TOWN OF EAST KINGSTON, NH SELECTMEN’S PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015 7:00PM – Kevin Frye 7:15PM – Mark Brinkerhoff, Road Agent ATTENDING: Selectmen Matthew B. Dworman, Ronald F. Morales & Richard S. Poelaert. Others Attending: Kevin Frye, Mark Brinkerhoff, John Connolly & Michelle Cotton-Miller. Chairman Dworman called this meeting to order at 6:30PM. Chairman Dworman MOTIONED to nominate Ronald F. Morales as Chairman of the Board. Mr. Poelaert seconded. Motion carried 2-0. MINUTES: The Board reviewed the Selectmen’s Public and Non-Public Meeting Minutes dated 03/02/15. Mr. Poelaert MOTIONED to approve the Selectmen’s Public and Non-Public Meeting Minutes dated 03/02/15 as presented. Mr. Dworman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. CHECK REGISTER/POLICE DETAILS: The Board reviewed the check register dated 03/04/15 – 03/13/15 in the amount of $503,706.58 and the police special detail list in the amount of $3,120.00 dated 03/05/15 – 03/11/15. It was noted that Mr. Dworman reviewed the accounts payable prior to its approval at this meeting. Chairman Morales MOTIONED to approve and sign the check register dated 03/04/15 – 03/13/15 as presented based upon Mr. Dworman’s prior review. Mr. Poelaert seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Chairman Morales MOTIONED to approve and sign the police special detail list as presented. Mr. Poelaert seconded. Motion carried 3-0. APPOINTMENTS: The Board reviewed the following appointments for their approval and signature based upon the recommendation of the corresponding Department Heads: Matthew B. Dworman, Planning Board Ex-Officio Alternate, effective 04/01/15 – 03/31/16 Ronald F. Morales, Planning Board Ex-Officio, effective 04/01/15 – 03/31/16 Richard S. Poelaert, Planning Board Ex-Officio Alternate, effective 04/01/15 – 03/31/16 Marilyn B. Bott, Conservation Commission Member, effective 04/01/15 – 03/31/18 Nancy Parker, Alternate Trustee of the Library, effective 04/01/15 – 03/31/16 Mr. Poelaert MOTIONED to approve and sign the 2015 appointments as stated above. Mr. Dworman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. SNOW ORDINANCE: The Board reviewed a Road Obstruction Ordinance for their approval and signature stating “No personal shall place, or cause or allowed to be placed, any snow within the traveled portion of any town highway,” by which “Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a violation, and subject to a civil penalty of One Hundred Dollars for the first offense, and Two Hundred Fifty Dollars for each subsequent offense.” The Board tabled this item until further information is received. Town of East Kingston, NH Selectmen’s Public Meeting Minutes-March 16, 2015-20150316selpubmin 1 SOLAR EXEMPTION: The Board reviewed an application for a solar property tax credit/exemption for Janice M. Bagshaw, Trustee, Janice M. Bagshaw Trust, 77 South Road, MBL #13-03-12 for the total amount of $33,371, which represents the total cost of the installation of the solar panels to be deducted from the total assessed value of the property. Mr. Poelaert MOTIONED to approve and sign the application for a solar property tax credit/exemption for Janice M. Bagshaw, Trustee, Janice M. Bagshaw Trust, 77 South Road, MBL #13-03-12 for the total amount of $33,371, which represents the total cost of the installation of the solar panels to be deducted from the total assessed value of the property. Mr. Dworman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. MS-636: The Board reviewed the MS-636, Budget of the Town of East Kingston, as required by the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration. Chairman Morales MOTIONED to approve and sign the MS-636, Budget of the Town of East Kingston as presented. Mr. Morales seconded. Motion carried 3-0. ENH POWER: The Board reviewed information received from Brian Dubois, Commercial Account Specialist from Provider Power, LLC in which he states that ENH Power is prepared to offer special pricing of a 6 month fixed rate of 7.50 cents per kWh for the Town’s electric usage. Chairman Morales explained he received an updated quote from ENH and the prior rates were at 10.35 kWh. He added he thinks they should lock in at this limited time rate and the Town will save approximately $1,000 in the first two months. Mr. Dworman MOTIONED to approve the transition to ENH Power for a 6 month fixed rate of 7.50 cents per kWh. Mr. Poelaert seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Kevin Frye interjected this may be a good deal now, but ENH Power will still transmit over Unitil’s lines. Chairman Morales replied the Energy Committee has watched the rates for months so they are ready to jump on a good price. KEVIN FRYE: Mr. Kevin Frye met with the Board at 6:55PM to discuss the Road Agent’s budget for paving. Mr. Frye stated it has been about 1 ½ years since he met with the Board and he understands the budget has priority needs, but the Town needs to spend more money on paving. Mr. Dworman responded the paving of Brandywine Drive did not get done last year. Chairman Morales explained it is the Board’s intent to follow the budget and to complete a strategic master plan whereby they will look at each road to determine how heavily traveled they are to come up with a template. Chairman Morales continued all roads are different and they will learn the costs and requirements of each of them as this has not been done in the past. He added they are starting over to build good roads for their intended purpose. Chairman Morales invited Mr. Frye to join the Road Agent and Highway Director in this process. Mr. Frye replied he may be interested in doing so. Mr. Frye agreed the Town needs a strategic plan and some roads are better than others. Town of East Kingston, NH Selectmen’s Public Meeting Minutes-March 16, 2015-20150316selpubmin 2 Chairman Morales stated no study was done on the types of vehicles traveling each road, adding Willow Road, Sanborn Road and South Road need heavy construction as they are heavily traveled. Mr. Frye stated he lives on Forest Drive and he thinks the last time it was paved it should have been dug-up. Chairman Morales stated going forward the Selectmen will budget paving accordingly. Mr. Frye replied roads like Pheasant Run are now seeing more traffic with heavier trucks and there are some roads that have not been paved for over 25 years that need to be done. Chairman Morales stated they may count cars traveling each road for usage numbers. Mr. Frye stated some of the side roads are not too bad, but they need to consider where they spend the money and not just throw down asphalt and reiterated he may join the study group. Chairman Morales stated as a taxpayer, you may want to consider cost, but they must come up with proper specs first. Mr. Frye thanked the Board for meeting with him and left the meeting at 7:02PM. QUICKBOOKS: Mr. Morales went over the requested timeline for the transition to Quickbooks stating he is looking forward to using Quickbooks to begin July 1, 2015. ROAD AGENT: Mark Brinkerhoff and John Connolly met with the Board at 7:10PM. Mr. Brinkerhoff stated there has been chatter the Board does not want to move forward with Town Engineer Jay Stephens’ design for Brandywine Drive. Mr. Dworman replied Brandywine Drive was not constructed properly, but lasted 30 years so he suggests simply overlaying it and it will last another 30 years. Mr. Brinkerhoff stated he spoke with Jay Stephens and a small amount of engineering might be good and he agrees with simply overlaying Brandywine Drive. He added if you pave it at a cost of $100,000 and it lasts 10 – 20 years, it would still be a good value. Mr. Brinkerhoff stated he asked Jay Stephens why pay for a drainage plan that won’t be used as it is a dead end road. Chairman Morales stated they need to study each road and then move forward with writing new specs. He added they can look up material costs. Mr. Brinkerhoff asked if they would pave Brandywine Drive this year and Chairman Morales replied it should be done, but to what level? He added they must know what base and how much gravel is needed. Mr. Brinkerhoff stated he tried to call Ed from Brox Industries and he hasn’t returned his call as yet. He added they need to meet at Stumpfield Road. Mr. Brinkerhoff continued it is halfway through March and he wants to pave in June and July and not in November as you should pave when it is hot and dry after school lets out for the summer. Mr. Poelaert stated Brox should do the work and just apply a straight topcoat. Town of East Kingston, NH Selectmen’s Public Meeting Minutes-March 16, 2015-20150316selpubmin 3 Mr. Dworman pointed out the cost of oil is down so the cost of asphalt should be down, too. Mr. Brinkerhoff asked if they should go out to bid and advertise it in the newspaper and Mr. Dworman replied they first need to come up with specs for Brandywine Drive. Mr. Brinkerhoff suggested bidding it “simple” and he can contact three paving contractors. Mr. Poelaert responded he should go ahead and do it. Mr. Brinkerhoff stated if you shim and topcoat the road, there is no need to grind it depending on what you pave over. He added Busby Construction just ground the hot top on Stumpfield Road and it should be ground down further. Mr. Poelaert replied it just bounces back to the specs. Mr. Brinkerhoff stated it is just common sense not to spend $300,000 - $500,000 on a dead end road as Brandywine Drive is not heavily traveled. He added they need to pick a contractor and work with them. Mr. Morales thanked Mr. Brinkerhoff for doing a great job as Road Agent and he and Mr. Connolly left at 7:35PM. NONPUBLIC SESSION: Chairman Morales MOTIONED to go into a nonpublic session at 7:35PM under RSA 91-A-3, II: para (c) Matters, which if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body or agency itself, unless such person requests an open meeting. The Board was polled and the results of the poll were: Ronald F. Morales – Yes, Richard S. Poelaert –Yes & Matthew B. Dworman - Yes. The Board was polled & determined the divulgence of the information would render the proposed action ineffective & the information will be withheld from the public during the public meeting Minutes of March 16, 2015. The results of the poll were: Ronald F. Morales – Yes, Richard S. Poelaert –Yes, & Matthew B. Dworman – Yes. Chairman Morales MOTIONED to adjourn this Selectmen’s Non-Public meeting at 8:25PM. Mr. Poelaert seconded. Motion carried 3-0. CALENDAR: The following dates were noted: 03/17-EMS Training/Kingston Fire Station, Energy Committee Meeting, Happy St. Patrick’s Day, 03/18-Bills Due 8:00AM, Cemetery Trustee’s Meeting, 03/19Planning Board Meeting, 03/24-Fire Training, 03/25-Bills Due 8:00AM, Fire Training, 03/26-Bi-Weekly and Monthly Timesheets Due 8:00AM, ZBA Meeting, 03/27-Grange Meeting, 03/30-Selectmen’s Meeting. Mr. Dworman MOTIONED to adjourn this Selectmen’s Public meeting at 8:30PM. Mr. Poelaert seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Cheryll A. Hurteau Town Office Manager ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Ronald F. Morales Richard S. Poelaert Matthew B. Dworman Town of East Kingston, NH Selectmen’s Public Meeting Minutes-March 16, 2015-20150316selpubmin 4
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