2015 ABEC Mentor Guide to Online Reports


2015 ABEC Mentor Guide to Online Reports
CRICOS Provider No. 00124K
The screens in this booklet are used for instruction purposes, individual year level online reports will vary and
screens may change slightly as they are updated.
A Project Partnerships (PP) Report is completed online each semester by mentor teachers with preservice teachers in Year 3 or Year 4 of
the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood/Primary). Course Code: ABEC
NOTE: A separate Guide is available for Mentors Teachers with Preservice Teachers in the following courses:
 Bachelor of Education (P-12)
Course Code: ABED
 Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education Course Code: HGES
 Graduate Diploma in Primary Teaching
Course Code: AGTP
 Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Course Code: EMTS
 Master of Teaching (Primary)
Course Code: EMTP
The online report process involves discussion with the preservice teacher, including comments by the mentor teacher. PP Semester
Reports require ‘sign-off’ by both the mentor and preservice teacher in the relevant section at the bottom of each report – refer to bottom of
‘Screen 9’ on page 5.
Online reports must be completed by the published deadline as indicated in the relevant Course and Year level version of ‘The Essentials’
in the presence of the preservice teacher so they also can sign-off on the report (tick the relevant box, print their name and provide their
reflective response)
Preservice teachers are responsible for ensuring that mentor teachers submit the reports online in a timely manner before the submission
Note: Two copies of the online report must be printed at the time of submitting to Victoria University (i.e. after mentor and preservice
teacher responses entered, relevant boxes ticked and signatures and dates recorded) before clicking on ‘Print Report and Send to Victoria
University’. One copy is for retention by the setting and one for the preservice teacher for inclusion in their portfolios. Preservice teachers
must make a copy of their online report for their PI lecturers as soon as possible after the completion deadline.
Hard copy reports downloaded from the PP website (not online)
 Bachelor of Education (P-12)
Year 1
 Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood-Primary) Years 1 and 2
 Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching
 Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
Mentor Teachers complete hard copies of the above reports, which can be downloaded from the PP website at
Mentor Teacher User Name and Password for accessing online reports
School/Setting-based Partnership/Student Teacher Coordinators will be emailed the Mentor Teacher Username and Password to
distribute to all mentors. Mentors should ensure they record these details in a secure and confidential location for future reference.
Note: Login details are confidential i.e. under no circumstance should these be provided, or able to be viewed, by the preservice
Online Reports Flowchart
Online Reports Website Address:
Open a new report
(Mentor teacher)
Retrieve a previously saved report
(Mentor teacher)
Mentor teacher discusses the report with preservice teacher then ticks relevant box, signs (types in
name) & dates and asks preservice teacher to enter their ‘Reflective before they also tick, sign and
date the report.
Completed all items in the report?
Submit report online to Victoria university
Via ‘Print Report and send to Victoria University’ button
SECTION 1: How to create a new online report
Logon to website The recommended browser to complete online report is Microsoft INTERNET EXPLORER. The URL to
open the website is http://education.vu.edu.au/reports
Note: Recommended minimum screen resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels for best viewing.
Screen 1
Select ‘ABEC (Bachelor of Education: Early Childhood/Primary) – Years 3 and 4 Only’ which is highlighted in blue in the screenshot
below. Make sure the correct course is highlighted in the second window ‘Open ABEC…’ and then click on the third box - GO
Screen 2
Select the appropriate semester for the report you are completing. The screenshot below (2) indicates that the Semester 1 report
has been selected as highlighted in blue. Once again, the second box allows you to double-check you have selected the correct
report. Click on the third box - GO
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Screen 3
Select the first option ‘Mentor Teacher’, check the next box is correct and click GO
Screen 4
Mentor Teacher login screen: Enter the confidential and case sensitive User Name and Password for your setting as supplied to
your preservice teacher coordinator for distribution to all mentor teachers by the Partnerships Office. All mentors at the setting use
the same Username and Password.
Please record username and password in a safe and confidential location for future reference.
Screen 5
The setting name associated with the login appears on the next screen i.e. ‘Temple Square Kindergarten’ in the example below.
Read the guidelines listed on this screen very carefully then click CONTINUE
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Screen 6
ENTER the preservice teacher’s seven-digit student ID (do not include the ‘s’ before the ID number). Click GO
Screen 7
The preservice teacher details corresponding to the ID entered on the previous screen will appear. If the details are correct select
the appropriate ‘Year/Course of Study’ radio button for the preservice teacher. In the example below ‘Mary Citizen’ is in Year 3 so
the correct radio button has been selected. Click CONTINUE.
WARNING! Make sure you select the correct Course and Year of Study as you cannot change this later as the report will be the
specific report for the course and year you have selected.
*** If the preservice teacher’s details are incorrect, or their ID is not registered, click LOGOUT and contact the Partnerships Office.
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Screen 8
Select Reporting Period, Academic Year and Year Level/Grade from the drop-down list.
Enter Coordinator and Mentor Teacher names.
Screen 9
A blank report form appears with preservice teacher and setting details, part of which is shown on the screenshots on the following
pages (4-6):
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A blank report form appears (continued):
Screen 10
You have the option of partially completing this form and saving it for retrieval at a later date or completing all fields, and if the
preservice teacher is present to sign off, submitting it to Victoria University immediately. IMPORTANT: Changes cannot be made
to the report once submitted so please ensure all details are correct before clicking on ‘Print Report and Send to VU’
If you Click ‘Save Changes and Exit’, the following screen will appear:
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Screen 11
If you have completed all items correctly, and both you and your preservice teacher have signed off (refer to orange section at the
bottom of Screen 7 on the previous page) then Click ‘Print Report and Send to Victoria University’
The following screen will appear. Click Print Report button to print copies of the report.
Screen 12
The print window pops up and you have to select a local printer connected to your computer and click Print.
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SECTION 2: How to retrieve and edit previously saved reports
Screen 13
Follow directions listed under Screens 1, 2 and 3 at the start of this document.
Screen 14
Screen 15
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Screen 16
Enter Preservice teacher’s Student ID
How To Open and Edit an Incomplete Report for a Preservice Teacher
There is an incomplete report for this preservice teacher in the system. Click EDIT to retrieve and complete the incomplete report.
Screen 17
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Frequently Asked Questions
I can’t find online reports on the Project Partnerships (PP) website
Online reports are not located on the PP website – refer to the first line of the Online Reports Flowchart on page 1 of this
document for the URL.
When I login I get an error message
You will need to login using Internet Explorer Version 7 or above or upgrade to Version 7 or above.
I can’t find my preservice teacher’s ID
Check you have the correct Student ID number with your preservice teacher or as listed on the ‘School/Site Placement Report’
emailed to the Student Teacher/Partnerships Coordinator prior to the practicum. If the ID is correct send an email to the PP
Online Reports Help Desk (refer box below) and we will register the preservice teacher for online reports.
My school is not listed
Please forward an email to the PP Online Reports Help Desk (refer box below)
I don’t know my Mentor Teacher Username or Password (Mentor Teacher)
Contact your Setting Coordinator or Partnerships Support Coordinator to check you have copied the details correctly (note
these are case sensitive and not to be viewed by preservice teachers)
I don’t have the online report login details (Preservice Teacher)
Preservice Teachers are not provided with these details – they are confidential and are provided by the setting
Partnerships/Student Teacher Coordinator to Mentor Teachers.
I commenced a report a few days ago– how do I complete it?
Refer to ‘SECTION 2: To retrieve and edit previously saved reports’ on page 8 of this Guide
When I pressed the Back button/arrow I lost the report and see some garbled text on the screen
Do not use the Browser navigation buttons, use only the buttons/links provided in the report
When I printed the report, it did not print the entire text
The reports are formatted for printing with Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you use a different browser, it may format differently
and some text may be lost. Use a Windows PC with Internet Explorer.
Q 10
Who is the ‘Second Mentor’?
This option is used in special circumstances where two different Mentors for the same teaching method supervise a preservice
teacher in the same semester and the Mentors want to provide two separate reports.
Click the CHECK button under ‘Second Mentor Option’ column to see if this option is available for the preservice teacher.
Q 11
Where can I find the AITSL or DEECD Teacher Standards?
Copies of the AITSL National Graduate Teacher Standards and DEEC Teacher Standards are located on the PP Website
under the heading ‘Project Partnerships Documents’ the folder “Teacher Standards’ or at URL:
Got a problem?
If you have a problem with an online report please:
1. Review the 2015 ABEC Mentor Guide to Online Reports (this document!)
2. Check with your preservice teacher that you have their correct Student ID (7 digits)
3. Check with your setting-based Partnership/Student Teacher Coordinator that you have the
correct mentor teacher login details (Username and Password)
4. Email your query to the dedicated Project Partnerships Online Reports Help Desk on:
CRICOS Provider No. 00124K
This publication is an information document from Victoria University. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate; however it may be subject to change.
March 2015.
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