Blackmore Bulletin - Durban High School


Blackmore Bulletin - Durban High School
Blackmore Bulletin
Blackmore House, Durban High School
Producing well-rounded young men of sound character who will form the
backbone of our school and eventually of our nation.
From the Senior House Master
As the end of the
First Term looms
ahead, I am
reminded how
quickly time passes.
Many things have
happened that have
allowed Blackmore
House to continue to
grow into a place
that embraces the
diversity of all, yet
builds a brotherhood
that unites.
We have seen a
number of changes
on the staff of
Blackmore House. I
arrived with my wife,
René (Housemother) and my two
daughters, Hannah
(16) and Keren (12).
Amos Muangwa and
Angie Bond have
both left the team
and their positions
are currently vacant.
Blackmore House
has benefitted from
their contribution
over the years and
we wish them well
for the future.
The year started
with building
projects that needed
to be undertaken to
re-finish some of the
aspects of the
renovations of 2014.
We have now
completed the retiling of the shower
areas and the front
stoep. We have also
just signed the
contract that will see
the installation of
new boilers that
would address the
problem of no hot
water on the Second
Floor. In addition,
this new system will
allow us to shut
down some tanks
during low usage
times, which should
translate into some
cost-saving. This
project will take
approximately eight
weeks to complete.
We are also in the
final stages of
approving the
contract that will
install 10 desk top
computers in the
Computer Room, as
well as provide wi-fi
access for boys with
their own devices in
the Prep Room.
These will be for
purposes only. The
same policy that
governs the use of
computers at the
school, will be used
in the Blackmore
House Computer
Room. This project
is long overdue and
I have appreciated
the boys’ patience.
This should be
completed by the
end of April.
We are also in the
process of
appointing service
providers to ensure
that all fire-fighting
equipment is fully
operational and
compliant. Fire
safety requirements
mean that we have
to replace Trellidors
with access
controlled doors,
which are monitored
by cameras.
As you can hear,
there will be many
new projects
undertaken and
implemented, All of
which will add
significant value to
the House, so we
have to accept the
inconvenience that
this may cause.
Mr R Hellenberg
Senior House Master
23 March 2015
Issue 2/2015
Inside this issue:
From the Balcony
Introducing the
The Backbone of the
April Holidays
History of Blackmore
Staff Matters
From a Blackmore
Old Boy
From the Balcony
What a term it has been
already. With a new man at the
helm of Blackmore House,
things were going to change-in
addition to the usual array of
issues that crop up when one
has 104 young men living
together. And change is a
condition of which many DHS
people, myself included, are
suspicious about!
Change is necessary but what
has not changed, and this is
absolutely vital, is the very soul
of the BE. I do believe that we
are moving strongly in the right
direction, as we drive home with
the boys the truly great aspects
of a DHS education; the striving
for excellence, emphasis on
team spirit and group
participation as well as the
sense of identity and belonging
which is geared towards making
young men who are ready to
make their mark in a dynamic
and challenging environment.
The cricket covers have been
packed away and the rugby
poles have been set up. The
whole school has seemed to
gain a new energy with rugby
season upon us. The A teams
have been hard at work in the
gym and on the field in
preparation for a tough season
ahead. This does mean the
early wake up call for gym, and
the now infamous Trompie
Some of our boys showcased
their talents in the Performing
Arts Competition and excelled
in a truly wonderful evening. It is
so great so see the different
talents of the boys coming
Introducing the Prefects
The prefects of 2015 are an energetic, passionate
group of gentlemen. They are led by Mthokozisi Ntuli
(Headboy) and his two deputies, Hadyn Henning
and Dylan Bothma.
The prefects are:
Dillon Bryan
Hero Mpanza
Lethu Mthembu
Matthew Noot
Dalvon Horsley
Sizwe Malinga
Ndumiso Ngcobo
Tristan Ross.
Haydn Henning (Deputy);
Mthokozisi Ntuli (Headboy);
Dylan Bothma (Deputy)
The Backbone of the School
As the Head Master always
says, “the BE is the backbone
of the school.” Blackmore’s
surely lives up to that statement
as you find all the boys that are
involved in different aspects of
the school. Blackmore boys
excel in sport, academics and
also cultural activities.
Hostels of traditional boys’
schools are normally known for
bullying and I thought
Blackmore House would be the
same. It didn’t take me long to
realize that I had the wrong idea
about Blackmore House. All that
was required from me was
Another great thing about this
house is the Brotherhood
amongst the boys. There is
“Blackmore House is the engine
of DHS. It is the cream of the
always a good vibe especially
during the very dramatic rugby
season. My biggest highlight in
the BE is the Interhouse Gala at
school once a year. We sing our
lungs out and show the dayboys
what living in the BE is all
Blackmore House is the engine
of DHS. It is “the cream of the
Mvumeleni Mathenjwa
Grade 11
April Holidays
We will be accommodating
touring sides participating in the
DHS Basketball Tournament (16 April) and the Glenwood
Rugby Festival (6-12 April).
Please be aware that if your son
is participating in either
tournament, it does not mean
that he may stay in the BE
unless the Master-in-Charge of
his sport has agreed to this as
part of their team’s requirement
and will be paid for by that
sport’s code.
The arrangements then for the
end of the First Term are as
Wednesday, 1 April is the
last day of school. Breakfast
will be the last meal that will
be served and no boy will
be allowed upstairs after
school as the dorms will be
cleaned for the touring
School will close at
approximately 10h30 and all
boys must be signed out by
their parent or guardian by
12h00. Please note that
boys will have to clear out
all their things as their
lockers and storage spaces
under their beds will be
used by the touring teams.
Boys who live far away may
approach Mr or Mrs
Hellenberg about storage
space during the holidays.
ALL boarders must be back
at the BE between 15h0017h00 on Sunday, 12 April.
All boarders will attend
supper at 17h30 on that
day. This will be the routine
for the start of every term,
unless indicated differently
by Mr Hellenberg
History of Blackmore House
During the years 1902 - 1903
there were not many schools
around the Durban area. This
led to Mr Belcher's idea of
having houses. This was to
promote competition in the
At first there were two boarding
houses and this was due to the
fact that the houses combined
were just “too strong", or "too
fast", and there was an uneven
distribution of talent in the
school with the boarding
houses taking the majority of
the numbers.
to one house, yet it was only in
the year 1932 that the boarding
house was named Blackmore
House after the late master Mr
There have been many senior
house masters in charge of the
boarding establishment, one of
which was Mr D G Nourse who
... “Fredric got bitten by
a shark” ...
The year 1913 saw the
combination of the two houses
taught at Durban High
School and had the second
field parallel to the main field
named after him. His legacy
surpasses those of a normal
man after countless acts of
bravery and great
leadership, one of which
was in the year 1940 at the
beach when his friend
Fredric got bitten by a shark
and he did not hesitate to
jump in, swim up to him and
carry him to safety on his
surfer board.
Libo Mngomezulu
Grade 11
Congrats to Brian Cele and Sicelo Dzingwa, who have been selected to represent KZN
Basketball at the National Tournament in July.
The following boys have represented DHS 1st Teams
in the various Term 1 sports:
Dillon Bryan (Captain), Nick
Fletcher, Matthew Noot, Zipho
Mngcete, Tinashe Nenhunzi
Brian Cele, Sicelo Dzingwa
Ross Welfare, Nick Fletcher
Aston Lawson
Blackmore House
70 Windmill Road
Durban 4001
Phone: 031-277 1520
Fax: 031-277 1555
Parents may call boarders Mon-Fri
between 16h30-17h15 and
Sundays 14h30-17h15
Staff Matters
We would like to welcome Mr Erasmus into
Blackmore House at the end of March. He will move
in with his wife, Mrs Erasmus and daughter,
Renovations are still under way in Mr Hellenberg’s
flat as well as in Mr Erasmus’s soon to be flat.
Mr Gcilitshana has packed away his cricket whites
and bought the trusty leather boots out of retirement
and has been attending Crusaders rugby practices.
He is coaching the 2nd XV rugby and is wanting to
showcase his talents, I do believe.
Mr September has also bought the rugby boots out
after a sabbatical and is plying his trade at Varsity
College Old Boys. Mr September will be coaching
the U16A rugby side.
We’re on the Web!
We wish both a good season.
From a Blackmore Old Boy
My Blackmore's career
started in 1994 after begging
my parents to re-think the
idea of sending me to a
school that allowed only one
weekend home per term.
Being someone who very
much enjoyed the home
luxuries and free weekends
to the beach, the thought of
having to look after myself
and "skivvying" for a senior
was not an attractive one.
In 1998 when I matriculated
as Head Prefect of the
school and prefect of
Blackmore’s, I realize now it
was easily the best years of
my life. The friendships that
were developed in
Blackmore’s have and will
last a life time and these
friends quickly became my
second family. You can meet
a Blackmore’s Old Boy
anywhere in the world today
and you can be guaranteed
that you will share similar
stories of comradely,
friendship and togetherness
that Blackmore’s instilled in
I will never forget the clinking
of Mr AJ Human’s keys
ringing through the corridors
on one of his evening patrols,
or the voice of a senior
shouting for a second former
from the other side of the
building. Through the good
times and the tough times I
can honestly say Blackmore’s
made me a better person and
I hope that the Boarding
house continues to be the
backbone of our School.
A bit about me:
I moved to and lived in the
UK for 7 years after my
studies and returned to
Durban in 2011 where I am
now happily married with two
gorgeous little girls. I’m
currently working at Unilever
in National Accounts and
have been since returning
from the UK. I try to keep as
close to the School news as
possible and regularly
support the School functions,
golf days and sporting
events. This weekend I have
the pleasure of presenting
the 1st XV rugby jerseys
before the clash with our old
foes, College. Good luck
chaps or should I say - GO
Calvin McGregor ‘98