April - Gregg Middle School


April - Gregg Middle School
APRIL 2015
Gregg Middle School
“Individual commitment to a group effortthat is what makes a team work.”
~Vince Lombardi
From The Principal
Lori R. Estep
By now, I am certain you have heard that Gregg Middle School was named the
Palmetto’s Finest middle school for the state of South Carolina for 20142015! Throughout my 25 years as an educator there have been countless
wonderful memories. However, this year has been especially rewarding due to
the multitude of committed individuals on the GMS Team. Parents,
grandparents, faculty, staff, PTSA, SIC, students, community members,
business partners, Dedicated Dads, and numerous volunteers have
collaborated and worked tirelessly to provide our students with an
outstanding education and amazing experiences they will remember for many
years to come. This incredible accomplishment and many others are definitely
a result of the combined efforts of our school community.
In the words of Coach Phil Jackson, "The strength of the team is each
individual member. The strength of each member is the team." We appreciate
you being a valued member of the Gregg Middle School team.
April 13th -17th we will formally recognize some very special people during
Volunteer Appreciation Week. Without our volunteers, we could not
accomplish everything that we do for our students. THANK YOU to everyone
that supports our efforts every day, but especially during the Palmetto’s
Finest process. The GMS Team members are dedicated and committed to
working together toward a common vision, making our school one of the finest
in the state. Success will always be our ONLY option!
Wow! March was crazy! Can you believe how many things were going on, from
testing to the Health Fair to Incentive Days to Rising Sixth Graders
Night...whew!! A HUGE thanks to all of the volunteers who came out and
helped with everything. And, the year's not over yet. Be on the lookout for
more information about what’s happening this spring.
As we wind down the year, we are already looking to next year. Our PTSA
board will look very different as several of our officers are moving on to high
school. Many of us have been here for several years and are sad to be leaving
GMS. We know, however, that we are leaving it in even better hands. Positions
such as President, Hospitality, Membership and Volunteer Coordinator will be
open. Please contact PTSA at greggptsa@gmail.com or talk to any current
board member if you are interested in being a part of the GMS PTSA next
year. It is fun and very rewarding to be a part of this wonderful group.
Thanks to everyone's contributions, GMS is expecting a check from Box Tops
for $158-great job GMS families! While you continue collecting Box Tops, please
keep collecting those Labels for Education, Tyson Project A+ labels, as well as
MyCokeRewards points. We appreciate each and every one sent in. So, thank you and
keep 'em coming!
Natalie Best- I teach English as a
Second Language. Prior to coming to
Dorchester School District 2, I worked
as an English teacher for eight years in
Atlanta, New York City, Costa Rica,
Nicaragua and Charleston County. I
also worked as an International Student
Advisor at Appalachian State University
for four years. I speak conversational
Spanish and French. I love to travel and
experience cultures different from my
I have a Bachelor’s degree in
Comparative Literature from the
University of Georgia and a Master’s
degree in English Education from Emory
My husband and I have two sons, and
together our family enjoys all kinds of
outdoor activities, especially beach
Color Fun Run at GMS
We are excited to share with you that Gregg Middle School is hosting its first ever “Color Fun Run” fundraiser! Students who register for the event ($25
entry fee) will receive a custom-designed GMS shirt and enjoy fitness and fun on Friday, April 17th at the SHS Track while walking/running to raise funds
for our school.
Each student that registers will walk/run the track with his/her grade level for approximately 30 minutes. Our students are r eally excited about the color
packs that can be purchased ($4/each) for the walk/run by friends and family (rather than pledging or donating money) to support their walker/runner and
our school. To register your student for the Color Fun Run go to the following website: gmscolorrun.eventbrite.com. Event details, directions for
registering, and information for friends and family on how to purchase color packs are provided on the site. It’s that easy!
Thank you for supporting Gregg Middle School!
It’s officially Spring!
Of course that means we have a few things to watch for.
Your student may be unlucky with suffering from
allergies this time of year. Please be aware that allergy relief can only be given at home or by a parent who is willing to make the trip to
school. We do not stock Benadryl, Sudafed or allergy type medications and students are not permitted to bring meds to school.
Also – it’s time to pull out the sunscreen. We do not stock any sunburn relief meds and once again these should be applied at home in the
morning. 6th grade parents; if you sent in the DHEC consent form for your child to receive the tDap vaccine, the DHEC nurses will be
here the week of April 20-25. Once DHEC assigns our date you will be notified
Come out and support the electives team on Thursday, April 30th from 5-6:30 p.m. in the GMS café as
they sponsor a spaghetti dinner. Tickets are $5.00 and include spaghetti, salad, bread and a drink. Join
us for the spaghetti dinner in the café and then enjoy the chorus, piano, and dance performances in the
gym immediately following. Look for more information after Spring Break.
On Saturday, April 25th from 8-10 a.m. GMS Athletics will be sponsoring a pancake breakfast
fundraiser. The event will be held at the Applebee's located at 88 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, SC.
Tickets are $7.00 and can be bought from the GMS front office as well as any GMS student-athlete
and/or coach after Spring Break. The breakfast will include 3 pancakes, 2 sausage links, and a drink.
Come out and support GMS athletics and let us serve you!
Better –For- You Sweet Snacks
Let's be honest: Anything that seriously satisfies our sweet tooth isn't going to be the epitome of a healthy meal. Though all of these snacks
contain (gasp!) sugar, we aimed to find lower-sugar options that offer something beneficial, whether it be a sneaky super-food (like strawberries
and grapes) or additional nutrients like fiber or protein. So here are a few less guilty ways to indulge any sweet tooth.
Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry
Combat chocolate’s not-so-healthy side by using it as a semi-sweet jacket on super-foods, like strawberries! Dip and let set in the refrigerator
until the chocolate coating has hardened.
Choco-Nut Popcorn
Pop a small bag of natural popcorn and top with 1 tablespoon melted peanut butter and a dusting of cocoa powder. Crunchy and the perfect
amount of sweetness! Not sweet enough? Try swapping peanut butter for Nutella.
Frozen Chocolate Banana
Bananas are a great source of vitamins C and B6, and are also packed with fiber and potassium. Peel a banana, cut into two equal halves, and
freeze. Once solid, take out and roll in melted dark chocolate. While the chocolate’s still melty, roll in whichever crunchy topping you like—
sprinkles, nuts, and granola all work well! Return to the freezer until the chocolate is set (at least an hour). Enjoy!
Yogurt Parfait
Top 1 cup Greek yogurt (plain or vanilla) with your choice of toppings: crumbled graham crackers or granola, nuts, and fruit are all healthy
choices. Add some shaved chocolate if you must!
5. Fresh Fruit
Can’t get simpler than this. Any piece of fresh fruit should offer enough natural sugar to fill those cravings. Plus, it’s definitely the healthiest
choice and you get added nutrients and fiber!
6. PB & J
Half of a classic sandwich on whole wheat bread (grape, strawberry, or whatever type of jelly you like) provides an excellent amount of
sweetness with a little dose of protein and fiber to boot.
Technology Spotlight: Class Dojo!
This month’s technology spotlight is on Class Dojo (www.classdojo.com),
an online classroom management program used by many teachers. Class
Dojo provides many features for teachers, parents, and students. Here
Date: April 8-14
GMS Media Center
is a quick break down of the program:
Teachers Can
Breakfast and Books
Friday, April 10th
8:00 a.m.
Encourage students and transform their classroom by giving
positive feedback instantly.
Engage parents by easily communicating using the Class Dojo
Messaging feature.
Don’t Forget!
Encourage individual student strengths or skills important to
the classroom.
Please be sure to review the dress code in the
Help students see their progress with simple reports.
student agenda with your child as we welcome
Parents Can
the warmer weather!
Parents: Please check with your students to see
Be more involved by engaging with their child’s education
if they owe ID fines.
anytime, anywhere.
See exciting moments from school with the Class Dojo Photos
Instantly communicate with their child’s teachers.
Help their child see their strengths and build on them at home.
Gregg Middle will host its annual Career Day on May 20, 2015.
We are currently looking for Career Day Speakers to come out
Students Can
and speak with our students about various careers. If you are
See how well they are doing in class instantly.
Be recognized for all of the amazing things they do in school
interested please contact Mrs. Wilson in the guidance office at
843-821-3910 or via email at twilson@dorchester2.k12.sc.us.
each day.
In March, 6th and 7th grade students received their elective
with your child and complete the registration form and return
forms for selecting elective classes. Parents, please sit down
Celebrate all of the good things they are doing with their
it to your child’s grade level counselor with your signature as
soon as possible.
Create and customize their Class Dojo avatar.
To sign up for Class Dojo, simply visit www.classdojo.com, and select
“Sign Up as a Parent.” If your child’s teacher uses Class Dojo, they will
We are in need of Monitors for testing in April. If you would
like to serve as a monitor, please contact Mrs. Connie Merting
at 843-821-3910.
provide the class code needed to follow the class online. If you are
Testing Dates
unsure if your child’s teacher uses Class Dojo, please contact them to
find out more.
April 28, 29 and 30
May 7, 8, 12, and 12
6th Grade
Christina Daniels
Olivia Plymel
Jubilee Manneraak
Tyler Carroll
7th Grade
Jada Simmons
Garrett Tupper
Connor Wise
Camryn O’Baker
8th Grade
6th Grade
Chloe Bright
Marco Castillo
Dillon Ranwala
Zach Marano
Jordan Wolfgang
Shannon Freeman
Madison Barnett
Chris Sheets
7th Grade
Hannah Doss
Emily Farmer
Garrison Veith
Dawn Strano
8th Grade
Tanya Geddis
Aidan Foster
Dylan Chamberlain
Gizzelle Jaimes
ACT Aspire, ACT Workkeys and The ACT will be administered
to students soon. Is your child ready? ACT, Inc. explains in
this letter to parents and students why these tests are
important and how to prepare for them:
Our students will be administered the new state test, ACT Aspire this month. ACT Aspire is an assessment system
that measures academic achievement in English, math, reading, science, and writing in grades 3 through 10. The
students will be assessed in the areas of Writing (April 28), English (April 28), Reading (April 29) and Math (April 30).
All ACT Aspire assessments will be paper/pencil this year. The biggest change is that the test will be timed.
The Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) will be administered to all students in the areas of Science and
Social Studies. Science will be May 7 and Social Studies will be May 8, 11, and 12.
ACT Aspire—Focused on the Student
ACT Aspire connects the students’ academic progress from one grade to the next with assessments that are given as
students are learning and at the end of the school year. This information will help you understand whether the
student’s academic growth is on pace for college and career success.
The ACT Aspire can be utilized to answer some important questions, such as:
What does the student know right now? What is he or she ready to learn next?
Are there gaps in the student’s knowledge and skills that need to be addressed before he or she is ready for the
next level of learning? If so, what is needed to get back on track?
Is the student learning what’s necessary to be ready to enter college and the work world?
Tips to Help Students Do Their Best on ACT Aspire
You can help your student do his or her best on the ACT Aspire assessments by sharing these tips:
Get plenty of rest the night before the test.
Follow directions exactly, and ask questions.
Don’t spend too much time on any one question because ACT Aspire is a timed test!
Go back and review if you finish the test with time to spare
GMS Vision Statement-The Gregg Middle School community will provide a safe, structured learning environment to promote high
expectations for student achievement and character development to encourage success.