THE GENEX ISSUE OF - Cooperative Resources International
THE GENEX ISSUE OF - Cooperative Resources International
IT’S COMING THIS JULY… THE GENEX ISSUE OF JERSEY JOURNAL And you can earn big savings by sharing your Genex success story. Genex and the Jersey Journal are teaming up to bring you a special issue highlighting the Genex story and promoting the overall growth of the Jersey breed. Genex is offering semen credits when you place an ad to share your Genex success story and feature Genex-sired females influencing your herd! EARN BIG SAVINGS BY PLACING AN AD: ✔ Place a 2/3 or full page ad and earn a $200 Genex semen credit ✔ Place a 1/4, 1/3 or 1/2 page ad and earn a $100 Genex semen credit All Genex-based ads earn contract rates. REAP Advertising Advantage can be used if applicable to REAP herds. Contact Jersey Journal staff to reserve your space by June 1, 2015 and save an additional 10% on advertising! TO PLACE YOUR AD, CONTACT: KIM BILLMAN, Editor, Genex, 614.322.4451 Cooperative, Inc. TRACIE HOYING, Assistant Editor, A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International, 614.322.4471 888.333.1783 • ©2015 CRI F-08980-15
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