Non-Malignant Palliative Care


Non-Malignant Palliative Care
Module Specification
1. Factual information
Module title
Non-Malignant Palliative Care
NQF Level 6
Module tutor
Hannah Waterhouse
Credit value
Module type
Distance Learning supported by facilitated
study days
Notional learning
30 (CATS)
15 (ECTS)
2. Rationale for the module and its links with other modules
Improving the quality of life of people living with long-term conditions is a priority amongst healthcare
professionals. The government strategy for palliative care encompasses this and highlights the
importance of the provision of palliative care services for non-cancer patients.
This module fits within the undergraduate long-term conditions programmes. It is underpinned by the
principles of evidence based healthcare and incorporates key concepts of the NHS Long-Term
Conditions agenda.
Its focus on a management of symptoms across a range of long-term life-limiting conditions
complements and underpins the concepts of the disease specific modules by enabling students to
develop skills in a broad range of related subject areas. As such, the module has strong links with the
optional disease focussed modules offered within the programme pathways.
3. Aims of the module
This module is aimed at any health care professional who participates in the delivery and management
of care for people experiencing long term symptoms, their families and carers. This module explores the
aetiology and impact of major long-term life limiting disease and focuses on the role of symptom
management in improving the patient’s quality of life.
On completion of the course successful students will be able to suggest, initiate and vary treatment in
response to individual needs. They will demonstrate sound knowledge of the literature relevant to
symptom relief and supportive and palliative care in relation to the delivery of holistic, evidence based
care to patients, their families and carers.
4. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements
None specified
Non-Malignant Palliative Care NQF Level 6
5. Intended learning outcomes
A. Knowledge and understanding
Learning and teaching strategy
At the end of the module, learners will be Comprehensive distance learning materials supported
able to:
by interactive activities and face-to-face study days.
A1: Evaluate the different assessment tools Further support from student support services
available to assess the impact of including telephone & e-mail support and a
symptoms in long-term life-limiting comprehensive student guide.
disease on quality of life.
B. Cognitive skills
Learning and teaching strategy
At the end of the module learners will be Comprehensive distance learning materials supported
able to:
by interactive activities and face-to-face study days.
B1: Critically examine the differing models Further support from student support services
of palliative care and apply these to including telephone & e-mail support and a
specific situations.
comprehensive student guide.
C. Practical and professional skills
Learning and teaching strategy
At the end of the module, learners will be Comprehensive distance learning materials supported
able to:
by interactive activities and face-to-face study days.
C1: Critically
differing Further support from student support services
management strategies available for including telephone & e-mail support and a
alleviating symptoms in long-term life- comprehensive student guide.
limiting disease, including both
nonpharmacological options.
D Key transferable skills
Learning and teaching strategy
At the end of the module, learners will be Comprehensive distance learning materials supported
able to:
by interactive activities and face-to-face study days.
D1: Analyse the role of communication Further support from student support services
between the multi-disciplinary team, including telephone & e-mail support and a
the patient and their wider support comprehensive student guide.
network and evaluate the impact of
communication on the outcome of
different management strategies.
Non-Malignant Palliative Care NQF Level 6
6. Indicative content.
The subjects covered include:
Understanding symptoms in major life-limiting long-term conditions - impact of co-morbidities
Assessing the impact of symptoms in major life-limiting long-term conditions and formulating a
management plan
Maximising therapy (pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches)
Psychological interventions
Professional, moral & ethical issues as they relate to end of life care
Holistic care and patient choice
Evaluation of care and service delivery strategies
7. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their relative weightings
Students are assessed by written assignment.
Assignment 1:
Students are required to submit a 2000 word, fully referenced assignment which critically evaluates the
role of communication in the management of symptoms in major life-limiting long-term conditions. The
assignment should be based on a specific patient consultation and should demonstrate the student’s
ability to evaluate their own role within this.
Assignment 1 comprises 35% of the overall module mark.
Assignment 2:
Students are required to submit a 3,000 word, fully referenced case study of a patient with long-term
symptoms of a major life-limiting long-term condition. Students must demonstrate the ability to
critically analyse the relevant evidence base and apply theory to practice in relation to assessment,
pharmacological and non pharmacological options for management and evaluating a palliative care
approach to this scenario.
Assignment 2 comprises 65% of the overall module mark.
Criteria for a pass
40% in each element of assessment and 40% overall
Reassessment is as per the regulations in the Student Guide
Non-Malignant Palliative Care NQF Level 6
8. Mapping of assessment tasks to learning outcomes
Assessment Tasks
Assignment 1
Learning Outcome
Assignment 2
Evaluate the different assessment tools available to assess the
impact of symptoms of life limiting disease on quality of life.
Critically examine the differing models of palliative care and
apply these to specific situations.
Critically examine the differing management strategies available
for alleviating long-term symptoms, including both
pharmacological and non-pharmacological options.
Analyse the role of communication between the multidisciplinary team, the patient and their wider support network
and evaluate the impact of communication on the outcome of
different management strategies.
9. Teaching staff associated with the module
Tutor’s name and contact details
Contact hours
Hannah Waterhouse, Education for Health
Mon – Fri 8:30am –
5:30 pm
10. Key reading list
Department of Health
Your health, your way A
guide to long term
conditions and self care
Department of
Guidance on cancer
services: Improving
supportive care for
adults with cancer
11. Other indicative text (e.g. websites)
Non-Malignant Palliative Care NQF Level 6