2015-06-01 - East Los Angeles Occupational Center
2015-06-01 - East Los Angeles Occupational Center
East Los Angeles Service Area YOU ARE HERE Enjoy your summer! WEEKLY BULLETIN June 1, 2015 Volume 3, Issue 38 Submit items for the Weekly Bulletin to cbadeau@lausd.net http://eastlaservicearea.org/ Commencement 2015 On the Calendar ESL PRE-REGISTRATION IN CLASS June 2-4, 2015 CHECK-OUT FORM All instructors Due by Friday, June 5, 2015 GENERAL STAFF MEETING Friday, June 5, 2015 ELA Skills Center 8:00-10:00 a.m. STEP ADVANCEMENT Application Deadline June 15, 2015 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR August 17, 2015 to June 13, 2016 Notes from Ms. Rodriguez On behalf of the administrative team, I would like to thank each of you for your dedication and hard work this year serving the needs of our community and students. I wish you all a very restful and enjoyable summer. T he commencement ceremony for the class of 2015 took place on Thursday, May 28, at East Los Angeles College. Special guests in attendance included Ms. Adriana Ruggiero, News Anchor Estrella TV, Victor Hugo, Journalist, Manuel Valenzuela, Board Member of the Los AngelesCounty Hispanic Managers Education Foundation, and Mr. Joseph Stark, Administrator DACE. The commencement ceremony included approximately 180 of the 279 students who graduated this year from ELA Service Area. As is tradition, the auditorium was filled with the sounds of Mariachi music by Mariachi Mexico Colonial welcoming guests as they entered in anticipation of the ceremony. A highlight of the event was the National Anthem played on the trumpet by Mr. Julius Hudson, while the anthem was sung by Ms. Sarah Kratzer, daughter of WIA staff member, Paul Kratzer. Leasandra Pulido and Angelique Stephan, two of the graduates, shared their stories of the challenges they faced and overcame in their journey to receive their high school diplomas. An event such as this does not take place without preparation and hard work. Many thanks to the faculty, advisors, staff and, most notably, Ms. Gity Family and Ms. Ana Rubalcava, APACS. Congratulations to our graduating students and to all those who assisted them on their journey to success. In the News In the News In the News ESL PRE-REGISTRATION return testing booklets to any main campus by June 5. Pre-registration for students in the ESL program will take place Tuesday through Thursday, June 2-4. Pre -registration packets have been distributed to the main campuses and placed in teacher boxes. All materials must be returned to the main office by Thursday, June 4.There are no registration fees for ESL classes next school year. CASAS vouchers will be distributed to ESL instructors this week. ESL classes will be free next year, but students are encouraged to use the vouchers toward registration fees for a CTE class. GENERAL STAFF MEETING NO CHARTER SCHOOL AT ELA SKILLS Superintendent Ramon Cortines has informed Principal Rodriguez that a charter school will not be locating to the third floor of ELA SC next year. WIA BENCHMARKS...WOW! Thanks to our WIA staff, teachers, and students, ELASA’s WIA payment points total 5,711 generating over 1.1 million dollars to DACE, which provides ELASA with approximately 20% of its staff budget! Testing continues this week. Branch teachers should Friday, June 5, is the last day of class for this school year. It will be a pupil free day. There will be a meeting for all faculty who work on Friday from 8:00-10:00 a.m. at the ELA Skills Center. After the meeting, instructors may use their normally assigned hours on this day to clean their classrooms, organize files, and prepare for the fall. AUTOGRAPHS, PLEASE! Prior to starting summer break, instructors are reminded that the end of year check off form will be heading their way this week. Signatures from various school staff members such as those from SIS, APOs, etc. will be required as part of the customary close-out procedures. “C” IS FOR COMPLETER! All instructors are reminded to mark students completing a course with a “C” on your attendance rosters this week. East Los Angeles Service Area Page 2 Student Corner Volume 3, Issue 38 June 1, 2015 PHOTO GALLERY ESL PRE-REGISTRATION Pre-registration for the fall term will take place in class June 2-4. There will be no registration fees required for ESL students next year. ELA SC STUDENT COUNCIL MEETINGS The ELA Skills Center Student Council will hold its last meeting on Wednesday , June 3, at 10:00 a.m. in Room 220. All class representatives should attend this final meeting. 2015 COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY The 2015 commencement ceremony held at East Los Angeles College on Thursday, May 28, recognized 180 of the 279 students who received their high school diploma this year. On behalf of everyone at the East Los Angeles Service Area, we congratulate you and wish you all the best in the next step of your education! GOT FELONIES? Did you know some felonies can be erased from your record under Prop 47? A Prop 47 Felony Clinic and Resource Fair will be held on Friday, June 19, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. by Shields for Families, location to be determined. If you would like more information, visit www.lareentry.org or call Eunisses Hernandez at 213-226-6426. Your teacher has a flyer in English and Spanish for more information as well. ELA OC welcomed Ms. Kenya Haugen and Mr. William Sykes from JCERT on Monday and Tuesday, May 18 and 19. The JCERT team visited as part of accreditation process for our Radiology program. Pictured left to right are M. Peralta, A. Alvarez, K. Haugen, W. Sykes, A. Rodriguez, A. Ortiz and V. Aguilar. HOME AND FAMILY PROGRAM The Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care System can provide homeless families with a pathway to permanent housing. For more information call, 323-432-4399, Ext 201. Your teacher has a flyer with more information. Riddle Me This…. What belongs to you, but is used more by others? (See answer below) Classes will end for this school year on June 4. Classes begin on August 18 for the new school year. Instructors Julie Singer and Alma Arellano (far right, second row), Student Council Advisors at Eastside Learning Center, presented certificates of appreciation to this year’s student council representatives. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our June, July & August Birthday Club members! Happy Birthday wishes to each of you celebrating during our summer vacation. June Birthdays Ana Hernandez/1 Dalia Alvarado/3 Francisco Calero/4 Christopher Coniceak/4 Mariam Staitman/6 Marsha Bigelow/13 Luis Trejo/17 Ed Wu/24 George Ryan/23 July Birthdays Stephanie Fournier/13 Elizabeth Lozano/23 August Birthdays Vanessa Sanchez/12 Philip Leeman/15 Rosalia Cerros/12 Alma Alvarez/25 Yetta Shavers/26 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CALPRO EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING: For all instructors Plan and deliver effective lessons! This workshop takes participants step by step through the process of lesson design and provides an opportunity to create a lesson plan using the OTAN Online Lesson Plan Builder. Participants will learn up-to-date strategies for planning lessons using “backward design.” Using the information and skills taught in this course, participants will find that lesson planning becomes a quick, easy process. Dates: July 6 – Aug. 2, 2015 Register HERE CALPRO EVIDENCE-BASED WRITING INSTRUCTION IN THE ESL CLASSROOM: For all ESL instructors This course helps participants improve their writing instruction for ESL students who are at the intermediate and advanced levels, by applying 1) research-based instructional techniques 2) protocols for analyzing students’ work and 3) guided instructional plans Facilitator: Dave Coleman, LAUSD/DACE Dates: July 10 – Aug. 6, 2015 Register HERE ALGEBRA 1 & II LAB SUMMER INSTITUTES See the flyers attached to last week’s Weekly Bulletin email for detailed information and pre-registration directions. Riddle me this…...… Your name!
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