La Compagnie Duanama


La Compagnie Duanama
La Company Duanama
Artistic Residency
France – Spain - Poland
1 – Statement of intent................................................p.3
2 – Description of project.............................................p.4
3 – Participants............................................................p.5
4 – Contact...................................................................p.8
1– Statement of intent
“Xenophobia is the unreasoned fear of that which is perceived to be foreign or
strange. Xenophobia can manifest itself in many ways involving the relations and
perceptions of an in-group towards an out-group, including a fear of losing
identity, suspicion of its activities, aggression, and desire to eliminate its
presence to secure a presumed purity. Xenophobia can also be exhibited in the
form of an "uncritical exaltation of another culture" in which a culture is ascribed
"an unreal, stereotyped and exotic quality”. The emergence of xenophobia is
often related to the crisis and usually accompanied by accumulation of nationalist
sentiments in society and is a kind of complement to nationalism. Nowadays, the
crisis is improving and we can unfortunately observe an increasing of
tendency in the Europe. Typically, the fear of external influences
and actively counteracting them has its source in the socio-economic situation of
the country. This fear increases in times of economic decline, deterioration of
living conditions.
The opposite of xenophobia is ksenolatria or ksenofilia- love of difference,
We are interested in the subject of encounter with the other, with those who are
different from us and that can be a source of fear. This fear, which can be shared
by many people and be a source of violence, exclusion and leads to xenophobia.
We wonder how and in what way this fear can be overtaken. This feeling is often
based on projections, ignorance and stereotypes. Maybe we can overcome it
through the openness and the curiosity, by seeing the other person how a man
and by interesting in its difference? We notice that xenophobia and nationalism
are based on these mechanisms. I'm afraid of you, I'm Polish and I'm afraid of
Algerian, German or Iranian. I'm French and I'm afraid of......We need
identification, we prefer the illusion of stability because it decreases our fear, it
makes us feel reassuring. The fault is always outside. We are afraid to lose
something : It's not possible to share our space beaucoup it’s too small.....
How to overtake this fear that has existed in us for ages, and has accompanied
Homos Sapiens. We'd like to question it on the stage through confrontation of
our bodies, voices, languages, artistic styles, cultures, our differences. We
wonder to find common breath,
the evolution towards homos
ksenos latreia /interest, for whom the difference is power, exchange of energy.
We propose to scrutinize stereotypies in us and in our cultures, take a look at
this moment in which we choose fear and rejection, or curiosity, and
It seems to us that in the modern world, which is in the process of globalization,
in the crisis of values, everyone faces up to this choice in its personal life, in the
family, as well as at the national level. A choice that will give direction to our
civilization toward Homo Ksenos Phobos or Ksenos Latreia/ Interest.
2 – Description of project
Our proposal consists mainly in doing residency with participant teams from
France, Spain and Poland ( 5- 6 persons) in each participating country. Each step
would end up by a “work in progress” happening, and final show would be done
in Wroclaw. During every residency we will focus on the problem of xenophobia
in this country but also touch this subject in the bigger context.
The goal of these residencies is to ask about the fear related to xenophobia and
to find the way to overcome it. Moreover, a journey in each host country would
enable participants to plunge directly into its culture in order to know better. This
situation would also give them the opportunity to check their stereotypes and
their-own ideas about. This context changing would enrich their work. We 'd like
to use the true story and situation coming from participants and people around,
who we can interview and meet.
On the second hand, we'd like construct the bridge between futures European
Capital of Culture in 2016 ( Wroclaw and San Sebastian) and old one Marseille
We would like to construct this project in participation active with our partners
through the exchanges and dialogues (dates, methods, participants number,
duration of each step etc.). For now we propose three steps . The dates can
change in according to our partners and program of Wroclaw ESK 2016 and San
Sebastian 2016.
1. First step in Marseille ( France) in February or March 2016 ( 2 weeks)
2. Second step in San Sebastian ( Spain) June or July 2016 ( 2 weeks)
3. Last step in Wroclaw ( Poland) in November or December ( 2-3 weeks)
3 – Participants
We would like that our partners participate actively in the conception and
organization of these residencies. Every partner can propose its vision in order
to enrich the hole project and will be in charge to organize the step in its
country. It can propose the work's method during this step, and also lead it. We
have this kind of agreement with our partner from Poland. We are asking the
grants to the European Union and every partner can propose its contribution for
this project (space, national/ regional grant, volunteers, whatever...).
We are in contact with the European Capital of Culture 2016 San Sebastian about
this topic, and ESK Wroclaw 2016 agrees to follow and organize in the
partnership with Add Spectactator the residency in Wroclaw.
1. France: Duanama team from Marseille (the main organizer)
The Theater Company is created in 2011, aimed at creating , developing and
promoting the performing arts . Of its intercultural dimension , it aims to become
a player in the dialogue between nations and their cultural diversity.
DUANAMA (which means Holy Land ) focuses its research on intercultural , non violent and horizontal relationships between people. Our objectives are to
improve relations with oneself, others and the world and to advance towards a
better world, in which diversity is treated as a force, and where the individual
finds its place as an active citizen, independent and responsible. By these actions
our company would like to add a stone to the implementation of the following
purposes: to enable people to better live together in inter-generational level
inter-cultural and social.
In 2013 we organized the Intercultural exchange project ” Where do I finish and
does another one begin? “ with young artists from Poland, France and Algeria.
This project be done in three steps in Algeria ( Alger), France ( Marseille) and
Poland ( Wroclaw). The residencies touched topics as stereotypes, the encounter
of others, of its culture and the changing point of view about others cultures.
This project had a recommendation of Wroclaw 2016 artistic director and had
Wroclaw 2016 and Wroclaw Town’s patronage. It had a the grant of the
European Union and also The Embassy of France in Algeria.
In 2014 and 2015 we has worked a lots with people from disadvantaged districts
in Marseille, from different cultures through workshops and spectacles. We have
been creating the show “The Body of a Woman as a Battlefield”
and the
spectacle for young public about relation between a child and its parents. Our
artists create also others projects out of our company.
2. Poland : Ad Spectatores from Wroclaw
Ad Spectatores first performance was established in March 1997 in Wroclaw. The
theater was founded in order to become an alternative to the national theaters
and place all possible experiments in the field of dramatic, acting and staging.
Currently Ad Spectatores is the largest private theater in Wroclaw. It has 3
stages and employs more than 20 people. The team consists of graduates of
faculties acting in Wroclaw, Krakow and Lodz, graduates of Academy of Fine Arts,
University of Technology and the Warsaw Theatre Academy. Annually they play
more or less 150 performances (including from 5 to 6 premieres). Ad
Spectatores presented their performances in Moscow, Berlin and Bratislava. Also
hosted their scenes of artists from Moscow, Berlin, Freiburg, New York and
Ad Spectatores name appeared in the middle of the year 2000. It is a reflection
of the type practiced by our theater. In our projects we disrupt the illusion of the
fourth wall. We move Action between spectors, who are to be hemmed in by it,
and “pierced”. Ad Spectatores term loosely translated means in fact "to the
audience." Our goal is to create a fictional world in which the audience for a
moment could forget about the real world. We try to only give the audience what
it owed: entertainment, the opportunity to participate in the performance and
discussion, clear reception and a friendly welcome in the theater. We are trying
to go back to the roots of theater when the theater was visited by everyone,
was almost everywhere, and the need for its existence was result of the people
Artistic director: Maciej Masztalski :
3. Spain: Team from San Sebastian
We are looking for a team, a company from San Sebastian or around, which
would like to organize this project with us. This group of artists can approach to
the European Capital of Culture 2016 San Sebastian in order to organize the
second step with them and also to ask some help ( financial or logistic).
4 – Contact :
Company Duanama
Siret : 753 784 560 00033
Address: 55 rue belle de mai
Marseille 13003 France
Person in charge of project
Monika Smiechowska
Tel: 0033 672 44 62 96