Leadership - Education for Health


Leadership - Education for Health
Module Specification
1. Factual information
Module title
Module tutor
Rhian Last
Credit value
Module type
Comprehensive on-line distance learning Notional
supported by interactive activities and on- hours
line fora.
Optional module for BSc (Hons) in Longterm Conditions (all pathways)
NQF Level 6
30 (CATS)
15 (ECTS)
learning 300
2. Rationale for the module and its links with other modules
With the on-going NHS reforms and continued drive for quality and efficiency the NHS and the wider
health and social care environment is facing a paradigm shift in the delivery of services appropriate to
the needs of the public in a contemporary society. This comes at a time when people are living longer,
with an increasing prevalence in long term conditions. In addition, the current economic challenges
necessitate an increase in productivity which must be achieved within limited resources. One means of
addressing these challenges is through effective clinical leadership at all levels. This is central to the
cultural and organisational changes expected of organisations across the health service.
The importance of developing Clinical leadership skills has been recognised and integrated into preregistration training. However, there remains an unmet need for qualified nurses, particularly those
working in a primary and community care setting. This has been recognised by the work of the NHS’
new Leadership Academy which has been created to develop and support health service leaders to
deliver better patient care in the next three to five years.
During this time of great change in the NHS and wider health and social care environment, staff need to
be able to continue providing high quality care whilst integrating new ideas and ways of working to
deliver ‘best care best value’. This will only be achieved if staff can develop those leadership skills in
ways that are relevant to their own working environment. This module will enable front line staff to do
just that.
The module is offered as stand-alone as well as an optional module within the BSc (Hons) in Long Term
Conditions programme, including the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Care Pathways. It will be aimed at
students who seek to develop the ability to understand and apply leadership and management
principles in their everyday work, and will enable them to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence
to become leaders on the front line in their relevant area of care.
Leadership NQF Level 6
3. Aims of the module
The module will provide students with an increased knowledge of leadership theory and practice and
enable them to relate this to their current practice. The overall outcome will be to make a difference; to
do something remarkable on a day to day basis. There will be consideration of leadership theory, quality
improvement strategies, teamwork, motivation, legal and ethical issues and managing change. As a
result of completing this module students will be able to demonstrate clinical leadership, as well as key
transferable skills including critical analysis through self-awareness and reflection, the ability to
communicate accurately, clearly, concisely and confidently, good interpersonal skills and team-working
The focus will be on personal and professional development, incorporating vision, passion, sources of
power, political awareness, understanding money in the system, teamwork and consultation, putting
patients / clients at the heart of NHS care.
4. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements
A Health professional qualification at DipHE level or above or evidence of study to NQF level 5.
Students must be working in a relevant clinical environment and have the support of their manager or a
suitably qualified colleague to offer support and mentorship throughout the life cycle of the module and
Leadership NQF Level 6
5a. Intended learning outcomes
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be able to:
A1: Evaluate the theoretical frameworks for management and leadership, strategy and managing change
and apply their findings to their area of work
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be able to:
B1: Critically appraise and evaluate the evidence base of leadership theory and apply this to scenarios
within their place of work
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be able to:
C1: Reflect on how they might contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of policy
and/or service design within their workplace
C2: Promote and facilitate best practice by delivering services right first time leading to the provision of
high quality, patient centred, evidence based health and social care
C3: Critically evaluate methods of using organisational resources efficiently to maximise the potential for
delivering efficient and effective services
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be able to:
D1: Evaluate their personal and professional development as a clinical leader through self-awareness and
critical reflection
D2: Critically appraise the literature relating to communication and team working and reflect upon their
ability to transfer these skills into their place of work
5b. Learning and teaching strategy
Students will be provided with comprehensive distance learning materials which are supported by
interactive formative activities at key points within the module.
Additional peer support can be gained via on-line for a throughout the module life-cycle.
Students are also supported through the comprehensive e-mail or telephone student support service, with
access to the module team for academic or content support.
Further support relating to academic writing is offered through the student guide.
Leadership NQF Level 6
6. Indicative content.
The subjects covered include:
1. Introduction to Frontline Clinical Leadership
2. Demonstrating Personal Qualities
• Developing self-awareness
• Core Skills for someone working in the caring professions
• Tools For Developing Self Awareness
• Managing yourself
• Working With Others
• Getting the right work life balance
• Positive psychology
• Continuing personal development
• Reflective practice
• Learning from others
• Personal Growth and Development
• Acting with integrity
• Knowing what is right and wrong
• When to speak out
• How to speak out
• Overcoming difficult situations
3. Working with others
• Developing networks
• Benefits and challenges of collaborative working
• Why networks are important
• Methods of networking
• Who to include
• Making it work
• Building trust
• Effective communication
• Exploring
• Active Listening
• Encouraging contribution
• Creating the right environment
• Understanding communication preferences
• Facilitation skills
• Working with teams
• Stages of team development
• Identify values and behaviours
4. Managing Services
• Planning
• Understanding how policy becomes practice
• How and why to involve patients and carers
• Tools to ensure service redesign follows SMART principles
• Risk/benefit analysis
• Managing resources
• LEAN methodology
Leadership NQF Level 6
6. Indicative content.
Value stream mapping
Redesigning roles
Thinking outside the box
5. Managing People
• How to build and nurture an improvement culture
• Managing the human dimensions of change
• Managing performance
• Team work
• Summative evaluation
• Formative evaluation
• Sustainability
6. Improving services
• Ensuring patient safety
• National/local policy to improve patient safety
• Learning from what has gone wrong
• Theories and tools for risk assessment
• Processes and procedures to monitor safety
• Critical evaluation
• Methods for obtaining feedback
• The application of Quality Improvement methodology
• Action planning and follow up
• Encouraging improvement and innovation
• Leading by example
• Facilitating transformation
• Pulling the plan together
7. Setting Direction
• Identifying the contexts for change
• Healthcare policy
• Enabling process
• Technology enhanced Healthcare
• Applying knowledge and evidence
• Improvement science methodology
• Evidence based practice
• Measurement for improvement
• Collecting and interpreting data
• Understanding variation
• Creating a case for change
• Making decisions
• Influencing skills
• The language of leadership
• Evaluating impact
• The PDSA cycle
• Dissemination
Leadership NQF Level 6
7. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their relative weightings
Students are required to submit two fully referenced assignments of 2000 and 3000 words
Assignment 1
Using the personal mapping exercises included within the learning materials as a basis for their
discussion, students will be required to submit a fully referenced assignment which critically
evaluates his / her personal learning and leadership capability.
Students will be asked to identify a scenario in their place of work where they have taken a
leadership role in the (re)development or (re)design of a specific policy or service. Basing their
discussion on relevant clinical leadership theories students will critically reflect upon their role within
the scenario, demonstrating an understanding of how their leadership style impacted on the
By assimilating their personal reflection with the personal mapping exercises and mentor feedback if
appropriate students will identify areas of personal and professional strength and development in
relation to their own leadership skills and construct a personal development plan to address any
development needs.
(2000 words: 40%)
Assignment 2
Students will be required to develop a case for change for a service offered in their place of work for
which they will take a leadership role in its redesign. The change must relate to a future redesign,
not a change which has already taken place and must not be the same change that was discussed in
assignment 1.
Using an appropriate theoretical framework for the management of leadership, students will identify
the key elements which will need addressing to enable the successful implementation of change.
This assignment should be written in an academic essay style which clearly identifies the case for
change. If appropriate a service development plan can be included as an appendix.
The assignment should include:
A critical appraisal of the service being redesigned, including a clear outline of the proposed
changes and a justified, evidence based rationale for its development. Students should
identify the strategies used to ensure patients/carers would be appropriately represented in
redesign proposals.
A critical evaluation of the impact of the proposed changes to all relevant stakeholders and a
discussion, using relevant theories, as to the strategies to be employed to overcome any
An evaluation of the proposal against the SMART principles to ensure the proposed redesign
offers increased effectiveness for patients and efficiencies to the NHS
An discussion based on relevant evidence to identify an appropriate dissemination plan
A justification of the methods to be used for the on-going evaluation of the service
(3000 words: 60%)
Criteria for a pass
The pass mark for the module is 40% with a minimum of 40% achieved in each assignment.
Reassessment is as per the regulations in the Student Guide.
Leadership NQF Level 6
8. Mapping of assessment tasks to learning outcomes
Learning Outcome
Evaluate the theoretical frameworks for management and leadership,
strategy and managing change and apply their findings to their area
of work
Assessment Tasks
Assignment 1 Assignment 2
Critically appraise and evaluate the evidence base of leadership
theory and apply this to scenarios within their place of work
Reflect on how they might contribute to the development,
implementation and evaluation of policy and/or service design within
their workplace
Promote and facilitate best practice by delivering services right first
time leading to the provision of high quality, patient centred,
evidence based health and social care
Critically evaluate methods of using organisational resources
efficiently to maximise the potential for delivering efficient and
effective services
Evaluate their personal and professional development as a clinical
leader or manager through self-awareness and critical reflection
Critically appraise the literature relating to communication and team
working and reflect upon their ability to transfer these skills into their
place of work.
9. Teaching staff associated with the module
Tutor’s name and contact details
Rhian Last Education for Health
E-mail: r.last@educationforhealth.org
Contact hours
Mon – Fri 8:30am – 5:30 pm
10. Key reading list
Author Year
Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS
High Quality Care for All: Liberating the NHS
11. Other indicative text (e.g. websites)
Leadership NQF Level 6