Diary Dates: - Disley & Lyme Horticultural Society


Diary Dates: - Disley & Lyme Horticultural Society
Horticultural Society
Society News
After sadly reporting within our last
newsletter the sad news of the loss of
our President Dick Sidlow last year
we are now very pleased to announce
that in a vote at our AGM on Friday
28th November that our new President
is Mr. Peter Thomas. Peter has been
for many years a very active
committee member, still is! He has
served tirelessly in most if not all of
the senior committee positions and
has great insight into the Society.
Congratulations Peter & many thanks
for your ongoing dedication to the
Societies constitutional aims and
As ever at this time of year the
committee is busy trying to finalise
details of our forthcoming events
schedule and planning for the
highlight of our year, the annual show
in August. Much as you will see
below is now sorted but we have a
little more to finalise so please make
sure we have your up to date email
address when you renew your
membership subscriptions which for
the first time for a long while have
been increased. We do hope you will
agree that subscription fees of £5
continue to offer superb value for
money. We will deliver future
newsletters via email but you will also
be able to pick up a hard copy at any
of our events or if you are unable to
attend any please contact the
membership secretary and we will try
to get a hard copy to you.
14th March - coffee morning, plant
sales, seed swop and cake sales at
High Lane Village Hall. It’s
mothering Sunday the following day
so perhaps you may be able to pick up
the perfect present or treat!
25th April - Disley Community
Centre hosts a Coffee morning where
bedding plants will jostle for space
with homemade cakes. The first of
this year’s free member’s draw will be
made with the winners gaining free
membership for 2016.
11th May – We have been specifically
invited along to visit Primrose
Cottage Nursery & Garden centre
near the airport. Members already can
get discounts here but this is a special
opportunity for a good look round and
a chat with the owners. Refreshments
will be available and we will be
advising further detail later in the year
but subject to interest we will likely
be able to provide some transport for
a nominal fee. If you are interested in
the transport option please let Les
les.matthews10@gmail.com or by
phone to Ralph Dale, Tel number is
shown at the foot of the page.
TBC MAY - We are hoping to
arrange a society trip in May, watch
out for details.
13th and 144h June Well Dressing
The Society will once again be
preparing a supporting tableau for the
Disley & Newtown Well dressing
week-end. If anyone would like to be
involved with the society’s tableau
please contact Jackie Lowe (see
below for contact details)
20th June - 10am to noon,
Society coffee morning, plant &
cake sales and raffle at Disley
Community Centre. Free members
“Plantsman Garden.” Kevin has
a wealth of experience and
horticultural knowledge and we
are in for a treat, so please do try
and attend. The club bar will be
open for anyone fancying a tipple.
We are again subsidising this
year’s talks and entry for members
will only be £2 and £3 for non
members. So please don’t miss
4th & 5th July - Society 4* weekend away to visit Hampton
Court Flower Show & RHS
Wisley. Week-end trips are a new
departure for the society however
in January when we advised via
email that limited spaces had been
secured for this trip we very
quickly filled the spaces so
apologies if you missed out, don’t
dally next time!
11th July - 10am to noon,
Society coffee morning. Yet
again a new venue for us, St
Thomas Church on the A6 in High
Lane hosts this coffee morning.
Cakes and plants will be available
and we will have another free
members draw.
Date TBC July – We are
finalising the date with Tom
Atherton of the Sweet Pea Society
for a visit to his own garden. Tom
enthralled and enlightened us in a
talk at the end of last season and
this jaunt should be very
interesting. Again we are hoping to
supply some transport so please let
Les know if you are interested.
1st / 2nd August – Dean & Lesley
Stafford are again opening their
25th June - Society Evening Talk
garden at 21 Scarfell Close, High
7:30pm High lane Conservative
Lane, SK6 8JA as part of the
Local Garden Speaker, Kevin Pratt,
National Gardens Scheme. Do go
has kindly agreed to return to enthral
along for a special treat and a
us again with a talk simply entitled
sneak preview of what you might
Chairman: Les Matthews 07860 954405, Treasurer: John Fisher 01663 762993 Gardens Open Days: Ralph Dale 01663
764650 Show Secretary: Dean Stafford 01663 763015, Membership Secretary: Mary Milburn 01663 763271: Volunteers
and Newsletter: Christine Raywood 01663 763530, Publicity: Jackie Lowe 01663 763768: Trips Peter Thomas 01663
Horticultural Society
be up against in the senior classes on
show day!
15th August – Annual Show
Saturday from noon at Disley
Amalgamated Sports Club. More
details to follow but the show will
feature all the usual Horticultural,
Arts and Craft competitions, field
attractions and a display from the
Sweet Pea Society and much more ...
The Disley Amalgamated Sports Club
will be using the show marquee on the
evening of the show to host a return of
their popular “Beer & Bands”
evening with cask ales, live music and
hot food. Contact Vicki Marshall
01663 762761 for tickets.
September Society trip – under
development, watch out for details!
We are also very pleased to advise
that Lord Newton – the Society Patron
will be presenting this year’ trophies
and closing out the show.
Last years’ show saw the introduction
of the WI challenge shield and local
WI’s will once again be competing to
demonstrate their knowledge across a
range of skills.
Prospective stall holders or schedule
sponsors should contact Dean Stafford
to discuss opportunities.
Past show volunteers will be
contacted with the hope they will be
able to help at this year’s show.
However if you have never been
involved and if you can help in any
way you will be very welcome, no
expert knowledge is required just
enthusiasm. Please contact Christine
Raywood if you can help at any time
from when the marquee is erected on
Wednesday 13th August to show
Growing tips, a full show class listing,
the show rules and the show recipe
will be available very soon on our
however we can advise that the senior
flower arranging class title is “RED
HOT SUMMER”, the photography
classes are “SPRING, SUMMER,
AUTUMN & WINTER.” The juniors
will be challenged to produce a floral
arrangement entitled “ON THE
WILD SIDE” in a recycled container.
The junior photography class will be
24 September Society Evening,
Disley Community Centre 7:30
researcher, Horticultural lecturer and
organic specialist will be speaking to
us on “Tips & techniques – Botany,
Pests & Diseases” Discounts for
value is £50 but if you want to
potentially order something let Les
Matthews know via email and
subject to the response he will try
to amalgamate a bulk order. Don’t
forget to add vat onto the prices for
non food plants. The Parkers web
address to check what’s on offer is
The society has secured 30%
savings on seeds and 15% general
savings from Dobies. To obtain
these discounts members need to
order direct, at any time, quoting
the Society reference number
GD5076A, on the order. Dobies'
web address is www.dobies.co.uk
3rd October 10am to Noon
High Lane Village Hall Coffee
Morning, cake sales, raffle and Bulb
sales. If you were successful at the
show you will be able to pick up your
engraved trophy at this event.
27th November - Friday 7:30pm
Society AGM Disley Community
Centre. We intend to have what is
now our traditional mulled wine and
mince pies for all, so come along and
have your say or put your name
forward to potentially join the
committee. Members only. Note the
earlier start of 7:30pm.
Members Corner
If you would like anything included in
future newsletters whether gardening
tips to share across our membership or
horticultural related items for sale
please contact the newsletter editor
christine.raywood@gmail.com who
will try to include your titbits into the
forthcoming newsletters.
Snowdrops are a sign that gardens
are about to spring into new life.
Did you manage to get to any
gardens to look at the lovely
snowdrops this year? Above is a
picture of some of this year’s
snowdrop display at Bodnant
Members Discount opportunities
If want to renew your membership
or join the society for the first
time? Simply come along to any of
the forthcoming events or contact
Mary Milburn, her contact details
are shown below. New members
are always very welcome.
Don’t forget Parkers offer wholesale
buying opportunities across a broad
range of plants. The minimum order
“Good Gardening”
forthcoming events.
Chairman: Les Matthews 07860 954405, Treasurer: John Fisher 01663 762993 Gardens Open Days: Ralph Dale 01663
764650 Show Secretary: Dean Stafford 01663 763015, Membership Secretary: Mary Milburn 01663 763271: Volunteers
and Newsletter: Christine Raywood 01663 763530, Publicity: Jackie Lowe 01663 763768: Trips Peter Thomas 01663