Waterloo Catholic District School Board in partnership with


Waterloo Catholic District School Board in partnership with
Waterloo Catholic District School Board
in partnership with
‘Dominican Encounter with Faith and Hospitality’
WCDSB Dominican Encounter with Faith and Hospitality Application
2015 – 2016 School Year
Dominican Encounter with Faith and Hospitality Program
The WCDSB Dominican Encounter with Faith and Hospitality experience is scheduled for:
Friday November 20 to Friday November 27, 2015
WCDSB Program Expectations
Prior to Departure
• Successful applicants must attend pre-trip preparation meetings, post-trip debriefing sessions. On
average these meeting will be held twice a month and will most often be on Tuesday evenings (approx.
7:00 – 9:00pm).
WCDSB Application Criteria
Applicants must attend a WCDSB secondary school and be in grade 11 or12 during the 2015-2016
school year.
Parental consent for applicants under 18 years old is required.
Applicants must be willing to participate in faith oriented activities (i.e. Mass, discussions about social
justice initiatives and prayer/liturgy).
Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a strong attendance record and academic
Estimated Cost
Total Cost to Participant = Approximately $1400 CDN. The cost of the program is the responsibility of the
participant. Fundraising opportunities are available. Please speak directly with a leadership team member if you
require support with the cost of the program. Please note that the estimated cost includes a return flight to the
Dominican Republic, food, accommodation with host families and transportation. The estimated cost does not
include: pre-trip travel immunizations, passport, souvenirs / gifts, extra snacks.
Information Session:
Students and parents that are interested in learning more about the Dominican Encounter with Faith and
Hospitality program are invited to email any of the contacts listed below with questions. Also, information
sessions may be held at each individual school. Please listen for information through announcements for further
details. Information and applications for the experience will be available on your school’s website and on
Classnet under the heading “WCDSB Dominican Encounter with Faith and Hospitality Program”. All
completed applications can be e-mailed to Anne.Denomme@wcdsb.ca or Michael.Morris@wcdsb.ca. The due
date for completed applications is Tuesday April 7, 2015.
If you have any questions please email one of the contacts below:
Contact Information
St. Benedict:
Lorrie Temple – (current leader for 2015)
Cindy Penner
Amanda O’Connor
Nick Betik
St. David:
Garry Boland
Phil Lehman
Larry Scanlon (current leader 2015)
John Pendergast
Monsignor Doyle:
Michael Morris
Anne Denomme (current leader 2015)
St. Mary’s:
Annabel MacDonald (current leader 2015)
Marianna Worth
Chris Woodcroft (current leader 2015)
Cathy Godkin
WCDSB – Board Office:
Derek Haime
Applicant Information:
Please fill out the application below in Microsoft Word and e-mail all completed applications to
______________________________________________. Please include your name, grade and school name
in the subject heading of the e-mail that you send.
Full Name of Student Applicant:
Current Grade: Name of Secondary School:
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
Email Address:
Home Phone Number: Cell Phone Number: Parent/Guardian Information:
Parent/Guardian #1
Name: Relationship to Applicant:
Relationship to Applicant:
E-mail Address: Home Phone Number:
Cell Phone # (if applicable):
Parent/Guardian #2
Name: E-mail Address: Home Phone Number:
Cell Phone # (if applicable):
* Please note that parental consent will be mandatory for trip participants that are 17 years old or under. A
permission form will be provided for students that have been selected to participate in the interview process.
Application Questions:
Please respond to the following questions:
1. Provide one example in your life where you put your faith into action – i.e. social justice initiatives.
2. Why do you want to be part of the Dominican Encounter with Faith and Hospitality program?
3. How do you think this experience will benefit you in your own personal life?
4. How do you plan on raising sufficient funds to pay for the cost of the program? (If you have ideas for
group or personal fundraisers please include them).