lnfo : 1.
lnfo : 1.
tJ.i.i$-iAF 06244 SANGAT SEGERA KEDUTAAN BESAR REPUBLIK INDONESIA SEOUL seoul 150-895, Republik Korea Youngdeungpo{u, 380, Yoidaebang-ro, (Az-iy1Oa28g E-mail seoul'kbri@kemlu'go'id Tet. (82-2)7AS-SO75tZ, iA1--sgtldf ax. Kepala Perwakilan R.l BERITA BIASA Kepada : : Up. : Yth. Sekjen, Kemlu 2. Yth. Dirjen AsPasaf, Kemlu 3. Yth. Dirjen Dikti, Kemenristekdikti lnfo : Yth. Direktur AstimPas, Kemlu 2. Yth. Kapusdiklat, Kemlu Nomor B-00037/sEouL/'150209 1. Yih. Menteri Luar Negeri, 2. Yth, Menristekdikti 1. 1. Jumlah : Kepala Perwakilan Rl di Seoul ' 18 Halaman Perihal : Dari (ALL vK) penyampaian tawaran beasiswa dari Korea Advanced lnstitute and TechnologY (KAIST) of science hal-hal sebagai berikut: Merujuk perihal pada pokok Berita, dengan hormat disampaikan 1 . lnstitute of Science KBRI Seoul telah menerima tawaran beasiswa dari Rorea Advanced Program Technology tT Globat and Tecltnotogy <XntSl melalui program beasiswa pegawai bagi doktorat (lTTp). Beasiswa yang dilawarkan'adilah prograrn master dan meliputi yang diberlkan pemerintah, dosen dai peneliti pada institusi nalional. Beasiswa hasil birvu sekolah, iirvu hidup sehari-hari dan tiket pesawat. Beasiswa ini merupakan x"4*u*, XniSr iengan'Mrn istry of ICT, Science and Planning Korea' 2. 3. KAlsTmerupakansekolahteknologiterbaikdiKoreaSelatandantermasu[topla? yang lengkap' peralatan yang pembelajaran universigdi dunia. KAiii memiliki tisititas ,nri di dalam bidangnya selain pengajar tamu mutakhir dan juga pengaiar-pengajar v"ng belahan dunia' Vang OiunOan-g dari seluruh merupakan tawaran,yalg-Ygat menarik dan Kami berpandangan bahwa beasiswa ini nal( bagi.sumber daya manusia di lndonesia juga merupakan kesempatan y"ng "untat di salah saiu universitas terbaik di untuk mendapatKan pendidikan yang i-oin iinggi Ouirit me-nienai program beasiswa tersebut' Korea Setatan. r*ri,ipiilii"rpiikri diucapkan terimakasih' Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya Pembuat Berita Petugas Komun ikasi \V d^{1, Adriansvah Rasul Counsellor Mona Trilasni S ,r-1{:ir ! ' j,:.'-]-, J i i j "Global lT Technoloqv Proqram" SELECTION DETAILS F_OR 2015 Fal! o Qualifications of Applicants - Public officials, employees of public institutions or senior-level researchers at national research institutes working in the lT fietds, with a Bachelor's or Master's degree - Applicants with proven English proficiency such as the minimum TOEIC 720. TOEFL(lBT) 83, IELTS 6.5 or higher. o Financial Suppori - Tuition fees (Master's Degree: up to 2 years/ Doctorate: up to 3 years) - Ai rfare (O ne-way/Economy class/ Re im bu rsement) - Living cost (1,500,000 Korean won* per month) - lnitial moving and re-location expenses and medical insurance o Number of Selected $tudents - PhD: 5 - Master: 16 (. The ratio of PhD and Master is subject to change.) o lmportant Dates(Tentative) On-line Application : March 31st, 2015 - April2lst, 2015 Document submission by post: By April 28th, 2015 {for KAIST Main Admin.} Arrival check of submitted documents: April 13th, 2015 - April 28ih, 2015 Application review: May 1 11h,2A15 - June 22nd,2A15 Admissions notification: 5:00p.m, June 26th, 2015 - (The timeline ls based on local time in South Korea and is subleci to change) ** As applicants'may find out through the guidance offered, one thing to note is that therc is deadline difference between Admission and ITTP Admission due to the fact ITTP needs fo check any miss,ng documents and to consu/t wrfh strrdents including phone interuiews lf lf is necessary, before (ITTP Admin office's) handing over the whole Ml$T Main Campus application paekage to the main admin office. o On-line Application Fill out the application form at the KAIST website (http://admission.kalst,ag.kr) * Choose 'Global lnformation & Telecommunication Technology Program as a major Make sure to apply before the deadline: 1> To avoid on-line traffic 2> To give enough "Screening&Checking&Decide" time to ITTP Admission Committee, on-line application and off-line submission is The Earlier The Better. Please visit ITTP website (http://ittp.kaist.ac.kr) and KAI ST website(http:/iwww. kaist.ac.kr/html/en/) to check out admission related information before you apply. - i .lii . .: Jifi:, l i I I '.\",' Q Required Documents o . a o a KAJST Online Application Form (printable after complotion of on-line application) a a o . CurriculumYitae KASIT ITTP Application Fonn (fill in the form) 2 letters of recommendation - in English, issued by the head of organization/institution(Original) Copies of diplomas from all previously attended college-level schools Copies oftranscripts from all previously attended college-level schools (Original diplomas and kanscripts are subject to submrission upon admissionpermission) Identity Document I - Applicant's ID card Identity Document II - ID card of parents of the applicant Certificate of TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS score o Contact Details of Coordinator Hyesong Jeong (Ms.) Email: hsieonqES@Kaist.ac.kr Tel, 82 42350 6845 Fax. 82 42 350 6858 http://ittp. kaist. ac. kr PostalAddress (Ms.) Hyesong Jeong ,.,,i:'.,,,,,, Coordinato r, G lobal lT Tech nolog,yrPfogram{ITTP) Korea Advanced I nstitute of $ciencgand Technology(lGl ST) KAIST MunjiCampus 193 Munji-ro Yuseong-gu Daejbon, Korea (PostalCode) 305-732 KAIST -*#4flEE#ffiffiFF*!*"- Office of Admissions 2015 Fall Graduate Adrmissions Adrnis.sions Procedures ...................;.........1 Eligibility / Tirneline I Prooedure at a glance I ,:: 'lt . .:,.,.' ',Reeuiret documents / Apptication fee / Notice / FAQs ".: '. - iDeqiee lnformafioR.:::,.;......-....-... ..........-.....6 Korea Advanced lnstitute of Science and Technology 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions Admissioms Frocedures Eligibility International applicants must satisff ALL of the followin requirements: 1-j He or she holds or will hold a bachelor's degree by August 31, 2015 (for master's applicantsl or, He or she holds or will hold a bacheior's and master's degTee byAugust 31,20L5 [for doctoral applicants]. 2] He or she is NOT a citizen of Korea. g (Korean citizens who hold dual citizenship are not eligible to apply as international students.) * below, regariiless of birth place, MUST read ihe instructions lnGrnational applicants of Korean ethnicity MUST additionally below. , " https: //apply. kaist.ac.kr/intergradappllz. The application system will be activated from March 21stto April 21st. Please read the instructions carrtily before starting theapplicotion. 2) Document submissi.on bY Post Note. lnternational applicants of Korean ethniciiy, satisfy ONE of two requirentents Admissions timeline 1) Onlineapplicafion March 31"1, 2015 - APril Z7nd,ZA15 AII applicants must apply online through , ByApril 2grn,2075 . ,All rnaterials must be received by KAIST Admissions i bfn.e,Uy the official due date. Late applicaiip.,n will 1) Bot'h of ihe applicant's pai-ents are noi ciiiz'eni of''Korea br; 2) The applicantmust have received his/ilei:entire elementary. iunior hiqh. hiqh school and underqraduale ecjucatiQn.oulside of Korea at the comparabie and equivaieni level of those provided in Korea {for master's applicanls) or, he or she received entire elementary. jLrnior high. high school,'End undergraduate educaiion outside of Korea and also received a niaste/s ciegree in or ouisiCe of Korea at ihe comp"arable anc ei1uivabirl level of those provideci in Kotea (for docibral applicantSJ; ln this case, iniernational schocls iocated in'Korea are nol acknowledged as . foreign schools Applicants of Korean ethnicily who completed their entire educalton (elementary, iunior high. high school, and undergraduaie) outside of Korea should submil the Cefiiticate of the Facis Concerninq the Entiy & Exit issued by ihe Korean lmmlgration Cffice. The certificate should have been issred 1ot be considered, Arrival check of Submitted documents April 13th,2015 -Apri126t1 2015 3J Please check the arrival sEtus of your application at nms" '//appt,v.t If it mentions,any missing documents or additionaliy ,rbquired'jdocuments, please send all supplementary ldocirnents,to the admissions office. , +j Appli.atio""e"iew May 11th,2015 - 1une22"d,20L5 Respective departments' will contact applicants individually between May llthand May ?9th, lf an interview is necessary. reuts ruy. *- Note: international students of Korean ethniciiy vuho do nol meel at leasl one of the conditions above CANN0T apply for lnternationalAdmlssions. [nsiead, they must apply fo1 Korean Admissions. {http:iladmission,kaist,ac.kr/graduate) - 5),Admissions notifi gaSon 5;00p.m., furr" 26th, 2:0 15 will be posted on the KAIST , website along with registration Admissions resuits admissions "-instructions. X Thq.timeline is based on local time in South Korea and is subiect to change. 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions Procedures at a glance Contact the department office to check if contacting professor as possible advising professor is necessary before appiication. * Note: Contact information of deparlmentoffices: page 6 Visit hffp://admissio n.kaist.a-c.kr/international/ and click on "Online Application for Graduate 2015 Fall Semester". Please read instructions carefully before you begin yourapplication. Fiil out the online appiication form completely according to the instructions and save the file. Check whether all the infonnation is correct * Note: After paying the application fee, you will not be allowed tLmodlfy vour apolication form and the fee will not be refunded Please verify ihat all information is correct before paying the Pay appiication fee by credit card or balk transfer. ::l ' l' Print out your online applicati on' . Note: The Apptication Nuirber should be kepi fcr iurther procedures and to check the flnal admission decision. S"na u hard copy of the,online application fbrrn along with ail supporting to matqrials "; theAdlnissi'ons'0ffic'e- : : hard ccpies of ihe a[plication materials to the Aclnrissions ruotu. Offioe will be excluCed lrom the evaluation process even if the online application is complete' nppit.ans wto {o,lhoilenil 1..;Document Submission: Put all:the required documents in an envelope. Send your application package via registered post mail or express mail. You may also STEP 6 viiit,our office and submit the documents in person. 2. Deladline: April 28e, 2015 3. Address: '. ... KAIST, Admissions 0ffi ce (GraduateJ E11 Btdg.,SF, Rm#508A, l 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon [305-701J Republic of Kore-a T.+82-42-350-2352 Check whether the submitted doiuments_ have arrived or if there are any missing documents. 'Note: Make sure to visit the admissions website (https://apply.kaist.ac.kr/intergradapply) for documentarrival check from April 13lh to April 28th. We will not contact you individually. lf you have any missing documents, your staius is lncomplete. Please send supplementary documents again to the Admissions Office before the deadline. Check your email often between May 11th and May 29th. Respective depar[ments will contact applicants individually if an interview [phone interview) is necessary. 'Noie: STEP 9 lnterview may or may not be included in the admission process depending on each Check your final admission result on June 26th at http:,/,/ad nii ssi-on.kaist.ac.kr,/internari onal,/ 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions 4. Certified cop.v of degree/diploma ' Copies of bachelor's degree and master's degree (for Required documents llDocument checklist f Form 1l doctoral appiicantsJ certificate from 'lf 2) Appligati-on form {online application} ' Print out after completing the oniine and include it in degree certificate or degree is not avaiiable, submit a certificate of expected graduation or an official letter from the university indicating the date application application package with other of supporting materials, graduation and the degree which enrollment to Offi ce of Admissions. Self-support or Parental $ponsor: self-support or parental sponsor as your means of financial resources. you should attach a bank statement showing the capacity to meet a year of ) 5. Certifi.ed copy of Transcripts lf you choose ' educational expenses at KAIST. ' The transcripts should include a ' if, CCqelmaximum score does not appear on the transcript please submit a proof letten cerrified by ' Transcripts ian'be mailed to the Admissions lf you are seiected as a governrnent'scholarship recipient in your home country. you should attach a notarized ceriificate of sponsorship. KAIST may noi support KAIST scholarships when the aoplicants are sponsored mcre ihan the living expensesKAlSTscholarships,provide.,,:;:,,::,::, .,,,, NIIED's Korean Governmen! Scholarship::PloEam {KGSel is notavaiiable in this admis$ion ioi you need finarcial aid you can apply KAIST scirolarship by selecting KAiST schoiarship in the form. KAIST schoiarship recipienls will be announced with the admission result. The scholarship amount and conditions are set pnor 10 students' enrollment based on the, nrerlts of the applicant. KAIST Scholarship Commitlee' r,vill examine further exemption of tuition and fees every year. KAiST scholarship recipients are generally exempt from paying. tuitlon and of 300,000 KRW and the Natioral Healtr lrs.rrance fee are supported by the monthly ailowance statement of 'per:so1al rank in department, if available. the university, if available. Others 9,559,000 KRWsemester 2) Government/Orga n ization Scholarsh ip: lf Copies of transcript must include a year-by-year record of courses from every institution appiicants have attended or are attending. Finance MBA 1 5,600,000 KR\r/isemester A be diploma/degree certificate within the 15 days of Form can be found in the online application. fees, will conferred. After admission, applicants must submit 3)Statement of Finagcia (online aBp.licationl 1 every institution attended or attending are required. recipient's advisor/depaftnent Office separately by the deadline. 6. Certified coplr of Engli-sh Proficiency Test Renorts IEPTI ,1,l''frppUffiffs,:whose official language is not English , must su:bmit the EPT rbport. ; ApplicanB must meet one of the English proficienry '""":':''teSt mitiimum score requirements; TOEFL iBT 83, , T0EFL,PET 560, TOEFL CBT 220,IELTS 6.5, TEPS ' -: : ' 599, TOEIC 720 or higher. English proficienry tests should have been taken within two years ,fqom the deadline of the online application fvalid test date: starting from Aprll 22, 2013J. ETS can send directly the original copy of score report admissions office. The KAIST to XetSt reporting code is 0195. ' lnstitutibnal Testing Frogram (lTP) is notvalid. ' EP{ requirement is different for Global IT Technolory Program (GITTPI and KINS-KAIST Master's Degree Program. Please refer to the appropriate website: recommendation letters (Form 2) Two recommendation letters from your professors are required. Letters should be signed and sealed 3. Two ' across the back of its envelope by a recommender. ' Applicants who are working can aiso get recommendation letters from their superwisors. Supervisors are not required to use the letter form provided by KAIST but the letter must be written on a company letterhead showing the company's full address, telephone and email address. The letter must be stamped with the company's official seal. separately, have him/her mail to the Admissions 0ffice by the deadline. We do not accept recommendation letters via email. ' If a recommender is mailing the lelter ' ' GITTP:http://ittp.kaisuac.kr ' KINS-KAIST: htrp:/lnuclear.kaisLac.krl?sid=subO2-5-2 'EPT Exemption requiremenl Applicants whose official language is English or completed their bachelo/s degree in an English native speaking country are exempt from submitting the EPT report. An English Lecture Ceriificate is required for those who studied in non"native English speaking counkies, For example, Pakistan applicant who studied in China must submit the English Lecture Ceriificate, 7. C-qrriculum Vitae ' Free style personai r6sum6 8. Cppy of identity dofuments I (app.licant's) ' An official document indicating applicant's 2015 F'all Graduate Admissions nationality, e.g. passport, national ID card, alien Applicaiion fees card, etc. [lnclude a copy of page registration and of issue date showing the passport number, ' ' expiration, photo, and name.] 9. Coplu of ' ' identitv documents II (parent's) An official document indicating parents'nationality, e.g. passpofts, national ID cards, etc. (lnclude a copy of page showing the passport number, date of issue and expiration, photo, and name.] ' 10. Family Rela$on Certificate (Applicants of Kqrean ethnicitv only) ' Official documents indicating the applicant's loss of Korean nationality, e.g, the applicant's Certificate of Personal Records or his/her father's Family Census Register. These documents will be used for verification of denationalizafian, . ' Optional 1. ListofHonors and Awards (Form 3) ' If there is any honors, awards, fullowships, or any academic certificates and test reports during university please list them !n order of importance in the list form. E.g. General Record Examination [GRE], Graduate Management Adnnissions Test (GMATJ, Test of Proficiency .'inr,.,,Korean (TOPIK], Korean Language ProficiencyTestit<lff], qf$' . ,,;r;' ir, ' The list will be valid, only when:',lestimonialg':r.or rti .iii, , evidences are submitted Emplol'rnent CerUfi cate If there is work experience or internship related to the applying study and. research, please attach an attested certificate or ari- official ietter' If there is an experience working as'a research assistant iol , teaching assistant, advisor'may write a verification -' Optional ' 2. Ietter ' Duration of employmeng position, and job letter. description should appear on the certificate or 'Acknowledgement of working experience will be valid only when testimonials or evidences ,,are submitted. Optional ' 3. School Profile/ Credit Rating System School profile and description of the grading system would help us understand better for evaiuation. ' iii': ; The application fee is KRW 80,000 or USD B0' Payment- can be made by credit card or bank rransfer, If you pay by credit card, an application number will be automatically given to you upon payment and you will be exempt from submitting the invoice and remittance receiPL If you pay the fee by bank transfer, you should flll out the invoice form and send it to us along with the remitfance receipt via email or fax. We will issue your application number after a remittance check of your appiication fee. The bank account number will be shown when you complete the online application. Please note that you cannot modify your application form once you pay the application fee. 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions NOTICE FAQs 1) Submitted documents will NOT be returned in any case. P1ease keep a copy of all application materials in case the materials get lost in the mail. Q. Can Your professors should do the same. A, NO. i+,ib-N:., We accept online application only, After you finish online application, appiication number will be given. Then print out the form, send it to Admissions Office with other necessary documents by deadline. We do not give application number manually. 2) The application fee is non-refundable and not waived. 3J Applicants can submit copies of diploma [or graduation certificate] and academic transcript when applying to KAIST but once admitted, original or cerfified copies should be submitted to the Admissions 0ffice by September L9th, 2015recommendation letters cannot be submitted in copies. I want to apply for two different departrnents at the same time. Do I have to pay application fee Q. twice? A. NO. 4] Document certification can be done by obtaining the seal of the issuing institution or visiting a notary office. Photocopies will not be agcepted. Admission wiI be canceled if an app'licant'fails to Applicants shor"rld apply for only one department or program for each admission period. Q. I 5) All documents should be in English or Korean. If is in any other language, it Should be translated by the institution or a notary office. Piease email usiit advanced.adm@kaist.ac.kr as soon as pos.sible. We wiilhe-lp you to finish the application it 6) Certain documents (e.g. ]etters of recornmendatio n, diplo ma, tra nscrip fs, a nd E n glf -i!r proficiency test score reportJ can be,:senj directly:1 and separately to the Admissions 0ffice. All' documents must arrive within the deadline. 7J The admissions staff reserves the right to request additional documents from applicants and to verify the authenticity of submitted materials. B) Admitted students may NOT defer enroliment to Students who wish to defer 9J Admitted students who are not seiected for KAIST scholarship without sponsor from a government or an organization wilJ iec'eive admission certificate with financial resriurC'e, mentioned as self-support. $P,F..[,{€ar.i.6.fiiFrpli:rili.i,:i]!:1t ,,1.r,f;1;1,,,;, r, 1 ;,,,'. 'r, 1',',, , .Qi l,,,paid,,;application fee by credit card and it charges over USD 80; what happened? A;:lApptication fee; USD 80 doesn't include transaction charge,,Ifyou transfer the application fee, you have to consider its remittance charge of international , transaction. ii':'i,.''' 10. 11J Applicants whose forms and supporting documents are incomplete or found to be forged will be disqualified from the adrnissions process. 121 The offer of admission may be revoked even after being admitted to or having graduated from KAIST, if any of the submitted materiais are found to be faise or counterfeii. in another degree program at KAIST or another institution. r:r:ri'.' I ',:':' .r,' , ' El=v$fisrrtprnO.F'Ictultc.ytT,Bsr' IELTS my overaU score 6.5, but writing Q: I have score is 4.5. Is itaccqptable? 1 A. YES. We accept IETLTS test report 6;5,or higher. I Q, if overall band score is : :.' ;:L:r$r::::driljlii:::i.i::,.::ir.:i.i-::.jj^.ii...],.1:i-":1..,:::.:tr.:.:r':_.:: 10) Admilced students are required to submit Apostille Certificates within 15 days of enrollment. Please refer to 'Apostille Requirement' on the page 131 Admitted applicants cannot enroll failed,to finish online application and the web page says leirorpage' whenever I try. submit original or cerrified documents. a later semester. I apply with paper application form? .."'.,,.:. l I am currently enrolled in other gladuate school. Do you admittransfer students? A. NO, Adrnissions Office do not have transfer program. You have to apply as a freshman studenl We do have student exchange program instead. Please contact 'lnternational Relations Tearn, KAI ST' Ihttp://irt.kaist ac.krJ. 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions I)egx"ee Informatioxr I(AIST grants the following degrees: program and are admitted to the phD program without the usual requirements of submitting the Master's degree master's thesis. The master's degree generally requires two academic years ofstudy. MBAdegree The MBA degree is awarded in the department of Finance MBA and Techno-MBA. I'm flo integrated program: In case that a student drops out, the master's degree can be conferred if rmr The PhD degree generally requires three or rnore academic years of study. t An academic year consists two semesters: Spring and FalL atiom Cam Da Physics....,.. :.::, -:i:,: .,-:,: . Condensed Matter Physicsi,:Op,!Cs, Plasma nnysics, PLrtiOe ahd iilheoreticat ...-','.' .: :..,.. a a Physics,SofiMatterPhysics:;:NoniinetpndQqmple1Sydt3ni'5'Bi0physics Malhemalical'Sciences Natural : Parllal Differential Equations, Graph Theory, Nurnber iheory, Probability, Topology, Statbics, Biomathematics and lvledical Imaging, Compulallonal mage Progessing, Computational Mathematics, Financial Mathematics. Chemist.y http://malhsci.kaisl.ac, ki t a I 8242-350-27A3 E. snipel @kaist.ac.kt j Physical Chemistw, Organic Chemistry, lnbrgariic Chemistry, Analyrical Chemis0y, PolyrherrChemistry, Bio Chemistry, Nano Chemistry, Chemical a a hltpJ/chem.kalst.ac. kr T. 82-42-350-2803 E. msyoo@kaist.ac.kr a a T,82 Eioiogy Graduate School of Nanoscience.& Technology Nanophotonic and llanoetectrodic H/aterialii Struc,tures and Devicgg; First Principle Calculation and lnvesfigation.'oi Nanoscale Phenomena; Bio.[maging; Nano-bio Materials, Structures and Biologiru I Sciences BiologicaliBiomedlcal hllpJlphysics.kaistac.kr T.82-42-35t.2502 E. mrjeong@kaist.ac.kr Anaiysis,Aigebaic Geometry, D fferential Geometry Numerical Analysis Scrence the requirement of master's degree is compieted, Doctoral degree Integrated master's and doctoral degree Students who enter the integrated master's and doctoral degree pro$am are expected to compiete their doctoral degree. It generally requires, five academic years of study. They start with'the,masteris Dep a rtrn ent * Action taken for people who drop out from the Devices http/lg snlka ist,ac. kr E, '''n Sciences (Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Cell Bi0logy, Plant Biology, Developmental Genetics, Epigenetics, Stem Biology, Neurobiology, lmmunology), Biotechnology or Bioengineering (Applied Bjophysics, Microbial and Cell Biotechnology, and Environmental ,12 350 1102 jmyang@kaist.ac.kr http:l/bio. kaist.ac.kr a a r-82-42350-2605E, e_ml@kaist.ac,kr Biotechnology, Synthetic Biolechnology) Gnaduate School of Medical Science and Engineering Life Science & Bioengineering Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Biology, lmmunology, Virology, Stem Cell Biology, Vascular Biology, Pathology, Molecular Genetics, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Developmental Biology) and Biomedical Engineedng (Cell and Tissue Engineering) Biomedical Science and Enginmring lnterdisciplinary Progmm Biomedicol Sciences(Vascular Biology, Stem Cell Bioiogy, Regenerative Medicine, Developmental Biology, lmmunolcgy, Virology, t leurosc elce, iv'ietaboiism, Li;ei-Sigleg'y, Pathology, Structural Biology, Dr-ug Desir;, Molecular Geneiics, Ivlolecular Biology) hllp:i/qsmse.kaist.ac.krie a a main T.82-42-3504233 E halim@kaist,ac.kr l.ltto://osmse.kaist.ac.krie m intro ! a T.82-42-3504233 E h: imi6llraict en lrr 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions LtLplrys'eqdai$as.1irl?lr!: Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (KINS-KAIST) sub02-5_2 T. 82-42-350-85f i E. juyeong@kaist ac,kr 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions ,.,|Vf,..i ,,ilo,:r The Cho Chun Shjk Gmduate School forGrcen Transportation Green Transportation Technology (Fuiure Vehicie, Future Railrray, Future Ocean Transporl, Future Aviation), Green Transportation 0peration & a hth:i/qtkaist.ac.kr 1.8242-350-1252 a E. inkkong@kaist.ac.kr Man4ement (Transportaticn Systems, Logistics Systems) Knowledge SeMce Engineering Data Science, Big Data, Knowledge Modeiing and Represenlation, Knowledge Enoineering, Business lntelligence, Human-Computer lnteraction, User Engineering http://kse. kaist.ac, kr Experience, User Behavior lVodeling, Human Decision Making, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, lntelligent System lVlodeling and Design, tntelligent Decision Support, lnformation Design, Content Networking, t t T.8242-350-1602 E. hrnlee'l 9@kaist.ac.kr pe,nl/asive Knowledge Servrces, Content Senrice, Service Modeiing, Graduate School of EEWS Enegy Create Ciean, Cheap, and Renewable Ahemative Envrronment Sequestrate CO2 , Create non-pdluting cars, Design New IVEa- http:/ieewsenq,. kaist.ac. kr city Water Solutions (Desalinate effectively, Develop weather control technology) Solutions (Develops new technologies for a a T.8242-350-1705 E. yyang@kaist.ac.k a a 1.8242-35A-2902 manufacturing, allernative materials, new life sty e, and new pubiic policies) Technologl.: : http ilct.kaist.ac.kr :: Gfiaduate School 0fCullure Digiial Entertainment, Ambient Com..nunicatbn, lnteractive Media & Space E. vclee@kaist.ab.kr Business and Technotogy Management Technology Management; lnnovative Stctegy and Policy, Enkepreneurship, Finance, Financial Economlcs, Supply Chain Menagement i!4anagemeni lnformation SystemilE-business, lniormation Economics, Crganiiational Behavior, Hurnah Resource Managemenl lniormallon Sociology, lvlai'lieting. Liberal Arls & a a I a htlp://ms, kaisl.ac.kr T. B2-42-350-6303 E. raquel@kaist.ac.kr Accounting, Science and Technology Policy Convergence Science httol/ittp. kaist.ac, kr T,8242-350-6845 E. hsleongBB@kaist"ac.kr Graduate- School ofScience and Technology Polhy 'Policy in National Science and Technology, Heallh Economics and Management;:.,Newly Ernerging Technologies and the Innovation Slstenn, Dynamics of Cognition in Policy Judgment Energy and Environmenlal Policv a htlp:/isip.kaislac.kr ': T.8242-35M843 E. albertl 360j@kaist.ac. kr Seoul C amt]u i;::;1j.. .1.::i: ::,i: i.:: i 'a .:r-;,:1.1::- i; Te$no-MBA Leadership and Organizalion Management, Strategic,Management, Marketing, Operalioris Strategy.and Supply Chain Management, tulanagernent lnformatioh System, Financial Accounting, Corporate Financial Poiiry, Global Leadership Development Principles Business oi Managerial Economics, a httoJ/business.kaist.ac, kr T, B2-2-958-3975 E, leejinS@business. kaist,ac.kr Finance MBA Investment Banking, Asset Management, Corporate Flnancing, Policy, Financial Engineering, Accounting, Risk lvlanagement, lnsurance, a htlpJ/business.kaist.ac.kr lntemational Finanm. Green Finance T E. KOICA-KAIST Finan€ MBA Monetary Policy, Macro & Micro Economics, lntemational Finance, Foreign Exchange Policy, Special Studies in Developing Countries etc. a 82-2-958-3123 jaimekim@business. kaist,ac.kr 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions Canaapus L[fe (&aej eCIur) There are three cafeterias, some fast food restaurants, and cafes on campus. You will aiso find numerous restaurants located right outside of campus. KAIST Dormitory All students are provided with dormitories on campus. Each room is shared by one or two students and is furnished with beds, closets, desks, and chairs' Residents share bathrooms, laundry rooms, and iounges. Students pay a dormitory fee of our international students gather at this place to cook and also has an international kitchen. Many eat together. of approximately 1 15,000 KRW per month. International Scholar and Student Services Medicalservice (rsss) Minor wounds and illnesses are treated at an oncarnpus clinic for free. For more serious illnesses, their visa issuance/extension, school registration, suppor* international students with regard to ISSS ISSS also organizes various exciting activities, festivals, community services, etc. housing and orientation. high quality professional medical service is offered on campus at the Pappalardo Medical Center. h Ltp : / /i ss6.kaisL a c. kr Email: isss@kaistaekr Tel: *82 -42-3 50-2481.:2 MIST has excellent facilities for table tennil, tennis, soccer, racket bail, badminton; volleyball, and KAIST Language Center (KLC) basketball. We also have swimmiflg pools and fitness centers equipped with cycles, treadmills, barbells, etc. KLC offers langua$e courses to improve the Korean and Engiish skills of IGIST students and researchers. Library All of the : classes offered by KLC are non-credit classes and tuition is changed for each class' AIso, KLC i KAIST has two major librdiies: the iVain Library and pr-orrides, English proofreading services and Korean- the Undergraduate Branch. Library' :There is:,aXg.o a,,,, bookstore and a cafeteria on the first floor of the Main English ffanslatibn services," Library. Email .,,,, itttp : iI a ag. ka istacl<r ta r0 1 03 @ka ist ac.kr T(il : +d2 42 -3 50 -B73 1-2 : s Restaurants Fimarecial Aid Student budget rcAlSf Intemational Planning your enrollment at KAIST,,you should be aware of the estimated will incur. The average budget for a single graduate Iisted dependents budget student living on-campus with below. Students living off campus can expedt tiving expenseS to:be 35% ro 50%o higher. -Non-tuition average expenses {ZALa)t 3,340,000 KRW/6 months Dormitory 690,000 KRW/6 months Student Scholarship expenses that you no Food 2,1-60,000 KRW/6 months Transportation 100,000 KRW/6 months Books and Supplies 150,000 KRW/6 months National Health Insurance 240,000 KRW/6 months Tuition &fees [2015): Techno MBA 1236A,000 KRW/semester Finance MBA 1-5,600,000 KRW/semester 0thers 9,5 59,000 KRW/semester is I(AIST scholarship recipients are generally exempt from paying tuition and fees. A monthlY allowance of 300,000 KRW and the National Health Insurance fee are supported by the reciPient's advisor/department. Earnings inside campus Thereare opportunities for international students to make earnings inside campus. Wages are paid for research [RA], teaching [TA) or other work fPart-time assistant, etc.J performed during enroliment. 2015 Fall Graduate Admissions Apostilte Requin exl?ent Those who are newly admitted to KAIST should submit Apostille certificates (official certificates such as diplomas, transcripts, etc.J within 15 days after they are enrolled to KAIST. Read the instruction carefully and prepare for the required certificates before you ieave your country. Public documenrs issued by public schoois or institutions such as diplomas, transcripts, etc. should attach Apostille certificates. Pubiic documents from private schools or institutions should have notarial atteslations before applying for Apostille certificates. AII of &e documents should be written in English or Korean. If it is written in another language, it should be translated into English or Korean and notarized by a notary office before applflng for Apostille certificate. What is an Apostille? Public documents, such as birth certificates, judgments, patents or notarial attestations of signatures, frequently need to be used abroad, However, before a public document can be used in a country other than the one that issued i! its origin must often be authentiCated, The traditionai method for authenticating public documents to be used abroad is called legalization. For this legalization process is frequently, slow, cumbersome and costly, a large number of counffies all over the'world have joined a treaty that greatly simplifies the authentication of public documents to be used abroad. This treaty is called the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents. It is commonly known as t}te Apostille Convention. The treaty reduces the alithentication process to a single formality: &e issuance of an authentication certificate by an authority desighated by the country where the 1. public document was issued. This certificate is called an Apostiile. 2. In which countries does the Apostille Convention apply? Click here to see the updated tist $f:the,tbuntties whgie Ar.oitiiie Conve'ntion applies. * if your public document was,, issued in a country where the Apostille Convention does not apply, you shoulcl submit a Certificate of Authentication issued by the Korean Embassy or Consulate in your counrry. 3. Where do I get an s{postille? Each country that is a parfy to the Convention must designate one or several authorities that are entitled to issue Apostilles. Th"eSe authorities are called Competent Authorifies - only they are permitted to issue Apostilies. Click here to see the list of all Competent Authorities designated by each country that has joined the Apostille 4. How much does an Apostille cost? -Vany Competent Authorities do charge for Apostilles. The price among Competent Authorities varies greatly. For practical information of the prices that individuai countiies charge, see the information availabie here. For further defails, please see the website of tf,e flaguij Conference at www.hcch.net. The Hague Conference is the Organization that developed the Apostille Convention. All relevant and updated information about the Apostille Convention is available in the 'Apostille Section' of the Hague Conference website. X Note: KAIST graduates and applicants from university in Korea are exemptfrom Apostille Requirements. X Note: Students who graduated from Chinese universities can submit a credentials report of degree certificate and transcript issued by China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center [http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn] instead of Certificare of Authentication issued by Korean Embassy or Consulate in China. l0 IForrn #11 flobirl.Informatiqn & telesqmmunication Technology )rograrn ApplicantName,' ,,citffiii*itJ;....ri.,,:,.11'.i'.ri.,.'.,,:,,'i,i.'.,i,,i1,: , ', ",,,,,': ,,.,. . ' ,,,. 0. Docurnent Checklist 1.(KAIST GeneralJ Application Form fPrintprl frnm anlins lnnlial-i nn I I t\ 2. ITTP KAISTApplication Forrn 3. Statement of Financial Resources 4. Two Mandatory letters ofRecommendation 5. Degree/Dipioma 5. Transcripts 7. English Proficienry Test Reports IEPTJ documents L CurriculumVitae 9. Identity Documents I [applicant'sJ i.0. Identity Documents II fparents') L Optional 1. Family Relation Certificate (Applicants of Korean origin only) l-. List of Honors and Awards 2. Employment Certificate 3. School Profile/Credit Rating System [Form #2] For Fall Semester 2015 lntemational Graduate K&$ffiry" En rollment LETTER OF RECOMMEI{DATION by Academic Professor / Academ ic Advisor I Company Please type neatly. Name in English (last), ({irs1) (middie) NationaliS Date of Birth lntended Program lntended DepartmenUDivision I hereby agree that this letter of recommendation remains strictly undisclosed, and will not request any reading or disclosure of information given in this lefter. Date (dd/mndyyyy) Appfiants Name Name in English (last), (fl rst) (middle) Position / Title Affiliation E-mail Poshl Address Country City Zip code Telephone Fax hereby duly recommend the aforementioned applicant. I have carefully Iilled out this letter of recornmendation by myself, and I am aware that my opinions provided herein may continue to serve as a reference in the subsequent admission process within KAIST. I R ecom me n d e Please return I s Sig n a[u r e Date (ddlmnr/yyyy) this letter after sealing and signing across the back ofthe envelop by the deadline to: office KAIST E11 Bldg. 5F Rm.508, 291 Daehak-ro, lnternationatAdmissions Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (305-701) Phone: l+82-42) 350.2352 Fax: (+82-42) 350-2930 E-mail: advanced.adm@kaist.ac.kr http:l/admission.kaist.ac.kri -.http;llwww.kaist,ac.kr lForm #21 E*f kg ro$ Ed -lrj fo rmatio n TeachingExperience:( How long have you known the Howwell doyou t'Yhat are the )yearsand( Imonths applicant?: (__J months Iwelt ffmoderately years and knowtheapplicant?:Iverywell three adjectives that come to your mind to describe the applicart? I do not know well : Evalgation 1 give your opinlon on the applicanfs qualificatlom and potential for academic and professional achievement in thelield of the applicanfs application. (200rcrdsorless) . Please ,:;.::.t:,. t:::tl. ,i, :.::aa:,.: : i1:::. . :i:':jj :a':::. tl:.;' .tii::_ :1. .r ti' Lr{-*{yr:ey-li@J , lForm #21 2. Please rate the applicant in the table below, in comparison with ,'. :lj ::;i_:i-;i': :::1-:..iri.arrr:, allthe students you have taught: i.'- . '...:-.1 t1;. ..:._:',.',-:'-':rij:i'j. - :':::..-:::i:i:r-...,..i:i:,:i: :..,.., .: ". : _ ":..t , I : :t., tl l . .. :: ...1:1_1 -::.:i::.l.ur:..,:.-.: l ::].:::1':i*1:,].:,,:] ::: -,rl:,l:Varni ::-:..:: ,:.;:baai:*i;. ;,i;,,,.,,{!.qft,5:,.' ,;li,Aveiage ',r Overall Academic Ach ievement Academic Passion Creative Probl em-s olv i no Ab ilitv Research Aptitude Promise as a professional ln the field lnterpersonal Relationsh ip Leadership and lmpacl Responsibility lntegrity Ability to Cope with Hardships Mriting Abilitvln Enolish Reading Listening/Speaking Ability in English 3. Please summarize your overall opinion on the applicanl. fi0A words orless) [Form #3] l(&gffiY' '"qt*ffiretrr-" LIST OF HONORS AND AW.{RDS for Fall Semester 2015 lnternational Graduate Enrollment Please list up to five honors or awards you have obtained durlng university in order of importance. Each item below will be considered valid only when respective testimoniaUevidence is submifted. j:.:r j :r.,:::j.,::.j,,j.:ii' :.1::,,i-.:I-l:i,..;L'i jli:,.,:::,.il.- j:i:;.:j.-...ii.::'i.:+iii:-;:::t:il:ri..-.: .,'r....:':i....:,.",:1:...,.,::i:r:i::11:.:l---::1.:..:::j.:..'ii::1:;i::::r-r:;,::1"rr::-:--.:-:'l-,::::.::::-:: ...: - ;r:1, ,'.. :, 1'1 ,,j;i::,,1+,..-...;,-,Jitle,,,t:,,iir.:i.i:i'.,.:=;;:.., i;::i!.:'rljrr li*=it,l ! ..'l :',; ,,=.,-ji---Pr; ;1 :.,. :i::r! .'.,' '': '; ' rir::' ::icji:l: :l:li i': i:: : ! lssuing lnstitution 1 Name: l'* l*.0r,,*, Explanation of the AwardlHonor (up b 1AA words): ! Issuing lnstitution 2 Name: | *.orn., l*ui,, Explanation of theAwardlHonor fup to fiO words): I Issuing lnstitution Name: | *uo.nr, I r,n.n Explan ation of the Award/Honor (up to 1 00 words): I ry lssuing lnstitution 4 Name: | *.orn, Explanation of the Award/Honor (up to fiA words): I lssuing lnstitution q Name: Expl an Website: Email: ation of the Award/Ho nor {up to I 00 word s): 'l IForrn #3] ffi&w_ APPLICATION NUMBER TJ#is$f,Hffi?l -'''::'t4:ii1?i!i'?*TaiiiiEiFi:*!ir*u:*"' For rarr seriester z01I rnternationar Graduate Enroilment 1. Applicant lnformation ' r':.lr: :.-'-:;.':. ..r..-.'.. Narne in,Engllsh (tast/fi.rsUmiddle) ' :.:.:t l :. Nationality I Gehdei'',:,1 1,.,,, .1],tl Photo Acquisition Date of Citizenship MaritalStatus {wMmm/dd) Date of Birth (vvWmm/dd) Place of Birth Passport # / Resident Reoistration # n Government Current Job Classification n Professor in officer nationalUniv, * n Researcher in national institutions n Etc. Employees from private institutions can't apply for ITTP Contact lnformation Mailing Address : E-mail: I (home) : Telephone 2 (office) I Telephone Mobile Phone: Telephone # in Korea (rf any): Fax: 2. lntended Program & Major DMS lntended Program lntended Major n Engineering NPh.D ! lT Management 3. English Proficiency Test PBT I\JETL Score Date taken (yyyylmm/dd) CBT I \JE IBT L TOEFL TEPS TOEIC IELTS Other I J I English lecture Exempted None lForm #31 4. Academics Education the schools you have attended or are attending in chronological order List the thenamesandolhernecessaryinformationoftheschoolsyouhavearcnq9q!rqr9att9n'W names a Date of {vwvimm) entranc graduati d on School lnformation Name: Postal Address: Academic Achievement GPA EamedlFull mark Major Minor Telephone: url: o -9 o so o tro Dual Maior Academic Major: Diolorna or Deqree: Level of Univ.*.: Name: GPA Postal Address: Eamed/Full mark l,4ajor Minor Ielephone: url: Dual hrtlainr Academic Majon Dioloma or Deqree: Level of Univ.: Name: GPA Postal Address: Eamed/Full mark Major Minor Dual Maior o Academic Major; Dioloma or De(rEe:r:: Level of Univ.: Name: GPA G Postal Address: Earned/Fu11 mark Major Minor Telephone: url: Academic Major: Diploma or Deqree: * Please choose the level of university you graduated among the followings; 1. Top3 inthecountry 2. Top l0inthecountry 3. Upper20% 4. UpperS0% 5. 0thes 5. Publications Please list the publications relaled to your proposed field of study, including graduation disseriation. Dual Mainr Level of Univ,: lForm #31 6. Work/Research Experience Please list your main work experience and paid jobs related to your study and research. !ifrdml' i. j.l.o1: . presetrt * Write in chronological order 7. Family Background [Form #3] 8. Academic Reference This application requires two Letters of Recommendation fronr your universities you have attended or are attending Please provide the following information of the two teachers who will write recommendation letters for you. Name Affiliation Position Postal Address E-mail Telephone number Address Name Affiliation Position Postal Address E-mail Telephohe number Address 9. lnterested Areas of Study Frelo Engineering Order of Preference' ' Ubiquitous CompUtng, Bioinformatics & ln{ormalion Management Software Engineering Media and lnteraction lnformation Security lntemet Opiical Communication Multimedia Communication & Processing Wireless Communication Radio and Bio Eleckonics System on Chips Managemeni lT-Management lT-Economics/Policy (Other-please specify) ' , [Form #3] 10. Study Background Knowledge of o yaur knowledge, education and wark expertence, etc in relatian ta naior field Maior Field Reason for Studying in Korea .i:i:i r' ..ii'1 Key Achievements olmportantbool$, fiesrs, report, patenl R&D achievement, priz*winning scholarship record, etc & .6t [Form #3] 11. Study Plan Goal of study & Studv PIan Action PIan after Study o goal of study, title or sublecf of fre research and &tailed study ptan o Describe how to contribule t6 the development of the country or the region you helong to through'collaboration with Korean entities, (S pecified propoBal showi nq yo u r comm itnent is oreferred l ::i:l:r 'Ii:i,- .rl ",,1,::.. i FLFSAT ri/uluii;tilKA$l - r.i*StLLJ I ' "+t_ -: -- i {Form #31 12 Self lntroduction I certify that the information provided in my application is accurate, completg and honeslly presented. I understand that any omission, intentionaliy inaccurate iniormation or misrepresentaiion herein may resuli in cancellation of my admission to KAIST. Applicants Signatue Ltrisiffry@ Date (yyy1/mm/dd)