Effingham Secondary School 0315640569 1 DEVSHI DRIVE
Effingham Secondary School 0315640569 1 DEVSHI DRIVE
TEL: 031-5640569 FAX: 031-5645831 Email : info@effinghamsecondary.co.za 1 Devshi Drive, Effingham Heights, 4051 P.O. BOX 40205, RED HILL 4071 Website: www.effinghamsecondary.co.za EMIS NUMBER : 500127132 EXAM CENTRE NUMBER : 5411217 TUESDAY, 31 MARCH 2015 TO : No 5 : 2 of March 2015 ALL PARENTS & LEARNERS Dear Parent / Learner We have come to the end of the First Quarter of the 2015 Academic year. It was a term that was filled with academic, co curricular and extra-curricular activities. At the outset I must place on record my sincere thanks and appreciation to all stakeholders – the teaching staff [for their hard work both inside and outside the classroom]; the administrative staff; the maintenance staff [for keeping our school relatively clean]; the parents [for their support and co-operation]; our Funders – Inkanyezi Trust and Epoch-Optima Trusts [for their generous funding of Maths & Science at our school] and last but not by any means the least – our learners [the large majority of our learners behaved extremely well during this term]. The preliminary results of the March Tests are a little disappointing – given that we had only 2 months of work. Learners are encouraged to take their academic work more seriously and to prepare intensively for tests and exams. They must spend this vacation reading and brushing up on their Mathematics. 1. SGB OFFICE BEARERS This year saw the end of the three year term for the SGB. This necessitated a new round of election for all constituents, Mr S Kowlessar (Principal of Avoca Primary) was deployed by the department to act as electoral officer for all these elections. Elections were held for all constituents in the first two weeks of March 2015. It was disappointing to note that the turnout at the parent meetings was very poor. At the first meeting only seven [7] parents came. This meeting had to be adjourned as the quorum was not achieved. At the adjourned meeting only few parents turned up and elections took place as the quorum was not required. Parents are encouraged to take a more active role in school governance so that a good teaching and learning environment can be maintained at school. There are a number of sub-committees that one can join. Please enquire at the school if you are interested. 1|Page The following were elected to represent the different constituents for the next three years. EFFINGHAM SECONDARY SCHOOL : SGB MEMBERS 1 Mr. S Mahabeer Parent 2 Mr. A Naidoo Parent 3 Mrs. L Moopanar Parent 4 Mrs. N S Wilson Parent 5 Mrs. S Singh Parent 6 Mr. I David Parent 7 Mr. L J Hammond Parent 8 Mrs. N. Zaca Parent 9 Mr. P Naicker Parent 10 Mr R.I. Boodhoo Educators 11 Mr A.P Gordhon Educators 12 Mrs A Deokumar Educators Staff(Non-Educators) 13 Mrs R Durga 14 Erin Hammond Learners 15 Luanda Jiyani Learners 16 Rauff Aboobaker Learners 17 Mr I Govender Department PORTFOLIO / SUB COMMITTEE Building & Maintenance Chairperson Deputy Chairperson / Sport Finance / Welfare Welfare Secretary Treasurer Discipline, Safety & Security Building & Maintenance Finance & DSSC Discipline, Safety & Security Welfare / PR Advertsing & PR Welfare / DSSC Discipline, Safety & Security Sport PRINCIPAL - Finance On behalf of all the stakeholders we want to thank the outgoing SGB for their sterling efforts and support during their term of office. Thanks and appreciation to Mr S Kowlessar for conducting the election in a free and fair manner. Congratulations and welcome to the new members and we look forward to an excellent working relationship of the different constituents. 2. CONDOLENCES Our heartfelt condolences to all those who lost loved ones. May God grant you the strength and courage to bear this sad loss. We also pay tribute to Mrs Jackpersadd [mother of Mrs R Maharaj] who passed away last week. We also had to bid eternal farewell to the following persons known to us: Mr Kamal Shoamduth /Mr Naidoo (Michelene’s Dad )/ Minister Collins Chabane and others who we may have not mentioned by name. 2|Page 3. SCHOOL’S CODE OF CONDUCT It is disappointing that we need to address this in all our correspondence to parents. There is a large number of boys and girls who are showing total disregard to our School’s Code of Conduct. Parents are urged to ensure that their children comply with the Code – Dress Code and Grooming inspections will take place later this week and defaulters will be sent home and will only be allowed to return to school when they adhere to the Code of Conduct. Girls : Hairstyles / Length of Skirts // Boys : Hairstyles and narrowing of the pants These are posing a serious threat to the Discipline that we are trying to inculcate at Effingham Secondary School. Further it is rather disappointing that many parents still want to send their children to this school but will challenge us when we want to instil discipline. Parents must take the responsibility of ensuring that their children are correctly attired and groomed for school. Instil in your child a sense of pride and responsibility to uphold the ethos of the school. 4. SCHOOL FEES A LARGE NUMBER OF PARENTS HAVE NOT YET PAID THE INITIAL R1 500.00 deposit and many are not keeping up to the payment plan on monthly instalments. Note that Concessions are not automatic – you must apply to the SGB on a prescribed form with all supporting documents attached. In my opinion there is a group of parents that want to see the school deteriorate to a condition that is not conducive to learning. We are reaching a point where we will not be able to maintain the school to an optimal level. NO MONEY. Please pay your school fees – it’s the right thing to do!!! 5. REPORTS FROM OUR HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS 5.1 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, LIFE SCIENCE, PHYSICAL SCIENCE & NATURAL SCIENCE REPORT – TERM 1 2015 : Mrs T Govindasamy Members of Department and Subjects taught: Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy: Mr V.D Malthoo, Mr S.K Naidoo, Mrs S Boodhoo, Mrs J Thomas, Ms V. Megnath, Mr J Omar, Mr S Ramdhani Life Science and Natural Science: Mrs T Govindasamy, Mr D.M Govender, Ms R Moodley, Ms M Leela, Mrs J Thomas, Mr K Govender 3|Page Physical Science and APM: Mr K Govender The first term has been very challenging because our aim was to improve and uplift results in Mathematics by 10 %. Teachers were engaged in intervention programmes in the mornings and extra lessons were given on Saturdays to upgrade the Maths results. Parents must encourage their children to attend the classes to improve their results. Maths Olympiad: The Maths Olympiad (1st Round) : Mr V D Malthoo The first round was conducted on the 12/03/15 in 8, 9,10, 11 and 12. It was pleasing to note that the following learners qualified to participate in the 2nd round to be held on the 13/05/15 and the final round will be held on the 29/07/15 we wish these learners well. The learners are as follows: Grade 9: Nereshni Moodley, Orstin Naidoo, Javed Shaik, Shivesh Jackpersadh, Sarith Ramlakhan and Abigail Thambiran. Grade 11: Erin Hammond, Kiasha Pillay and Amir Ghiysan. Grade 12: Lindokuhle Mchunu Maths Club (Mr S Ramdhani and Mrs S Boodhoo): Maths Club members participated in a Maths Quiz for Grades10 and 11 and Maths-a-move (Maths Game) for Grade 8 and 9. Learners were very enthusiastic and displayed their Maths skills. The results are as follows: Maths Quiz: Winners Grade 10 E: Yovell Moodley, Keyura Singh, Tristan Moodley and Shaylin Singh. Math – A – Move Competition: Winners 8 A: Precious Jali and Sunit Jackpersad. Maths 36 8B: Phiwamandla Makathini, Tahlia Singh, Thandiwa Ngema and Kashmira Bemath Science Olympiad: The South African Life Science Olympiad was held in September 2014. Results were only submitted this year. Our learners have excelled in this Olympiad. The following learners obtained merit certificates in Grade 9, Keyura Singh and in Grade 10 Ramcheritha Benisha, Hammond Erin, Pillay Kiasha, Madurai Joshua, Megan Sivnath, Kemaya Nagaru and Sibonela Zaca. Kiasha Pillay excelled and was placed third in the Grade 10 Olympiad. Well done Kiasha and congratulations to all of you! You have made Effingham Secondary proud! The next Olympiad will be held in August and we hope that many learners will participate. Science Show: A Science show was held on 11 March 2015 for all Grade 8 and 9 learners through Afrisun Outreach, the education officers from KZN Science Centre. They conducted a series of exciting and challenging experiments from which learners benefitted and enriched their scientific skills. 4|Page Science Expo: The Science Expo will be held in the Third term and many of our learners are going to participate in the National Science Expo. 5.2 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES: REPORT – TERM 1 2015 : Mrs R Maharaj Members of the Department: Mrs R Maharaj (Acting Head of Department) – English – Grades 11 & 12 Mrs V Singh – Afrikaans – Grades 9-12, English - Grade 8 Mrs I D Maraj – Afrikaans Grades 9 – 12, English - Grade 9 Ms L Mtolo – Isizulu – Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Mrs N Osman - English – Grades 10,11,12 Mrs V L Hendrickse – Afrikaans Grades 8,9,10,11 Miss S Sivashunker – English – Grades 8, 9,10. Miss A Munsami – English Grades 9, 10,12. Mrs B N Dlamini – Isizulu Grades 8,9,10,11 Staffing Developments At the beginning of Term 1, there was growing concern in the Department as we desperately needed a member to teach English. We were pleased to eventually welcome Miss A Munsami, who joined us from Kharwastan Secondary, a few weeks into term. A hearty welcome is also extended to Mrs B Dlamini, who replaced Mrs Irene Mathonsi, who sadly had to leave due to ill health. We wish Mrs Mathonsi a speedy recovery and bid her fond farewell. Vision of the languages team Our vision as a team of language educators is to expand the learner’s overall outlook as well as to create critical thinkers among our children. To this end, we offer our learners a variety of experiences with a view to developing them both academically and holistically. We began the first term with activities and competitions to develop them and to expand their horizons: The Viewing of the play Othello The Grade 12 learners were treated to a production of the Drama Othello at The Playhouse Theatre in Central Durban. 105 learners attended the performance, which was both an exciting and a valuable experience. Exposure to the performance in its original form, a stage production, allowed the learner to develop an understanding of the play in its context and thereby enhance their knowledge. Learners found themselves empathizing with the characters and an acute awareness of this genre was fostered in them. 5|Page The English Olympiad Several of Grade 10, 11 and 12 learners wrote the English Olympiad this Term and we are eagerly anticipating the results. Learners got to work on preparing themselves for this prestigious competition early this term, attending workshops and also mentoring others. A mock Olympiad examination was undertaken by some of our learners and this led to a mentoring session of other learners, with the sharing of ideas, notes and experiences. The examination was finally written on 3 March 2015. Speech Contest Preparations for the speech contest are already complete. Due to time restrictions and contextual factors, the event will take place in the first 2 weeks of Term 2. There will be two categories in this contest, namely Junior and Senior categories. Learners will have to participate in a preliminary round and then a final round in each of their categories. We wish them luck and judging from their preparation and enthusiasm, as well as motivation and support from their educators, it promises to be an event worth waiting for. Intervention Strategies The Afrikaans educators began intervention classes early this term in a bid to improve results. Classes were held before registration in the mornings. Parents must encourage their children to attend these classes to improve results in Afrikaans. The Department of Languages hopes to offer learners experiences that will serve to develop all learners who study both first and additional languages at our institution. In an unprecendented move, we anticipate holding events such as poetry writing, poster competitions and speech contests in both Afrikaans and Isizulu. We urge parents to ensure that their children are carrying their necessary textbooks to school, to organize themselves well and to read extensively and write creatively to develop their literacy skills. We look forward to a great second term. 6|Page 5.3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE : REPORT – TERM 1 2015 Mrs T. Chandarman Members of the Department EDUCATOR Mrs T. Chandarman Mr A. P. Gordhan Mrs A. Harkoo Mrs M. Maharaj SUBJECTS TAUGHT Economics Accounting Business Studies EMS Business Studies EMS Business Studies Economics EMS GRADES 10, 11 and 12 10,11, and 12 10 8 11 and 12 9 10 10 8 and 9 1. It is pleasing to note that most learners doing the commercial subjects have good work ethics. These learners must be complimented for their effort put into completing their tasks timeously. 2. Thanks and appreciation to my hardworking and dedicated educators who have excellent work ethic and have sacrificed their time and always ensuring that the learner comes first. Vision of the commerce team To engage learners in all activities that will enable them to develop holistically as learners of ESS. To improve the level of the pass rate is our ultimate aim To expose learners to practical task in the field of commerce 3. The following learners must be complimented for obtaining full marks in their first formal task. ECONOMICS Grade 11 –Mishka Langry, - Grade 12 -Akhil R and Mishka H BUSINESS STUDIES Grade 11 - Shinia D., Chelsea N., Kaitlyn P, Mohamed A.S, Arav H, Akash K, Shoallin P, Yathish R, Shayur B, Nathaniel D, Ksheka D Grade 12 – Akhil R, Vimash S, Jemaine S, Mishka L EMS - Grade 9 : Adhikaar B, Kishen A.J, Ayanda M, Revani M, Sabien T.N., Yudisthir N, Sarith S.R, Ashmika S and Abigail S.T Grade 8 :Nokwanda P.Z, Theo Moeketsi P. 7|Page 4. Extra lessons in the morning by Mr A.P. Gordhan and Mrs A. Harkoo are proving to be useful to bring the learners up to the required standard. 5. Post Budget (2015/16)Presentation - PKF Presentation It was a privilege and an honour for the Commerce Department to be invited to the post budget presentation hosted by PKF, a leading accounting firm, at the ICC on the 26 February 2014. David Shapiro was the key note speaker and gave a rather interesting viewpoint of how the budget affects the South African economy. The top grade 12 Accounting learners – Mishka H, Akhil R, Shivani J, Thabane M, Kaveer G together with Mrs T. Chandarman and Mr A. P. Gordhan will certainly find the information useful in the teaching and learning of commercial subjects. 6. Casme Professional Development Workshop Mrs T. Chandarman attended the above workshop in February. Teaching and learning strategies disseminated at the workshop were valuable tools which can be used in the classroom to get learners interested in the curriculum 7. Junior Achievement Due to unforeseen circumstances, the above programme which was scheduled for the first term will now run from June to November. Learners are encouraged to take advantage of this programme which will teach you entrepreneurial skills that can be used in the future 8. Commerce Club (C Club) It is heartening to see learners getting involved in this club. Some of the planned activities for the second term will be a Commerce quiz (internally and externally), Speech contest and a debate on the South African economy. Executive Members of the Club President Megan Sivnath Vice President Yathisha Ramlal Secretary Katijah Aboobaker Treasurer Arnold 8|Page 5.4 DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES : REPORT – TERM 1 2015 : Mrs N Singh MEMBERS OF THE DEPARTMENT AND SUBJECTS TAUGHT N Singh J Govender N H Somaru K L Pitamber A Koulessar A D Heeralall F C Suleman Y Maharaj E Ratibar R I Boodhoo I Govender : : : : : : : : : : : Dramatic Arts; Reading Geography; Tourism Life Orientation; Geography; Social Science Life Orientation; Social Science (History) Hospitality Studies; Tourism; Social Science Creative Arts; Life Orientation Technology; Life Orientation Life Orientation PET Counsellor Geography Geography ACADEMIC MATTERS The department maintains a positive and nurturing learning environment while striving towards producing academic excellence. Dedication, conscientiousness and a determination to bring out the best in learners defines our work ethic. Changes in the curriculum and the nature of learners demands constant development of skills and creative solutions and the department is committed to meet these challenges. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Completed Term 1 Valentines’ Day Programme – coordinated in conjunction with RCL Human Rights Day Special Assembly Environmental Club clean up day Hospitality : Cup cake sale – funds raised to contribute towards restaurant to be open soon Arts Club – learners meet every Friday , engage in music, visual art, dance and drama activities 9|Page FORTHCOMING PROJECTS / PROGRAMMES : TERM 2 Introduction of Girls Education Movement (GEM) MJ Naidoo Foundation Quiz Freedom Day Special Assembly 24/06 Youth Day Special Assembly 12/06 Environment Day Programme 5/06 Hospitality Market Days : Gr 12 – 17/04; Gr 11- 24/04; Gr 10 – 8/05 Hospitality : Bake off : 15/05 Creative Arts Poster Competition Arts Club – Song Competition – fundraiser - lunch time theatre 30/04 Collect- a- can competition Geography and Tourism excursions – dates to be finalized OUSTANDING PIECES OF WORK In a Reading lesson, Grade 8 learners were asked to create a rap or song dealing with social problems emanating from The Industrial Revolution. Many excellent attempts were forthcoming. One such example is included below: Spread out and apart they worked till they had a sore heart. Child labour, nothing they had was in their favour. Punished for bad behaviour. the children prayed for a saviour. They had diseases like cholera sometimes constant diarrhoea. Tuberculosis, not influenza caused the sneezing and often the weeping. In the night, they were freezing hoping they could be leaving. The pain, the struggle, just to be sleeping. Pollution, frustration In the name of Urbanisation! Thiyolan Amand (Grade 8A) 10 | P a g e VISION FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR To strive towards ensuring every learner passes in every subject in this department. The quality of results are to be improved, number of A symbols to be increased in Grades 8-12. Learners are to be given more opportunities to engage in co-curricular activities in order to develop them holistically. To foster an interest in current affairs and happenings relating to subjects taught in the Humanities Department. 6. FROM THE COUNSELLOR’S DESK: MRS E RATIBAR It is my privilege to be the Counsellor at Effingham Secondary School and to be in a position to help learners who are experiencing challenges. Statistics at our school show that amongst the highest rates of social ills and negative influences that we face, the following cause the most problems : substance abuse, bullying, pregnancy and poverty. It is not all negative at Effingham Secondary; there are many successes and achievements awarded to those who are willing to put in the effort to make their lives a better one. It also does not mean if one has “fallen off the band wagon” they can’t get back on again. KEY THINGS SHOULD DO: A PARENT KEY THINGS A LEARNER SHOULD DO: Love your child enough to show them. Guide and support them but always instill discipline. Be grateful for the little things your parents do for you...not many children experience that. Make it your goal to improve yourself every day. Learners, make an effort to engage in all aspects of your learning. What you learn in class is just the beginning...what you do out of class to gain knowledge is integral for the type of person you wish to become. Let’s ask a question and also provide an answer. What is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people? Unsuccessful people see a problem or challenge and STOP, because their negative belief system tells them they can’t do it or they will fail. Successful people see a challenge and find ways to approach the problem and learn something new. They solve the problem by asking questions, doing research and much more. We can all be successful and we can all choose to be either successful or unsuccessful. 11 | P a g e Power of choice...what does that mean??? Although we may not realise it now, we really do have the power of choice when it comes to making decisions. If I decide I do not wish to “bunk” with my friends because I firstly know it is wrong and secondly there will be consequences if I am caught then I am mature and strong willed enough to say NO. Why I can say NO is because I have gathered information and viewed the pros and cons of this decision I have to make, and now I can say NO to that negative behaviour. It will leave you feeling empowered and positive. Creating links by adding positivity to more positivity will bring you joy and you will be able to attract wonderful opportunities in your life just by doing that. That brings me to the next part....READING!!! The knowledge you gain in order to make good decisions and to improve your understanding of the world and everything in it, is through reading good books. Reading books on self-awareness can bring amazing transformation in your life. HOW TO GET MOTIVATED TO STUDY Prepare your study space Find a quiet space with few distractions. This could be a library, or a room in your house, or anywhere else that is free from excess noise and interruptions. 12 | P a g e Remove Your Distractions Wear comfortable clothing. Little things like having to pull up your trousers can eat away at your concentration. Wear clothes that are familiar, fit loosely, and don't constrict you. Put your cellphone on silent. You do not want to be taking calls from friends and family members when you're trying to study. Better yet, just place it on silent and keep it somewhere out of view so you won't be tempted to keep taking a sneak peek. Set study goals Set concrete goals for your study session. Think in specific, achievable goals instead of vague generalities. Instead of telling yourself, "I have to get good at maths," think of a specific goal such as, "I will learn how to graph a quadratic equation." Achieving this goal will make you feel accomplished at the end of your study session. Reward yourself when you complete your goal. Think of a small way to reward yourself when you've met your goal. If you're in the middle of a study session, you can take a quick walk, eat a healthy snack, or listen to a favourite song. If you've finished your study session, then feel free to have some fun by playing games, talking to friends. Set a time limit for your break and don't listen to the voice in your head saying, "Just a few more minutes." Think of what you will achieve by studying. In order to keep up a positive attitude, try to visualize the good things that will come to you by studying. Imagine getting a good mark on a test, receiving praise from your teacher, or the good college you might be planning to attend. Prepare Yourself Make a study schedule. Set aside a specific block of time for studying for each day that you need it rather than telling yourself vaguely, "I'll have to study sometime this week." Planning it out will make it easier to stick to your resolution. I CAN HELP Learners don’t be afraid to book an appointment with me if you need. Parents are encouraged to contact me if you are concerned about something with your child. It is better to tackle your current problem now rather than going years struggling with it. 13 | P a g e 7. SPORTS REPORT: MR Y MAHARAJ 7.1 CRICKET : Y MAHARAJ The learners enjoyed a pleasant yet hard working season. The learners at U15A and 1st team level had been put on the big stage for the first time and had a very hard season ahead of them. The seniors had a very tough yet fun filled season even though the results were not been pleasing. The U15A had a sterling season and had an unbeaten run and really did myself and the school very proud. Sumanth Ramlakhan won the performance of the season award making 51 and taking 6 wickets in the same game which led to winning a match against George Campbell. I am very proud of the boys and hope that most of them go onto higher stages in future. I am looking forward to more progress in the next term. 7.2 VOLLEYBALL : MS N H SOMARU There is great enthusiasm for Volleyball amongst the learners. Learners attended practices every Monday and internal fixtures on weekly basis. They have shown a keen interest in the sport. The boys participated in the U19 and U16 Westville Pre season tournament. The U16’s were runners up in the final. We would like to congratulate the learners and wish them every success in the upcoming tournament next term. The internal tournament will start on the 13th April 2015 with the grade 8s. Please note no child will be permitted to use school clothing to train or play matches and must wear the correct attire at all times or face disciplinary measures. Proud moments with the coach and the boys 14 | P a g e 7.3 NETBALL : J THOMAS I have had the privilege of working with the girls U15 and U19 Netball school team. My girls are really enthusiastic and have grown in skill and stamina. They have been attending practice/ coaching on: Mondays from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM (U15) Thursdays from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM (U19) A huge thank you to the parents and learners who have sacrificed their time for the love of the sport! Looking forward to a great season in Term 2! 7.4 HOCKEY : K L PITAMBER Hockey went extremely well this term. All learners that have attended every practice are commended on their commitment and outstanding performance. Congratulations to Avishay Jagaysor, Jeremiah Ramdeen and Tristan McRae who represented Effingham Secondary School at the Umlazi District Hockey Trials. All boys performed extremely well. Hockey is in its infant stage at Effingham Secondary. It is envisaged that interest will grow as the sport gains momentum. Hockey Practice will resume every Monday and Wednesday from 14:30 till 16:00 from term 2. 7.5 SOCCER : J OMAR We hosted a successful inter-class soccer tournament during the first term. Grade 8D won in the Junior division and Grade 10C was successful in the Senior division. An external friendly match was played against Greenbury Secondary School. The teams showed great sportsmanship and matches provided much entertainment for all. Training takes place on Tuesdays from 14.30 – 15.30. The enthusiasm shown by the learners was pleasing and we hope the interest in this code of sport continues into the next term. 7.6 ATHLETICS : A P GORDHAN The Inter-Class athletics Championship (track and field) is scheduled for early August 2015. Approximately twenty learners have already begun training under the supervision of Mr. J Omar (on Tuesday afternoons only). Parents are to ensure that the proper consent forms are completed before their children participate in the activity. (N.B. Learner must be properly attired) An appeal is made to parents wanting to assist with the athletics program to contact the school as a matter of urgency 15 | P a g e 7.7 TABLE TENNIS : K GOVENDER TABLE TENNIS REPORT (Term 1 2015) Convenor : K Govender Internal Fixtures Grades 8-10 have been completed. External Fixtures Four pupils represented our school in an external fixture against Star College. Each pupil played four matches. The pupils acquitted themselves well but unfortunately our school lost 10 matches to six. Training Training occurs every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 14:30 to 16:00. Pupils who attend are enthusiastic. However limited space restricts the number of pupils that can attend the training. Very few girls play table tennis. In addition, both school breaks are used to play friendly matches against other pupils from school in order to improve their skill levels. On the last day of school this term (1st April 2015) an OPEN tournament will be held. Trophies will be presented immediately after the tournament. Plans for Term 2 Attempt to attract more players. /Train the beginners so that they can become competitive. / Completion of internal tournaments (grade 11 and 12) Return fixture with Star College. (use a 6 player team) / Start of a table tennis club and league. 7.8 CHESS ; J GOVENDER Effingham Secondary School is proud to be affiliated with Durban and District Chess Union. This gives our enthusiastic chess learners an opportunity to play competitively against learners from other schools in the District in rated and non-rated tournaments. Internally chess is held every day with each grade being allocated a day to play against each other. Thus far a Blitz tournament and Rapid tournament was held amongst learners across the grades. A few learners represented Effingham Secondary School at the Fischer Memorial Tournament held on 6th March 2015 at Northlands Primary School. Although ESS learners were not successful in making the top three they did however, display a remarkable sense of sportsmanship despite the challenges of playing at this level. A successful chess workshop was held by Kethan Steenkamp of grade 9D (Chairperson of ESS Chess Club/ KZN colours in Chess) to interested learners wanting to learn more about rules, openings and tactics. We are hoping to have more workshops during the course of the year to cater for all those to want to take chess to the next level. The last external chess match for the term was played at Crawford North Coast on the 28th March 2015. This was a CHESSA rated tournament and Kethan Steenkamp represented Effingham Secondary School. Due to financial constraints, we are in need of sponsors for chess boards and clocks. Parent involvement and commitment will also be greatly appreciated. For all external Chess tournaments, parents will have to transport their children to and from the venue. The Chess Club is successfully overseen by the following Educators: Ms J Govender, Mrs S Boodhoo, Mrs R Moodley and Mrs J Thomas. 16 | P a g e 8. OTHER SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED SCHOOL FUNCTIONS 8.1 SPEECH AND AWARDS FUNCTION Our school held its 32nd Annual Speech and Awards Function on Friday 23 January 2015. Our learners were awarded for their outstanding academic results produced in 2014. The awards function was held in two sessions with the morning session dedicated to awarding the Grade 8 and 9 learners of 2014. Session two highlighted awarding our senior phase learners – Grades 10, 11 and the Matric class of 2014 who attained 132 distinctions in the various subjects offered in the National Senior Certificate Examinations. The Dux was awarded to Chloe David who obtained seven distinctions. Chloe was the only learner to obtain a distinction in all her subjects. The Good Fellowship Award went to Xien Singh. A big thank you to parents and well-wishers who attended the awards function. 8.2 CAMPOUT GRADE 8 – CLASS OF 2015 Effingham Secondary School, although situated in a fairly middle income residential area, caters for learners from diverse economic backgrounds. We have learners from rich middle-class background, poor socioeconomic homes and from the numerous informal settlements that are in close proximity to our school. Learners in Grade 8 also come from various primary schools and therefore are “strangers” waiting to become friends. In an attempt to address three priorities, the first of which is to develop the whole child both in and outside the classroom, the second is to create an social environment where the learners from the diverse backgrounds can meet and get to know each other better and lastly to teach learners social and team interactive skills – an Annual Campout was held on Friday, 6 February 2015 starting at 08:00 and ended on Saturday, 7 February 2015 AT 09:30. At the Campout learners were taught leadership skills, team work, conflict resolution and general social graces. The second priority was to allow learners who have come from various primary schools and have entered high school for the first time to bond and get to know each other on a more informal and social level. 17 | P a g e 9. 9.1 OTHER CLUBS & SOCIETIES AT SCHOOL The INTERACT CLUB 45 learners are members of this club and are actively involved. Most of them participated in the first Bread Buddies Project which saw them arriving at school at the crack of dawn (6 am) to prepare sandwiches for the dear learners of Avoca Primary. We would like to thank all learners and their parents for their continued support in this regard. Remember THE MORE YOU GIVE, THE MORE YOU GET. Currently the members are working on an Easter Egg drive which will be delivered to Avoca and Columbia Primary Schools. Our projects for term two include: Bread Buddies – Hot Dog Roll Visit to an old age home/ Lakehaven Homes Beach Clean- up Beach Fun Run ( Preserving the Mangroves) Nelson Mandela Day ( Informal Settlement) Executive Members of the Club President Nicole Kandaswami Vice President Shaur Mahabeer Secretary Katijah Aboobaker Treasurer Kishalia Govender 9.2 ENVIRONMENTAL/ SCIENCE CLUB THE Environmental/ Science club has taken a keen interest in ensuring that the school and community environment is well maintained. Recently the club embarked on a school clean-up campaign during the lunch break. This was extremely successful as both educators and learners were actively involved. Learners showed a lot of enthusiasm and classes were encouraged to collect as much litter as possible. The classes that collected five bags of litter during both breaks were rewarded with an incentive. The Environmental/ Science Club would like to place on record our sincere thanks to Mr Jankipersad for sponsoring disposable gloves for this clean-up campaign. We are embarking on many projects this year like beach clean ups to inculcate in our learners environmental awareness and conservation. Encourage your children to participate in these activities as it will enrich them to keep the environment clean at all times. We hope that 2015 for the Maths and Science Department will be a fruitful and productive year in improving the results significantly and that learners will develop a positive attitude towards Mathematics and Science for better results! (MRS J GOVENDER, MRS T GOVINDASAMY AND MRS J THOMAS) 18 | P a g e 9.3 MUSLIM STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION N Osman, F C Suleman (Educators) The MSA of Effingham Secondary School held their elections for the academic year 2015. Office bearers are as follows: Faheem Sheik Ebrahim – Chairperson Tasneem Adham – Deputy Chairperson Mariam Tabassum Mahomed - Secretary Katija Aboobaker – Treasurer Activities have been planned for term 2. 9.4. HINDU STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION I D Maraj (Educator) Namaste and Vanakam to all. The Hindu Students’ Association Executive body consists of the following office bearers: Chairperson : Diya Ramlugan Secretary : Tahika Dookie Treasurer : Kishen Jurakan In an age where young people have lost sight of their religion and culture, ESS is proud of the existence of the HSA over the past 12 years and it continues to attract many learners. The HSA comprises of all linguistic groups of the Hindu religion. It is praiseworthy to note that our learners embrace their culture with great dignity and respect. Members range from Grades 8 to 12. The HSA has acquired its own musical instruments through generous sponsors. A group of learners in the junior grades display great talent and expertise in playing these instruments. Activities include holding Satsangs (prayer services) for all religious festivals over the year. Members play an active role, from setting up the altar, rendering discourses, singing bhajans and kirtans and making offerings. The main objective of the association is to promote the holistic wellbeing of all hindu learners. Thus far, our association has been very active in Term 1 and our dedicated members have expended a lot of effort practising and ensuring that religious occasions were celebrated with dignity and sincerity. On 16 February, the festival Of Maha Shivarathri was celebrated where members chanted prayers, sang bhajans and even played musical instruments. We are proud to note that Effingham Secondary instils in learners a spiritual awareness and we strive to continue to do so. We are committed to providing support and guidance to all those who enter our hallowed halls. 19 | P a g e FIRST TERM REPORTS & PARENT /TEACHER MEETING These REPORTS will be issued only to parents at the Parent / Teacher Consultative Meeting Is scheduled for Saturday, 18 April 2015 at 14:00 – 16:30 in the School Hall FUNDRAISING There are still 150 tickets left for the THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC SHOW At the BARNYARD On Friday, 17 April 2015 at 20:00 [doors open at 18:30] Please support us in this fundraising effort. PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS at R145 from school Parents wishing to see the Principal are kindly requested to make an appointment with Mrs Rebecca Durga before coming to school. Once again we thank you for your support thus far. God Bless! God Speed! Yours in education Thank You Inderan Govender Principal EFFINGHAM S S IS A DRUG & GUN FREE ZONE The year of the FREEDOM CHARTER [1955 – 2015] 20 | P a g e