Newsletter 26.02.2015 - Earlham Primary School
Newsletter 26.02.2015 - Earlham Primary School
Earlham Primary School Tel: 020 8888 2780 Fax: 020 8365 8993 E.Mail: Website: Executive Headteacher: Angela Ryan Head of School: Laurence Clarke Deputy Head: Mary Gardiner Friday 27th February 2015 Newsletter No 22 I would like to introduce myself to you as the new Head of School at Earlham. I have been a teacher for Laurence Clarke 28 years and have worked in 5 different primary schools, 3 of which have been in Haringey. It is a real privilege to have been given this opportunity to work with your delightful children and I am very excited by the challenges ahead, not least trying to remember everyone’s name! My first priority is to ensure that we have the very best teachers teaching your children. I am very happy with the staff we have at Earlham and am confident that there will be no more changes to the teachers this year. In Jade Class, Miss Reeves will be starting on Monday and will be here for the rest of the year. In Coral class, Miss Sirca, who has been with the class this week is also staying until July. Joining me as part of the new leadership team are Mary Gardiner (Deputy Headteacher) and Evrim Cengiz (Assistant Headteacher). I am Mary Gardiner confident that together we can deliver improvements to the school and raise standards of achievement for your children, giving them a better chance of success in the next phase of their education. Evrim Cengiz We know there is much work to be done and just some of the things we will be working on are as follows: We shall be reviewing homework so that we can be sure the homework that your child gets is regular and appropriate to their needs. We will hear every child in school read in order to give them a reading age. We will observe all teachers teaching to ensure your child is getting the best we can provide. It is important that we work together to make sure our school serves the needs of our children and our community. I am always happy to hear your views. By working together can we make sure your children enjoy school and make the most of the opportunities presented to them so that they can build successful, happy lives. I am always in one of the playgrounds before school and at the end of the day so I look forward to meeting you in the coming months and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns or ideas for how Earlham can continue to improve. Child Safety The safety and well-being of your children is always our primary concern and we do everything in our power to ensure that this is preserved. Earlier this week, an incident occurred in our playground where the behaviour of one of our parents intimidated our staff and upset the children who witnessed it. Such behaviour has no place in our school and will not be tolerated. I have banned this parent from the school premises. Free School Meals If you think that you may be entitled to free school meals please come to the school office and collect a FSM application form. If there are any parents who are unsure of their entitlement please ask Mrs Malm who will endeavor to help. Lunchboxes Please be advised that as from Monday 2nd March packed lunch children will be required to put their lunch boxes in the canteen before school starts. They will also have to be collected from the canteen at the end of the day. World Book Day – Thursday 5th March On Thursday 5th March we will be celebrating World Book Day by having a dressing-up day. Children may come to school dressed as their favourite book character. There will be small prizes for the best dressed children! Holiday Dates Dates for your Diary Tuesday 17th March Coral class Guitar Concert. Coral class parents are invited to attend. The performance starts at 2.50pm. Spring Term 2015 Monday 5th January to Friday 27th March 2015 Easter Holiday Monday 30th March to Friday 10th April 2015 Summer Term Monday 13th April to Thursday 21st May 2015 Wednesday 18th March Y5 Singing Concert for children only Friday 22nd May – School closed TAD Half Term – Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May 2015 Last day of term Friday 17th July 2015 Attendance for w/e 13.02.15 Ruby Moonstone 87.9% 95% Jade Emerald 78.6% 88.3% Pearl Opal Amethyst 87.9% 95% Overall School Attendance for w/e 13.02.15 98.2% Sapphire 90.6% 92.5% Overall School Attendance for academic year 93.4% Coral Amber 91.3 % 91.5% Onyx 99.1% Quartz Crystal 96.6% 97.4% Diamond 97.4%