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SILVIA MARCHESI Università di Milano Bicocca Dipartimento di Economia Politica Edificio U6, Ufficio 365 Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1 I ‐ 20126 Milano Tel. +39 02 64483057; Fax +39 02 64483585 E‐mail: Web page FIELDS OF INTEREST Development Economics, International Finance, Economics of Art and Culture EMPLOYMENT February 2014: National Scientific Habilitation, full professor in Economics (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, professore di prima fascia in ECONOMIA POLITICA e POLITICA ECONOMICA) University of Milano Bicocca, Economics Department, Associate Professor, November 2006‐ University of Siena, Economics Department, Assistant Professor, November 2001‐October 2006 (with tenure since 2005) OTHER AFFILIATIONS Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano, Research Fellow, 2007‐ EDUCATION Warwick University, PhD in Economics, 2001 PhD Thesis: “Screening and Signalling in Debt Strategies: Theory and Empirics,” 2001 Università di Siena, Dottorato in Economia Politica, 1997 Warwick University, MSc. in Economics, 1995 Università di Pisa, Laurea in Economia e Commercio, cum laude, 1993 ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Research and visiting position Archive Center of the Musee d’Orsay, Visiting Professor, October 2014 University of Heidelberg, Visiting Professor, September 2012 University of Goettingen, Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research (CEGE), Visiting Professor, December 2009 KOF‐ETH Zurich, Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, Visiting Professor, August 2006, October 2007, September 2008 London School of Economics, Financial Markets Group (FMG), Visiting Scholar, October 2004‐
February 2005 Università di Firenze, Assegno di ricerca, Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato, June‐October 2001 University of Warwick, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR), Visiting Research Fellow, April‐July 2000 “Ente per gli Studi Monetari Bancari e Finanziari Luigi Einaudi”, Roma, Visiting Research Fellow, January‐April 1999 University of Warwick, Research Associate, Department of Economics, January‐June 1998 Referee Economic Modelling, International Finance, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Financial Stability; Journal of International Economics; Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics; Public Finance and Management, Research in Economics, Review of Development Economics, Review of International Organizations, The Economic Journal, The World Bank Economic Review, The World Economy. Bank of England, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Organization of Conferences and Seminars 2014‐: Co‐ Organizer of the Departmental Seminar, Economics Department, Università Milano Bicocca 2013‐: Co‐ Organizer of the Departmental Work in Progress Seminars (WIPS), Economics Department, Università Milano Bicocca 2010: Lead committee member del Program Committee for the 6th PhD Presentation Meeting of the Royal Economic Society in the area "Development Micro/Macro". 2008: Co‐Organizer of “Second Riccardo Faini Doctoral Conference on Development Economics”, Gargnano (BS) (advertized in BREAD: Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development) 2008‐09: Co‐ Organizer of the Departmental Seminars, Economics Department, Università Milano Bicocca 2005‐06: Co‐ Organizer of the Departmental Seminars, Economics Department, Università di Siena SELECTED GRANTS and AWARDS Annual Prize in Labour Economics “Ezio Tarantelli,” September 2014 Fondi di Ateneo per la Ricerca (FAR), Università di Milano Bicocca, 2007‐ MIUR‐PRIN grants “The role of debt markets and debt characteristics in crisis prevention”, 2004‐
06. Scientific coordinator: Alessandro Missale Best paper award at the Global Finance Conference, Trinity College Dublin, June 2005 Università di Siena, Fondi di ricerca PAR, 2002‐05 Università di Firenze, Young Economists’ grant, 2001‐02 Sir Austin Robinson Memorial Prize (EJ), March 1999 “Marie Curie” TMR Fellowship, Brussels (Belgium), 1998‐00 JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS “The Labor Market in the Art Sector of Baroque Rome” (with Federico Etro and Laura Pagani), 2015, Economic Inquiry, Volume 53 (1), pp 365‐387 “Did high debts distort loans and grants allocation to IDA countries?” (with Alessandro Missale), 2013, World Development, Volume 44, pp 1‐300 “Read my lips: the role of information transmission in multilateral reform design” (with Laura Sabani and Axel Dreher), 2011, Journal of International Economics, Volume 84, pp 86‐98 “Is two better than one? Effects on growth of Bank‐Fund interaction” (con Emanuela Sirtori), 2011, Review of International Organization, Volume 6, pp 287–306 “The political economy of IMF forecasts”, (with Axel Dreher and James Vreeland), 2008, Public Choice, Volume 137 (1‐2), pp 145‐171 “IMF concern for reputation and conditional lending failure: theory and empirics” (with Laura Sabani), 2007, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 84, pp 640‐666 “Buybacks of domestic debt in public debt management,” 2006, European Journal of Finance, Volume 12, pp 379‐400 “Adoption of an IMF Programme and Debt Rescheduling. An empirical analysis,” 2003, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 70 (2), pp 403‐423 Top 25 JDE requested papers, Year 2003 “Riacquisto di debito pubblico: estero ed interno,” 2002, Rivista di Politica Economica, Volume 92 (3), pp 131‐165 “IMF conditionality as a screening device” (with Jonathan P. Thomas), 1999, The Economic Journal, Volume 109, pp C111‐C125 Sir Austin Robinson Memorial Prize (EJ), March 1999 BOOK CHAPTER and BOOK REVIEW “From Economic Crisis to Reform: IMF Programs in Latin America and Eastern Europe” by Grigore Pop‐Eleches (PUP, 2009), 2010, book review, Economic Record, Volume 86, Issue 273, pp. 304‐307 “Prolonged use and conditionality failure: investigating the IMF responsibility” (with Laura Sabani) in G. Mavrotas and A. Shorrocks (eds.), 2007, book chapter in Advancing Development: Core Themes in Global Economics, Palgrave‐Macmillan: 319‐332 NON REFEREED ARTICLES “Gli affari” dei pittori nell’Italia del Barocco” (with Laura Pagani), 2013, Vita e Pensiero, Volume 1, pp 135‐142. “Reforming IMF and World Bank: what governance structure can improve cooperation” (with Laura Sabani), 2012, Rivista di Studi sullo Stato. WORKING PAPERS “Information transmission within federal fiscal architectures: Theory and evidence” (with A. Dreher, K. Gehring, C. Kotsogiannis), 2013, CESifo Working Paper No. 4400. Submitted “Information transmission and ownership consolidation in aid programs” (with Axel Dreher), 2013, CESifo Working Paper No. 4437. Submitted “The cost of defaults: the impact of haircuts on growth” (with Valeria Prato), 2013, Working Paper Università Milano Bicocca No. 265. “Does it take two to tango? Improving cooperation between the IMF and the World Bank: theory and empirical evidence” (with Laura Sabani), 2014, Università Milano Bicocca No. 380. UNPUBLISHED WORKS The Labor Market in the XII century Italian Art Sector, 2011, (with F. Etro and L. Pagani) Working Paper Working Paper Università Milano Bicocca 215 and University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Research Paper Series No. 23. “Does it take two to tango? How to improve cooperation between the IMF and the World Bank,” 2012, (with Laura Sabani) Working Paper Università Milano Bicocca No 232. "Agency and Communication in IMF Conditional Lending: Theory and Empirical Evidence.” 2009 (con Laura Sabani and Axel Dreher). CESIFO Working Paper No 2574. "Agency and communication problems in IMF conditional lending" 2008 (with Laura Sabani), Università di Milano Bicocca Working Paper 139. “How defensive were lending and aid to HIPC?” 2007 (with A. Missale), Università di Milano Bicocca Working Paper 115. “Prolonged use and conditionality failure: investigating the IMF responsibility” 2006 (with Laura Sabani) WIDER Research Paper 11. “What does motivate lending and aid to the HIPCs?” 2004 (con Alessandro Missale). Centro Studi d´Agliano Development Working Papers 189. “Screening and Signalling in Debt Strategies: Theory and Empirics.” 2000, PhD Thesis, University of Warwick. WORK IN PROGRESS “Debt restructurings” “IMF Conditionality in Europe “ “Spending Decomposition and Communication” “The Economics of Impressionism” (with Federico Etro) "Spillover effects of success books" (with Vincenzo Scoppa and Michela Ponzo) SEMINARS and CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (last 10 years, including planned) INVITED 2015: International Monetary Fund|Centre for Finance and Development|UK Department for International Development Conference on Financing for Development, Graduate Institute Geneva. 8th Beyond Basic Questions (BBQ) Workshop June 25‐28, University of Hannover 2014: University LUISS Guido Carli, Roma; II Workshop on Federalism and Regional Policy, University of Siegen. University of Siena. Crisis, Institutions, and Banking Union Conference, Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin. University of Zurich. University of Calabria. CESifo Group Seminar at CES, University of Munich. 7th Beyond Basic Questions (BBQ) Workshop June 19‐21, University of Heidelberg. 2013: Conference on “Reforming Europe,” University of Mannheim and the Centre for European Economic Research‐ZEW, Mannheim. Catholic University of Milan. Workshop on the “Political Economy of Fiscal Policy,” European Central Bank (ECB), Frankfurt. University of Ancona. LSE Economic History, London. University of Pisa. 2012: University of Heidelberg 2011: University of Bergen, Norway. Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari. Workshop on Informal Governance in International Organization, University of Rochester (USA). Queen Mary University Of London. 2010: The Political Economy of International Financial Institutions, Egon Sohmen Memorial Conference, Tübingen, Germany. 2009: University of Bergen, Norway. University of Padova. University of Siena. 2008: The Central Bank of Finland monthly research seminar, Helsinki. Università Statale di Milano. 2007: KOF, ETH Zurich. 2006: KOF, ETH Zurich. WIDER's Jubilee Conference, Helsinki. 2005: LSE/FMG Lunchtime Seminar. University of Warwick Development Workshop. CONTRIBUTED 2015: 8th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Berlin Germany. European Public Choice Society, EPCS, 2015 Annual meeting, University of Groningen. 2014: 7th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Princeton University (USA). Centre for the Study of African Economics, CSAE, 2014 Annual meeting, University of Oxford. European Public Choice Society, EPCS, 2014 Annual meeting, University of Cambridge. 5th international conference on Economics of Global Interactions, University of Bari. 2014 Annual meeting of the Italian Economists (SIE), University of Trento. 2013: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro (AIEL), Annual Meeting University LUISS Guido Carli, Roma. Società Italiana Economia Pubblica, SIEP, Annual Meeting, University of Pavia. European Association Labor Economists, EALE, Conference in Torino. European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, University of Ljubljana.. European Public Choice Society, EPCS, 2013 Annual meeting, ETH, University of Zurich, Switzerland. 6th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), University of Heidelberg & Mannheim, Germany. 2012: Annnual Meeting Società Italiana Economisti, SIE, University of Matera. 3rd Annual Workshop on Institutions, Individual Behavior and Economic Outcomes, University of Sassari and CRENoS, Argentiera. Nordic Conference in Development Economics, Göteborg, Sweden. 2011: 4th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), University of Zurich, Switzerland. University of Milano Bicocca, CISEPS 2010: 3rd Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Georgetown University, Washington DC (USA).. 2009: Annual Meeting Società Italiana Economisti, SIE, Banca d’Italia, Rome.. 2nd Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Geneva, Switzerland. 2008: The Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO) Annual Meeting, Ascona Monte Verità (Switzerland). ASSET (Association of Southern European Economic Theorists) 2008 Annual Meeting, Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze. 17th Workshop on Political Economy, Silvaplana (Switzerland). 2007: World Meeting of the Public Choice Societies, Amsterdam. International Political Economy Society (IPES) Annual Meeting, Stanford. American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting, Chicago. 2006: EEA Annual Conference, Vienna. 2005: Global Finance Conference, Trinity College Dublin. TEACHING Dottorato in Economia e Finanza Amministrazione Pubblica (DEFAP): “The Economics of Sovereign Debt”, Spring 2015 “Sovereign debt and the international financial architecture.” Fall 2010: Master in Cooperation and Development, Bethlehem University, Spring 2013‐ 2015 Module on “Finance for Development.” University of Milano Bicocca, 2009‐: International Finance and Development (postgraduate, in English); Macroeconomics (undergraduate, in Italian) University of Milano Bicocca, 2007‐09: International Trade (undergraduate, in Italian); Macroeconomics (undergraduate, in Italian) University of Siena, 2001‐06: Macroeconomics (undergraduate); Advanced Macro (postgraduate); Module of Macroeconomics I (doctorate programme); Coordinator of the course in International Macroeconomics (doctorate programme) University di Florence, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “Cesare Alfieri”, 2001: Professore a contratto, Monetary Economics OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES University of Milano Bicocca: 2006‐07: Erasmus Coordinator of the Economics Faculty University of Siena: 2003‐06: Member of the Teaching Committee for the degree in Economics; Member of the Library Committee 2003‐04: Internal auto‐examiner for the review of the Department's taught provision (VAI Project) Last updated April 2015