April 2015 - Pennington County


April 2015 - Pennington County
4-H News
Calendar of Events
April 2 Last Dog Class
April 4 No Archery Scheduled
April 6 Gun @ 4-H Building
April 10 Deadline for garden plot
April 11 Archery @ BH Archery
April 11 Bunny Basics
April 13 Gun @ 4-H Building
April 18 Archery @ BH Archery
April 17-18 Dog Gone Wild
Weekend @ 4-H Building
April 21 Rodeo Meeting, Wall 7PM
April 24 YIA Registration DUE
April 24-26 State 4-H Shoot, Pierre
May 1 noon Rodeo forms due
May 1-2 Western SD YIA
May 12 Leader Meeting, 6:30 PM
May 19 Horse Safety & Training
May 25 Office Closed
May 29 Horse Show Registration
May 29 State Horse Project
Registration DUE
601 E Centre Street ▪ Rapid City, SD 57701
▪ (605)394-2188 ▪ Fax: (605) 394-6815
Email: pennington.county@sdstate.edu
Pennington County
April 2015
Upcoming Workshops and Events...
Bunny Basics
April 11 from 3 PM to 4:30 PM at the 4-H Building, the
Happy Hoppers 4-H Club is hosting an event where you can
learn more about rabbits, make a bunny related craft and
have an egg hunt! The fee is $2, pre-register by calling
394-2188 ext. 0 or email amy.bristol@pennco.org. It’s a great event to
bring a non-4-H friend along!
Robotics Training for Registered Volunteers
If you’re a registered 4-H volunteer in Pennington Co.,
and interested in learning how to use the 4-H Robotics
program with your club or independent member, a
training is planned in April or early May, depending on
interest. If you’re interested, please contact Craig
Alberty at craig.alberty@sdstate.edu or call 394-2188
ext. 4.
Volunteer Teams – we need volunteer project leaders to coordinate
short-term events in Pennington Co. Take a look at the list below
and see where you can fit in! Call 394-2188 ext. 0 to fill a slot.
Meeting Coordinator— OPEN-solicit ideas, create meeting agenda and
encourage volunteers to attend Leader Meetings.
Garden Team Leader – Dianne Aultmann
Horse Show Coordinators—AnneMarie Johnson & Susan Meyer
Rapid City YIA—Theresa Derr & OPEN
Fashion Revue Coordinator—Christina Dehn and Dyani Waldrop
Cat Show Coordinator—OPEN-coordinate the Achievement Day Cat
Show along with the Program Advisor.
Rabbit Show Coordinator—Open-coordinate the Achievement Day
Rabbit Show along with the Program Advisor.
Poultry Show Coordinator—OPEN-coordinate the Achievement Day
Poultry Show along with the Program Advisor.
Club Coordinator—OPEN-coordinate club booth decorating contest, and
building schedule during fair
Photo Contest Coordinator –OPEN-coordinate People’s Choice
Photography Awards during the Central State’s Fair
Check inside for more information on: Dog Gone Wild Weekend Retreat,
Camp Bob Marshall Registration, upcoming Livestock Judging & Horse
Safety (great for Recognition points!), and State 4-H Shoot information.
Making A Difference
Creating Opportunities for a Lifetime South Dakota State University, South Dakota Counties, & U.S. Department of Agriculture
Cooperating. South Dakota State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer (male/female) and offers all benefits,
services, education and employment opportunities without regard for ancestry, age, race, citizenship, color creed, religion, gender,
disability, national origin, sexual preference, or Vietnam Era status.
Member News
DOG GONE WILD WEEKEND - This is an overnight at the 4-H building with your
dog. Bring yourself, sleeping bags & pads, dogs, dog crates, leashes, dog food and a
GREAT Attitude for a fun filled weekend retreat with your dog April 17-18. You must
be a registered Region 4-H Dog Project Member to participate in this event. If you
have paid your dog project dues, this event is free. If you have not paid, the cost to
attend is $30. You MUST Pre-register in the office by 4:00 p.m. April 15 to
participate. PARENTS are needed to help, please sign up in the office or with Lois Schmoll, Project
Lead, 430-7688
4-H Rodeo Enrollment Deadline—Noon, May 1st
Thank you to all who have turned in rodeo forms early—this has greatly helped the office.
If you haven’t enrolled and have questions about what you need in order to enroll for 4-H
rodeo, especially regarding the 4-H online required enrollment, please contact our office
at least one week prior to the deadline. The State 4-H office shuts down the county access to rodeo enrollment on May 1. This is why the office is asking you to please register
early, so any problems or questions can be addressed before the State deadline. Call
394-2188 ext. 0 or email pennington.county@sdstate.edu.
Horse Project Enrollment Deadline—Noon, May 30th
While horse project enrollment sounds like a long ways off, there are many paper
forms and online updates to make. If you can enroll early, this will help so much
with our office being able to complete the registrations. If you didn’t participate
last year, or have a new horse this year, we need: 1. Horse ID Certificates
uploaded in 4Honline.com and a paper form in office 2. County Horse Show Entry
form. 3. Horse Safety Training completed 4. Horse Activity Record uploaded in
4Honline.com and a paper form in the office.
Horse Safety Training is required to be in the Horse Project. The
Shamrock Riders Horse Safety Training will be Tuesday, May 19th at 6 PM at the 4-H Building.
Youth can be assessed for their Horse Achievement Form after completing the classroom work for Youth
HORSE Safety Training. The arena for assessment is TBD, but it will be on the Central States Fair
Grounds. Members need to bring their own horse or contact Alan (alan.vanbochove@blackhillscorp.com)
or Patty (bqh@enetis.net) by May 12 if other arrangements are needed.
Custer Co. Horse Judging and Safety Training —Horse Judging Contest, April 11th at 10 AM at the
Custer County Fairgrounds, Followed by a Horse Safety Training (Required) at 1 PM put on by Laurie and
Jerry Woodward and LeAnn Maude. Meade Co. Horse Safety Training—All 4-H’ers who are interested
in participating in the Horse Show this summer, must attend a horse safety course. The training will be
held on April 11th at 2 PM at the Meade County Extension Building. Butte Co. Horse Achievement &
Judging—April 12 at 1 PM at 1st Interstate Bank.
Pennington County Extension Staff
TBD - 4-H Youth Advisor
Jane Amiotte - Part-time 4-H Youth Advisor, 394-2188, Ext. 3
Craig Alberty - Part-time 4-H Military Youth Program Assistant, 394-2188, Ext. 4
Amy Bristol - Asst. to Extension Office/Publications Coordinator, 394-2188, Ext. 0
Phone: (605) 394-2188 Fax: (605) 394-6815 Email: pennington.county@sdstate.edu
http://www.pennco.org/4H South Dakota 4-H Website: iGrow.org/
Pennington County 4-H & Extension Office hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM.
SD State Shooting Sports
Thank you to all our Gun and Archery volunteers who have made the 2015
Shooting Sports year possible. Thank you to the parents who have also
offered extra support to these club leaders and the program. 4-H Shooting
Sports would not exist without your dedication.
Registration for the State Shoot has started. Go to: http://sd4-hss.com/ Use the
email address on record and your password. If you’ve forgotten your password, there
is a “forgot password” option on the site. (Please note, if for some reason the “forgot
password” comes back as a quotation mark, please contact our office to double check the spelling of
your email address on record.)
See more at: http://igrow.org/4h/south-dakota-4h/rule-books/#sthash.8XKcH3tQ.dpuf
Summer Day Camps coming July 14 & 21
Parents, mark your calendars: Junior Leaders are invited to help with the Summer Day Camps! Day
Camp is July 14 & 21 from 9 AM until 3:30 PM. We provide lunch and snacks, and the junior leaders
help guide 6-10 year olds through the activities. Contact Jane Amiotte for more information,
jane.amiotte@sdstate.edu or 394-2188 ext. 3.
Western SD Youth In Action
Youth In Action is a series of competitions in the areas of public presentation, fashion revue, special
foods (preparation), and consumer judging. The Western SD Youth in Action (YIA) is scheduled for May
1-2 at the Walter Taylor 4-H Building. YIA is free to all 4-H members, and the registration can be found
at www.pennco.org/4H. For more information on the specifics of the contests, go to the “Useful Links”
section of the website. The 2014 YIA guide, Public Presentation Guide and Special Foods Handbook are
listed. Please note: Fashion Revue is only for practice, and no ribbon placing will be awarded.
2015 State Leader’s Conference
Put the date on your calendar for the annual 4-H Leader’s Conference….Saturday, April 11th. The
conference is being hosted by the counties of Brookings, Miner, Moody, McCook, Kingsbury and Lake
counties of District S3 at the Davison County 4-H facilities, in Mitchell, SD. Registration fee for the
conference is $20 to cover food and supplies. In past years, we received a $2500 grant from Monsanto
to support our conference, which is no longer available.
4-H Garden Plots Available! We have garden plots available to our 4-H’ers in
the garden next to the office. Please call the office at 394-2188 ext. 0 to be put in
contact with our volunteer Garden Coordinator to reserve your spot. The deadline to
sign-up is April 10, and the garden clean-up will be April 18, weather depending.
For Camp Bob Marshall registration, go to: www.pennco.org/4h and go to the
“Camps” Parents, the number of youth spots at camp are directly related to the
number of adult chaperones we have. Start thinking now about being a
chaperone for camp!
Teen Camp is June 9-12 and Youth Camp is June 15-18!
Youth Council Application Available
Youth Council application will need to be completed by June 2nd for ages 15-18. Go to the following
website for more information. http://igrow.org/4h/personaldevelopment/apply-for-sd-4-h-youth-council/
Teen Leadership Conference-June 1-5 at SDSU
TLC information will be available online April 1. Registration will run from April 1st‐May 10th. It will open
April 1st on www.igrow.org.
Regional Events
Meade Co. HuntSAFE Classroom Course This free, classroom-style course allows students to
participate in multiple in-person sessions; providing the student with knowledge and skills relative to
hunting and hunter safety. To be eligible for certification, students must be present and participate in all
the required sessions.
To register or see more information, go to: http://gfp.sd.gov/outdoor-learning/huntereducation/
hunt-safe.aspx#sthash.YJ6wpWSs.dpuf April 9-11, Sturgis Extension Building April 29- May 2, Faith Fire
Attention Livestock Project members:
April 12th – 1:00 PM Livestock Judging, McPherson Angus Ranch
April 18th – 2:00 PM Horse Safety Training, Extension Building, Sturgis
May 28th- 9 AM Meade County Youth In Action, Extension Building, Sturgis
June 2nd – Meade County Horse Show
*Hereford Cross S 4-H Club and the McPherson Angus Ranch will be hosting a livestock judging
school and competition on Sunday, April 12th, 1:00 pm at McPherson Angus Ranch. We will first
do a brief class on judging beef and sheep, then we will have judging for beginners, juniors, seniors,
and adults. A meal will follow the judging. Awards will be given in each division.
Directions to McPhersons: Go east from Sturgis on 34, turn off at the Buffalo Chip on the Alkali Rd.
follow pavement for 5 mi, keep going straight on gravel for 16 mi, McPherson Angus Ranch sign up and
Star Ranch Dr sign. Turn and go south for 2 1/2 mi.
From Union Center-----go west on 34 for 16 or 17 mi, turn at Hereford 11 miles sign and continue on
the Hereford Road for 8 mi. It will then become the Alkali Road. Follow that for 7 1/2 mi and come to
the McPherson Angus Ranch sign and Star Ranch Dr. Turn and go south for 2 1/2 mi.
Market Animal DNA, Weigh-In & Ownership Verification Forms for Livestock
All animals in the 4-H division that will potentially be shown at a state sponsored livestock event such
as the South Dakota State Fair must complete the 4-H Livestock Ownership Affidavits for each species.
In addition they MUST complete a weigh in, DNA sampling and receive a green tag or other permanent
identification before the deadlines listed below. Please keep in mind all of these requirements so you
are eligible to compete at the State Fair. New this year, breeding beef that may potentially be shown at
the State Fair must be green tagged or tattooed by the ownership deadline as well. Market goats and
sheep will NOT be green tagged, but the full scrapie tag number including the state ID will be required
on the ownership affidavit form. Contact the Extension Office for details and necessary forms. There are
also additional requirements for each species.
All livestock exhibitors MUST abide by the ownership deadlines:
• April 1, 2015 - Market Beef
• June 1, 2015 - Market Sheep, Breeding Sheep, Breeding Beef, Dairy Goats, Dairy Cattle, Meat
Goats, and Market Swine.
July 1, 2015 – Rabbits and Poultry; Poultry need Leg Bands (one per bird); Rabbits - tattooed in the
left ear (one per rabbit).