2015 ZombieLand Camporee Packet


2015 ZombieLand Camporee Packet
ZombieLand Camporee
Arrowhead District
May 9-10th, 2015
Chappell Tractor Grounds,
Milford, NH
ZombieLand Camporee is an exciting contest of
the teamwork and Scouting skills of your patrol. Your patrol will hike around a
course through the woods, visiting a number of places on the way. At each
place, you will have a task to complete. You will use your knowledge,
teamwork, leadership, and Scout spirit to beat the challenges. Watch out for
Registration and Payment
In order to plan staffing levels and supplies, WE NEED YOU TO PREREGISTER by going online or using the form on the last page of this packet.
Give us your best estimate of the number of Scouts and Patrols your troop will
be bringing. Online registration at
http://www.nhscouting.org/event/zombieland-ii/1701138 Note that the
earlier you register, the closer to the parking lot we put your campsite.
Camporee costs:
Early Discount of $3 per Scout and $3 per adult ends March 31!
Normal rate of Scouts $15 and Adults $8 if paid by April 23rd.
Late fee of $5 for both adults & Scouts if registered after April 23rd.
(Yes, all adults need to pay! You’re helping to pay for your patch & the
facilities. )
No paint ball guns, air tanks, or paintballs are to be
brought to the camporee by the scouts, adults or visitors!
Any Scouts found with paint ball gear, will be sent home. Only the paintball
guns we are supplying will be used. No paint balls need to be brought, we will
supply them. Please make sure the boys in your troop are fully aware of this
ZombieLand Camporee
Camporee Schedule
Friday, May 8th
5:00 PM
Registration Opens - Troops arrive and set up camp (Scouts should
have eaten, or plan for a quick dinner! The Activities start at 7pm Friday night!)
Note that on Friday night patrols will get assigned to stations first registered
online, first served. This should give late arrivers time to set up their site before
heading to the activities.
Start building Zombie-proof Gateways (which must open & close!)
Skit Competition at the HQ Pavilion – Or Movie?
Station Mayors Meeting at HQ
Cracker Barrel – at Camporee HQ
Patrol Leaders running Chuckwagon stations
SPL’s & SM’s – review of schedule
Chaplains Aide meeting
Buglers meeting
Saturday, May 9th
7:00 AM
Reveille & Breakfast
Registration for Chuckwagon opens!
Class A - Opening Ceremony & announcements – Chuckwagon Field
Chuckwagon stations open
Stations close – no new wagons accepted.
Chuckwagon Results – CJ Bourn MC?
Lunch Break – Cubs Depart, Webelos stay
1:00 PM
Zombie Land Stations Open!
Stations Close – Turn in Scorecards & Mayor score sheets
Failure to turn in score card may result in 0 score!
Scouts & Buddies report to “Double Tap” for bonus shooting
Zombie-Proof Gateway Scoring & Campsite Inspections
Get your Skit approved at the HQ
Class A - Scout’s Own Service, Campfire, Results & OA Callout
Cracker barrel – SPL’s & SM’s – HQ
You are encouraged to present a skit at the campfire Saturday night. “ZOMBIE” Skits are
encouraged, but must be reviewed by the Campfire Staff Saturday afternoon.
Sunday, May 10th
Reveille & Breakfast
Class A - Closing Ceremony
Campsite inspection & Clean up & leave – Pack out your trash!
ZombieLand Camporee
General Rules
These rules apply for the entire Camporee weekend.
1. Everyone at the Camporee site – Scouts, adults, workers, everyone – needs to file
a medical form. No Doctors signature required. To find a blank form, go to
http://nhscouting.org and click on the far right “Camping Forms” box, or
download from
Bring an envelope with your Medical forms to registration at the Camporee.
2. Everyone on the course must be appropriately dressed. This Camporee is rain or
shine! Remember to pack your rain gear!
3. You are expected to abide by your Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Outdoor
Code. Show respect to our hosts, event staff, and other Scouts.
4. Plan to cook on a stove. To build a fire in your campsite, you must use a metal
fire pan such as a trash can lid or wheelbarrow pan, and elevate it at least 6” off
the ground with bricks, cinder blocks, or similar materials. A fire pan set on the
ground scorches the ground and kills vegetation. When finished, make sure your
fire is dead out, and take the ashes away with you
5. Carry in/Carry out – Please be prepared to carry your trash home with you. There
will be NO dumpsters!
On the Stations
The ZOMBIE Leader of any station is the final arbiter of any conflicts concerning the
scoring at that station. The on-site event chairman is the final arbiter of any conflicts
concerning a patrol’s overall score and ranking. Since no adults are allowed in
stations, any arbitration must be initiated and conducted by the Patrol Leader.
Webelos Campout
Please invite Webelos to camp with your Troop. Please include them in your
registration so we know how much space to give you. Please help the Webelos
Leaders and parents follow the Youth Protection guidelines.
ZombieLand Camporee
The ZombieLand Games!
(These games may change)
Friday Night
How about a Zombie Hike Friday night? Or Skits in the
Rule #1. Cardio - Infected versus Survivors –Are you fast enough to out-run 1, 10, or
50 Zombies? Bring your fastest shoes, you’ll need them!
Saturday Events
We’re not ready to announce all of these – come to Roundtable to hear more – but you
can expect them to exercise traditional Scout skills and patrol teamwork.
Games in “quotes” are rules from the movie “ZombieLand”.
“Cardio” – Infected v. Survivor game.
“Ziploc Bags” - Fire starting is vital!
“Double Tap” – Paintball!!! Need I say more?
“Fasten Your Seat Belt” – perhaps knots would keep you in your seat?
“Get to the Winchester!”- Map/orienteering – Get to the safe house & escape the
6. Eyeball bowling.
7. “Enjoy the Small Things” - I Need a Twinkie! –
8. Flying body parts!
Rule #29, “The Buddy System”
Bring a friend for more Paintball!
Scouts are encouraged to bring a friend to the ZombieLand Camporee. Scouts
who bring a Friend will get to go back to the “Double Tap” paintball range to
shoot until we run out of paintballs, or air! To qualify for the ‘Bonus Paintball’
time for the Scout & Friend, the Friend must meet these requirements:
1. Must not be a registered Scout. Or may have dropped out, but is now
willing to come back to join the Scout Troop.
2. Must camp out for at least 1 night. Either Friday or Saturday.
3. Must have a Medical form on file for the camporee.
4. Must attend all the events on Saturday with the sponsor’s Patrol.
ZombieLand Camporee
Special PLC Briefing!
On April 8th, the entire PLC is invited to attend the Special PLC Briefing. SPL’s
and ASPL’s, QM and PL’s will be briefed on the Camporee activities.
The Briefing will be at the LDS Church, at the same location as Roundtable.
But, the PLC will NOT be attending the Roundtable! This briefing will start at
7pm and run until around 8pm. We will review how the Patrols will run the
games at the Chuckwagon Derby on May 9th. We will give YOU a chance to pick
the game you want to run. We also want feedback on your Pack & Den visits.
How did it go? Is the Pack coming to the Chuckwagon Derby?
Strategy Hints
At each station you will be given a challenge to complete. Make sure you understand
what is expected, and ask questions if necessary. Take a bit of time to plan how you
will attack the task.
Patrols that work together, with each Scout contributing ideas and effort, are likely to
score better than patrols where some Scouts are left out.
Display your patrol flag, and use your patrol yell, at every appropriate opportunity.
Budget your time: There is enough time to visit every station, but only if you don’t
take too long at any one task. Sometimes you will do better to accept a partial score at
a station where you’re having difficulty, so that you can move on to complete other
SPL Challenge
The Senior Patrol Leaders will have the opportunity to exemplify great leadership at
the ZombieLand Camporee. Can he get to the Cracker Barrel early on Friday &
Saturday? Can he motivate the Troop to get to Flags on Saturday & Sunday, and
Campfire Saturday night? Can he communicate to be the best leader he can be?
The SPL Challenge is a purely individual challenge. He is not competing with other
SPLs. He will create his own set of goals, and see how well he can meet, or exceed
them! Please see the page later in packet that will be his scorecard.
ZombieLand Camporee
Rule #33 – “Swiss Army Knife”
Equipment Lists
Please be prepared to carry your gear up to ¼ mile to your campsite. NOTE:
you may lose points if you do not have the required gear!
Patrol Equipment List:
Patrol Flag
Roll of duct tape.
Two (2) notebooks and two (2) pencils or pens
A trash bag for all wood, paper, garbage. This is a pack in & pack out event!
First Aid Kit to meet all requirements of first aid for First Class Scout - include
materials for slings and splints. Use the Patrol First Aid Kit from your Scout book
as an example.
Two staves & blanket/tarp for stretcher
Fire Starting kit – Tinder, Matches, in a Ziploc bag! “Rule 2 – Ziploc bags!” And also
for catching tics!
Scout Handbook and/or Field Book
Light weight stove to cook food at your site. This is NOT needed for the
ZombieLand games!
10 pieces of rope, 8 feet long, for lashing
Equipment List for Each Scout
Scout Spirit
Field Uniform - “AKA Class A” – Needed for Chuckwagon Derby, Flags & Scouts
Own Service
Water bottle, filled with water
Proper footwear for rain and/or mud
Folding pocketknife (No sheath knives allowed)
Compass and whistle
Cup and eating utensils
High-energy snacks for morning and afternoon
Troop Equipment List
Medical Forms
Zombie-Proof Gateway materials. You may use ‘down’ timber at the site.
Tents & Dining fly
Garden cart to transport water jugs (optional)
Special Troop info
Chaplains Aide should bring a reading or song.
Bugler should bring a bugle or trumpet.
ZombieLand Camporee
Directions to Chappell Tractor in Milford
Put “180 Emerson Rd, Milford NH” in your GPS or
Take Route 101 East or West around Milford
Take the NH Route 13 Ramp
From East: Take left at bottom of ramp.
From West: Take right at bottom of ramp.
Turn left at Emerson Road intersection - first light.
Follow camporee signs for entrance to parking on right!
When You Arrive
Look for signs directing you to parking. You will have a short hike to your campsite.
After parking, go to the registration tent. Bring your Medical Forms & any money for
un-registered people. At registration you will be instructed where your campsite is
There is water on the west side of the HQ building.
Plan to carry your gear and water up to ¼ mile to your campsite in the woods.
There will be signs & directions to the potable water.
ZombieLand Camporee
2015 Camporee Registration and Payment
Register ONLINE at http://nhscouting.org/Arrowhead
Or fill in this stuff below and US mail it in. Keep a copy for your records.
Troop number: __________
Troop contact name: ______________________________________
E-mail address: ___________________________________________
Phone (home)______________________(mobile)___________________________
Number of patrols attending: __________
Number camping:
Scouts __________
Will your Bugler be attending? _______
Will your Chaplains Aide be attending? _______
Adults __________
Number of Scouts attending: ___________ × $15 = _______________
Number of Adults attending: ___________ × $8 =
Early Discount (before April 1) _____# persons x $3 = -______________ (subtract!)
Late payment (after April 24) _____# persons × $5 =
Total cost:
+_____________ (add)
So we can plan space for you, please let us know the following about Webelos
CAMPING WITH YOU. Please remind your Webelos to register for the Chuckwagon
ASAP so they know who will be coming!
# Of Webelos Scouts __________
# of Webelos Adults __________ from Pack ________
Make checks payable to “Daniel Webster Council”
Mail registration and payment to:
Beth Dibble
7 Stevens Drive
Hudson, NH
DEADLINES or the next pay plan will apply!
ZombieLand Camporee
Unit Roster
Troop: ____________
(Bring this to registration with you. Please list EVERYONE! )
Name: Last, First
Adult/Scout Cell
Make extra copies if needed.
ZombieLand Camporee
SPL Challenge
Troop #:
SPL Name:
How effectively can you lead your troop? Can you Communicate, Organize, and Motivate
your Scouts to fully participate and get the most out of this Camporee?
This is not a competition with other SPL’s. It is a challenge to see how well you can meet
the goal you set for yourself. Meet with me (Bill Noyce) any time before 7:30 PM Saturday
to set your goal, and at the end of the weekend we will review your results. Here are the
points available – note that late arrival at an event does not earn any points:
9 PM Friday Cracker Barrel
SPL & Scoutmaster both represented on time:
Only one is represented on time:
Arrived 5 minutes early:
10 pts
5 pts
+5 pts
Chaplain Aide serves the Camporee as assigned*
Bugler serves the Camporee as assigned*
5 pts
5 pts
* Chaplain Aide / Bugler should meet with Camporee Chaplain / Lead Bugler
during Friday evening Cracker Barrel to agree on an assignment.
8:30 AM Saturday Flags & Opening Ceremony
Troop is present on time, lined up by patrol:
Troop flag is displayed at opening:
Troop is in “Class A” uniform:
Arrived 5 minutes early:
10 pts
+5 pts
+5 pts
+5 pts
Saturday Evening
Campsite is clean and organized:
20 pts
8:00 PM Saturday Interfaith Service & Saturday Campfire
Troop is present on time:
Arrived 5 minutes early:
Troop presents at least one song, skit, etc:
10 pts
+5 pts
+5 pts
9:00 PM Saturday Cracker Barrel
SPL & Scoutmaster both represented on time:
Only one is represented on time:
Arrived 5 minutes early:
10 pts
5 pts
+5 pts
8:30 AM Sunday Closing Ceremony & Flags
Troop is present on time, lined up by patrol:
Troop flag is displayed at closing:
Troop is in “Class A” uniform:
Arrived 5 minutes early:
10 pts
+5 pts
+5 pts
+5 pts
Maximum possible is 130 points. How close can you get?
ZombieLand Camporee
(Scoutmaster: Please print these last 2 pages & give to your Patrol Leaders)
Patrol Visit to Pack/Den Meeting
Troops will be running the "Zombie Slayer Boot Camp" for the Cubs Scout's
Chuckwagon Derby. We want to have HUGE turnout at Chuckwagon, so we are asking
Patrols to visit a Pack or Den meeting and help spread the news! Giving a quick
Chuckwagon promotion, along with a song, game, or activity will earn your PATROL
extra points! To help you, there is a script on the next page. Or you can just use the
talking points in the bullet list.
To get 2 points per Scout for the following (up to a total of 16 points). You or your leader
must upload a photo of you at the Pack/Den meeting to the Arrowhead District, Daniel
Webster Council facebook page. Or you can email the photo and details below to
You MUST include the following info:
Troop # __________________
Pack # ___________________
Patrol Name __________________
Date ________________________
Invited the Cubs to Chuckwagon on 5/9/15 at Chappell Tractor, Milford, 8:15
to noon.
Scouts who were there (First name, Initial of last name)
Example: John D.
Played game (or led song) with Cubs
Game/Song title: _____________________________________
Troop # __________________
Pack # ___________________
Patrol Name __________________
Date ________________________
Scouts who were there (First name, Initial of last name)
Example: John D.
ZombieLand Camporee
(Scoutmaster: Please print these last 2 pages & give to your Patrol Leaders)
Chuckwagon info for your Pack or Den Meeting visit
Chuckwagon is a lot of fun, but not all Packs come. We want all Cubs to come, so we’re asking you to
visit a Pack or Den meeting and invite the Cubs. It’s as simple as that! Here below is a script for you to
use. Or you can use the bullet points and make up your own script!
Fill in the blanks spaces with your name, Pack number, and Troop number. You can figure it out!
Patrol Leader: Hi Pack ___! I’m here to tell you about a really, really fun event that is
coming up on May 9th. What day did I say? (Cubs yell back May 9th!) Right! May 9th.
We are Scouts from Troop ___ and we need you to come to the Chuckwagon on, what
day was that again? (Cubs yell back May 9th!) Right, May 9th. We’re going to be there
running a game, just for you!
Who knows what a Chuckwagon Derby is? (Let them guess a couple of times. If they
get it right, great! Either way, you say) Chuckwagon is a competition to see how much
fun you can have, and learn some things, and play some games. Groups of 4-8 Cubs
tow a wagon full of supplies around a field and stop at Game Stations to play. My Patrol
will be there, and we’ll be running a game! Who wants to play a game (or sing a song?)
You DO?
Before we play/sing, here is the important info for your parents & Leaders about the
Chuckwagon Derby:
Chuckwagon is a competitive event. Cubs learn and do games like knots, bean
bag, US history, and Cub knowledge. All while having a fun time!
All Cubs are welcome! Teams should be 4-8 Cubs from all ranks. If you only
have a couple of cubs for your team, let them know ahead of time and they will
team you up with another Pack.
It will be at Chappell Tractor Sports Field in Milford.
The date is May 9th from 8:15 to noon.
Why? Why? You need to ask why? Because it’s so much fun!
To register, Check your email for the flier, or go to nhscouting.org/arrowhead and
click on the calendar and then on May 9th. You’ll be able to register there! Don’t
be hit by the late fee!
Game: Skipping relay race. Have the Cubs line up, with Boy Scouts across the room.
Have the Cubs Skip across to you, and skip back. Or do a Hopping relay. These are
good skills that boys this age are just learning. So it’s not too easy, not too hard!
Song: Do the Pirate song. Or the Camp Carpenter Cheer. Or do Old McDonald with
ranks making their sounds. Tiger grr, Wolf howl, Bear growl, Webelos (ask them what
sound they make!) Or do a song they know.