

Designed for Success
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About us
The Accelerator Programme
Free Services
Customised Services
Case Studies
Next Steps
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About us
ElectroBox! Ltd is UK-based pioneering
consumer electronics company specializing
in the creative development, design,
marketing and distribution of advanced
hi-tech and audio visual products and
related services.
With a diverse range of customer-focused,
high performance, products selling in 35
different countries, the company continues
to attract consumers, industry
professionals, celebrities and businesses at
all levels with its smart blend of innovative
edge, pragmatic technology and attention
to design and style.
Driven by a passion for design, style and
innovative technology, plus a desire to see
success enjoyed by
likeminded business people, our CEO
established The Accelerator Programme
in 2013.
The success of The Accelerator Program is an
achievement that we are especially proud of. We know
first-hand the challenges and frustrations that come with
developing an innovative product and getting it into the
retail space and front of consumers.
The Accelerator Program is an all-round win for the
developing company, the distribution and retail partners,
for us, and of course, for the consumer who will enjoy
the exciting and better products we bring to market. It’s
a true pleasure to extend our ability to deliver this simple
yet highly successful formula to you.
We look forward to welcoming you into our circle of
winning companies
- Steven Beckford, CEO, ElectroBox! Ltd.
Drive Your Business
Forward Today with
The Accelerator
Do you have a practical, design-driven or
technologically innovative product or
Do you want to increase your sales
across multiple distribution channels
within weeks?
Are you seeking a wider, more varied,
target audience?
Do you want your products in front of
millions of consumers across 5
Are you looking for a risk free sales
partner that ensures results?
Get in touch with Electrobox! Ltd. today so we
can help you achieve immediate multiple territory sales and
gain important social proof for your products and lasting business value
The Accelerator Programme
Since 2010 the programme has successfully launched several
high profile brands and driven 7 figure selling products globally.
We all know how challenging and frustrating it can be to get a new product to market
and develop sustainable sales. We hear all
the time about Distributors promising the
world and simply not delivering. Retail
stores can show initial interest and then
take months to move forward and longer to
close a deal.
We’ve been there, we’ve done it, again and
again… We want to use our experience,
expertise and the close relationships we
have developed to help you navigate the
journey of new product sales, adding real
value on your path to success.
Meanwhile, cashflow is key for any
business to grow and survive. Unsold
dormant stock costs you money and as an
entrepreneur, product developer or
growth-focused company manager you
want to see your ideas succeed; your
‘baby’ reach the hands of millions,
profitably. And why shouldn’t you?
Your product should be getting the
exposure it deserves, achieving brand
recognition with millions of people, selling
thousands of units worldwide in a shorter
period of time.
The Accelerator Programme gives
businesses like yours the sales boost
that you’ve always dreamed of; to a
global audience.
Let us help you to
generate the immediate
sales that your products
deserve, giving you the freedom
and capital to grow your business
When you join the The Accelerator
Programme we will invest in your products,
getting them across multiple sales channels
and in front of millions of consumers across
5 continents within weeks.
It’s 100% Risk free and you only pay for
Free Services
1) Commercial Validation
We’ll talk together to properly understand
your story, product, business vision and
current needs and ensure we’re on the
same page regarding the fit of your product
and business model for this unique
programme. Together we’ll also look at any
relevant legality or patent issues and as
well of course pricing, margins and logistics
and affirm our partnership, shared goals
and expectations.
2) Product Presentation
We can use your existing materials or can
rework details, features or benefits that
bring your product more to life if necessary.
With this information and product samples,
we’ll present your offer to the most relevant
channel partners to deliver the greatest
success potential.
3) Territory Expansion
Many companies start their sales pipeline in
their own country. We take a more global
approach and will discuss with you the
territories and sales channels that are likely
to be the most receptive to your product.
We construct a comprehensive product and
market evaluation to ensure that the
product and culture are a suitable match.
4) Inclusion on E-commerce Site
In addition to the various brand websites
that we manage, we have also created an
e-commerce site on which your product will
be featured. This adds not only incremental
revenue but provides a visible platform of
credibility for your product to support our
venture into new territories.
8) End to End Accounting
We’ll handle all invoicing and accounting for
you, automatically crediting your account
on a monthly basis and debiting our agreed
service fee.
5) Product Warehousing
Physical and virtual warehousing facilities
are available to you.
6) Product Distribution
Our warehousing and fulfillment facility
provides an efficient and trusted
distribution service worldwide.
7) End User Delivery
Many products are purchased via
e-commerce channels and therefore our
distribution services include delivery to
consumers worldwide.
Customised Services
9) Weekly Sales Analysis
We report back to you with sales figures,
channels and regions, along with projected
sales forecasts and new opportunities.
13) Packaging Production
We have print facilities in the UK and
overseas, allowing us to provide the best
options in speed, service and price.
know-how and experience. We will
dedicate time and talent to your brand and
products to target and engage your main
audience well.
10) Digital Image Creation
We can provide top quality product and
lifestyle photo shoots directed by our
marketing experts, finalized as necessary
by our team of experienced graphic
designers, to ensure that you benefit from
the best customer-converting product
14) PR & Awareness
Our dedicated PR team can help launch
your brand or take an existing
product/service to the next level. Magazine
features, blog reviews & celebrity
endorsements are just some of the tools we
use to add credibility to your vision.
17) Paid Search Marketing
Bringing people to sales outlets via search
marketing has totally transformed the way
we all do business today. Paid search
marketing is an essential vehicle to pull
online customers to your website and
products. It’s a skill that our digital
marketing team has perfected and can
provide for you within your allocated
11) Sales Copy Creation
Our marketing team will look through your
existing copy and communication
materials, and where required, edit or
re-create texts so they’re commercially
focused for specific audiences.
12) Packaging Design
Our graphics team carefully considers the
impact of design for both digital and print
audiences. So we’ll work with you to lift
your brand and create outstanding
packaging that is attractive and sales
15) Digital Marketing
Bringing people to you via marketing have
totally transformed the way in which we all
do business, whether searching for a blue
chip consultancy or a simple gift. Digital
marketing is essential to pull customers to
your website and products. It’s a skill that
our digital team have perfected and will
work for you within your allocated budget.
16) Social Media Marketing
Like it or hate it, social media cannot be
ignored as a key platform for
communication and influence. However,
getting it right without damaging your brand
and business potential takes specific
Case Study 1
Launched in Spring 2013. Since joining the Product Accelerator Program, BassBudsTM has
benefited from the following:
Sold in over 40 countries across 5
continents Worldwide.
Responsible for the 2nd biggest deal in
Groupon history (Worldwide) - 100,000
units sold (Pre-Purchase).
Featured on the biggest Talk Show in the
world “ The View” (USA)
The first very first In-Earphone brand to be
featured in London Fashion Week.
Developed packaging and POS solutions.
Articles, features and reviews in some the
top Fashion, Gadget & Lifestyle
Testimonials, Reviews & product
placement to over 100 celebrities
worldwide including but not limited to,
Multi-Platinum Selling artists, Actors, TV
Presenters and Football Players.
We’ll use the same methods and channels that have made BassBuds™ a worldwide success
for your product too. In addition every week are opening relations and closing deals with a
multitude of strategic partnerships to further the reach of our Accelerator members’ products.
Case Study 2
This premiere Wireless Security Camera was launched through The Accelerator Program as
the 1st IP camera on GroupOn and sold in the UK/Ireland/France/Italy/Canada/Malta.
Since joining The Accelerator Program, WatchBotHD has benefitted from the following:
Secured retail placement across top mass
market UK retail channels.
The only IP camera to be Corgi™
Secured press coverage in national
broadsheet and tabloid newspapers
including: BBC, GQ
The success of this product encouraged
the further development of 2 upgraded
versions of the product now sold as
Launched School Watch and CareWatch
initiatives for the education and care
Developed winning packaging and POS
Developed a broad affiliate program to
maximise product exposure and sales on
and offline.
We’ll use the same methods and channels that have made WatchBot a worldwide success for
your product too. In addition every week are opening relations and closing deals with a
multitude of strategic partnerships to further the reach of our Accelerator members’ products.
Next Steps
Product Review
Contact us
Market Test
Market Plan
Full Roll Out
Discover more
How does this work exactly?
How long does the process take?
I already have regional distribution agreements - is this a good thing?
Can I join if I’m a Wholesaler or Distributor?
I already sell on-line globally! So what are the benefits to me?
What specific channels and regions do you sell into?
I do not have the capability to ship abroad, can you help?
I don’t have a web presence, can you create that for me?
Do you use Social Media?
Will this require rebranding or packaging design?
Can I join to offload surplus stock?
My product is brand new. Will this programme help to launch it into market?
Can I select what countries I go into?
How much control would I have over the process?
How much money can we truly make?
Get in touch with us for answers to all your questions
and see exactly how you can benefit from The Accelerator Programme
We do not charge you a penny for our core
service. When you join The Accelerator
Programme, we will invest our time and
resources to accelerate your brand into the
markets and channels that you want. We’re
partners working towards the same goal.
We will leverage the trusted relationships
we have developed across on and off-line
B2C partners and technology platforms to
get you in front of consumers in 3-6 weeks
on average.
To guarantee a great quality of service and
ensure focus and commitment, only a limited
amount of participating businesses are taken on
at a time.
For more information about The ElectroBox
Accelerator Programme and to discuss your
products and our
dedicated service please get in touch with us:
Telephone: +44 (0)121 5235024