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here - Eden Health Care Services
The Inaugural Ride
Saturday August 29, 2015
Eden Health Care Services
Contact Information
Eden Health Care Services
Eden East office
21 Loewen Blvd.
Toll Free: 1-866-895-2919
Email: or
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...................................................................3
Information …………..…………….................................................4
Why We Ride ……….................................................................5
The Ride………….......................................................................6
Ride as a Team………...............................................................7
Ride Rules ………......................................................................8
Ride Supports ……………………….…………………………….…….……….9
Training for the Ride …………………..……………..……………….…...10
Nutrition Plan ……………………………………………………..……….…...11
What Happens at Registration..............................................12
Fundraising Tips…..………………………………………………..….……...15
Pledge Sheet Instructions ……...……..……………………..….……….16
Registration Form / Participant Waiver.…………..…..….……….17
Cyclist Reminders……………...…………..……..……………...…….…..19
This is the announcement of what Eden Foundation
mation and registration forms can be picked up at the
hopes will become an annual event. The first ever
Eden East office or from the website:
Eden’s East Side Road Ride is scheduled for Saturday Cyclists can also register on
August 29th, 2015. This cyclists handbook provides
line at that website.
information to help you have a successful cycling and Food and Beverages
fundraising experience.
Rest stops provide you with water, sports drinks, light
snacks and each stop also has bathroom facilities. A
Each cyclist is required to pay a $25 registration fee
BBQ lunch will be served to all riders at the finish line
and raise at least the minimum pledge amount of
of the ride.
$200 prior to the start of the bike event. Registration
fees are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-
Friends and Family
receiptable. All pledges received are fully receipted.
Please invite your friends and family to cheer you
Fundraising benefits individuals with mental health
on as you arrive at the finish line. They are welcome
to join you for the BBQ but we do need to know
Eden’s East Side Road Ride is a fund-raiser to support
how many guests you’re bringing so we can order
mental health recovery programs for individuals living
enough food. Guest tickets for lunch are $15 per
in our Southern Health region. By registering for this
person. To order, please call 204-325-5355.
first ever event and raising funds, you’re making a
profound difference in the lives of many individuals
living with a mental health challenge.
Inclement Weather
Information Centre
For more information, call the Eden Health Care Ser-
Manitoba’s weather is unpredictable. Check our web-
vices office at 1-866-895-2919 or stop in at the Eden
site before you leave the house in case of a postpone-
East office at 21 Loewen Blvd., Steinbach. Infor-
ment due to road or weather conditions and for any
update announcements.
Why We Ride
What can your donations do?
serious mental health concern in their lifetime. The
Words of Gratitude from individuals who have
received “hope and healing” through Eden’s mental health programs:
pledges raised from the bike ride will go to support
“...I have mental health issues but now my
future is pretty bright …”
“...we are being empowered…”
“...I knew I had a problem but I didn’t know
how to deal with it and Eden helped me a lot
with that…”
“ thoughts were getting clearer; the
black clouds weren’t there anymore…”
“...Linden Place has that home-like atmosphere…”
“...being accepted in the community, that’s
very important…”
“...whether we have a diagnosis or not, we
all have a mental health journey and recovery looks different for each person…”
“...everybody needs help with something…”
One in four Manitobans will be directly affected by a
Eden’s mental health recovery programs. These programs include supported housing and employment
programs for individuals dealing with significant
mental health issues. Subsidized counselling services
through Recovery of Hope help individuals and families on lower incomes access needed support. The
good news is that with the right supports and services, individuals can recover from mental illness.
Your participation in this cycling fundraiser can help
us maintain this valuable service, restoring hope and
healing in people's lives.
Mental Fitness Tip: Expressing yourself
after a stressful day can help you gain perspective, release tension and even boost
your body’s resistance to illness.
The Ride
What Can I Expect on the Ride?
You’ve now ridden about forty kilometers and the
total climb has been about 100 meters. If you’ve
maintained a nice leisurely pace of about 20 kph,
you’ll have been rolling for a little over two hours.
Join us for an 80 km group ride along the gently rolling paved highway #210. Eden’s East Side Road Ride
starts at the La Broquerie Hotel and heads east and
south past fertile farm land. Within a few kilometers
the road has a gentle rise and fall which leads the cyclists into the wooded area that has the Sandilands
Provincial Park at its heart.
You’re on your way back now and knowing that you
climbed 100 meters, it’s pretty much down-hill from
here back to La Broquerie.
More fresh water and snacks will be available to you
The first refreshment break will be in Marchand. The when you get back to the Sandilands Provincial Park
Marchand Hotel will be on the cyclists’ right and the and servers will have set up on the east side of the
Tempo Service Station with a Convenience Store will road so you will not need to cross the highway to
be on the left. You’re free to stop and use the bath- make a pick-up.
room facilities and stock up on a snack or two and
The RCMP have been notified that you’re going to be
then continue southward. If you’re crossing the road, riding bicycle along this stretch. Eden personnel will
be careful of any traffic in either direction!
also be supplying a pilot vehicle that will be stationed
Not far down the road is The Ranger Station camping at the rear of the group. It will be equipped with a
spot inside the Sandilands Provincial Park where
very large sign letting any approaching vehicles know
you’ll have another opportunity to stop and use bath- that you’re up ahead.
room facilities. At this location, you’ll be resupplied
with water, energy drinks and snacks for the stretch
to the turn-around point at Woodridge.
When you arrive in Woodridge, you’ll find the turnaround point at the railroad crossing. Just to the east
of Hwy #210 and just north of the railway, is the
Woodridge Inn where you can stop for another break
and to reload if you need to. Once you’ve made the
turn-around, you’ll be headed back north and you’ll
see the Vintage Corner Store on your right and if you
decided that the restaurant wouldn’t cut into your
riding time, you can stop here for your break.
Mental illness is
the number one
cause of disability
in Canada
Ride as a Team
Whether you’re riding with friends and family or as / upcoming events / east
side road ride / registration
part of a corporate team, it’s always more fun to do
things together. Team members keep you motivated How we can help you and your team?
to train harder, fundraise more, and keep those
Our on-line registration system allows you to register
pedals turning during the bike tour so you can
as a team. One person; typically a team captain/
cross the finish line together.
leader, should register and assign a team name and
then other members can “Join A Team” by calling up
Who makes up a team?
the team name and then registering under that
Teams range in size from four dedicated friends who
name. People whom you have asked to sponsor you
ride to represent someone living with mental health
as an individual can do so and the totals for each perchallenges to dozens of co-workers who want to
son is maintained independently as well as being cumake a difference in the community. It’s easy, pick a mulative, showing a team total.
Team Captain, a team name and register at
Ride Rules
Ride Rules
All cyclists must obey all law enforcement and
all traffic laws.
All cyclists must wear an approved helmet. Any
cyclist not wearing a helmet will be asked to
leave the event.
Any audio devices where ear-buds are used,
are strictly prohibited while cycling.
Children MUST have a participating adult over
the age of 18 responsible for them at all times
while on the route.
Cycling Etiquette
Be aware of traffic, pedestrians and even wildlife while cycling. The roads are not closed because of the event.
You’re on roadways so give cars the right of
Ride single file.
If you’re leading a line of riders and need to
give up the lead, announce your intention and
move to the left when its safe and drop back.
If you’re taking up the lead, hold a steady pace
without accelerating. This prevents line-surge.
You are likely to encounter stones and ruts,
please negotiate them with care and announce
them to riders behind you.
Do not brake suddenly. Riders behind you
won’t have time to avoid hitting you. Announce your intention and move out of the
When stopping to rest, announce your intention to riders behind you, move out of the line
and then move safely off the road.
Do not leave the scene of an accident.
Do not block Rest Stop entrances. Move fully
into the Rest Stop area and safely out of the
path of oncoming cyclists.
Respect other cyclists and their level of cycling
experience. This is not a competitive race; it is
a fundraising event to help Manitobans living
with mental health issues.
Ride Supports
Medical Support
SAG Vehicles
Professional medical support is available through
A Support and Gear (SAG) vehicle will pick up cyclists
out the day. A nurse is available at each rest stop
who cannot finish or need a break. Cyclists will be
to help you with any medical emergencies. La
taken to the next rest stop or the finish line, whichev-
Broquerie fire department “first responders” are
er is required. Snag a SAG vehicle by safely getting off
also available throughout the route to help all par-
your bike and holding your helmet up in the air.
ticipants. If you need help, do not hesitate to ask.
Emergency Contact Information
An emergency contact number is printed on the back
side of each cyclist’s ID number. This number is received at the time of registration and should be
attached to each cyclist’s bike handlebar. The number on the front of this badge will aid in tracking each
biker. The emergency phone number on the back
side of this badge will connect you with support that
will look after emergency situations.
Bike Patrols & Route Markings
Check the Eden’s East Side Road Ride website at
The road course is clearly marked and personnel will events/East Side
be present at the turn-around. Volunteer riders pa-
Road Ride for more information. It is updated regu-
trol the route to insure no one is left behind or has
larly with the most recent ride news.
had trouble along the way. Patrols are equipped
with communications to connect with emergency
Download maps, registration forms if required and
services and the SAG Vehicle.
discover the power of online fundraising!
Training for the Ride
Training for the Ride
Remember, even if you don’t finish the ride, you are
The key to a successful ride lies in consistent training
and preparation. Here are a few steps to get in gear
for the 2015 Mental Health Ride.
Get your bike tuned up and fitted properly.
Stop in at your local bike shop and get the experts to verify that your bike is road savvy.
Start with short rides.
still riding to support mental health recovery. Make
reasonable goals for yourself and be proud of your
We suggest the following training guidelines as you
develop your training plan and your training rides.
Below is a three month training plan, which can be
condensed if required.
The week before the ride, your total distance should
be greatly reduced in order to “save your legs” for
the event.
Number of
Total Training
Per Ride (km)
Per Week
Hours Per Week
Weekly Distance
20-60 km
60-100 km
100-120 km
Hydration tip: consume one full litre of water for every hour of strenuous riding. Carry one or two bottles
on your bike or use an hydration back pack and refill at rest stops along the way.
Nutrition Plan
Nutrition Plan
Pre-Event & Rest Stops:
Cyclists burn off a ton of energy and lose litres of fluids
during long rides, so eating a balanced diet and staying
hydrated are keys to a successful event. Below is a nutrition plan for cyclists, written by sports nutritionist Jorie
Janzen, RD.
1 gulp of fluid for an adult and 2 gulps for a child =
approx. 1 oz.
Drink 20 oz. of fluid 2 hours before the event.
Drink another 7-10 oz 10-20 minutes before you
In order to perform your best and enjoy the ride, you
need to know what and when to eat and drink to get
through each 80 km ride. Developing a sport nutrition
plan before heading out will be your road map to success!
Your sensation of thirst always lags behind your body’s
need for fluid. Dowsing yourself with water or using
sponges can help you feel cooler and provide a mental
boost, but it doesn’t help you stay hydrated. To stay hydrated, you have to plan your hydration schedule in advance. Keeping fluid options on hand and making the appropriate stops along the way will provide huge payoffs.
Here are some quick tips for your comprehensive nutrition plan.
Aim for one to two gulps every 15-20 minutes
Consuming carbohydrates and sodium is important.
Only consuming water over the duration of this
event for some of you can lead to hyponatremia
1 medium fruit, 1 cereal bar, 1 sport gel, 8 oz. sport
drink=approx. 15-25 grams of carbohydrates.
Aim for 30-60 grams of carbohydrate per hour of
Include salt in your food or sport drink.
Arrival at Finish Site:
Aim for 16-20 oz. of fluid and 30-60 grams of carbohydrate to start your recovery. The first 15-30 minutes is an
optimal time to re-stock your glycogen stores...muscle
and mental recovery! Enjoy lunch, but don’t forget you
need to refuel, hydrate and rest.
What Happens at
To register you must bring
Free Parking is available at La Broquerie Hotel for all
the cyclists’ vehicles. There is also ample space to
prepare your bike for the ride.
All pledge documents and money received
Grand total of fundraising online and donations / pledges received personally
These totals must be recorded on the Pledge Sheet.
If you haven’t had breakfast before arriving, La
Draw Tickets/Silent Auction
Broquerie Hotel is ready to serve you. Andreas Hart
When you register we’ll give you three numwho runs the restaurant has committed to donating a 
bered ticket that entitles you to participate in
percentage of breakfast sales to the cause at the end
the silent auction at the BBQ. You can also
of the ride. When you’re buying breakfast, you’re
purchase more tickets to increase your chance
helping the cause again.
of winning one of the prizes available.
Cyclist ID Number
Registration takes place in the picnic shelter that is
located on the west parking lot.
Each cyclist will be given a Bike ID number that
they must attach to their bike, for tracking purposes.
Washroom Facilities
are available at
- Registration area
- Rest stops
- BBQ site
La Broquerie Hotel
Des Pignons St.
West side of the western
parking lot
7:30—8:00 a.m.
8:00—8:30 a.m.
8:30—8:45 a.m.
Official Welcome
8:45 a.m.
Start of the Inaugural Ride
Noon—1 p.m.
Return to La Broquerie
Gospel Chapel
183 Principale St.
12:30—1:30 p.m.
BBQ Lunch
2:00 p.m.
Prizes and Awards
3:00 p.m.
Cycle a block back to
LaBroquerie Hotel to your
Mental Fitness Tip: Challenging yourself can
help increase your motivation and to set personal goals. Try new things that involve your
moving out of your own comfort zone.
Eden’s East Side Road Ride
La Broquerie
Parking and Registration
West parking lot of
La Broquerie Hotel
Ride ends at Gospel Chapel
Lunch and Awards
Steinbach to La Broquerie, 7mi (11 km)
Turn-around at
Fund-raising Tips
Request donations online.
Access your cyclist profile online at and send an email to your friends, family and co-workers. This is one of the easiest and
most comfortable fund-raising tools you can use.
Personalize your Online Fundraising page.
Make your fundraising page compelling by adding
your own photographs and text. Personalize your
URL address and even host your own blog. Let sponsors know why you have chosen to ride and why the
Fundraising Tips
Eden’s East Side Road Ride event deserves support!
Set a goal.
You can develop your own page by following the links
Set your fundraising goal high. What better reason to
on our website. Benefits include:
push yourself than to raise funds that affect those
Safe—all on-line donations are 100% secure
right in your community?
Pledge yourself first.
Accurate—eliminates paper work and the need
to collect cash and credit card numbers.
Convenient—donors can go online anytime,
anywhere to support.
Tax Receipts—all donations $10 or more will
be receipted
Lead by example. Pledge yourself generously – this
will help set the bar for everyone else.
Start your fundraising early.
Participants who start fundraising early raise more
money overall.
Don’t be afraid to ask.
Join or create a team—you only need four people!
Create a list of people you think would be interested
in supporting you. You may be surprised at how
much you can raise just by asking.
Teams raise more per member than if they’d participated solo. The energy that comes from participating on a team is contagious. Participants see
teams getting together to raise money and have fun,
and they want to do the same.
Hang a poster in your office lunch room.
Write your name and number on the poster, you
never know who might be interested!
Pledge Sheet
When you arrive on site, there will be a registration area where we will register you, provide you with some
cool swag, and provide you with your bike ID number. We will also collect the money that you’ve raised for
your fund-raising effort of this event. You can help speed up the registration time significantly if you provide
us with answers to the following five questions:
Total CASH collected …
Total OUTSTANDING pledges …
How much cash in coins and bills are you turning in?
What is the total amount of pledges that your friends
and family have made, which you haven’t received
Total CHEQUES collected …
yet? They have pledged to sponsor you but they did
What is the total of all the cheques that you’re turn- not give you any money in either cash, cheque or
ing in?
credit card . Eden Foundation will invoice all individuals with outstanding pledges. Please include mailing
Total ON-LINE donations received …
addresses and phone numbers of all your pledged
How much money did you raise on-line? Your family
and friends used their credit card on-line to support
What is the GRAND TOTAL …
you and those transactions have come through to
our offices separately. You should check your on-line Add up Cash, Cheques, On-line donations and Outprogress page just before you leave the house, print standing pledges for the Grand Total.
off the pledge sheet and bring it along with you.
From that GRAND TOTAL, we will give you the appropriate number of prize draw tickets. These tickets are
your entries for the silent auction after our BBQ.
We’ll have a number of items available for riders to
bid on with these tickets. Put them in a safe place
when you get them. You’ll be using them at the end
of the ride.
If you’ve raised money as a team; with no distinction
as to who is credited for the funds raised, we’ll provide your team captain with a block of tickets appropriate to the amount the team has raised and your
team captain can then distribute prize draw tickets to
team members.
In addition to the five main questions above, please
present all your pledge forms with all the names and
addresses of the people who have supported you.
Accurately filling out the form is really important because we want to send every one of your supporters
a tax deductible receipt for their contribution to your
participation. (All donations of $10 or more are receipted.)
Saturday August 29, 2015
Cyclist: ____________________________
Address: ___________________________
City: ______________________ PC _____
All proceeds from this ride will support the mental health
recovery programs of Eden Health Care Services including
supported housing, employment and counselling services for
individuals dealing with significant mental health issues.
Email: _____________________________
Phone: ____________________________
Charitable Registration # 10156 9697 RR0001
Tax receipts for donations of $10 or more will be mailed out after the event.
Contact: Earl Reimer or Linda Driedger, Eden Foundation. Phone 204-325-5355 or
NOTE: Please make sure that all entries are legible / Complete address information is required
Phone # _________________
Visa Card #
City ____________________
Card Expiry
Postal Code
Phone # _________________
Visa Card #
City ____________________
Card Expiry
Postal Code
Phone # _________________
Visa Card #
City ____________________
Card Expiry
Postal Code
Phone # _________________
Visa Card #
City ____________________
Card Expiry
Postal Code
Phone # _________________
Visa Card #
City ____________________
Card Expiry
Postal Code
Phone # _________________
Visa Card #
City ____________________
Card Expiry
Postal Code
Phone # _________________
Visa Card #
City ____________________
Card Expiry
Postal Code
Participant Waiver Form
In consideration of the acceptance of this form and the permission to participate in Eden’s East Side Road
Ride I hereby for myself, my heirs, administrators, and assigns, release, waive and forever discharge Eden
Foundation and its associated companies and its respective employees, agents and representatives of and
from all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action, whether in law or equity,
in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property however caused, arising or to arise by
reason of my participation in the said event, whether as a spectator or participant or otherwise, whether
prior to, during or subsequent to the event and not withstanding that same may have been contributed to or
occasioned by the negligence of the aforesaid. I further hereby undertake to hold and save harmless and
agree to indemnify all of Eden Foundation and its associated companies and its respective employees,
agents, and representatives from and against any and all liability incurred by any or all of them arising as a
result of, or in any way connected to my participation in the said event. By agreeing to these conditions, I
have acknowledged that I have read, understood and agreed to the above Waiver, Release and Indemnity. I
warrant that I am physically fit to participate in this event.
Whereas for valuable consideration hereby
acknowledged as received, I grant the Photographer (s) permission to photograph me and
those minors in my charge and thereafter to
use the photographs in whole or in part solely
for the promotional purpose of the Eden Companies.
Name (Please print)
Signature of Parent of Guardian
(If under 18 must be signed by a parent or guardian)
Mail the Registration Form and Waiver Form to:
Eden Foundation East Side Road Ride
Box 129
Winkler, Manitoba R6W 4A4
Cyclist Reminders
Packing List For the road:
Your favourite Bike
Helmet (mandatory)
Tire patch kit, spare tubes and tire pump
Cell Phone (in case of emergency)
Water bottles / hydration pack
Sunglasses, lip balm, sunscreen
Appropriate clothing for the weather (rain or shine)
Pledge sheet with all collected money
Enthusiasm and Energy
7 Brandt Street, Steinbach R5G 1Y3