RESOUS GID Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè 2.5–5.5 AN EDISYON 2014 LI GENYEN LADAN L • • • Deskripsyon lang moun k ap aprann de lang bezwen pou yo trete epi pwodwi nan twa nivo devlopman lang Anglè ki distenk epi ki konkiran. Egzanp izaj langaj reseptif ak langaj ekspresif nan domèn prensipal devlopman ak aprantisaj. Relasyon ak Nòm Aprantisaj Prekòs Eta yo. RESOUS GID Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè 2.5–5.5 AN EDISYON 2014 Avi Sou Dwa Dotè Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè WIDA yo, Laj 2.5–5.5, Edisyon 2014 (“Nòm E-ELD WIDA ”) se pwopriyete Board of Regents Sistèm Inivèsite Wisconsin pou WIDA. Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo pwoteje pa lwa sou dwa dotè Etazini yo e yo pa ka repwodwi, modifye oswa distribye, ni reposte sou entènèt, san pèmisyon ekri alavans Wisconsin Center for Education Research (Sant Wisconsin pou Rechèch Edikasyon) (WCER: ) ak Board of Regents Sistèm Inivèsite Wisconsin nan. Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo se pou itilizasyon pèsonèl ki pa komèsyal ou. Ou pa ka modifye oswa retire okenn mak komèsyal, dwa dotè oswa lòt avi nan kopi bwochi sa. Itilizasyon ekitab Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo enkli repwodiksyon nan objektif ansèyman (ki enkli kopi divès pou leson/pwogram/plan). Si ou pa si de itilizasyon bwochi sa ak Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo antre nan nosyon itilizasyon ekitab la oswa si ou bezwen pèmisyon pou itilize Nòm E-ELD WIDA ki gen dwadotè pou objektif ki pa itilizasyon pèsonèl oswa itilizasyon ekitab, kontakte Sèvis Kliyan WIDA a nan help@wida.us oswa 1-866-276-7735. Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo te devlope pa WIDA avèk sipò Massachusetts Department of Early Education (Ministè Edikasyon ak Swen Prekòs Massachussetts) ak Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (Ministè Edikasyon Piblik Wisconsin). © 2014 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of WIDA— www.wida.us. Premye Enpresyon, 2014 Tab Dèmatyè Seksyon 1: Entwodiksyon............................................................................................................3 Relasyon ant Nòm Aprantisaj Prekòs Eta yo ak Nòm ELD K-12 (Matènèl-12yèm Ane) WIDA yo..........3 Piblik yo Vize........................................................................................................................................3 Itilizasyon yo Prevwa.............................................................................................................................4 Seksyon 2: Konprann Estrikti Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo....................................................................5 Devlopman ki Apwopriye Langaj Akademik ........................................................................................6 Kontèks Sosyo-Kiltirèl...........................................................................................................................8 Definisyon Pèfòmans.............................................................................................................................9 NÒM E-ELD.....................................................................................................................................14 Matris Nòm ak Seksyon Modèl Endikatè Pèfòmans yo........................................................................17 Seksyon 3: Seksyon Modèl Endikatè Pèfòmans yo................................................................. 27 Langaj Devlopman Sosyal ak Emosyonèl.............................................................................................28 Langaj Devlopman Prekòs Lang ak Alfabetizasyon..............................................................................34 Langaj Matematik...............................................................................................................................40 Langaj Syans.......................................................................................................................................46 Langaj Syans Sosyal.............................................................................................................................52 Langaj Devlopman Fizik.....................................................................................................................58 Anèks A: Glosè .......................................................................................................................... 64 Anèks B: Referans yo Chwazi.................................................................................................... 68 1 Figi A: Yon Reprezantasyon Grafik Estrikti Nòm WIDA yo........................................................................5 B: Karakteristik ki Apwopriye ak Devlopman Langaj Akademik...........................................................7 C: Definisyon Pèfòmans Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè – Reseptif, Seri 2.5-4.5................................10 D: Definisyon Pèfòmans Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè – Reseptif, Seri 4.5-5.5................................11 E: Definisyon Pèfòmans Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè – Ekspresif, Seri 2.5-4.5..............................12 F: Definisyon Pèfòmans Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè – Ekspresif, Seri 4.5-5.5..............................13 G: Relasyon Ant Senk Dimansyon Devlopman Timoun ak Nòm E-ELD Yo......................................15 H: Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè ............................................................................................16 I: Nòm, Nivo Laj, Modèl Sijè ak Relasyon .......................................................................................18 J: Lis Sijè...........................................................................................................................................19 K: Modèl Kontèks pou Izaj Lengwistik ak Fonksyon Konyitif............................................................20 L: Domèn ak Nivo Ekspresif..............................................................................................................21 M: Nivo Devlopman 3........................................................................................................................21 N: Sipò Lang pou DLL, seri 2.5-5.5...................................................................................................22 O: Langaj ki lye ak Sijè.......................................................................................................................23 P: Kesyon Gid pou Eleman Seksyon E-ELD WIDA yo......................................................................24 Q: Modèl pou Seksyon MPI yo ..........................................................................................................25 2 Entwodiksyon Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè (E-ELD: Early English Language Development) WIDA yo te devlope espesyalman pou soutni bezwen lang inik timoun ki genyen 2.5-5.5 an ki nan pwosesis aprantisaj plis pase yon lang anvan yo antre nan Matènèl. Yo souvan fè referans a timoun sa yo antanke moun k ap aprann de lang (DLL: dual language learners). Pliske kantite DLL yo kontinye ogmante Ozetazini, pratisyen nan milye iben ak riral yo ka itilize Nòm Aprantisaj Prekòs (ELS) eta yo a, ansanm ak Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo pou soutni, enstwi epi evalye jèn timoun sa yo, nan fason ki efikas. APÈSI SEKSYON 1: Resous gid sa yo entwodwi Nòm E-ELD WIDA ak Estrikti yo a pratisyen, pwofesyonèl ak paran yo. Resous gid la enkli yon diskisyon sou chak eleman estrikti a ansanm ak egzanp deskriptè lang pou chak nòm ak entansyon pou ede pratisyen yo wè kijan Nòm E-ELD yo itilize nan divès kontèks reyèl nan etablisman Swen ak Edikasyon Prekòs yo (ECE: Early Care and Education) Relasyon ant Nòm Aprantisaj Prekòs Eta yo ak Nòm Devlopman Lang Anglè K-12 WIDA yo Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo alinye ak Nòm Devlopman Lang Anglè pou Matènèl jiska Klas 12yèm Ane WIDA ki egziste yo, antanke konsantrasyon sou devlopman lang nan toulede seri nòm yo, baze sou menm prensip ak filozofi oryantasyon WIDA a. An plis, devlopman lang K–12 la konstwi sou devlopman prekòs lang, ki bay pratisyen yo opòtinite pou planifye tranzisyon ki gen rapò ak devlopman lang pou DLL k ap antre nan lekòl K–12 yo. Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo koresponn tou ak ELS eta yo—Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo te kreye pa analiz lengwistik sou Devlopman Entèvansyon Prekòs pou Timoun ak Estrikti Aprantisaj Prekòs ak ELS eta yo pou asire Nòm E-ELD yo enkli langaj ki nesesè pou DLL yo patisipe nan etablisman ECE yo nan fason ki enpòtan epi ki apwopriye. Kòm konsekans travay aliyman Nòm ELD K–12 WIDA yo pa rapò ak ELS yo, Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo bay eta yo yon estrikti ki koyeran e ki konfòm pou sipòte epi evalye devlopman lang DLL yo atravè Etazini. Nòm E-ELD yo ak resous gid ki akonpanye yo destine pou yo itilize yo ansanm ak ELS eta yo pou pratisyen yo ka planifye epi founi enstriksyon ak evalyasyon lengwistik ki apwopriye ak laj a DLL yo nan divès nivo devlopman lang Anglè nan pwogram ki fonde sou nòm yo. Piblik yo Vize Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo deziyen pou itilize nan divès domèn pwogram ECE kominotè oswa pwogram ki baze nan lekòl ki desèvi timoun ki genyen 2.5-5.5 an. Pwofesè ak pratisyen, asistan pwofesè, founisè swen timoun, pwofesè edikasyon prekòs espesyal timoun ak administratè yo ta ka itilize Nòm E-ELD yo nan anpil fason pou divès kalite objektif. 3 APÈSI Itilizasyon yo Prevwa Pratisyen nan Entèvansyon Prekòs, swen timoun, preskolè, oswa pwogram edikasyon prekòs espesyal pou timoun ta ka itilize Nòm E-ELD yo pou ede oryante planifikasyon pou asire ke yo reponn a diferan bezwen lengwistik DLL yo atravè pwogram jounen yo a. Pa egzanp, pratisyen yo ka itilize Nòm E-ELD yo pou detèmine kalite sipò lang DLL nan diferan nivo devlopman lang Anglè yo ka bezwen pandan gwo gwoup alfabetizasyon prekòs oswa aktivite sèk, pou timoun yo konprann epi pou yo ka patisipe avèk gwoup la an antye. Asistan pwofesè yo ta ka angaje tou pou ede bay divès sipò lang a DLL yo pandan aktivite aprantisaj ti gwoup, moman pou goute, jwèt anplennè ak jwèt ochwa. Pratisyen yo ka refere yo tou a Nòm E-ELD yo kòm gid pou konnen kijan pou ede DLL yo atenn pwochen nivo devlopman lang Anglè a. Nòm E-ELD yo ka itilize pou ede pratisyen yo planifye fason ki enpòtan pou ogmante nivo devlopman lang Anglè aktyèl DLL yo pandan timoun yo ap aprann nouvo konsèp ak pèfòmans an menm tan dapre pwogram ki fonde sou nòm yo. Pwofesè, founisè swen, edikatè espesyal oswa klinisyen lapawòl/langaj ta ka itilize Nòm E-ELD yo tou pou ede avize evalyasyon ki baze sou nòm yo ak DLL yo, lè y ap asire yo founi estrikti langaj ki nesesè e ke yo entèprete kòrèkteman pèfòmans DLL yo nan diferan domèn devlopmantal ak kontni. Edikatè espesyal ak/oswa klinisyen lapawòl/langaj ta ka itilize Nòm E-ELD yo tou pou ede detèmine bezwen lengwistik DLL ki gen enfimite yo lè y ap ekri objektif pwogram edikasyon endividyèl (IEP: individualized education program) ak lè y ap ede DLL ki gen enfimite yo atenn objektif IEP yo. Finalman, administratè yo ta ka twouve Nòm E-ELD yo itil lè y ap pran desizyon pwogramatik sou konpozisyon klas, pèsonèl, pwogram ak evalyasyon nan pwogram ki desèvi jèn DLL yo. 4 Konprann Estrikti Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo APÈSI SEKSYON 2: Estrikti Nòm WIDA ki reprezante nan Figi A yo, konpoze ak yon seri eleman entèraktif epi entèdepandan ki ilistre vizyon WIDA pou devlopman akademik lang. Estrikti sa se fondasyon travay WIDA sou kreyasyon nòm devlopman lang yo. Senk eleman yo se: • • • • • Can Do Philosophy Prensip Oryantasyon pou Devlopman Lang Langaj Akademik ki Apwopriye ak Laj Nan Kontèks Sosyo Kiltirèl Definisyon Pèfòmans Seksyon Modèl Endikatè Pèfòmans Figi A: Yon Reprezantasyon Grafik Estrikti Nòm WIDA Yo Pr Lan ga j Pr Lan ga j Definisyon Pèfòmans n Na r èl Na Ko Nòm ak Matris yo n tè k Ili str eC an D K s S o s yo i ilt o Philosophy DA WI a Ko r èl Nòm ak Matris yo n aj kL ea aj kL ea Definisyon Pèfòmans tasyon Devlop ryan ma O nL ip s a en k i A k i pwo m e d p a riy Ak ng ng tasyon Devlop ryan ma O nL ip s a en k i A k i pwo m e d p a riy Ak n tè k Ili str eC an D K s S o s yo o Philosop i ilt I hy W DA Fason nòm yo ilistre langaj akademik ki apwopriye ak laj ak devlopman lang lan fonde sou Can Do Philosophy WIDA a ak Prensip Oryantasyon Devlopman Lang yo. Can Do Philosophy a baze sou kwayans tout timoun pote nan pratik aprantisaj kiltirèl ak lengwistik, kapasite ak fason yo aprann lakay yo ak nan kominote yo. WIDA kwè ke wòl yon edikatè se pou konsevwa espas ak opòtinite ki reyalize epi ki konstwi sou atou sa yo. Kwayans sa baze sou yon sentèz literati ki lye ak li pou travay ak timoun ki diferan sou plan kiltirèl ak lengwistik. Lè w itilize travay sa antanke yon estrikti, WIDA redije Prensip Oryantasyon apati de yon sentèz literati ak rechèch ki lye ak devlopman lang ak pratik ansèyman ki efikas pou moun k ap aprann lang. Prensip Oryantasyon sa yo reprezante kwayans fondamantal WIDA sou devlopman lang. 5 a APÈSI Nan esans Estrikti Nòm WIDA yo gen Definisyon Pèfòmans ansanm ak sis nòm devlopman lang ak matris reprezantasyon yo. Definisyon Pèfòmans yo dekri kijan divès nivo devlopman lang yo sanble, avize pa Karakteristik Langaj Akademik yo. Matris nòm yo ede pratisyen yo vizyalize kijan devlopman lang lan ta ka sanble nan estrikti pwogram ECE yo atravè nivo devlopman lang nan sis nòm yo. Matris sa yo itilize nan relasyon ak Definisyon Pèfòmans yo pou dekri trajektwa ki posib pou devlopman lang DLL yo. Eleman Estrikti Nòm WIDA yo entèraji epi enfliyanse yonn ak lòt nan konsepsyon pwogram, enstriksyon lang ak evalyasyon moun k ap aprann lang yo. Lè yo itilize yo an tandèm, eleman Estrikti Nòm WIDA yo ede pratisyen yo idantifye epi konprann langaj reseptif ak ekspresif DLL yo bezwen pou yo ka reponn ak referans/endikatè pèfòmans nan ELS eta a. Yo te bay konsiderasyon espesifik a nati devlopman prekòs lang ak devlopman konyitif, kontèks familyal ak kontèks sosyokiltirèl ki baze nan kominote pou aprantisaj lang, ak nati psikolengwistik akizisyon dezyèm lang lakay elèv preskolè ki toujou ap devlope estrikti ak règ fondamantal lang yo. Yo ankouraje edikatè ak dirijan pwogram yo pou mete aksan sou eleman espesifik Estrikti a nan enstriksyon lang yo pou reponn a bezwen espesifik DLL ak kontèks endividyèl yo. Lè y ap fè sa, tout moun ki gen enterè yo ka patisipe nan fòmasyon devlopman popilasyon k ap divèsifye de plis zan pli nou an. Seksyon ki swiv yo konsantre sou eleman Estrikti yo jan yo aplike nan Nòm E-ELD yo ak izaj yo nan pwogram, edikasyon ak evalyasyon. Devlopman ki Apwopriye Langaj Akademik Baze an pati sou Karakteristik Langaj Akademik pou K-12 WIDA yo, Karakteristik E-ELD yo te adapte epi chanje non pou yo antre nan karakteristik inik jèn DLL k ap devlope kapasite lengwistik pandan kòmansman ane preskolè yo. Karakteristik sosyal, enstriktif ak langaj akademik yo rezime pou de kritè lengwistik: Konpleksite Lengwistik ak Izaj Lang. Kritè sa yo itilize pou defini chak nivo devlopman lang Anglè nan Definisyon Pèfòmans yo. Figi B montre Karakteristik ki Apwopriye ak Devlopman Langaj Akademik. • Konpleksite Lengwistik la fè referans a kantite ak varyete lang ki itilize pa DLL yo nan nivo diskou. Karakteristik lang tankou longè enonse/entèraksyon e kijan DLL yo konprann epi eksprime ide yo enkli nan kategori sa. • Izaj Lang lan fè referans a kalite ak itilizasyon estrikti, fraz ak mo yo. Kèk karakteristik nan kritè lang sa se chwa entonasyon pou transmèt sans ak varyete estrikti gramatikal, amonizasyon fòm lengwistik yo ak objektif, patikilarite mo/fraz chwa (vokabilè) ak konpreyansyon langaj (fòm, akò ak metriz). 6 Kritè Langaj Karakteristik Konpleksite Lengwistik (Kantite ak varyete langaj vèbal) Varyete ak longè enonse ak entèraksyon yo Izaj Lang (Kalite ak izaj estrikti langaj vèbal, fraz ak mo yo) Kalite ak varyete estrikti gramatikal yo APÈSI Figi B: Karakteristik ki Apwopriye ak Devlopman Langaj Akademik Konpreyansyon ak ekspresyon ide yo Fè fòm langaj yo koresponn ak objektif Fraz ak ekspresyon fòmil Chwa entonasyon pou transmèt siyifikasyon Entèpretasyon ak kapasite pou konstwi siyifikasyon nan nivo mo/fraz Espesifisite chwa mo/fraz Konpreyansibilite langaj Kontèks sosyo kiltirèl pou izaj lang ki enplike entèraksyon ant timoun ak anviwònman langaj, ka anglobe... • • • • • • Repètwa Kategori Sijè Travay/Sitiyasyon Idantite ak wòl sosyal patisipan yo Oratè/Patnè konvèsasyon 7 APÈSI Kontèks Sosyo Kiltirèl Tout jèn timoun aprann lang nan kontèks relasyon ak prensipal moun k ap ba l swen pandan woutin chak jou yo. Atravè entèraksyon sosyal repete avèk paran yo, frè ak sè, lòt manm fanmi, founisè k ap bay swen, pwofesè ak pratisyen premye ane anfans, ak kamarad, timoun yo aprann entèprete epi konstwi sans atravè son, mo, ak fraz yo. Timoun yo aprann règ kiltirèl ak wòl pou angajman sosyal tou ki asosye avèk langaj patikilye yo atravè entèraksyon enpòtan sa yo avèk moun ki nan lavi yo. Kontèks sosyo kiltirèl pou jèn timoun aprann lang fèt pi souvan lakay yo, lakay lòt manm fanmi oswa nan etablisman ECE ki baze nan kominote, ki ka sitiye oswa ki ka pa sitiye nan lekòl piblik oswa ki asosye ak lekòl piblik yo. Tèm kontèks sosyo kiltirèl la gen definisyon miltip nan rechèch pou edikasyon. Pou itilizasyon l nan Nòm E-ELD yo, WIDA defini kontèks sosyo kiltirèl antanke etablisman kote kominikasyon fèt. Kominikasyon fasone pa kontèks sosyo kiltirèl kote li fèt la. Eleman ki defini paramèt sa nan Estrikti Nòm WIDA yo enkli repètwa, kategori, sijè, travay oswa sitiyasyon an, ak idantite ak wòl patisipan yo nan aprantisaj la. Repètwa a fè referans a diferan fason yo itilize lang e kijan li varye selon kilès ki fè pati kominikasyon an. Fason timoun yo ajiste lang yo lè y ap pale ak yon granmoun pa rapò ak lè y ap pale yonn ak lòt se yon egzanp repètwa. Kategori yo fè referans ak kalite espesifik ak kalite patikilye tèks oswa diskou, yo aksepte sosyalman an jeneral pou objektif patikilye. Pa egzanp, kont ak eksplikasyon se de kategori diferan. Sijè a fè referans ak tèm kote aprantisaj la reyalize a. Yon sijè ta ka sik lavi oswa fòm yo. Travay oswa sitiyasyon fè referans a aktivite patikilye kote timoun yo angaje ki pwovoke tretman oswa pwodiksyon langaj. Kèk egzanp ta ka enkli tout bagay soti nan yon lekti awotvwa rive nan yon konvèsasyon avèk kamarad pandan y ap jwe nan tablo sansoryèl la. Idantite a fè referans a moun, idantite sosyal ak idantite pataje ke timoun yo negosye nan kontèks diferan. Sa yo ka chanje oswa pwolonje pou maksimize konesans, pratik ak lang ki pale lakay ak divès kominote kote yo fè pati. Wòl yo fè referans a pozisyonnman moun k ap aprann nan anviwònman oswa sitiyasyon aprantisaj yo. Pa egzanp, nan yon reyinyon nan maten, timoun yo bezwen itilize kapasite ekout yo epi trete enfòmasyon yo tande a. Anplis, lè se tou pa timoun nan, wòl li chanje e izaj lang li tou. Answit, olye li sèlman konprann epi trete enfòmasyon, l ap pwodwi l tou. Menm si nou te pwodwi definisyon pou chak tèm separeman, yo tout entèraji yonn ak lòt pou enpoze egzijans inik sou Konpleksite Lengwistik ak Izaj Lang timoun yo. Sa ki rann kontèks sosyo kiltirèl la konplèks se poutèt kontèks kote timoun yo entèraji ak kominote a redefini tou pa patisipasyon yo, ansanm ak lòt timoun ak granmoun. Objektif nou se ilistre kèk nan eleman ki gen gwo enpak sou kijan yo itilize lang e ki ka itilize pa edikatè yo pou reflete egzijans lang ak opòtinite aprantisaj nan etablisman patikilye yo. 8 Definisyon Pèfòmans lan bay chak nan twa nivo devlopman lang Anglè yo fòm lè yo itilize Karakteristik ki Apwopriye ak Devlopman Lang antanke kritè. Twa nivo lang ki soulinye pwogresyon devlopman prekòs lang Anglè yo se: Nivo 1— Antre, Nivo 3—Devlopman, ak Nivo 5—Rapwochman. Nivo lang sa yo koresponn ak senk nivo konpetans lengwistik WIDA yo pou timoun K-12, k ap aprann Anglè, men ki relve etap devlopman lang Anglè sèlman nan DLL ki gen 2.5–5.5 an. APÈSI Definisyon Pèfòmans Definisyon Pèfòmans yo dekri langaj DLL yo ka devlope epi pwodwi nan fen chak nivo devlopman lang Anglè lè yo ba yo sipò lengwistik. Definisyon sa yo pa reprezante tout konpetans ki posib ke timoun yo ap demontre nan yon nivo devlopman lang patikilye. Men, yo founi direksyon ki konkrè sou ki kalite langaj pratisyen yo ta dwe atann yo pou DLL yo konprann oswa pwodwi; kantite ak varyete langaj vèbal (Konpleksite Lengwistik) ak kalite ak izaj estrikti langaj vèbal, fraz ak mo (Izaj Lang) nan twa nivo distenk devlopman lang Anglè. Kritè lang Konpleksite Lengwistik ak Izaj Lang yo itilize pou defini kapasite langaj reseptif ak ekspresif pou chak gwoup laj jan yo montre l nan Figi C-F yo. 9 • sèvi entèmedyè pou konpreyansyon, konstriksyon siyifikasyon ak demonstrasyon konesans. • enfliyanse epi ranfòse yonn lòt; epi Nan tout nivo devlopman lang, lang ki pale lakay ak devlopman lang Anglè • Mo ak fraz repete ki lye ak woutin kotidyen • Yon ide nan kesyon oswa deklarasyon senp ki gen rapò ak pwòp tèt pa w, ak moun ki familye oswa ak woutin kotidyen Konpleksite Lengwistik • Fraz repete ki asosye ak woutin kotidyen • Kesyon wi/non ki gen rapò ak pwòp tèt ou, moun ki familye ak/oswa woutin kotidyen • Mo ki asosye ak anviwònman ki familye • Fraz kout ki lye ak woutin kotidyen, moun, chanson ak istwa ki familye • Modèl frazal repete ki lye ak woutin kotidyen ak istwa ki familye • Vokabilè jeneral ki lye ak woutin kotidyen ak istwa ki familye Izaj Lang Izaj Lang • Fraz ki lye ak fraz senp • Yon ide ki gen yon detay • Fraz kout ak fraz konpoze ki lye ak woutin kotidyen, moun, chanson ak istwa ki familye • Vokabilè patikilye ak kèk vokabilè teknik ki asosye akanviwònman ak istwa ki familye Konpleksite Lengwistik Izaj Lang • Seri fraz senp ki lye ak istwa oswa evènman ki familye • Yon ide ki gen yonn a de detay; direksyon yon etap ki lye ak woutich kotidyen Laj 2.5-3.5 (30-42 Mwa) • Fraz repete ak deklarasyon senp ki asosye ak woutin kotidyen • Kesyon wi/non ki gen rapò ak pwòp tèt ou, moun ki familye ak/oswa woutin kotidyen • Mo ak ekspresyon ki asosye ak anviwònman ki familye • Mo akfraz ki lye ak woutin kotidyen • Yon ide nan kesyon oswa deklarasyon senp ki gen rapò ak anviwònman familye • Fraz kout ak kèk fraz konpoze ki lye a istwa ak aktivite aprantisaj ki familye • Modèl fraz ki lye ak istwa ak aktivite enstriksyon ki familye • Vokabilè jeneral ak kèk vokabilè patikilye ki lye ak woutin kotidyen, istwa ak aktivite aprantisaj ki familye • Fraz miltip senp ki lye; kesyon-wh • Yon ide ki gen de detay • Fraz konpoze ak kèk fraz konplèks ki lye a istwa ak aktivite aprantisaj ki familye • Vokabilè patikilye ki asosye ak istwa, aktivite aprantisaj, ak divès anviwònman • Seri fraz pwolonje ki lye ak istwa aktivite aprantisaj oswa evènman ki familye • Ide ki lye; direksyon de etap ki lye ak woutin kotidyen Laj 3.5-4.5 (43-54 Mwa) APÈSI ...nan kontèks sosyo kiltirèl pou lang ki itilize a. Nan premye etap devlopman lang Anglè yo, moun k ap aprann nan de lang yo konprann jeneralman plis mo ke yo ka pwodwi. Timoun yo dwe pa vèbal nan Anglè epi yo apiye prensipalman sou lang yo pale lakay ak/oswa jès pou kominike bezwen, volonte ak ide yo. Nivo 1 Antre Nivo 3 Devlopman Nivo 5 Rapwochman Konpleksite Lengwistik Kritè Langaj Vè fen chak gwoup laj e dapre nivo devlopman lang Anglè, e avèk sipò sansoryèl ak sipò entèraktif, moun k ap aprann de lang yo ap trete an Anglè epi demontre konpreyansyon ki pa vèbal: Figi C: Definisyon Pèfòmans Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè – Reseptif, Laj 2.5-4.5 LANG KI PALE LAKAY 10 11 • sèvi entèmedyè pou konpreyansyon, konstriksyon siyifikasyon ak demonstrasyon konesans. • enfliyanse epi ranfòse yonn lòt; epi Nan tout nivo devlopman lang, lang ki pale lakay ak devlopman lang Anglè • Fraz miltip detaye ki lye • Ide ki lye • Fraz konpoze ak kèk fraz konplèks ki lye a istwa ak aktivite aprantisaj ki familye • Modèl fraz ki lye ak aktivite aprantisaj ak istwa patikilye • Vokabilè patikilye ak kèk vokabilè teknik ki asosye ak anviwònman ak aktivite aprantisaj ki familye • Mo ak fraz ki pi long ki gen rapò ak woutin kotidyen ak aktivite aprantisaj • Yon ide nan kesyon oswa deklarasyon senp ki gen rapò ak anviwònman familye • Fraz repete ak deklarasyon senp ki asosye ak woutin kotidyen • Kesyon wi/non ki gen rapò ak pwòp tèt ou, moun ki familye ak/oswa woutin kotidyen • Vokabilè ki asosye ak anviwònman ak aktivite aprantisaj ki familye Konpleksite Lengwistik Izaj Lang Konpleksite Lengwistik Izaj Lang • Fraz konplèks ak modèl langaj ki lye ak istwa ki familye ak aktivite enstriksyon • Vokabilè patikilye ak kèk vokabilè teknik ki asosye ak divès anviwònman ak aktivite aprantisaj Izaj Lang Nan premye etap devlopman lang Anglè yo, moun k ap aprann de lang yo konprann jeneralman plis mo ke yo ka pwodwi. Timoun yo dwe pa vèbal nan Anglè epi yo apiye prensipalman sou lang yo pale lakay ak/oswa jès pou kominike bezwen, volonte ak ide yo. Nivo 1 Antre Nivo 3 Devlopman Nivo 5 Rapwochman • Fraz/kesyon pou varye richès ak konpleksite ki lye ak istwa, aktivite aprantisaj oswa evènman ki familye • Ide detaye ki lye; de a twa direksyon etap ak kèk nouvo direksyon ki lye ak woutin kotidyen yo Laj 4.5–5.5 (55–66 Mwa) Konpleksite Lengwistik Kritè Langaj Vè fen chak gwoup laj e dapre nivo devlopman lang Anglè, e avèk sipò sansoryèl ak sipò entèraktif, moun k ap aprann de lang yo ap trete an Anglè epi demontre konpreyansyon ki pa vèbal: Figi D: Definisyon Pèfòmans Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè – Reseptif, Laj 4.5–5.5 LANG KI PALE LAKAY APÈSI • sèvi entèmedyè pou konpreyansyon, konstriksyon siyifikasyon ak demonstrasyon konesans. • enfliyanse epi ranfòse yonn lòt; epi Nan tout nivo devlopman lang, lang ki pale lakay ak devlopman lang Anglè • Mo senp ki asosye ak woutin jounalye ak istwa ki familye • Fraz repete • Mo ak fraz fòmil kout • Enonse yon mo pou transmèt mesaj oswa ide an antye Konpleksite Lengwistik Izaj Lang • Fraz familye ak konpreyansyon emèjan • Modèl langaj kout ki repete yo itilize nan je dwèt, chanson ak istwa • Vokabilè jeneral ki asosye ak anviwònman familye • Fraz ki gen kèk fraz twa mo ki familye • Rapwochman ide senp yo Izaj Lang Konpleksite Lengwistik • Mo ak ekspresyon familye ki asosye ak woutin jounalye • Fraz fòmil ak fraz repetitif • Vokabilè jeneral ki lye ak anviwònman familye • Mo ak fraz fòmil • Enonse yonn a de mo pou transmèt mesaj oswa ide an antye • Fraz kout ak konpreyansyon emèjan • Modèl langaj kout ki repete yo itilize nan je dwèt, chanson, istwa oswa aktivite aprantisaj • Vokabilè jeneral ak kèk vokabilè patikilye ki asosye ak anviwònman familye ekspresyon komen • Fraz kout twa a kat mo ki konbine fraz fòmil ki gen kèk nouvo mo ak fraz • Rapwochman ide yo • Fraz konpreyansib ki ka genyen non, vèb, modifikatè ak pwonon • Vokabilè jeneral ak kèk teknik patikilye ki asosye ak divès anviwònman • Konpreyansyon emèjan fraz ki familye ak fraz kout • Vokabilè jeneral ak kèk vokabilè patikilye ki asosye ak anviwònman familye Izaj Lang ...nan kontèks sosyo kiltirèl pou lang ki itilize a. Nan premye etap devlopman lang Anglè yo, moun k ap aprann de lang yo konprann jeneralman plis mo ke yo ka pwodwi. Timoun yo dwe pa vèbal nan Anglè epi yo apiye prensipalman sou lang yo pale lakay ak/oswa jès pou kominike bezwen, volonte ak ide yo. Nivo 1 Antre Nivo 3 Devlopman Nivo 5 Rapwochman • Varyete fraz orijinal 3-5+ mo • Rapwochman ide ki lye Laj 3.5-4.5 (43-54 Mwa) • Fraz miltip ak kèk fraz 3+ mo ki familye • Ide senp Laj 2.5-3.5 (30-42 Mwa) APÈSI Konpleksite Lengwistik Kritè Langaj Vè fen chak gwoup laj e dapre nivo devlopman lang Anglè, e avèk sipò sansoryèl ak sipò entèraktif, moun k ap aprann de lang yo ap eksprime an Anglè: Figi E: Definisyon Pèfòmans Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè – Ekspresif, Laj 2.5-4.5 LANG KI PALE LAKAY 12 13 • sèvi entèmedyè pou konpreyansyon, konstriksyon siyifikasyon ak demonstrasyon konesans. • enfliyanse epi ranfòse yonn lòt; epi Nan tout nivo devlopman lang, lang ki pale lakay ak devlopman lang Anglè • Fraz kout twa a kat mo ki konbine fraz fòmil ki gen nouvo mo ak kèk fraz pwolonje • Rapwochman ide ki lye • Fraz kout ak kèk fraz pwolonje ak konpreyansyon emèjan • Modèl langaj miltip ki repete yo itilize nan istwa, chanson ak aktivite aprantisaj • Vokabilè patikilye ak kèk vokabilè teknik ki asosye ak anviwònman ak aktivite aprantisaj ki familye • Mo ak fraz fòmil ki pi long • Enonse yonn a de mo pou transmèt mesaj oswa ide an antye • Mo ak ekspresyon ki asosye ak woutin jounalye ak istwa ki familye • Fraz fòmil ak fraz repetitif • Vokabilè jeneral ki lye ak anviwònman ak aktivite enstriksyon ki familye Konpleksite Lengwistik Izaj Lang Konpleksite Lengwistik Izaj Lang • Fraz konpreyansif ki ka genyen fòm gramatikal patikilye (pa egzanp prezan pwogresif + vèb, pase, pliryèl, posesif ak atik) • Vokabilè patikilye ak kèk vokabilè teknik ki asosye ak divès anviwònman ak aktivite aprantisaj Izaj Lang ...nan kontèks sosyo kiltirèl pou lang ki itilize a. Nan premye etap devlopman lang Anglè yo, moun k ap aprann de lang yo konprann jeneralman plis mo ke yo ka pwodwi. Timoun yo dwe pa vèbal nan Anglè epi yo apiye prensipalman sou lang yo pale lakay ak/oswa jès pou kominike bezwen, volonte ak ide yo. Nivo 1 Antre Nivo 3 Devlopman Nivo 5 Rapwochman • Varyete fraz kout ak fraz pwolonje 4-6+ mo • Ide ki lye Laj 4.5–5.5 (55–66 Mwa) Konpleksite Lengwistik Kritè Langaj Vè fen chak gwoup laj e dapre nivo devlopman lang Anglè, e avèk sipò sansoryèl ak sipò entèraktif, moun k ap aprann de lang yo ap eksprime an Anglè: Figi F: Definisyon Pèfòmans Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè – Ekspresif, Laj 4.5-5.5 LANG KI PALE LAKAY APÈSI APÈSI DLL yo pa ka reprezante nan yon sèl nivo devlopman lang (pa egzanp Nivo 3) oswa menm nivo yo pou chak domèn lang (pa egzanp Nivo 3– Reseptif, Nivo 1–Ekspresif ) Olye sa, langaj la soup epi li varye souvan selon kontèks pou izaj lang lan. Poutèt sa, Definisyon Pèfòmans lan se zouti pou obsève pèfòmans lang de jou an jou nan divès espas, e nou ankouraje pwofesè yo itilize enfòmasyon yo kolekte yo antanke yonn nan divès mezi pou egzamine devlopman lang. Definisyon Pèfòmans lan rekonèt tou wòl kle lang ki pale lakay la jwe nan tout nivo devlopman lang Anglè. DLL yo ap kontinye itilize lang yo pale lakay la pandan y ap devlope nouvo lang yo a. Entèraksyon dinamik ant lang yo soutni elaborasyon sans ak devlopman konsyans metalengwistik. Lè yo ankouraje enèjikman epi sipòte efikasman devlopman de lang yo, DLL yo itilize atou konyitif ak lengwistik yo pou yo vin aprann lang avèk siksè. Pou rezime, angajman nan translengwalizasyon pèmèt DLL yo itilize repètwa lengwistik yo an antye pou yo navige ant lang pou yo lye mesaj, konstwi sans atravè lang yo epi akeri yon meyè konpreyansyon kontni yo. NÒM E-ELD Yo Pandan WIDA t ap devlope Nòm E-ELD yo, li te pran an konsiderasyon dimansyon devlopman ak aprantisaj enpòtan ki rekòmande pa National Education Goals Panel (NEGP) (BUILD, 2012; ScottLittle, Kagan, & Stebbins Frelow, 2005) ak National Association for the Education of Young Children (Asosyasyon Nasyonal pou Edikasyon Jèn Timoun) (NAEYC, 2009) pou enkli nan ELS yo. Dimansyon devlopman timoun sa yo reprezante tou nan Devlopman Entèvansyon Prekòs ak Estrikti Aprantisaj Prekòs (Office of Head Start, 2010) e yo te adopte pa eta yo nan divès degre nan ELS yo. Figi G dekri rapò ant dimansyon devlopman ak aprantisaj enpòtan ki rekòmande pou ELS NEGP yo ak Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo. 14 APÈSI Visual Ant Representation of the Devlopman Timoun ak Nòm E-ELD Yo Figi G: Relasyon Senk Dimansyon Devlopman Lang ak Kominikasyon Devlopman Byennèt Fizik ak Motris Konnesans Konyitif ak Konesans Jeneral Devlopman Sosyal ak Devlopman Emosyonèl Reprezantasyon Vizyèl Senk Dimansyon Devlopman Timoun, National Education Goals Panel (NEGP) © March 2013, Board of Objektif Regents of the University of Wisconsin SystemNasyonal) on behalf of the WIDA Consortium—DRAFT (Komisyon Edikasyon ki Lye ak Preparasyon pou Lekòl ak Siksè Alavni Timoun yo A RANT CH AP Ò ISA G A N A J PW L J CH APRANTI Ò SA PW J A National Education Goals Panel (NEGP)’s Five Dimensions of Children’s Development that Are Linked to School Readiness and Children’s Later Success Devlopman Prekòs Lang ak Alfabetizasyon Devlopman Fizik Matematik Syans Syans Sosyal Devlopman Konyitif Devlopman Sosyal ak Devlopman Emosyonèl Reprezantasyon Vizyèl Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè Dyagram Venn yo montre nan Figi G yo se yon egzanp nati sipèpoze twa dimansyon devlopman ak aprantisaj sa yo ak nòm langaj ki koresponn yo. Korespondans sa ilistre tou nan lòt ELS eta a, ki rann li posib pou entegre Nòm E-ELD yo nan pwogram, enstriksyon ak evalyasyon ki baze sou nòm yo pou DLL yo pandan pwogram jounen an nan divès etablisman ECE ki enkli etablisman swen timoun, Entèvansyon Prekòs, preskolè ak Matènèl 4 an. Lè yo itilize sis Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo pou eklere pratik yo, pratisyen yo p ap jwenn yon lis ki preskri kisa DLL yo bezwen konnen e sa yo ka fè nan yon etablisman enstriksyon patikilye. Olye sa, nòm lengwistik yo jeneratif nan sans yo ede pratisyen yo devlope pwòp reprezantasyon yo sou kijan DLL yo ap itilize lang nan kominote ECE patikilye. Sa enplike pou konekte enfòmasyon sou devlopman lang DLL avèk konsyans egzijans lengwistik nan yon aktivite aprantisaj ak entegrasyon sipò lengwistik pou maksimize aprantisaj ak patisipasyon DLL yo. Alò ke nòm lengwistik yo bay oryantasyon ak pwen referans nan òganizasyon enstriksyon pou sipòte aprantisaj ak devlopman lang, yo se sèlman yonn nan plizyè faktè pou konsidere pou sipòte siksè DLL yo nan etablisman ECE yo. 15 APÈSI Figi H: Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè Nòm 16 Abrevyasyon Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè 1 Moun k ap aprann de lang yo kominike enfòmasyon, ide, ak konsèp ki nesesè pou siksè nan domèn Devlopman Sosyal ak Emosyonèl. Langaj Devlopman Sosyal ak Emosyonèl Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè 2 Moun k ap aprann de lang yo kominike enfòmasyon, ide, ak konsèp ki nesesè pou siksè akademik nan domèn kontni Devlopman Prekòs Lang ak Alfabetizasyon. Langaj Devlopman Prekòs Lang ak Alfabetizasyon Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè 3 Moun k ap aprann de lang yo kominike enfòmasyon, ide, ak konsèp ki nesesè pou siksè akademik nan domèn kontni Matematik. Langaj Matematik Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè 4 Moun k ap aprann de lang yo kominike enfòmasyon, ide, ak konsèp ki nesesè pou siksè akademik nan domèn kontni Syans. Langaj Syantifik Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè 5 Moun k ap aprann de lang yo kominike enfòmasyon, ide, ak konsèp ki nesesè pou siksè akademik nan domèn kontni Syans Sosyal. Langaj Syans Sosyal Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè 6 Moun k ap aprann de lang yo kominike enfòmasyon, ide, ak konsèp ki nesesè pou siksè akademik nan domèn kontni Devlopman Fizik. Langaj Devlopman Fizik Matris nòm yo bay egzanp izaj lang nan diferan nivo, menm jan ak Definisyon Pèfòmans lan. Men, nan matris yo, lang lan pi kontekstwalize nan diferan domèn lang, Nòm E-ELD yo ak tranch laj yo. Yo ede pratisyen yo anvizaje kisa nòm E-ELD sanble pou diferan DLL yo. APÈSI Nòm Matris ak Seksyon Modèl Endikatè Pèfòmans yo Yon Seksyon MPI konstitye ak twa nivo lang nan devlopman prekòs lang pou yon koneksyon, sijè ak domèn lang kèlkonk. Yon Seksyon MPI reprezante yonn nan plizyè trajektwa posib nan devlopman lang nan yon kontèks patikilye. Aranjman orizontal yon Seksyon MPI ilistre pwogresyon devlopman lang pou yon gwoup laj kèlkonk. Seksyon MPI a bay yon estrikti ki koyeran pou pratisyen ECE yo pou itilize lè y ap estriktire oswa evalye langaj DLL yo nan divès kalite aktivite ak anviwònman aprantisaj. Seksyon sa yo la kòm egzanp sèlman e yo pa fikse yo kòm gid pou lang DLL yo ka angaje pandan enstriksyon ak evalyasyon an. Pratisyen ECE yo ka modifye oswa transfòme Seksyon MPI ki la deja yo pou rann yo pi aplikab ak pwogram oswa enstriksyon yo a. Pwofesyonèl ECE yo byen konsyan gen diferans devlopman enpòtan ki egziste ant timoun 2.5 an ak timoun 5.5 an, sou plan lengwistik ak sou plan konyitif. Yo pa ka atann pou timoun 3 zan k ap devlope (monoleng oswa bileng) pou konprann oswa pwodwi langaj ki gen menm konpleksite ak langaj timounn 5 an. Poutèt sa, egzanp langaj yo bay nan seksyon yo òganize pa gwoup laj, ki pran ankont pwopòsyon konyitif ak lengwistik sa. Yo bay kritè lang patikilye pou chak nan gwoup laj sa yo: • 2.5–3.5 an (30–42 mwa) • 3.5-4.5 an (43-54 mwa) • 4.5-5.5 an (55-66 mwa) 17 APÈSI Matris Nòm yo Matris nòm yo pèmèt yon koneksyon ki eksplisit ak ELS eta a ak Devlopman Entèvansyon Prekòs ak Estrikti Aprantisaj Prekòs la pou yo ka itilize yo fasilman nan pwogram, kourikoulòm, enstriksyon ak evalyasyon ki baze sou nòm yo. Seksyon sa itilize matris nòm yo apati de Nòm 6 E-ELD a: Langaj Devlopman Fizik pou timoun 4.5–5.5 an pou ilistre chak eleman. Nan egzanp Figi I an, matris la montre yon relasyon nan Nòm Aprantisaj ak Devlopman Prekòs nan Georgia. Chak matris montre yon relasyon ak yon seri ELS diferan pou montre fleksibilite Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo ak kapasite yo pou fonksyone nan kontèks patikilye pratisyen yo. Egzanp matris yo montre nan Figi I an montre langaj pou DLL ki genyen 4.5-5.5 an. Figi I an montre tou relasyon ak nòm aprantisaj prekòs ak modèl sijè yo. Figi I: Nòm, Nivo Laj, Modèl Sijè ak Relasyon AGES: 4.5–5.5 E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development EXAMPLE TOPIC: Outdoor play CONNECTION: Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS); Domain: Physical Development & Motor Skills; Standard PDM5: The child will demonstrate gross motor skills. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Georgia Performance Standards: Physical Education: Standard: PEK.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play and interact with their peers outdoors. DOMAIN: Expressive Modèl sijè yo se eleman ki enimere yon tèmtheiroswa yonabout konsèp ki derive de ELS eta ak COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children atmatris all levels ofnòm English yo language development will APPLY knowledge movement. Estrikti EntèvansyonLevel Prekòs la e ki bay yon kontèks pou devlopman lang. Nan egzanp yo montre nan Figi 1 Level 3 Level 5 Entering Developing Bridging I an, sijè a se jwèt anplennè, ki derive de Nòm Aprantisaj ak Devlopman Prekòs Georgia ki pi laj. Yon lis Repeat words phrases associated Describenan activities associated with outdoor Persuade peers activitieske associated echantiyon sijèand kifamiliar rapwoche kontni yo jwenn plizyè ELS eta a play afiche nan Figi J toa.participate Tanpriin note lis sijè with outdoor play following peer models in small following peer models in small groups in English with outdoor play following peer models in small sa la pou mete an evidans kèk nan kontniandsijè kilanguage. pi site(e.g.,yo“I go e liin tunnel.”) pa yon lis konplè okenn groups. Home groups innan English and Homefason. language. (e.g., “I want the red bike. You get the patineta.”) TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: up, slide, Let’s go____ See example of a connection to a Kindergarten state standard in this Strand. 63 18 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT EARLY LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND LITERACY See example of translanguaging in this Strand. APÈSI Figi J: Lis Sijè Domèn Devlopman ak Aprantisaj Sijè Devlopman Sosyal ak Devlopman Emosyonèl •Oto-konsèp •Sansasyon/Emosyon •Oto-regilasyon •Efò-pèsonèl/ Endepandans • Relasyon granmoun/ entèraksyon • Fè chwa • Woutin kotidyen • Swiv direksyon • Fè tranzisyon ant aktivite ak kote yo • Entèraksyon kamarad • Fè zanmi •Pataj •Kowoperasyon/ entèraksyon gwoup • Konprann/swiv règ Devlopman Fizik • • • • Konesans kò a Jwèt fizik Jwèt anplennè Ekipman Espò/lakou rekreyasyon •Espò • Egzèsis ak kondisyon fizik • Mizik ak mouvman • Sante ak ijyèn • Sekirite pèsonèl •Nitrisyon • Swen pèsonèl (pa egzanp, abiye, manje, fè twalèt) • Itilize materyèl ar • Kreye pwojè ar • Itilize enstriman pou ekri Matematik Syans • Fè konparezon • Sans chif • Rekonesans nimerik •Kalkil • Fòm jewometrik •Desen •Klasifikasyon/Klasman • Reprezantasyon grafik •Mezi • Konesans lespas • Konesans sou tan • Koleksyon done/analiz • Kò nou • Senk sans nou yo •Sezon/Klima •Tan •Tè • Anviwònman an • Kwasans/Sik lavi •Plant/Manje • Èt vivan ak abita yo •Wòch/Mineral/Fosil •Likid/Solid/Lè •Leman/Elektrisite • Lespas/Sistèm solè •Teknoloji/Òdinatè • Obsèvasyon ak envestigasyon syantifik • Koleksyon done/analiz Devlopman Prekòs Lang ak Alfabetizasyon •Konprann/swiv direksyon vèbal • Ide kominikasyon • Poze kesyon epi fè kòmantè • Ekspresyon kreyatif • Itilizasyon sosyal lang • Jwe Wòl • Sans istwa/Eleman istwa •Rakonte/rerakonte istwa • Konsèp pou ekri an lèt detache • Konesans nan literati • Konesans fonolojik ak fonemik • Konesans alfabè • Pwosesis ekriti Syans Sosyal •Resanblans/diferans ant tèt pa w ak lòt moun •Fanmi •Woutin/règleman sal klas • Apatenans a gwoup ak sekirite • Travay nan sal klas •Enpresyon anviwònmantal •Kominote • Travayè kominotè •Transpò •Lojman/Kay •Jewografi/Kat • Vil/Peyi (Iben/Riral) • Peyi nan mond lan •Koutim/Tradisyon • Apresyasyon pou divèsite kiltirèl • Evènman istorik 19 APÈSI Modèl Kontèks pou izaj lengwistik la fè referans ak sitiyasyon, evènman oswa kontèks patikilye kote kominikasyon reyalize. Timoun fè izaj lang nan fason patikilye ki varye selon kontèks la. Modèl kontèks la bay yon vrè egzanp pou pratisyen yo ka imajine sitiyasyon kote yo fè izaj lang lan. Nan egzanp ki nan Figi K a, DLL yo pale, jwe epi entèraji ak kamarad yo anplennè. Enfòmasyon sa ba nou enfòmasyon sou faktè yo nan kontèks ki ka gen enpak sou fason DLL yo itilize oswa trete lang. Nan egzanp sa, kominikasyon ak kamarad yo pèmèt izaj lang patikilye ki diferan de lòt paramèt yo. Kontèks sa ba nou enfòmasyon sou kilès k ap patisipe e kalite aktivite patisipan an ap angaje a. AGES: 4.5–5.5 Fonksyon Konyitif la ofri enfòmasyon sou egzijans konyitif yon aktivite an patikilye. Figi K aOutdoor montre EXAMPLE TOPIC: play E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development yon egzanp fonksyon konyitif la. CONNECTION: Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS); Domain: Physical Development & Motor Skills; Standard PDM5: The child will demonstrate gross motor skills. Figi K: Modèl Kontèks pou Izaj Lengwistik ak Fonksyon Konyitif KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Georgia Performance Standards: Physical Education: Standard: PEK.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play and interact with their peers outdoors. COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development will APPLY their knowledge about movement. DOMAIN: Expressive Level 1 Entering Repeat words and familiar phrases associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups. Level 3 Developing Level 5 Bridging Describe activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I go in tunnel.”) Persuade peers to participate in activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I want the red bike. You get the patineta.”) Fonksyon konyitif la se yon rapèl ke pratisyen DLL yo bezwen jwenn aksè a menm nivo rezònman TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: up, slide, Let’s akgo____ kamarad yo kèlkeswa nivo devlopman lang yo. Nan egzanp yo montre nan Figi K a, y ap mande tout timoun yo aplike konesans sou mouvman yo pandan y ap patisipe nan aktivite, kèlkeswa kapasite lengwistik endividyèl yo. See example of a connection to a Kindergarten state standard in this Strand. 63 20 See example of translanguaging in this Strand. Estrikti E-ELD a enkli de domèn langaj—reseptif ak ekspresif. Domèn langaj sa yo ki konsantre sou devlopman langaj vèbal, pwovoke ekout ak pale ak konpetans jeneral elaborasyon sans (pa egzanp jès) DLL yo ap bezwen e y ap itilize nan tou le sis nòm yo. LangajEARLY vèbalLANGUAGE la nan sant ansèyman ak aprantisaj PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT anpil konpetans alfabetizasyon prekòs ki enkli konsèp pou ekri AND an lèt detache, sans fonolojik ak fonemik, LITERACY devlopman vokabilè, konesans ak ekriti alfabè (Dickinson, 2011; Dickinson,Golindoff, & Hirsh-Pasek, 2010; Dickinson, McCabe, & Sprague, 2003; Dickinson & Porche, 2011). Anplis, yon fondasyon solid nan kapasite langaj vèbal enpòtan pou aprantisaj la pou li epi ekri byen nan premye ane elemantè yo (Resnick & Snow, 2009). Nan egzanp ki nan Figi L la, domèn yo te abòde a se yon domèn ki ekspresif. E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development EXAMPLE TOPIC: Outdoor play KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Georgia Performance Standards: Physical Education: Standard: PEK.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. Figi L: Domèn ak Nivo Ekspresif EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play and interact with their peers outdoors. COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development will APPLY their knowledge about movement. DOMAIN: Expressive Level 1 Entering Repeat words and familiar phrases associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups. Level 3 Developing APÈSI CONNECTION: Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS); Domain: Physical Development & Motor Skills; Standard PDM5: The child will demonstrate gross motor skills. Level 5 Bridging Describe activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I go in tunnel.”) Persuade peers to participate in activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I want the red bike. You get the patineta.”) TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: up, slide, Let’s go____ Seksyon Modèl Endikatè Pèfòmans Yon Seksyon MPI konstitye ak twa nivo lang nan devlopman prekòs lang yon Seepou example of koneksyon, sijè ak See example of a connection to a translanguaging in domèn lang kèlkonk. Nan egzanp yo montre nan Figi L la, ou wè kijan DLLstate yostandard ka bezwen repete mo ak Kindergarten this Strand. in this Strand. fraz familye yo nan nivo Antre a nan kontèks sa, pandan DLL nan nivo Devlopman yo kapab dekri menm aktivite yo nan fason ki endepandan. Sa pa vle di ke yon DLL nan nivo Antre a pa ka dekri aktivite yo, men EARLY LANGUAGE li kaPHYSICAL fè sa nan yon langaj ki pa Anglè oswa pa siy oswa jès. MenmDEVELOPMENT jan yon DLL nan nivo Rapwochman 63 DEVELOPMENT AND LITERACY an gen ase langaj pou pèswade kamarad yo. La, atant lengwistik pou pèswade a pi elve epi li pi konplèks ke pou fè deskripsyon. Alò ke timoun nan nivo Devlopman an ka eseye pèswade yon lòt moun, l ap itilize karakteristik lengwistik ki gen rapò ak deskripsyon pou reyalize menm objektif pou izaj lang lan. Pratisyen yo ka itilize separasyon yo answit pou (a) fè pèfòmans DLL yo koresponn an nivo devlopman lang yo, (b) kreye sib ak objektif langaj ki depase nivo devlopman lang endepandan DLL la epi (c) diferansye lang ak kontèks la pou fè l koresponn ak nivo devlopman lang DLL la. 4.5–5.5 AGES: EXAMPLE TOPIC: ak Outdoor E-ELD STANDARD 6: twa The eleman Language of Physical Development Chak MPI konpoze ak prensipal: yon fonksyon lengwistik, yon seksyon kontni sipòplay lengwistik (yo).Early Fonksyon lengwistik yo (GELDS); dekri kijan yo ap pwodwi oswa ki PDM5: devlope lang nan gross CONNECTION: Georgia Learning and Development Standards Domain: DLL Physical Development & Motor Skills; Standard The child will demonstrate motor skills. kontèks pou aprantisaj patikilye. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Georgia Performance Standards: Physical Education: Standard: PEK.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. Figi M: Nivo Devlopman 3 EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play and interact with their peers outdoors. COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development will APPLY their knowledge about movement. DOMAIN: Expressive Level 1 Entering Repeat words and familiar phrases associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups. Level 3 Developing Level 5 Bridging Describe activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I go in tunnel.”) Persuade peers to participate in activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I want the red bike. You get the patineta.”) TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: up, slide, Let’s go____ See example of a connection to a Kindergarten state standard in this Strand. 63 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT EARLY LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND LITERACY See example of translanguaging in this Strand. 21 APÈSI Nan egzanp ki nan Figi M nan, MPI pou Nivo 3, Devlopman an, itilize deskripsyon kòm fonksyon lengwistik li. Deskripsyon an lye an jeneral ak adjektif ak advèb e deskripsyon an ka reyalize atravè yon gwoup mo oswa yon fraz kout. Fonksyon lengwistik yo lye men yo distenge de konpleksite konyitif yon travay. DLL yo ka angaje yo nan nivo rezònman ki pi elve nan tout nivo lang selon kapasite devlopman yo. Olye sa, fonksyon lengwistik la fè referans ak karakteristik lengwistik ki asosye ak li. Kantite ak konpleksite fonksyon lengwistik ki itilize pa DLL yo ogmante toutotan langaj la ap devlope. Dezyèm eleman MPI a se seksyon kontni an. Seksyon kontni an derive de Modèl Sijè a, ki li menm derive de ELS eta ak Devlopman Entèvansyon Prekòs ak Estrikti Aprantisaj Prekòs la. Seksyon kontni a endike pwendvi WIDA ke devlopman prekòs lang Anglè ta dwe toujou entegre nan jwèt ki baze sou kontni enstriksyon ak evalyasyon nan kontèks ki enpòtan epi ki reyèl. Nan egzanp ki nan Figi M nan, seksyon kontni a se jwèt anplennè, ki se menm bagay ak sijè pou separasyon an nan ka sa. Nan lòt matris nòm, seksyon kontni a ka pi etwa ke modèl sijè a. Twazyèm eleman MPI a se sipò lengwistik la(yo). Yo toujou enimere l nan fen MPI a pou ilistre enpòtans pou estriktire devlopman lang pou DLL yo. Chak MPI ka genyen plis pase yon sipò ladan l, e sipò yo ka chanje oswa ka pa chanje pa rapò ak konpleksite lang k ap ogmante. Nan egzanp yo bay nan Figi M nan, sipò a enkli modèl asosyasyon, ti gwoup ak izaj lang ki pale lakay la. WIDA enimere twa kategori sipò lengwistik pou DLL yo: sansoryèl, grafik ak entèraktif. Figi N nan montre kèk egzanp sipò lengwistik ki nan twa kategori sa yo jwenn souvan nan etablisman ECE yo. Figi N: Sipò Lengwistik pou DLL 2.5-5.5 An Sipò Sansoryèl Sipò Grafik Sipò Entèraktif Objè lavi reyèl Tablo Asosye ak patnè Jwèt Dyagram An ti gwoup Materyèl manipilasyon Òganizatè grafik An gwo gwoup Imaj ak foto Graf Ilistrasyon ak desen Dwat nimerik Itilize estrikti gwoup kowoperativ Magazin Orè vizyèl Videyo ak fim Ikòn/senbòl Demonstrasyon Jès Modèl Mizik Kostim ak akseswa 22 Avèk Entènèt (sit entènèt) oswa pwogram lojisyèl Nan lang lakay Avèk ankourajman/ modelizasyon granmoun APÈSI Sijè ki Lye ak Lang lan bay egzanp mo ak ekspresyon ki lye ak kontni timoun yo ta dwe ekspoze nan AGES: 4.5–5.5 laj sa, kèlkeswa nivo devlopman lang yo. Byenke DLL yo ka nan diferan pwen nan trajektwa devlopman TOPIC: Outdoor play E-ELD STANDARD 6: kontni The Language of Physical Development lang yo, lè y ap aprann ki patikilye, kèk langaj ki apwopriye ak devlopmanEXAMPLE patikilye ak devlopman teknik yo esansyèl angajman nan aprantisaj ide akPhysical konsèp yo prezante Gras akThe izajchildestrikti ak sipò, CONNECTION: Georgia Earlypou Learning and Development Standards (GELDS); Domain: Development & Motor Skills;yo. Standard PDM5: will demonstrate gross motor skills. DLL yo ta dwe genyen opòtinite pou entèraji ak langaj sa. Figi O a montre sijè ki gen rapò ak lang lan. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Georgia Performance Standards: Physical Education: Standard: PEK.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. Figi O Sijè ki Gen Rapò ak Lang EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play and interact with their peers outdoors. Pèsonalize Seksyon yo pou Kontèks Lokal Ou a COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development will APPLY their knowledge about movement. DOMAIN: Expressive Level 1 Entering Repeat words and familiar phrases associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups. Level 3 Developing Describe activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I go in tunnel.”) Level 5 Bridging Persuade peers to participate in activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I want the red bike. You get the patineta.”) TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: up, slide, Let’s go____ 63 See example of ki gen rapò ak kontni Separasyon Gramatikal MPI WIDA yo se egzanp ki ilistre atant lang diferansye See example of a connection to a translanguaging in state standard epi pèsonalize enstriksyon nan domèn yon lang. WIDA envite pratisyen yo kreye,Kindergarten inove, transfòme this Strand. in this Strand. seksyon yo pou reponn pi byen a bezwen DLL yo ak pwogram edikasyon lang yo. Figi P a montre kesyon oryantasyon pratisyen yo dwe poze tèt yo lè y ap planifye enstriksyon an pou moun ki bileng k ap emèje EARLY LANGUAGE PHYSICAL yo oswa lè y ap prepare Seksyon MPI yo. Figi Q a genyen yon modèl vid yo ka kopye pou reitilize nan DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT AND LITERACY objektif sa. 23 MODÈL SIJÈ: Kisa ki yonn nan sijè ki te trete nan nòm kontni ki seleksyone a(yo)? LAJ: APÈSI Nivo 3 Devlopman SIJÈ KI LYE AK LANG: Ak ki mo ak ekspresyon ki apwopriye ak laj tout timoun yo ap entèraji? Ki sipò langaj (sansoryèl, grafik ak entèraktif ) ki nesesè pou DLL yo jwenn aksè a lang ak kontni an? Ki fonksyon lang ki reflete fonksyon konyitif la nan chak nivo devlopman lang? Ki lang DLL yo atann pou devlope oswa pwodwi nan chak nivo devlopman? Yon Separasyon Endikatè Modèl Pèfòmans yo: Nivo 1 Antre Nivo 5 Rapwochman FONKSYON KONYITIF: Ki nivo angajman konyitif pou travay yo bay la? Èske nivo angajman konyitif la koresponn oswa depase Nòm Aprantisaj Prekòs eta yo? MODÈL KONTÈKS POU IZAJ LANG: Ki objektif aktivite a? Ki wòl oswa idantite timoun yo asime e kijan yo entèraji? Ki repètwa ki nesesè pou travay la? RELASYON: Nan ki pwen kontni nòm aprantisaj prekòs yo fòme baz aktivite ki lye a? Ki konsèp ak kapasite esansyèl ki entegre nan kontni nòm yo? Ki lang ki asosye avèk konsèp ak kapasite ki apwopriye ak laj sa yo? NÒM E-ELD: Figi P: Kesyon Oryantasyon pou Eleman Seksyon E-ELD WIDA yo Domèn Lang(yo): Kijan moun k ap aprann de lang yo devlope epi itilize lang? 24 25 COGNITIVE FUNCTION: TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Level 1 Entering EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: CONNECTION: E-ELD STANDARD: Figi Q: Modèl pou Separasyon MPI yo Language Domain(s): Level 3 Developing Level 5 Bridging APÈSI EXAMPLE TOPIC: Registxxxxxxxxxxxxro AGES: 27 DEVLOPMAN FIZIK SYANS SOSYAL SYANS MATEMATIK Anplis, yo enkli egzanp translengwalizasyon, epi bay egzanp relasyon ant nòm aprantisaj prekòs eta yo, nòm Klas Matènèl eta yo ak Nòm Debaz Komen Klas Matènèl yo. Seksyon Endikatè Modèl Pèfòmans ki swiv yo bay egzanp sou kijan DLL yo devlope epi pwodwi lang atravè nivo devlopman lang yo. Seksyon Endikatè Modèl Pèfòmans ki Reprezante Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè WIDA Yo DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON SOSYAL AK EMOSYONÈL LAJ: XXX an 28 SOSYAL AK EMOSYONÈL Identify characters displaying emotions based on extended oral commands using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 3 Developing Distinguish between characters displaying emotions based on oral statements and/or questions using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: Show me_________, Where is the __________ ?, sad, happy Point to characters displaying emotions based on oral commands using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE feelings. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children create and listen to classroom books in a large group setting. CONNECTION: New York State Early Learning Guidelines: Domain II Social and Emotional Development; P: Emotional Expression; Indicator 2: Names some emotions (e.g., happy, excited, sad, mad, tired, scared). EXAMPLE TOPIC: Feelings AGES: 2.5–3.5 E-ELD STANDARD 1: The Language of Social and Emotional Development DOMAIN: Receptive 29 Identify simple facial expressions and actions from oral descriptions following models and using interactive supports with a partner. Level 3 Developing Identify simple facial expressions and actions from oral comparisons following models and using interactive supports with a partner. Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON SOSYAL AK EMOSYONÈL TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: Show me___________, Show happy like ______________ , happy, sad Identify simple facial expressions and actions from oral statements following models and using interactive supports with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE feelings EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children sing and move to familiar songs associated with feelings in a large group setting. CONNECTION: Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood- Pre-Kindergarten. Key Learning Area: Social and Emotional Development: Student Interpersonal Skills; Standard Area 16.1: Self-awareness skills and self-regulation; Standard 16.1.PK.A: Distinguish between emotions and identify socially accepted ways to express them. EXAMPLE TOPIC: Feelings AGES: 3.5–4.5 E-ELD STANDARD 1: The Language of Social and Emotional Development DOMAIN: Receptive 30 SOSYAL AK EMOSYONÈL Act out actions from short oral descriptions using visual and interactive supports (e.g., gestures and Home language) and peer models. Act out actions from simple oral statements using visual and interactive supports (e.g., gestures and Home language) and peer models. Act out actions from a series or oral descriptions using visual and interactive supports (e.g., gestures and Home language) and peer models (e.g., “Я pretendаю. I like молочный суп.”). Level 5 Bridging Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: mad, pretend, excited, I feel________ Level 3 Developing Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE feelings. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children role play and express feelings with their peers in small group settings. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Arkansas Physical Education and Health Framework Revised 2011; Strand: Physical Education and Leisure Standard 5: Personal and Social Behavior: Students shall demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings; Social Behavior PEL.5.K.3: Participate in cooperative play. CONNECTION: New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core; Domain 3: Social Emotional Development; Self-regulation; Standard PK.SED.2: Regulates his/her responses to needs, feelings and events. EXAMPLE TOPIC: Feelings AGES: 4.5–5.5 E-ELD STANDARD 1: The Language of Social and Emotional Development DOMAIN: Receptive 31 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Group cooperation AGES: 2.5–3.5 Name activities associated with cleanup with visual supports following adult model. Level 3 Developing Describe activities associated with cleanup with visual supports following adult model. Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON SOSYAL AK EMOSYONÈL TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: cleanup, help please, my turn, I ________, you_________ Repeat activities associated with cleanup with visual supports following adult model. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about cooperation. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk and interact as they clean up in a large group setting. CONNECTION: Maine’s Early Childhood Learning Guidelines; Domain: Personal and Social Development; Domain Element C- Social Competence; Indicator: Increase abilities to participate successfully as a member of a group through sustaining interactions with peers (e.g., helping, sharing and discussing). E-ELD STANDARD 1: The Language of Social and Emotional Development DOMAIN: Expressive 32 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Group cooperation AGES: 3.5–4.5 SOSYAL AK EMOSYONÈL Name activities associated with sharing and taking turns following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “Tomamos turnos- you go.”) Level 3 Developing Describe activities associated with sharing and taking turns following peer models in English and Home language. (“I go first, después es tu turno.”) Level 5 Bridging Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: my turn, you go, let’s share Repeat words and phrases associated with sharing and taking turns following peer models in English and Home language. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about cooperation. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play games and interact with their peers in small group settings. CONNECTION: Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS); Domain: Social and Emotional Development; Sub-Domain C. Social Competence; Performance Standard: C.EL. 3: Demonstrates understanding of rules and social expectations. E-ELD STANDARD 1: The Language of Social and Emotional Development DOMAIN: Expressive 33 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Group cooperation AGES: 4.5–5.5 Describe activities associated with cooperation following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “Wir müssen the toys aufräumen.”) Level 3 Developing Retell a sequence of activities associated with cooperation following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “Erst bist du dran, then you help me, verstanden?”) Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. SOSYAL AK EMOSYONÈL Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: First we____________, Then___________, Next__________ Name activities associated with cooperation following peer models in English and Home language. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about cooperation. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk about and create a class book about cooperation in a large group setting. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Hawaii Kindergarten General Learner Outcome (KGLO #2.1): Participate cooperatively and appropriately with others to achieve shared goals. CONNECTION: Hawaii Early Learning and Development Standards (HELDS): Domain 2: Social and Emotional; Strand: Social Development; Topic: Interactions with Peers; Standard SE.KE.: Use turn-taking in conversations and in play. E-ELD STANDARD 1: The Language of Social and Emotional Development DOMAIN: Expressive 34 DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Identify objects or characters based on extended oral commands using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 3 Developing Distinguish between objects or characters based on oral statements and/or questions using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of English language development interact with developmentally-appropriate words and expressions, such as: Show me_____, Find the_____, Where is the __________? Point to objects or characters based on oral commands using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE story elements. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children participate in familiar literacy activities. CONNECTION: Mississippi Early Learning Standards for Classrooms Serving Three-Year-Olds: Reading Standards for Literature; Standard 1: With guidance and support, ask and/or answer questions with details related to a variety of print materials, Standard 3: With guidance and support, identify common objects in the pictures of books. EXAMPLE TOPIC: Story elements AGES: 2.5–3.5 E-ELD STANDARD 2: The Language of Early Language Development and Literacy DOMAIN: Receptive 35 Identify story events based on extended oral commands using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 3 Developing Distinguish between story events based on oral statements and/or questions using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: Show me______, Find the__________, Where is the ______? Point to story events based on oral commands using book illustrations or photos with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE story elements EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children participate in familiar literacy activities. CONNECTION: Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework: Domain: Literacy Knowledge and Skills; Domain Element: Book Appreciation & Knowledge: The interest in books and their characteristics, the ability to understand and get meaning from stories and information from books and other texts. EXAMPLE TOPIC: Story elements AGES: 3.5–4.5 E-ELD STANDARD 2: The Language of Early Language Development and Literacy DOMAIN: Receptive 36 DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Find illustrated events from a series of related oral statements using visual supports and manipulatives. Level 3 Developing Sequence illustrated events from descriptive oral statements using visual supports and manipulatives. Level 5 Bridging Wè egzanp yon r elasyon ak yon Nòm Debaz Komen Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. Wè egzanp yon relasyon ak yon nòm pou moun k ap aprann nan de lang eta a nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: first, next, after, last Identify illustrated events from oral statements using visual supports and manipulatives. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE story elements. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children sequence events of familiar stories in large groups. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Common Core Standards for English Language Arts, Reading Standards for Literature #3 (Kindergarten): With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story. CONNECTION: Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards; Literacy Development for Dual Language Learners; L5a: Children become increasingly engaged in literacy experiences in English. EXAMPLE TOPIC: Story elements AGES: 4.5–5.5 E-ELD STANDARD 2: The Language of Early Language Development and Literacy DOMAIN: Receptive 37 Name objects and characters in book illustrations or photos with adult prompt. Level 3 Developing Describe objects and characters in book illustrations or photos with adult prompt. Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: I see_____________, This is _____________ Repeat names of objects and characters in book illustrations or photos with adult model. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development UNDERSTAND story elements. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk about a familiar book during read aloud time. CONNECTION: Florida’s Early Learning & Development Standards; Domain: Language and Communication; Sub Domain: Early Reading: Standard C.1: Shows an appreciation and enjoyment of reading. C.4: Demonstrates comprehension and responds to stories. EXAMPLE TOPIC: Story elements AGES: 2.5–3.5 E-ELD STANDARD 2: The Language of Early Language Development and Literacy DOMAIN: Expressive 38 DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Describe main story events using visual supports and adult prompts. Level 3 Developing Retell main story events using visual supports and adult prompts. Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: eating, going, He is__________, She is___________ Repeat language related to main story events using visual supports and adult models. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development UNDERSTAND story elements. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk about a familiar book during read aloud time. CONNECTION: Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS): Domain: Communication, Language and Literacy; CLL5: The child will acquire meaning from a variety of materials read to him/her. EXAMPLE TOPIC: Story elements AGES: 3.5–4.5 E-ELD STANDARD 2: The Language of Early Language Development and Literacy DOMAIN: Expressive 39 Describe story objects, characters and events using visual and interactive supports (e.g., manipulatives and Home language) and peer models. Name story objects, characters and events using visual and interactive supports (e.g., manipulatives and Home language) and peer models. Retell stories using visual and interactive supports (e.g., manipulatives and Home language) and peer models. Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: First_________, Then_________, Next__________ Level 3 Developing Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development UNDERSTAND story elements. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children retell familiar stories with a partner. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Colorado Academic Standards in Reading, Writing and Communicating Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating; Standard: 2: Reading for All Purposes. CONNECTION: Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines: Domain: English Language Development; Sub Domain 3: Engagement in English Literacy Activities: Understanding and responding to books, storytelling and songs presented in English. EXAMPLE TOPIC: Story elements AGES: 4.5–5.5 E-ELD STANDARD 2: The Language of Early Language Development and Literacy DOMAIN: Expressive 40 MATEMATIK EXAMPLE TOPIC: Geometric shapes AGES: 2.5–3.5 Follow simple oral commands about shapes following models and using visual supports with an adult. (e.g., “This is a circle. Find a circle.”) Level 3 Developing Follow oral commands about shapes using visual supports with an adult. (e.g., “This is a circle. Help me find a big circle.”) Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: find, Give me the _______, look, circle Follow one-step oral commands about shapes following models and using visual supports with an adult. (e.g., “Find the circle.”) Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE characteristics of geometric shapes. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children create pictures using shapes with peers in small group settings. CONNECTION: Missouri Early Learning Mathematics Standards; Content Component: Geometry & Spatial Sense; Process Standard: Explores shapes in the environment. E-ELD STANDARD 3: The Language of Mathematics DOMAIN: Receptive 41 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Geometric shapes AGES: 3.5–4.5 Identify shapes from oral descriptions following models and using visual supports with an adult. Level 3 Developing Identify shapes from oral comparisons following models and using visual supports with an adult. Level 5 Bridging MATEMATIK DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: shape, same as, looks like this, Give me the __________ Identify shapes from simple oral statements following models and using visual supports with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE descriptive language. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children create and interact with peers in small group settings. CONNECTION: Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines Ages 3-4 Years. Area of Development 6: Learning about my world: Topic: Math: Sort & describe items by size, color and/or shape; match simple flat shapes (circle, squares, triangles). E-ELD STANDARD 3: The Language of Mathematics DOMAIN: Receptive 42 MATEMATIK EXAMPLE TOPIC: Geometric shapes AGES: 4.5–5.5 Identify geometric shapes and their position in space from extended oral descriptions using photos and pictures with an adult. Level 3 Developing Distinguish between geometric shapes and their position in space based on oral statements and/or questions using photos and pictures with an adult. Level 5 Bridging Wè egzanp yon relasyon ak yon Nòm Debaz Komen Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: above, below, The shape is_____________, I see a shape that______________ Identify geometric shapes and their position in space from oral statements using photos and pictures with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about the properties of geometric shapes and positions in space. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children play games and interact with their peers in small group settings. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Common Core Standards for Mathematics Geometry # 1(Kindergarten): Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside. CONNECTION: Good Start Grow Smart South Carolina Early Learning Standards for 5 year-old Children: Standard K-4: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical process an emerging sense of two - and three-dimensional geometric shapes and relative positions in space. E-ELD STANDARD 3: The Language of Mathematics DOMAIN: Receptive 43 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Geometric shapes AGES: 2.5–3.5 Name geometric shapes with visual supports following adult prompt. Level 3 Developing Describe geometric shapes with visual supports following adult prompt. Level 5 Bridging MATEMATIK DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: big, small, circle, square Repeat names of geometric shapes with visual supports following adult model. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about geometric shapes. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children create and interact with peers in small group settings. CONNECTION: Oklahoma Early learning Guidelines for Children Ages Three through Five: Domain: Mathematics Standard 3: Geometry and Spatial Sense: the child will identify common geometric shapes and explore the relationship of objects in the environment. E-ELD STANDARD 3: The Language of Mathematics DOMAIN: Expressive 44 MATEMATIK EXAMPLE TOPIC: Geometric shapes AGES: 3.5–4.5 Describe geometric shapes with visual supports following adult prompt. Level 3 Developing Recount information related to geometric shapes and their properties using visual supports and adult prompts. Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: I have___________, oval, flat, circle Name geometric shapes with visual supports following adult prompt. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about geometric shapes and their properties. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children create and interact with peers in small group settings. CONNECTION: Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards; Domain: Mathematics Goal 9- Explore concepts of geometry and spatial relations Learning Standard 9.A: Recognize, name, and match common shapes. E-ELD STANDARD 3: The Language of Mathematics DOMAIN: Expressive 45 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Geometric shapes AGES: 4.5–5.5 Name geometric shapes and their properties following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “I see a circuló big.”) Level 3 Developing Describe geometric shapes, their properties and their position in space following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “I see a triangle grande.” “It is above the cuadrado.”) Level 5 Bridging MATEMATIK DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Wè egzanp yon relasyon ak yon Nòm Debaz Komen Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: triangle, square, above, below, big, round, I see a____________, It is _________ Repeat names and properties of geometric shapes following peer models in English and Home language. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about the properties of geometric shapes and positions in space. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children play games and interact with their peers in small group settings. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Common Core Standards for Mathematics Geometry # 1(Kindergarten) : Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside. #2 (Kindergarten): Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientation of overall size. CONNECTION: Louisiana Birth to Five Early Learning and Development Standards; Domain: Cognitive Development and General Knowledge; Subdomain: Mathematics; Standard: CM4: Understand shapes, their properties and how objects are related to one another in space. E-ELD STANDARD 3: The Language of Mathematics DOMAIN: Expressive 46 SYANS EXAMPLE TOPIC: Our five senses AGES: 2.5–3.5 Follow simple oral commands about objects following models and using visual supports with an adult. (e.g., “This is soft.” “Find a soft object.”) Level 3 Developing Follow oral commands about objects using visual supports with an adult. (e.g., “This cotton ball is soft.” “Find a soft object.”) Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as loud, small, I see_______, Give me the_____________ Follow one-step oral commands about objects following models and using visual supports with an adult. (e.g., “Find the cotton ball.”) Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE characteristics of objects. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children investigate real-life objects and their characteristics as they interact with peers in small group settings. CONNECTION: Delaware Early Learning Foundations Domain: Discoveries; Sub-domain: Sensory Awareness: Learning Opportunity: SC31: Use senses in purposeful ways to gather information and explore the environment. E-ELD STANDARD 4: The Language of Science DOMAIN: Receptive 47 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Scientific observation and inquiry AGES: 3.5–4.5 Identify objects from oral descriptions following models and using real-life objects with an adult. Level 3 Developing Identify objects from oral comparisons following models and using real-life objects with an adult. Level 5 Bridging SYANS DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: soft, hard, looks like this, Give me the __________ Identify objects from simple oral statements following models and using real-life objects with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE descriptive language. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children investigate real-life objects and their properties as they interact with peers in small group settings. CONNECTION: Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota Early Learning Standards: Domain V: Cognitive Development; Component Area: Scientific Thinking and Problem Solving; Indicator of Progress 7: Make comparisons between objects that have been collected or observed. E-ELD STANDARD 4: The Language of Science DOMAIN: Receptive 48 SYANS EXAMPLE TOPIC: Scientific observation and inquiry AGES: 4.5–5.5 Identify objects and their properties from extended oral descriptions using real-life objects with an adult. Level 3 Developing Distinguish between objects and their properties based on oral statements and/or questions using real-life objects with an adult. Level 5 Bridging Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as shape, sound, texture, I see an object that____________, The object feels__________ Identify objects and their properties from oral statements using real-life objects with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about physical properties of objects. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children play games and interact with their peers in small group settings. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: California Content Standards (Kindergarten): Physical Sciences 1. Properties of materials can be observed, measured, and predicted. a. Students know that objects can be described in terms of the materials they are made of (e.g., clay, cloth, paper) and their physical properties (e.g., color, size, shape, weight, texture, flexibility, attraction to magnets, floating, sinking). CONNECTION: California Preschool Learning Foundations Vol. 3: Physical Sciences 1. Properties of materials can be observed, measured, and predicted. Standard 1.1: Demonstrate increased ability to observe, investigate, and describe in greater detail the characteristics and physical properties (size, weight, shape, color, texture, and sound) of objects and of solid and nonsolid materials. E-ELD STANDARD 4: The Language of Science DOMAIN: Receptive 49 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Scientific observation and inquiry AGES: 2.5–3.5 Name objects using real-life objects with adult prompt. Level 3 Developing Describe objects using real-life objects with adult prompt. Level 5 Bridging SYANS DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: I see a ___________, It is___________ long, big Repeat names of objects using real-life objects with adult model. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about physical properties of objects, EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children investigate real-life objects and their characteristics as they interact with peers in small group settings. CONNECTION: Kentucky Early childhood Standards: (3S AND 4S) Science Standard 1: Demonstrates scientific ways of thinking and working (with wonder and curiosity). E-ELD STANDARD 4: The Language of Science DOMAIN: Expressive 50 SYANS EXAMPLE TOPIC: Scientific observation and inquiry AGES: 3.5–4.5 Describe activities associated with science investigations following adult model using visual supports. Level 3 Developing Recount activities associated with science investigations following adult prompt using visual supports. Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: chart, solid, liquid, First we______, Next we__________ Repeat words and phrases associated with science investigations following adult model using visual supports. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about scientific investigations. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children discuss and record their observations in small group settings. CONNECTION: Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards: Domain: Cognitive and General Knowledge; Sub-domain: Science; Strand: Science Inquiry and Application; Topic: Inquiry; Standard statement: Record observations using words, pictures, charts, graphs, etc. E-ELD STANDARD 4: The Language of Science DOMAIN: Expressive 51 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Scientific observation and inquiry AGES: 4.5–5.5 Name real-life objects and their properties following peer models in English and Home language. Level 3 Developing Describe real-life objects and their properties following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “I see a big block.” “Es heavy como the rock también.”) Level 5 Bridging SYANS DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as solid, liquid, rough, smaller than__________ smooth like____________ Repeat names of real-life objects and their properties following peer models in English and Home language. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about scientific investigations. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children play games and interact with their peers in small group settings. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Virginia Kindergarten Standards of Learning; Science; Standard: K. 4: The student will investigate and understand that the position, motion, and physical properties of an object can be described. Key concepts include a) colors of objects; b) shapes and forms of objects; c) textures and feel of objects; d) relative sizes and weights of objects; and e) relative positions and speed of objects. CONNECTION: Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning: Comprehensive Standards for Four-Year-Olds; Science Foundation Block 3: Matter / Physical Properties; Standard: The child will develop language to describe physical properties of objects and use the identified properties to sort the objects. E-ELD STANDARD 4: The Language of Science DOMAIN: Expressive 52 SYANS SOSYAL EXAMPLE TOPIC: Families AGES: 2.5–3.5 Identify family members from oral commands using photos and pictures with an adult. (e.g., “Find the big brother.”) Level 3 Developing Distinguish between family members from extended oral commands using photos and pictures with an adult. (e.g., “Show me the baby sister”) Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: Show me______, Find _______, Where is _________? Point to family members from short oral commands using photos and pictures with an adult. (e.g., “Point to mommy.”) Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about family members. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children create family collages in small group settings. CONNECTION: New Mexico Preschool and Kindergarten Early Learning Guidelines: Domain 6: Self, Family, and Community; Outcome 17: The child exhibits self-awareness; Essential Indicator: 17.4: Expresses cultural influences from home, neighborhood and community. E-ELD STANDARD 5: The Language of Social Studies DOMAIN: Receptive 53 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Similarities/differences between self and others AGES: 3.5–4.5 Identify self and/or peers from oral descriptions using photos and pictures with an adult. Level 3 Developing Distinguish between self and/or peers from oral descriptions with details using photos and pictures with an adult. Level 5 Bridging SYANS SOSYAL DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: Show me___________, Where is_____________? She has_______________, He is___________ Identify self and/or peers from oral statements using photos and pictures with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about families. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children create and listen to classroom books in a large group setting. CONNECTION: Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS): Domain VI: Social Studies; Learning Goal and Definition 3: People and How They Live: Children demonstrate skills related to understanding, communication, sharing, cooperation and participation with others in a community. E-ELD STANDARD 5: The Language of Social Studies DOMAIN: Receptive 54 SOCIAL STUDIES EXAMPLE TOPIC: Families AGES: 4.5–5.5 Distinguish family members from oral yes/no questions using visual supports with an adult. (e.g., “Is this your dad or your brother?”) Identify family members from oral yes/no questions using visual supports and adult models. (e.g., “Is this Daddy?”) Find family members from wh-questions using visual supports with an adult. (e.g., “Who is this? Where is your big sister?”) Level 5 Bridging Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: role, family, Find ________and ________, Where is_________? Level 3 Developing Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE descriptive language. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children create books about family members and roles within small group settings. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Indiana Academic Standards: Social Studies: Standard 2 — Civics and Government: Students learn that they are citizens of their school, community and the United States; identify symbols of the nation; and understand the importance of being a responsible citizen who knows why rules are needed and follows them. CONNECTION: Alaska Early Learning Guidelines: Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge; Sub-domain: Family, Community and Culture; Domain Component: Family; Goal Statement: 51: Children demonstrate awareness of family characteristics and functions. E-ELD STANDARD 5: The Language of Social Studies DOMAIN: Receptive 55 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Transportation AGES: 2.5–3.5 Name vehicles and associated actions following peer models in English and Home language. Level 3 Developing Describe vehicles and associated actions following peer models in English and Home language. Level 5 Bridging SYANS SOSYAL DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: bus, truck, car, I go_____ Repeat names of vehicles and associated actions following peer models in English and Home language. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about travel. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk about and dramatize ways they travel from one place to another in small group settings. CONNECTION: Massachusetts Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences; Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science; Learning Guideline 4: Engage in activities that build understanding of words for location and direction. E-ELD STANDARD 5: The Language of Social Studies DOMAIN: Expressive 56 SYANS SOSYAL EXAMPLE TOPIC: Community Workers AGES: 3.5–4.5 Describe community workers using visual supports and adult prompts. Level 3 Developing Recount information related to community workers using visual supports and adult prompts. Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: postal worker, grocer, post office, supermarket, He works at____________, She is a _____________ Name community workers using visual supports and adult prompts. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about occupations. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk about and create a class book about occupations in a large group setting. CONNECTION: Revised Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards for Four- Year -Olds (TN-ELDS); Social Studies; Career Development; Standard SS.PK.8: Develop awareness about a wide variety of careers and work environments. E-ELD STANDARD 5: The Language of Social Studies DOMAIN: Expressive 57 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Community Workers AGES: 4.5–5.5 Describe activities associated with occupations following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “I be my papa. My papa works in l’usine.”) Level 3 Developing Persuade peers to participate in activities associated with occupations following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “I be the bus driver, you be la maîtresse.”) Level 5 Bridging SYANS SOSYAL DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: banker, pilot, bus driver Repeat words and familiar phrases associated with occupations following peer models in English and Home language. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about occupations. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk about and role play different occupations in small group settings. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Nevada Academic Content Standards: Social Studies (Kindergarten) Content Standard: Ec9: The Market Economy; Kindergarten Indicator: K.2: Identify jobs in the community. CONNECTION: Nevada Prekindergarten Standards: Social Studies/Social Emotional; Content Standard: Ec9: The Market Economy; Prekindergarten Indicator: PK.2: Demonstrate the role of different jobs in the community. E-ELD STANDARD 5: The Language of Social Studies DOMAIN: Expressive 58 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Music and movement AGES: 2.5–3.5 Follow simple oral commands using gestures with an adult. Level 3 Developing Follow oral commands using gestures with an adult. Level 5 Bridging TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: stop, jump, turn around Follow one-step oral commands following models and using gestures with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY their knowledge about movement. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children play and move to music within large group settings. CONNECTION: Utah Early Childhood Core Standards; Learning Area: Physical /Health and Safety; Standard 1: The child develops fine and gross motor coordination. E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development DEVLOPMAN FIZIK DOMAIN: Receptive 59 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Music and movement AGES: 3.5–4.5 Identify actions from oral descriptions following models and using interactive supports with a partner. Level 3 Developing Identify actions from oral comparisons following models and using interactive supports with a partner. Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN FIZIK DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: Jump like a ___________, Crawl slowly like a ______________, faster, slower Identify simple actions from oral statements following models and using interactive supports with an adult. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development ANALYZE descriptive language. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children play and move to music within large group settings. CONNECTION: Montana Early Learning Standards; Core Domain: Physical; Sub domain: Physical development Standard 2.2: Gross Motor Skills: Children develop large muscle strength, coordination, and skills. E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development DOMAIN: Receptive 60 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Music and movement AGES: 4.5–5.5 Act out actions from short oral descriptions using visual and interactive supports (e.g., gestures and Home language) and peer models. Act out actions from simple oral statements using visual and interactive supports (e.g., gestures and Home language) and peer models. Act out actions from a series of oral descriptions using visual and interactive supports (e.g., gestures and Home language) and peer models. Level 5 Bridging Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: Faster than____________, Slower than_________, First, move like a ________ and then a _______ Level 3 Developing Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development APPLY actions of animals to their own body movements. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children play and move to music within large group settings. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: North Carolina Essential Standards; Physical Education: Standard: K.MS.1: Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. CONNECTION: Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework Domain; Physical Development & Health; Domain Element: Gross Motor Skills: The control of large muscles for movement, navigation, and balance, and Domain: Creative Arts Expression Domain Element: Creative Movement and Dance: The use of the body to move to music and express oneself. E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development DEVLOPMAN FIZIK DOMAIN: Receptive 61 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Outdoor play AGES: 2.5–3.5 Name activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. Level 3 Developing Describe activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN FIZIK DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: run, up, slide, in, Let’s go____ Repeat activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development will APPLY appropriate traveling skills when playing outdoors. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play, and interact with their peers outdoors. CONNECTION: Michigan Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekindergarten; Domain: Social, Emotional & Physical Health and Development; 5. Early Learning Expectation: Gross Motor Development: Children experience growth in gross motor development and use large muscles to improve a variety of gross motor skills in a variety of both structured and unstructured and planned and spontaneous settings. E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development DOMAIN: Expressive 62 SYANS MATEMATIK EXAMPLE TOPIC: Outdoor play AGES: 3.5–4.5 Describe activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in English and Home language. Level 3 Developing Recount activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in English and Home language. (e.g., “Kuv ciaj bike. Koj caij bike. Wb mus ceev.”) Level 5 Bridging Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: fast, up, slide, Let’s go____ Repeat words and familiar phrases associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development will APPLY their knowledge about movement. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play, and interact with their peers outdoors. CONNECTION: Maryland Model of School Readiness-MMSR/ State Curriculum Framework & Standards; Content Area: Physical Development; Standard 1: Students will demonstrate the ability to enhance their performance of a variety of physical skills by developing fundamental movement skills, creating original skill combinations, combining skills effectively in skill themes, and applying skills. E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development DEVLOPMAN FIZIK DOMAIN: Expressive 63 EXAMPLE TOPIC: Outdoor play AGES: 4.5–5.5 Describe activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I go in tunnel.”) Level 3 Developing Persuade peers to participate in activities associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups in English and Home language. (e.g., “I want the red bike. You get the patineta.”) Level 5 Bridging DEVLOPMAN FIZIK DEVLOPMAN PREKÒS LANG AK ALFABETIZASYON Wè egzanp relasyon ak yon nòm Klas Matènèl eta a nan Seksyon sa. Wè egzanp translengwalizasyon nan Seksyon sa. TOPIC-RELATED LANGUAGE: Children at all levels of language development interact with developmentally appropriate words and expressions such as: up, slide, Let’s go____ Repeat words and familiar phrases associated with outdoor play following peer models in small groups. Level 1 Entering COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Children at all levels of English language development will APPLY their knowledge about movement. EXAMPLE CONTEXT FOR LANGUAGE USE: Children talk, play and interact with their peers outdoors. KINDERGARTEN CONNECTION: Georgia Performance Standards: Physical Education: Standard: PEK.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. CONNECTION: Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS); Domain: Physical Development & Motor Skills; Standard PDM5: The child will demonstrate gross motor skills. E-ELD STANDARD 6: The Language of Physical Development DOMAIN: Expressive Anèks A: Glosè Definisyon Pèfòmans: kritè ki defini Konpleksite Lengwistik ak Izaj Lang pou langaj reseptif ak ekspresif nan twa nivo devlopman lang yo Devlopman ki Apwopriye Langaj Akademik langaj reseptif ak ekspresif la egzije pou patisipe antyèman nan yon pwogram swen ak edikasyon prekòs (ECE: early care and education) ki mennen konpreyansyon konsèp devlopman sosyal, edikatif ak langaj akademik ki apwopriye ak laj ki itilize nan yon anviwònman ECE; santre sou aplikasyon kritè espesifik ki lye Konpleksite Lengwistik ki enpòtan nan nivo diskou ak Izaj Lang nan nivo mo/gwoup mo ak fraz nan kontèks patikilye kote kominikasyon reyalize. devlopman konyitif: chanjman konyitif ki fèt an tèm reprezantasyon mantal devlopman lang: nivo metriz nan tretman (reseptif ) ak pwodiksyon (ekspresif ) lang timoun devlopman prekòs lang: peryòd devlopman lang inik ki fèt nan 5 premye ane lavi kote timoun yo ap aprann konpetans debaz lang yo. diskou: langaj vèbal oswa ekri pwolonje pou transmèt ide miltip ki konekte; karakteristik langaj li yo fòme pa kategori, kalite tèks, sitiyasyon ak repètwa domèn: yon eleman nan yon matris nòm ki endike modalite langaj la (pa egzanp ekspresif epi pwodiktif ) ki te abòde nan matris patikilye a. Note ke kèk nòm aprantisaj prekòs eta a souvan fè referans ak domèn devlopman ak aprantisaj ki enpòtan antanke domèn (pa egzanp domèn devlopman sosyal ak emosyonèl); domèn nan kontèks nòm E-ELD yo fè referans ak modalite langaj yo (wè domèn langaj) domèn lang: modalite lang; ekspresif ak reseptif Endikatè Modèl Pèfòmans (MPI: Model Performance Indicator) yon eleman inik nan yon seksyon MPI ki deskriptif pa rapò ak yon nivo devlopman lang Anglè patikilye pou yon domèn lang nan yon gwoup laj Estrikti: wè Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè Yo (E-ELD) estrikti langaj: konsepsyon swanye espas ak sitiyasyon aprantisaj yo, ki enkli mizanfòm sipò (pa egzanp, pwosesis, anviwònman ak materyèl) yo itilize pou konstwi pèfòmans ak konesans timoun yo deja akeri pou soutni pwogrè yo soti nan yon nivo devlopman lang a yon lòt Estrikti Nòm Devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè (E-ELD: Early English Language Development): estrikti ki sipòte konseptwalizasyon, konsepsyon ak mizanplas eleman ki reprezante sis Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo e ki demontre relasyon ak entèraksyon ant eleman sa yo. Eleman Estrikti Nòm E-ELD yo enkli Prensip Oryantasyon Devlopman Lang ak Can Do Philosophy WIDA a, Langaj Akademik ki Apwopriye ak Laj nan Kontèks Sosyo Kiltirèl, Definisyon Pèfòmans yo epi Nòm yo ak Matris yo. fonksyon konyitif: pwosesis mantal ki enplike nan aprantisaj 64 fonksyon lengwistik: objektif kote yo te itilize kominikasyon vèbal oswa ekri; fonksyon lengwistik yo gide chwa nan izaj ak estrikti lang ansanm ak relasyon sosyal ki etabli yo; premye eleman Endikatè Modèl Pèfòmans ki endike kijan pwosesis emèjans bileng oswa izaj lang pou demontre devlopman lang yo fraz fòmil: yon karakteristik langaj akademik nan nivo fraz ki reprezante yon chèn mo yo akeri antanke yon sèl blòk, tankou «My turn: tou pa m» fraz konplèks: yon òganizasyon gramatikal ki kontre ak yonn oswa plis kloz ki gen yon sibòdone tankou paske, depi, apre, byenke, oswa lè, oswa yon pwonon relatif tankou ke, kilès, oswa ki (pa egzanp, I like my teacher because she’s funny! (mwen renmen pwofesè mwen an paske li amizan!) fraz konpoze: de oswa plis kloz ki kontre pa konjonksyon kowòdinasyon (pa egzanp, pou, ak, ni, men, ò, alò) (pa egzanp, m ap jwe, men m fatige; Mwen grangou e m ap manje.) fraz pwolonje konplete panse ki genyen langaj deskriptif oswa ide ki konbine lè w itilize konektè yo (ak/e, men, oswa) fraz senp: Yon òganizasyon gramatikal endepandan ki gen yon sijè ak yon atribi; li ka genyen yon sijè ak/oswa yon atribi konpoze tou (pa egzanp, “The children and teachers were excited Timoun yo ak pwofesè yo te eksite.”) Izaj Lang: estrikti gramatikal, modèl, sentaks ak mekanis ak fraz ak mo ki asosye ak tretman oswa ekspresyon sans; yonn nan kritè ki konstitye Definisyon Pèfòmans yo kalite tèks: kategori tèks ki anplwaye karakteristik lang patikilye pou rezon espesifik Karakteristik ki Apwopriye ak Devlopman Langaj Akademik kritè pèfòmans kominikasyon vèbal nan objektif sosyal ak objektif akademik ki enkli Konpleksite Lengwistik ak nivo diskou ak Izaj Lang nan nivo fraz ak mo/gwoup mo kategori: defini mwayen yo itilize langaj vèbal oswa ekri sou plan sosyal pou patisipe nan kontèks patikilye pou rezon patikilye Konpleksite Lengwistik: Òganizasyon, koyezyon ak relasyon ant ide ki eksprime nan varyete ak kalite fraz ki reyalize diferan kategori ak kalite tèks nan langaj vèbal ak ekri nan nivo diskou; yonn nan de kritè ki konstitye Definisyon Pèfòmans yo kontèks sosyo kiltirèl: asosyasyon lang ak kilti ak sosyete kote li itilize a; pandan premye ane yo, sa enkli kontèks sosyo kiltirèl fanmi sa pou izaj lang ak relasyon avèk granmoun nan ECE ak anviwònman kominotè kote timoun nan devlope langaj la lang ki pale lakay: yon tèm yo itilize nan domèn swen ak edikasyon prekòs pou endike premye lang(yo) timoun k ap aprann de lang akeri; timoun ki tande epi ki pale plis pase yon lang lakay yo ak/ oswa avèk prensipal moun k ap ba yo swen ki ta ka genyen de lang ki pale lakay kòm premye lang yo. Anglè ka pa yonn nan lang timoun k ap aprann de lang yo pale lakay. 65 langaj ekspresif: sans kominikasyon atravè langaj langaj jeneral: mo oswa ekspresyon ki pa asosye an jeneral ak kontni yon domèn devlopman ak aprantisaj espesifik (pa egzanp Show me (Montre m) ___; Bat men w) langaj konpreyansib: fòm, akò ak metriz ki itilize nan mo, ak fraz ki pèmèt konpreyansyon langaj patikilye: mo ak ekspresyon ki itilize nan domèn kontni ki apwopriye ak devlopman akademik (pa egzanp non, lèt) langaj reseptif: trètman lang atravè ekout ak lekti langaj sosyal: repètwa kotidyen yo itilize nan entèraksyon deyò ak andedan pwogram ECE yo langaj teknik: mo oswa ekspresyon ki pi presi ki asosye ak sijè nan domèn kontni ki apwopriye ak devlopman akademik yo Matris Nòm: òganizasyon debaz pou reprezante Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo, ki enkli Seksyon Endikatè Modèl Pèfòmans yo (MPI), lye ak nòm aprantisaj prekòs eta a, egzanp kontèks pou izaj lang, fonksyon konyitif ak sijè ki lye ak lang modèl kontèks pou izaj lang: eleman matris nòm ki plase reprezantasyon nòm devlopman Prekòs Lang Anglè yo nan paramèt sosyo kiltirèl ki konsidere repètwa, kategori/kalite tèks, sijè ak aktivite modèl sijè: eleman matris nòm ki enimere yon tèm oswa konsèp ki derive de nòm aprantisaj prekòs nasyonal oswa eta yo ki founi yon kontèks pou devlopman lang moun k ap aprann de lang (DLL): timoun, nesans jiska 8 tan, k ap akeri de oswa plizyè lang an menm tan oswa pa sekans e lè y ap evolye nan de oswa plizyè kilti. nivo devlopman lang: divizyon akizisyon kontinyòm dezyèm lang lan pa etap deskriptif pwosesis devlopman lang lan; Nòm E-ELD WIDA yo genyen twa nivo devlopman lang: 1–Antre, 3–Devlopman, 5–Rapwochman Nòm Aprantisaj Prekòs (ELS: Early Learning Standards): atant ak rezilta yo swete ki apwopriye ak devlopman pou timoun depi nesans- 5 an nan majorite domèn devlopman ak aprantisaj (pa egzanp, langaj sosyal ak emosyonèl, fizik, ak alfabetizasyon prekòs, konyitif ak apwòch pou aprann) nòm langaj prekòs: atant nan lang pou moun k ap aprann de lang ki genyen 2.5-5.5 an, ki reprezante nan nivo pwogresif devlopman lang pratik ki apwopriye ak devlopman: pratik ansèyman ki baze sou konesans karakteristik, pwosesis ak sekans aprantisaj prekòs ak devlopman pèfòmans ki lye ak laj; rankontre ak timoun yo kote yo ye nan pwosesis devlopman yo, epi «asire ke eksperyans ak objektif yo estimilan ase pou motive pwogrè ak enterè yo» (NAEYC, 2013). 66 relasyon ak nòm aprantisaj prekòs yo: eleman matris nòm ki montre egzanp relasyon ant lang lan ak nòm kontni yo repètwa: karakteristik lang ki varye selon kontèks gwoup itilizatè ak objektif kominikasyon an (pa egzanp, diskou yo fè lè timoun ap pale ak pwofesè yo) seksyon kontni: eleman Endikatè Modèl Pèfòmans ki derive de yon sijè nan Nòm Aprantisaj Prekòs eta yo, ki bay yon egzanp nòm referans pou kontekstwalize devlopman lang lan Seksyon Modèl Endikatè Pèfòmans twa sekans estrikti nivo devlopman lang Anglè pou yon sijè ak yon domèn lang kèlkonk sijè ki lye ak lang: mo ak ekspresyon gwoup laj, ki enkli sa ki gen siyifikasyon ak fanmi mo miltip, ki asosye ak modèl sijè nan matris nòm yo sipò: wè sipò lengwistik sipò lengwistik: resous sansoryèl, grafik, ak entèraktif yo entegre nan woutin, aktivite aprantisaj ak evalyasyon ki ede timoun yo nan konstriksyon sans apati de lang ak kontni; twazyèm eleman Endikatè Modèl Pèfòmans yo sipò vizyèl: akonpanye izaj lang ekri oswa vèbal ak foto, imaj, ilistrasyon, tablo, graf, òganizatè grafik, elatriye, pou bay DLL yo lòt opòtinite pou jwenn aksè a siyifikasyon an swen ak edikasyon prekòs (ECE: early care and education): fè referans ak etablisman ak pwogram edikasyon ki desèvi timoun depi nesans-5 an ki enkli etablisman swen timoun, vizit adomisil, preskolè, Entèvansyon Prekòs ak Matènèl pou timoun 4 an. translengwalizasyon: aksyon moun k ap aprann de lang fè pou jwenn aksè ak karakteristik lengwistik diferan nan plizyè lang pou maksimize konpreyansyon ak kominikasyon yo 67 Anèks B: Referans yo Chwazi Anstrom, K., DiCerbo, P., Butler, F., Katz, A., Millet, J., & Rivera, C. 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