Lorna Parker - Edgewater Elementary School
Lorna Parker - Edgewater Elementary School
H&S Executive edgewaterhands@gmail.com President Lorna Parker Edgewater Home and School Association “ W or ki ng t oge the r f or o ur k ids ” 2 2 0 C a r d i n a l - L e g e r , P i n c o u r t , Q c . J 7 V 3 Y 5 Tel .: ( 51 4 ) 4 53 - 45 3 4 Vice President Kimberly Eccleston E DGEWATER H OME & S CHOOL B ULLETIN M AY 2015 Secretary Jodie Roberts Membership Chair Brenda Watson Christine Wilson Giasson A Note From The President Treasurer Pavolina (Pauline) Owczar Public Relations Jennifer Whiting Volunteer Coordinator Jennifer Boleska H&S Coordinators Bookstore Tricia Lax Born to Read Athanasia Antonopoulos Tracy Primeau Classifieds / Newsletter Public Relations Craft Fair Pavolina (Pauline) Owczar Fundraising Jennifer Whiting Jodie Roberts Fundscrip Christine Wilson Giasson Hallowe’en Dance Kim Eccleston Laminating Sharon Louie Tricia Lax Movie Night Kim Eccleston Pizza Day Shelley Federico Maria Bacani Playground Tricia Lax Andrea Purcell Scholastic Book Fair Christine Mehra Subway Betty Ludwa Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week (TSAW) Executive Committee Representatives Principal Liz Rivard GB Community Rep Jodie Roberts Staff Representative Athanasia Antonopoulos The school year is quickly coming to an end, but there are still a lot of exciting activities and events coming up in the Edgewater community. The spring fundraiser has come to a close and as we wrap it up and figure out the profits, we want to thank everyone that took the time to fundraise and support Edgewater. Your contributions will enable so much for the school, especially with the drastic budget cuts. May 1st is the H&S Movie night. Wear your PJ’s (kids and grownups!!) and come watch “Paddington” in the school gym. Thanks as always to Mr. Lacoste for your help and generosity with the audio visual equipment. Tuesday May 12th is the H&S AGM (and final meeting of the year). This is when we make all the decisions for next year’s budget allocations and events. We will be starting at 7:00pm SHARP in the school library. You can only vote if you attend. May 14th is the Open House/ Pizza Party. Classrooms will be open and proudly displaying all of our kid’s hard work. The Edgewater dancers will be putting on a spectacular show for everyone. Tickets for “Principal for the day” will be on sale throughout the event and don’t forget to stop by the Home and School membership table to sign your family up for 20152016 school year. We hope to see everyone there. Also a reminder that June 5th is the Edgewater 50th Anniversary celebration. This adult only event is open to all staff, parents and alumni. We are very excited to celebrate such an important milestone for our school. It will be a GREAT night. Registration forms can be found on the school website under the H&S tab. If you need any information please don’t hesitate to contact us by email. If you have any questions for Home and School pleased do not hesitate to contact us by email at edgewaterhands@gmail.com Have a great month. Enjoy the sunshine. Lorna Parker Edgewater H&S President 2014-2015 Edgewater Elementary Important Dates To Remember * * MAY 2015 May 1 May 12 May 14 May 14 May 15 May 18 May 22 May 25 Movie Night “Paddington” Home and School Meeting – 7:00pm School Library AGM MEETING! Jump Rope for Heart Open House (Pizza Party) – 4:30pm to 6:30pm Ped Day – No School – DAYCARE OPEN Victoria Day – No School – No Daycare Pizza Day (Deadline May 13) Subway Day (Deadline May 13) Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 10. Why not get a gift card for a spa day via “Way spa”, a special treat from “Chapters” or “Bath and Bodyworks”. A shopping day at “Winners” or a card for one of the many participating restaurants around Montreal for a nice dinner. With so many retailers to choose from you are guaranteed to find something to make her day extra special. It doesn’t cost you extra, but a portion of your purchase will come back to the Edgewater Home and School Association. It is simple to do: 1) Go to Fundscrip (our authorized partner): http://www.fundscrip.com/support-your-group 2) Use the Edgewater group code: WE6LFN 3) Order whatever will make for an unforgettable Mother's Day 4) Feel good about supporting Edgewater For information contact Christine Wilson Giasson at christinemarygiasson@gmail.com Christine will also be available to answer any Fundscrip questions at the Membership table during Open House. **PLEASE NOTE: Edgewater Home and School is not responsible for any changes that are made to dates and events. There may be other school events that are not on this bulletin. It is important to check school bags, agenda and voicemails/emails from the school for information regarding upcoming events.