Focus Newsletter - Ellesmere Port and Neston Liberal Democrats


Focus Newsletter - Ellesmere Port and Neston Liberal Democrats
7 th
Speaking Up for Neston
Your local Lib Dem candidates
for the local election in Little
Neston & Burton Ward on
May 7th, Tony Cummins and
Richard Farrance believe that
Neston residents and local
businesses deserve better.
In this Focus they give their
views on some of the key
Richard Farrance
Tony Cummins
Neston Rec
CWaC has approved £15 million
for a leisure facility in Ellesmere
Port with Neston once again being
left behind by the Tory council.
The Result Last Time
With people increasingly interested
in getting and keeping fit sports facilities are big business and we know
that many local people drive miles to access good private gym facilities.
Neston already has a potential facility in the under used Neston Recreation
Centre. Unfortunately our current crop of councillors don’t seem to have The Local Election is a 3-horse
race. In 2011 the Lib Dems were
the issue of regeneration on their agenda. We want to see Neston
only 75 votes short of winning here.
Recreation Centre as a place that local people can be proud to call their
sport hub in the 21st Century.
Time to promote Neston as more than just a market town
Neston has a proud local market which on a
weekly basis brings people from both inside and
outside Neston to our town on a Friday. The
market is a fantastic opportunity to attract people
to a weekly event that help our local economy.
Beyond that Neston’s status as a market town was
the driving factor in getting £485,000 through the
new Neston market town initiative which I was a
part of.
However Neston as a community and a town is
much more than a weekly set piece, as a local
resident I want Neston’s high street to be thriving
7 days rather than 1 day a week. Neston has huge
potential unlike many similar sized towns; many
of the best businesses on our high street are run
by hard working local people and not national or
multi national chains. Added to that Neston still
proudly has free parking which is a major plus
(look at Heswall and the petition about charges).
I want to see Neston promoted as the modern
thriving town I believe it can be. I joined the
market town initiative when I was 17 as I saw it as
the start of a journey to help Neston grow, I think
it did start that journey. But like all towns if
Says Richard Farrance ...
Neston is to continue to develop it needs funds to
promote things it does well and to regenerate in
areas it doesn’t. Overall CWaC recognises this and
that is why it has granted each large town their
own Economic Development Strategy the only
exception is Neston. When questioned at a recent
meeting CWaC councillors were asked if they had
questioned why Neston was not included,
disgracefully there was no response from the
Little Neston & Burton, and Neston ward
If elected on May 7th Richard Farrance and Tony Cummins will fight to
ensure that Neston gets an Economic Development Strategy that will
allow Neston to grow as much more than just a market town.
Lees Lane
Tony Cummins writes ...
A number of local residents have expressed
concern about the layout of Lee’s lane with its
chicane single lane system being supported by
speed bumps. The road seems a good example of
big council planning without looking at the real
needs of the local people. As a road user I
remember that before the chicane system was introduced the road did have an issue with speeding which local
residents were understandably concerned about. But the new system has chicanes on junctions and less space
for local people to park their cars. I am going to make it one of my top priorities to ensure that CWaC looks
again at the Lees Lane road lay out and consults local residents when it makes any new changes.
A stronger economy and a fairer society
Don’t Give A Dog A Bad
Following our local
survey, and publicising
residents’ concerns in
your recent Liberal
Democrat Focus; we
are happy to see that
CWaC are introducing
a Good Dog Ownership
Campaign. This will
consist of awareness
raising, community involvement, and enforcement.
As part of the campaign they will be introducing a
‘Pink Poo’ initiative in a number of wards.
Volunteers are supplied with a kit to spray any mess
‘pink’, and report it on-line. Streetscene will then
quickly clear it up.
Tony Cummins has commended this positive
outcome, and has written to CWaC requesting they
include the use of stencils
successfully employed by
other councils.
It is important to remember
that most dog owners are
responsible, and pick up
after their pets, but the few
who don’t are causing a
high level of concern.
Cheshire West and Chester
Council is expecting a 13%
cut in its Central Government
grant for the financial year
2015/16 which began on 1
The effects of earlier cuts can already be
seen throughout the area. For example,
weeds grow in our gutters, which are not
swept regularly and footpath maintenance
seems almost to have stopped,
Council Highways-owned hedges are not cut
regularly, and potholes go unrepaired for too
Given the level of new cuts proposed by
the Tories if they win the General
Election, is this what they want for our
Neston Is Still The Poor Relation To Ellesmere Port
Cheshire West and Chester Council’s flagship
leisure development is scheduled to open in
May. The £15 million brand new Ellesmere
Port Sport and Leisure Village will include an
eight-court sports hall with a seating capacity
for 1,400, an eight-lane 25m swimming pool,
an 80-station gym and dance and fitness
Funded by Cheshire West and Chester
Council, this project will be delivered
concurrently with the new £14m Northwich
Memorial Court leisure development. Tony
Cummins has asked why £15 million is spent
improving leisure facilities in Ellesmere Port,
and Neston is once again the Cinderella of
Cheshire West; and why nobody appears to
speak up for Neston.
Richard Farrance has questioned why
Neston is the only large town in CWaC that
doesn’t have an Economic Development
Strategy. At a recent meeting CWaC
councillors were asked if they had questioned
why Neston was not included, and there was
no response from the Little Neston & Burton,
and Neston ward councillors.
Working For You All Year Round
Working for our Environment
Tony, Richard and Trish are supporting the
Lib Dem’s five proposed Green
Parliamentary Bills as the necessary next
steps to expand the Green Deal for Britain.
A Zero Carbon Britain Bill
A Nature Bill
A Heating and Energy Efficiency Bill
A Zero Waste Britain Bill
A Green Transport Bill
Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate Trish Derraugh has
promised that she will oppose any future attempts to
carry out fracking in Ellesmere Port and Neston.
Trish says: “I don’t believe that fracking provides the
answer to our energy needs. The side effects from fracking
- air and water pollution, cannot be ignored. We are told
fracking is safe if properly regulated, but in my view that’s
a big ‘if’. If fracking is not acceptable for countries like
Australia, France, and Germany, then it cannot be right for
our small densely-populated island, and in this area in
particular, which is home to such sensitive facilities as
Capenhurst and the Stanlow Oil Refinery.”
The Best Choices On May 7th
In the General Election
Contact Us
I would like to help the local FOCUS Team
in Little Neston & Burton
I would like to join the Liberal Democrats
Name ..................................................................
In the Local Election
Address ..............................................................
Tel ....................... email ...................................
3 Greenway, Parkgate, Neston CH64 6XG
07586 834628
Published & promoted by G. Handley on behalf of Trish Derraugh, Tony Cummins and Richard Farrance (Liberal Democrats) all at 24 Pennine Walk, Little Sutton, CH66 4TN.
Printed by Mid Cheshire Messenger, 16 Pheasant Way, Winsford, CW7 1PX