PDF - Kantar Retail


PDF - Kantar Retail
Join Kantar Retail’s thought leaders for a two-day event aimed
at ensuring your 2016 plans are strategically vital, predictively
accurate, and closely aligned against your most important
customers. Using our proprietary, best-in-class forecasting tools
and industry-leading strategic insights, Kantar Retail will share the
quantitative and qualitative expectations critical for making your
business plans come to life. This event is designed to arm you with
all the information you need to refine and improve your business
plans. You’ll leave this event with the knowledge and skills
necessary to build an integrated, strategic and thought-tested plan
for 2016.
In addition, this event will preview Kantar Retail’s latest research
on REconfigure REtail, a content construct revealing strategies for
driving competitive advantage by means of reengaging shoppers,
reimagining value, reinventing formats, and retooling commerce.
Join Kantar Retail at this two day signature Forum to assess what
the reconfiguration of retail means for you.
Agenda Overview
Through deep dive focus sessions, big idea keynotes, and
interactive networking opportunities, this event will inspire your
teams to think deeply and effectively about what your organization
will need to do in order to be successful in 2016 and beyond. This
Forum is comprised of two compelling days of content. First, a
day of general session, channel-focused keynote presentations
that will help you identify “Where To Play” in each major channel.
Second, a breakout session day of classes designed to teach
you specifically “How to Win.” General session content (day 1) is
tailored to supplier & retailer teams, and specifically national
and channel sales leadership, brand marketing, and strategic
customer executives. Breakout session content (day 2) is
specifically curated for supplier teams and their leadership who
need to refine and execute customer plans. Networking breaks
are built in throughout the event providing ample time to exchange
ideas with your peers and Kantar Retail knowledge experts.
REconfigure Your REtail Planning
Event Overview
2015 Mid Year Forum
June 3–4, 2015: Boston | June 17–18, 2015: Chicago
Register now before
this event sells out!
Why Attend
•Learn from our knowledge experts.
Get the latest data to help you
understand the retail trends of today.
•Engage with your peers. Network
and problem solve with people facing
relatable challenges.
•Advance your business. Gain forwardlooking, actionable insights to advance
your key business initiatives.
Please contact events@kantarretail.com for
more information or to register.
Battery Wharf Hotel, Boston Waterfront
3 Battery Wharf
Phone: 617-994-9000
Room rate: $355
Cut-off date: May 8, 2015
Conrad Hilton Chicago Hotel
521 North Rush Street
Phone: 312-645-1500
Room rate: $315
Cut-off date: May 9, 2015
Kantar Retail Workshops are ideal for team collaboration and
Kantar Retail Forums are ideal for team collaboration and shared
shared learning,
seat discounts
are available
for bookings.
and seat and
are available
for multiple
includes continental
includes fee
breakfast breakfast,
and workshop
digital format.inCancellations
be advised
and workshopin presentations
digital format.
10 business
days prior
to the event.
An administration
be advised
in writing
10 business
days prior
to the event.
fee will be incurred for cancellations. A refund will not be given
for cancellations.
if An
a delegate
fails to fee
10 business days
be given
if a delegate
to attend
to will
the not
are fails
at anyortime.
within 10
prior to by
views expressed
do not
allowed ofat Kantar
any time.
and conclusions
necessarily reflect those of the retailers under discussion, nor
by Kantar
Retail supported
represent bythe
they endorsed
or otherwise
the opinions
Retail. The views expressed do not necessarily
the retailer.
reflect those of the retailers under discussion, nor are
they endorsed or otherwise supported by the management
of the retailer.
For more information on this event visit www.digital.kantarretail.com/myf2015
2015 Mid Year Forum
June 3–4, 2015: Boston | June 17–18, 2015: Chicago
Detailed Agenda
General Session | June 3 (Boston) and June 17 (Chicago)
7:00 am–8:00 am | Breakfast & Registration
8:00 am–8:15 am | Welcome & Opening Remarks |
Andrew Stockwell
8:15 am–9:00 am | REconfigure Your Retail Plans |
Leon Nicholas
This presentation will explore ways in which you can:
•Align to the key themes of the day, and specifically
why you must REconfigure your retail plans to account
for a landscape that has shifted fundamentally
•Consider how broader macro and strategic crosscurrents will define where you’ll play ... and how you’ll
win in a new era of continuous planning
•Determine how retailers’ efforts to REtool commerce
and REinvent formats, along with shoppers’ dynamic
conceptions of REimagined value, provide new lenses
through which to view your customer strategies
9:00 am–9:30 am | Rethinking Loyalty to REengage
Shoppers | Rachel McGuire
While today’s shopper has a wider choice of retailers and
more touchpoints to connect with those retailers than
ever before, she also is trying to streamline and simplify
her shopping routine—and succeeding. The retailers
that will thrive in this environment will be those that can
win the shopper, not just the trip—requiring a robust
understanding of the factors that engender true loyalty
from shoppers rather than just achieving behavioral
outcomes. Key questions this presentation will address:
•Why it is paramount we rethink shopper loyalty now?
•How do shoppers understand loyalty?
•What can suppliers do to align with retailers in order
to win the shopper?
9:30 am–10:15 am | Connecting Across Walmart’s
Formats to Drive Growth | Laura Kennedy & Robin Sherk
Key learnings from this presentation include:
•Identify how Walmart is driving growth today, across
its three key formats: the Supercenter, Neighborhood
Market, and Walmart.com.
•How your retailer plan must evolve in light of
strategic, organizational, and format changes
underway at Walmart.
•Examine the implications of Walmart’s multiple touch
points on vendor team organization and planning.
10:15 am–10:45 am | Morning Networking Break
10:45 am–11:15 am | Not Your Mom’s Target | Amy Koo
Target’s success was always linked to the life and times
of the Boomer generation. But now their daughters are
raising families of their own, and “Expect More” from
the proclaimed cheap chic retailer. This presentation will
explore ways you can help Target:
•Offer integrated solutions that fit seamlessly within
guests’ lives
•Engage guests in the right place at the right time
•Get up close and personal with guests and
11:15 am–11:45 am | Fast Growth and Confusion:
Successful Planning in Convenience | Dave Marcotte
Convenience chains are rapidly remodeling and building
into new and far larger stores, built for greater volume
and a wide range of products and services. It is also a
highly regional and disparate channel made up of 100’s of
retailers. We will talk about the means of accessing and
planning in this channel that is decidedly different than
others, but can lead to quick success. This presentation
will help you:
•Get the message right on all five points of
merchandising impact
•Find the right placement and POP for products and
•Have measurable results from the buyers’ desk into
the store
11:45 am–12:15 pm | Q&A Panel | Leon Nicholas, Rachel
McGuire, Laura Kennedy, Robin Sherk, Amy Koo, &
Dave Marcotte
12:15 pm–1:15 pm | Networking Lunch
For more information on this event visit www.digital.kantarretail.com/myf2015
2015 Mid Year Forum
June 3–4, 2015: Boston | June 17–18, 2015: Chicago
1:15 pm–1:45 pm | Club Retailing: So Easy It’s Hard |
John Rand
The three clubs remain among the most reliable
performers in U.S retail, and yet many suppliers still
struggle to maximize the returns from the channel that
first challenged ordinary retail decades ago. What is the
future for you and the club channel? Key learnings from
this presentation include:
•Which fundamental club behaviors are still valid – and
which might change
•Why the three clubs are so hard for many suppliers
to manage – and what you need to do to correct your
•Why the next three years are critical for the success of
the club channel –and your business in it
1:45 pm–2:15 pm | A Drug Channel Wellness Guide
to Growth | Brian Owens
As millions of shoppers continue to enter into the health
care system, shoppers are trying to decipher through the
complexity of primary care coverage, adherence, medical
networks, value based pricing and most important the day
to day anxiety of staying healthy. The US drug channel is
uniquely positioned to deliver services & solutions against
these needs. This speech will educate you on how CVS,
Walgreens and Rite Aid are strategically positioned to win
and provide a framework on the best way suppliers should
REengage its retail partners. Key questions this class
presentation answer:
•What are the macro factors affecting the US Drug
•How are CVS, Walgreens Alliance Boots and Rite Aid
strategically positioned today
•What are the implications and competitive threats
suppliers must understand
2:15 pm–2:45 pm | Supermarket Success: The Basics,
But Better | John Rand & Alida Destrempe
The objectives are the same and fundamental relationships
still matter, but the principles that will drive success
in supermarkets are changing rapidly. The variety of
the customer landscape demands a far more complex
approach to even the most basic functions. Key questions
this presentation will answer:
•How can suppliers effectively partner with
supermarket retailers in the future?
•What are the key trends in the channel that will most
impact both the retailer and the supplier community?
•Where should your focus be to create sustainable
business improvements?
•What is still true in the supplier-retailer relationship
and what has forever changed?
2:45 pm–3:15 pm | Afternoon Networking Break
3:15 pm–3:45 pm | Unlocking Growth by Winning Online |
Anne Zybowski
Key learnings from this presentation include:
•The impact of online shopping and purchasing on the
overall retail landscape and across categories.
•Understanding the impact of Amazon’s continued
double-digit growth on the channel and the shopper.
•Where to place your bets with the leading retailers that
are committed to winning online.
3:45 pm–4:15 pm | Discounters Reconfigured |
Mike Paglia
Key questions this presentation will answer:
• How has the fundamental dynamic within the channel
• Who comprises the “next wave” of emerging retailers
in the discounter space?
• How do your planning assumptions need to change
going forward?
4:15 pm–4:45 pm | Closing Remarks | John Rand
4:45 pm–5:15 pm | Q&A Panel | John Rand, Alida
Destrempe, Brian Owens, & Anne Zybowski
5:15 pm–6:00 pm | Evening Networking Reception
Meet the Experts | June 4 & June 18
(9:00 am–12:00 pm & 1:00 pm–4:00 pm)
We are excited to provide Mid Year Forum attendees
with a new opportunity to connect directly with the
Analysts at this year’s event. Meet The Experts is a
special program designed to connect attendees with
Kantar Retail’s Knowledge Experts. Participating
attending companies can meet with pre-selected
analysts to discuss top of mind business issues
through a series of 20-minute appointments arranged
by Kantar Retail. Scheduling for these meetings will
open May 1st and be offered on a first come, first
serve basis. Visit digital.kantarretail.com/myf2015
to learn more details.
For more information on this event visit www.digital.kantarretail.com/myf2015
2015 Mid Year Forum
June 3–4, 2015: Boston | June 17–18, 2015: Chicago
Breakout Sessions | June 4 (Boston) and June 18 (Chicago)
7:00 am–8:00 am | Breakfast & Registration
8:00 am–9:45 am | Track 1 Classes
(Concurrent Sessions—Select one class from the following to attend)
Capturing Walmart’s Small Box and Digital
Opportunities | Laura Kennedy & Robin Sherk
Key learnings from this class include:
•How Walmart will harness initiatives in small
formats and Walmart.com to drive more than half of
its growth through 2019
•What suppliers should focus on to align strategies
with Neighborhood Market’s trajectory
•@WalmartLabs influence: advancing shopper
connections across the path to purchase,
integrating digital tools and touchpoints within its
core store experience
Channel and Category Insights from Macro Trends |
Doug Hermanson & Frank Badillo
(This session will also be presented in the next time slot
at 3 pm)
Leaders and laggards continue to emerge among the
channels and categories that Kantar Retail tracks and
forecasts based on macroeconomic sources. This class
will focus on the notable shifts among these channels
and categories to try to answer a variety of questions:
•Where are economic trends creating sales
opportunities or challenges by category?
•How are competitive factors—including the shift
online—affecting the sales opportunities and
challenges by channel?
•Where can the channel and category insights be
tied to key differences by age and income (i.e., Have
vs. Have Nots)?
Supermarkets: Where to Focus | John Rand &
Alida Destrempe
The supermarket channel continues to undergo radical
restructuring, as the marketplace continues to evolve.
Who is on top and why? How can suppliers create
and effective customer strategy for the channel? Join
us as we classify why some retailers are meeting or
exceeding industry norms and how they create a series
of observable and predictable success patterns. Key
questions this class will answer:
•How can a supplier create plans that are effective in
a fragmented supermarket channel?
•How can suppliers move beyond history to create
more accurate plans?
•How suppliers can cluster retailers to create
•Where should suppliers place their bets for growth?
•Who is leading channel growth and where should
you put your energies?
Discounters—Drawing New Constellations |
Mike Paglia
Key questions this class will answer:
•What are the key planning assumptions to consider
from a macro-economic and planning perspective?
•How will the impact of the Dollar Tree-Family Dollar
integration play out?
•How should suppliers approach the diversity of
customers in this channel?
9:45 am–10:15 am | Break
For more information on this event visit www.digital.kantarretail.com/myf2015
2015 Mid Year Forum
June 3–4, 2015: Boston | June 17–18, 2015: Chicago
10:15 am–12:00 pm | Track 2 Classes
(Concurrent Sessions—Select one class from the following to attend)
Aligning with Walmart’s Evolving Supercenter |
Leon Nicholas & Robin Sherk
Key learnings from this class include:
•Perspective on Greg Foran’s strategy forward, across
merchandising and shopper marketing
•How Walmart is repositioning the Supercenter to
serve the next generation of shoppers
•The implications of Walmart’s increasingly
sophisticated analytics on vendor team configuration
and partnership
Loyalty and Licentiousness in Today’s Shopper
Landscape | Rachel McGuire & Kate Senzamici
(This session will also be presented in the next time
slot at 1 pm)
Who is winning the ongoing battle for the hearts and
minds of shoppers? In this class, we’ll take a more indepth look at shopper loyalty in food/drug/mass shopping,
with a focus on how key retailers are performing—both in
terms of what shoppers think and feel about them, and
also what it means for their shopping behavior at those
retailers. Key learnings from this class include:
•What are the major inflection points shaping food/
drug/mass shopping
•Which food/drug/mass retailers are winning shoppers
today, and why
•How disruptors are changing the shopper landscape,
and what that means for key retailers
retailer capabilities that will drive growth over the next
several years. This class will help you:
•Understand current industry trends that are altering
the nature of successful supermarket retail
•Identify why a single supermarket channel strategy
will always be ineffective at maximizing your business
– and what to do about it
•Learn the five basic business models that cannot be
ignored in creating supermarket plans – and why you
need to align to all of them
The 4P Strategy to Winning in Drug | Brian Owens
This class will provide the key details suppliers need to
know when selling to CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid. It
will provide the strategic priorities each retailer faces in
the macro environment and why Walmart is the biggest
competitive threat. Lastly, we at Kantar Retail will provide
actionable supplier recommendations to RE-energize your
existing retail partnership.
Key learnings from this class include:
1.Deep understanding of CVS , Walgreens and Rite Aid
Front Store Strategies
2.Overview of Walmart neighborhood market expansion
and why it’s a competitive threat
3.Pricing, Product, Promotion and Placement
Merchandising 4 Ps Recommendations
How to Win: Why Segmentation is Key to Effective
Supermarket Strategy | John Rand & Alida Destrempe
Customer segmentation is imperative for success within
a fragmented, grocery marketplace where growth is
widespread but customers are highly variable. We will
provide a brief overview of how suppliers can effectively
segment grocery customers and offer clarity around
12:00 pm–1:00 pm | Networking Lunch
For more information on this event visit www.digital.kantarretail.com/myf2015
2015 Mid Year Forum
June 3–4, 2015: Boston | June 17–18, 2015: Chicago
1:00 pm–2:45 pm | Track 3 Classes
(Concurrent Sessions—Select one class from the following to attend)
Fitting into the New Target | Amy Koo
Description: CEO Brian Cornell is deploying his team to
move swiftly ahead with significant changes to Target’s
marketing, merchandising, and operations. This session
will rapidly bring your team up to date on the retailer’s
fundamentals, as well as explore ways in which you can:
•Understand and plan against Target’s major
format adjustments
•Dive deeper into Target’s four core “Signature”
merchandising themes
•Leverage shopper data to better tailor your Target
product portfolio
Faster than Market Growth, Leaning in on eCommerce |
Anne Zybowski & Frank Badillo
Key takeaways include:
•Defining the impact of eCommerce growth on the store
•Learn which retailers are leading the channel in terms
of growth and share of total business.
•Strategies to win with key multichannel customers.
Club Declassified: Intelligence from the Front | John
Rand & Tim Campbell
This session will explore ways in which you can:
•Leverage our five year forecasts to optimize your
club strategy
•Plan against new and important growth categories and
key club initiatives
•Engage the club shopper of the future and support
your club’s acquisition and retention efforts
•Retain and advance your presence in club with a
deeper innovation pipeline
•Get your team and your company on board with a
holistic club game plan
Loyalty and Licentiousness in Today’s Shopper
Landscape | Rachel McGuire & Kate Senzamici
Who is winning the ongoing battle for the hearts and minds
of shoppers? In this class, we’ll take a more in-depth look
at shopper loyalty in food/drug/mass shopping, with a
focus on how key retailers are performing—both in terms
of what shoppers think and feel about them, and also what
it means for their shopping behavior at those retailers. Key
learnings from this class include:
• What are the major inflection points shaping food/
drug/mass shopping
• Which food/drug/mass retailers are winning shoppers
today, and why
• How disruptors are changing the shopper landscape,
and what that means for key retailers
2:45 pm–3:00 pm | Break
3:00 pm–4:45 pm | Track 4 Classes
(Concurrent Sessions—Select one class from the following to attend)
Amazon: Disintermediating Retail & Defining New Rules |
Anne Zybowski & Nicole Santosuosso
Key questions this class will answer:
•What has Amazon’s pace of growth been and what
does the future hold as Amazon becomes a $100B
retailer in 2015?
•What are the key growth strategies and platforms
that will be integral part of Amazon’s success – from
Pantry to Fresh and more?
•How to engage with Amazon to win and prepare for
what’s next?
Channel and Category Insights from Macro Trends |
Doug Hermanson & Frank Badillo (This session will also
be presented earlier in the 8AM time slot)
Leaders and laggards continue to emerge among the
channels and categories that Kantar Retail tracks and
forecasts based on macroeconomic sources. This class
will focus on the notable shifts among these channels and
categories to try to answer a variety of questions:
•Where are economic trends creating sales
opportunities or challenges by category?
•How are competitive factors—including the shift
online—affecting the sales opportunities and
challenges by channel?
•Where can the channel and category insights be tied to
key differences by age and income (i.e., Have vs.
Have Nots)?
For more information on this event visit www.digital.kantarretail.com/myf2015