Details of Land Division & Town Approval Process for Gierach Lots 1-8


Details of Land Division & Town Approval Process for Gierach Lots 1-8
Details of Land Division & Town Approval Process for Gierach Lots 1-8
Wetland survey has been completed.
Topographical survey is being done by end of December. Once completed will be
submitted to Civil Engineer.
When doing topographical survey the surveyors will locate proposed lot corners with
flags or posts.
Civil Engineer to create water retention plan consistent with Town of Grafton
requirements by end of January with cost estimates for completion. The Storm Water
Management plan must be approved by the Town of Grafton.
All land grading required for water retention plan will need to be completed in spring
prior to the sale of individual lots.
Gierach Investment Properties, LLC and Town of Grafton will create a Developer’s
Agreement that must be approved by the Town of Grafton.
Preliminary Town Plat with proposed lot boundaries to be complete by February 1, 2015
to submit to Town of Grafton.
Preliminary Town Plat will need to be reviewed by Ozaukee County Land and Water
Management, as well as all other objecting and approving agencies.
Preliminary plat submittal meeting with Town of Grafton anticipated to be first week of
April, 2015.
Final Town Plan submittal meeting with Town of Grafton anticipated to be first week of
May, 2015.
Anticipated deed recording for individual lots by end May, 2015.
Proposed Town Plat subdivision (parcel # 06-033-06-009.00) will not require Ozaukee
County Planning and Parks Dept. review or approval as the land falls outside of the
Ozaukee County Shore Land Zoning Jurisdictional Boundary, per Andrew Struck,
Ozaukee County Planning and Parks Director.
Proposed deed restriction will require proposed houses to exceed some amount of
square footage to be determined in the coming months. These will be defined by the
developer and the Town of Grafton as part of the approval process.
No land designated as wetland or water retention areas may be disturbed through the
building process for house, outbuildings or driveways.
Driveways on County Highway C need to be 300 feet away from an intersection with
another road and 300 feet from another driveway.
Driveways on Lake Shore Road and Lake Bluff Lane will need to be at least 12 feet from
the edge of the driveway to the lot line.
Amanda Schaefer
Town of Grafton // Clerk/Planner
Phone: 262-377-8500
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Allen J. Schneider, R.L.S.
Chaput Land Surveys
234 W. Florida Street, Suite 306,
414-292-1312 Office