my program. Please consider using DDA bulls, especially if you are in MN or the Dakotas, because I want to purchase more DDA bred fats and yearlings. Todd Churchill ♦ Thousand Hills Cattle Company 9 Fall Production Sale Thursday, November 12, 2015 at the Ranch—Valier, MT Mark & Cathy DeBoo 4092 Valier-Dupuyer Road Valier, MT 59486 FIRST CLASS MAIL FIRST CLASS MAIL AUTO U.S. POSTAGE PAID LEWISTOWN, MT PERMIT NO. 181