1_Blank_10 TIJ_Comm Tech_Magazine Cover Rubric.pages
1_Blank_10 TIJ_Comm Tech_Magazine Cover Rubric.pages
TIJ1O - Exploring Technologies Student Name: ! ! Semester: Communications Technology: Image Composition Unit Mr.Snyder and Mr. Elsie Rotation: Unit Objective: Create a magazine cover for a new and exciting magazine that is about to hit the new stands. Just like Oprah, you will feature yourself on the cover of the magazine that features articles and photos on a topic that will excite Castlebrooke students. The challenge is to produce a visually exciting magazine cover that makes use of design processes and elements that are found in your competitors’ magazines.! Grade 9 Exploring Technologies - Magazine Cover Rubric Hierarchy - Demonstrated Effectively Through Visual Elements (Thinking 10%) R Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 <5 5 - 5.9 6 - 6.9 7 - 7.9 Does not meet requirements - Hierarchy demonstrated on Masthead, Kickers and Cover lines Through use of colour, variety of scale and proportion, font choice and placement of elements Dominant Cover Photo “sells” the magazine, Masthead Brands the magazine Kickers, Cover lines and Inset Photos - Support Magazine Theme (Communication 10%) Does not meet requirements - Includes min. 3 kickers and cover lines - Uses effective wording to capture the interest of the consumer - Correct spelling and grammar used throughout Typography Choices - (Fonts) (Knowledge 10%) Does not meet requirements - Max. 3 different fonts on page - Legible style, size and colours chosen - Font styles suit magazine theme Application of Photoshop Technical Techniques (Application 40%) - Cover Photo and Minimum of 3 Cover line images included (4 Photos total) - Images are high quality, not distorted, and original backgrounds are cleanly removed, edges are refined (quick selection tool, magic wand tool etc.) Shapes used to anchor text and image Multiple layers are used and named Final Design Connects to Research and Concept Sketches (Final Evaluation 5%) - Makes a connection to research and concept sketches Final Presentation, Overall Layout, Final Design - < 20 Does not meet requirements 0 Does not meet requirements (Final Evaluation 25%) Cover effectively combines images, text and shapes to create a visually engaging design All pages are submitted and are organized in presentation order All assignment elements are included on cover Visual elements are aligned and create visual flow through the cover < 12 Does not meet requirements Effective hierarchy is not evident on Cover. None of the kickers, photos or cover lines stand out on page Some hierarchy conveyed by emphasis of some elements, such as; Masthead, Cover photo and kickers. Important elements begin to stand out on the page. Cover does not include 3 kickers and cover lines. Included cover lines are too wordy or do not effectively support magazine theme. Inset photos not tied to cover lines. Proper grammar and spelling is lacking. Level 48 4++ - 10 Good hierarchy achieved. Cover photo, Masthead and kickers stand out from the rest of the magazine cover. Emphasis of elements gives strength to some elements over others. Excellent demonstration of hierarchy through a variety of design techniques; size, colour, placement and font style. Consumer’s eye will be drawn to the cover elements on the store shelf 2 or more kickers and cover lines are included and wording choices could be more interesting to capture the interest of the consumer. Inset photos somewhat relate to cover lines. Contains some spelling and grammar errors. 3 or more kickers and cover lines are included and kickers support the cover lines and together they effectively support the theme of the magazine. Inset photos grouped and related to cover lines. Correct spelling and grammar observed throughout 3 or more kickers and cover lines support the theme of the magazine. Engaging/creative phrases and word choices are used to grab the interest of the consumer. Excellent choice of Inset photos which are grouped and related to cover lines. Correct spelling and grammar observed throughout More than 3 fonts are used. Font choices are not suitable for the theme. Words very difficult to read based on typography design choices. 3 or fewer fonts styles are used but lack consistency in design. Some words are difficult to read due to design choices. More appropriate design choices should be considered to the to support the magazine theme. Max. 3 font styles used. Fonts compliment one another on the page to create 1 visual design. Choice of colour, size, placement and style creates hierarchy of text. All words easily legible from a distance. Max. 3 font styles used. All fonts compliment one another on the page to create 1 visual design. Kickers have impact and add emphasis to the cover lines. All words easily legible and make a good choice for theme. 20 - 23 24 - 27 28 - 31 Fewer than 3 images are used. Cutting out of images is easily noticeable and lacks refinement. Shapes were not used or are ineffective in anchoring the images and text. Few layers named. Fewer than 4 images used. Cut out of images is can be detected without zooming in. Edge refinement can be improved. Few shapes were used with effectiveness in colour choices to anchor the images and text. Some layers named. 1 2 Lacks connection to research. Shows some connection to research. 4 images were used. Cut out of images difficult to detect when zoomed in. Edges are clean and blend well with background. Shapes are used effectively to anchor text and images. Most layers named. 3 Connects to research. /10 32 - 40 4 images cut out. Images edges cannot be detected when zoomed in. Edges are clean and include fine detail in original image. Shapes are used to strengthen and support images and text through choice of placement, size and colour. All layers named. 4-5 ! /10 /10 /40 Mark 15 - 17 17.5 - 19.5 20 - 25 Missing at least 2 pages. Cover lacks organization, a unified colour scheme and font choices. Consumer will find it difficult to visually scan through the magazine and determine the theme and inside story contents. All but 1 page submitted. Cover needs further organization of image and text placement. Some conflicting colours/fonts choices. Somewhat difficult to visually scan through the magazine and determine the theme and inside story contents All pages submitted. Cover design is organized and demonstrates unity of colours, fonts and has strong image choice and placement. Visually interesting and allows the consumer to scan the cover to determine magazine theme and contents. All pages submitted. Organization of cover leads the eye through the entire page. Text and shapes compliment one another and demonstrate unity of colours, fonts throughout. Strong image choices and placement. Cover has impact and consumer can scan to determine the theme and contents. !! ! !! Mark /5 12 - 14 !! Mark Strong connection to research. Final Mark Comments: Mark /25 ! /100