European Market Coupling Algorithm incorporating clearing conditions of block and complex orders Grigoris A. Dourbois* and Pandelis N. Biskas Power Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece * Corresponding author: 1 Abstract- In this paper an algorithm for the solution of the European electricity market coupling is presented, considering all block and complex orders available in the European Power Exchanges. The model takes into account the clearing conditions of profile and regular block orders, linked block orders, exclusive group of block orders and flexible hourly orders, as well as the clearing conditions of Minimum Income Condition and Load Gradient orders, possibly under a scheduled stop condition. The model considers also hourly flow ramping constraints on single interconnections or group of interconnections, net position ramping constraints, interconnection losses and tariffs. The flow-based approach is implemented, using the zonal PTDF matrix. The algorithm eliminates possible paradoxically accepted block and MIC orders within an iterative process. The proposed algorithm is evaluated in a pan-European day-ahead electricity marketplace. only the supply hourly offers subject to Load Gradient condition Slg ⊆ S d ∈ Da po ∈ POa eg ∈EG fh ∈ FH a Index Terms—European electricity market, block and complex orders, iterative algorithm, mixed integer linear programming. I. NOMENCLATURE A. Indices and Sets set of dispatch periods in the dispatch day t ∈T (typically, the dispatch period is one hour) a∈ A set of European bidding areas set of bidding areas connected to bidding area a a′ ∈ Aa AaAC , AaDC set of bidding areas connected to bidding area a with an AC and DC line, respectively, A ∪ AaDC = Aa set of interconnections and inter-zonal corridors; L = LAC ∪ LDC (for AC/DC interconnections and inter-zonal corridors, respectively) connecting area a to a’. set of simple supply hourly offers submitted at bidding area a, Sa ⊆ S ; the subset Slg includes AC a l ∈L s ∈ Sa This work was supported in part by the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece in the context of the “IKY Fellowships of Excellence for Postgraduate studies in Greece – Siemens Program” and in part by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, in the context of the Action “ARISTEIA II” (Project Code: 4596) p ∈ Pa set of simple demand hourly bids submitted at bidding area a, Da ⊆ D set of profile block orders submitted at bidding area a, where po includes sp ∈ SPa for supply profile block offers, dp ∈ DPa for demand profile block bids, and slp ∈ SLPa for supply linked profile block offers; POa = SPa ∪ DPa ∪ SLPa , POa ⊆ PO Set of exclusive groups of block orders set of flexible hourly orders submitted at bidding area a, where fh includes fho ∈ FHOa for flexible hourly offers and fhb ∈ FHBa for flexible hourly bids; FH a = FHOa ∪ FHBa , FH a ⊆ FH set of combinatorial products submitted at bidding area a, where p includes sp ∈ SPa , dp ∈ DPa , slp ∈ SLPa fho ∈ FHOa and fhb ∈ FHBa ; , Pa = SPa ∪ DPa ∪ SLPa ∪ FHOa ∪ FHBa ∪ EGa Pa ⊆ P B. Parameters price-quantity pair of the hourly priced energy Pst , Qst offer s in dispatch period t, in €/MWh and MWh, respectively price-quantity pair of the hourly priced demand Pdt , Qdt bid d in dispatch period t, in €/MWh and MWh, respectively price-quantity pair of profile block order po, in Ppo , Q tpo €/MWh and MWh, respectively; the quantity Q tpo for a given profile order po may be Pfho , Q fho Pfhb , Q fhb different in each dispatch period t price-quantity pair of flexible hourly order fho/fhb, in €/MWh and MWh, respectively; the flexible hourly offers/bids constitute just one quantity Tpo (Tpo ) slp IM sp IM eg po LAa+,l , LAa−,l max R min po , R po LGsup,t , LGsdn,t RU a , RDa rd FLru l , FLl FLl starting (ending) dispatch period of profile block order po Incidence matrix relating the supply linked profile block order slp to the supply profile block order sp (when equal to 1); Incidence matrix relating the profile block order po to exclusive group eg (when equal to 1); Incidence matrices relating the corridor l to area a; denoting start of corridor l (the elements of LAa+,l are equal to 1, else zero) and end of corridor l, respectively (the elements of LAa+,l are equal to -1, else zero); Minimum and maximum acceptance ratio of profile block order po in p.u., respectively; maximum increment/decrement allowed in a Load Gradient Order ramp up and ramp down rate limit of the net position of bidding area a from hour t-1 to hour t, in MWh, respectively; ramp up and ramp down rate flow limit from bidding area a to bidding area a΄ from hour t-1 to hour t, in MW, respectively; line flow limit in corridor l, in MW Lossl Power Transfer Distribution Factor on interconnection (or inter-zonal corridor) l for an energy transfer from area α to reference area ref, in p.u. loss factor of line l, in p.u. Tariffl flow tariff in line l,in €/MW PTDFl a ,ref C. Main variables cleared quantity of supply entity s in dispatch xst period t, in MWh t cleared quantity of demand entity d in xd dispatch period t, in MWh clearing status of flexible hourly offer/bid u tfho , u tfhb fho/fhb, respectively, in dispatch period t u po clearing status of profile order po line flow in corridor l, in MW flowt l flowl+,t , painj,t flowl−,t two positive components (in different directions) of line flow in corridor l, in MW Net energy injection to bidding area a during dispatch period t. D. Functions cost function of the supply offer s in dispatch cst period t, in €/h t utility function of the demand bid d in dispatch cd period t, in €/h cost/utility function of product p in dispatch c tp period t, in €/h t function denoting cleared quantity of product p vp in dispatch period t, in MWh II. INTRODUCTION The integration of the European electricity markets has initiated with the integration of the day-ahead markets, and it is expected to continue within the next years with the subsequent integration of the intra-day and balancing markets. The PCR market coupling algorithm [1] is already used for the solution of the day-ahead markets of the Northern, Central and Western European Power Exchanges (PXs), it has already incorporated the Italian PX in February 2015 and it is expected to incorporate also the CentralEastern PXs till December 2015. The solver developed by the PCR members for the European day-ahead market coupling is called “EUPHEMIA” [1], and concerns a primal-dual iterative process, which incorporates all orders/products tradable in the European PXs, namely simple hourly, block (Nordpool, CWE), complex (OMIE, Iberian market) and PUN (GME, Italy) orders. The model description and the functionality of the EUPHEMIA solver have been published in October 2013 [1]. Block orders are “fill-or-kill” (all-or-nothing) orders, namely they are accepted or rejected in their entirety and they are the main reason for not existing a market equilibrium with uniform prices in the da-ahead market. These orders introduce inter-temporal constraints and mimic some of the unit technical (e.g. technical minimum) and operational constraints (e.g. fuel availability, especially for hydro units) and/or multi-period cost structures (start-up cost, shut-down cost, no-load or minimum-load cost). Complex orders constitute a set of simple step-wise supply hourly orders that are subject to a Minimum Income Condition (MIC) and/or a Load Gradient (LG) condition, with or without a “scheduled stop” condition and are tradable in Spanish power Exchange OMIE [2]. In the literature several papers have been published during the last years presenting methods to facilitate the nonconvexities occurred in the day-ahead market by introducing block orders (simulating the “COSMOS” solver, which was used previously for the solution of CWE day-ahead market) [3]-[10]. In [3] the “Centralized Market Coupling” method is applied to a network consisting of several areas, through an iterative procedure. The results are compared with the ones achieved by a single pool, simulated by means of a market splitting method. In [4], the prospect of integration of a fivemarket system using the “Trilateral Market Coupling” algorithm is examined, while in [5], the need for price coordination between power exchanges, so that prices can correctly give locational signals for network development, generation and consumption is thoroughly discussed. In view of the forthcoming coupling, a centralized market splitting algorithm is implemented in [6] respecting the standard market regulatory framework of PXs and power pools including the products and the operation and system constraints that are used. In [7] a bi-level model is presented, containing integer variables in the upper level and continuous variables in the lower level, whereas in [8] a MPEC model is presented and is used for the clearing of power exchanges with block orders. The model is decomposable into a MIQP and a linear pricing problem. It uses a branch-and-bound algorithm, and cuts are added to the optimization problem. In [9]-[10] a new MIP formulation for the European day-ahead market clearing is presented avoiding complementarity constraints to express market equilibrium conditions. In [9] a second stage is used where an uplift price is computed, which is imposed to each paradoxically accepted block order, in order to ensure a nonnegative social welfare of all accepted orders. In [10] the new MIP model has also a decomposable structure and allows Benders-like cuts. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the clearing of European day-ahead markets with simultaneously block and complex orders, and incorporating the full functionality of EUPHEMIA, has not been presented yet. In this paper, the flow-based day-ahead market coupling problem is mathematically formulated as a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP). An iterative process is employed for handling the Paradoxically Accepted Blocks (PABs) and the MIC orders not satisfying their minimum income clearing condition. The main goal of this paper is not to present a model comparable to EUPHEMIA but to present and evaluate a new, different model for the clearing of the pan-European day-ahead market bearing and covering the full functionality of EUPHEMIA, except for the modeling of PUN orders, which require a different modeling approach for their simulation. The proposed model is tested in terms of solvability and computational efficiency using a test case of similar size to the cases tested by EUPHEMIA [11]. III. PROBLEM FORMULATION As stated in the Introduction, the full set of simple, block and complex orders, tradable in the European day-ahead markets and simulated by EUPHEMIA, has been incorporated in our model. The related optimization problem is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model, due to the presence of binary variables for handling the fillor-kill conditions of block orders, considering also their possible Minimum Acceptance Ratios. It is noted that the MIC orders do not require a binary variable for their handling; the hourly sub-orders of a MIC order are included as simple hourly orders in the MILP model, and then a postprocess checks for the satisfaction of their price clearing condition, as described in the following Section. The day-ahead market clearing problem is formulated as follows: t ⎡ ∑ cst − ∑ cdt + ∑ csp ⎤ − ⎢ s∈Sa ⎥ d ∈Da sp∈SPa Min ∑ ∑ ⎢ ⎥ + t t t a∈A t∈T ⎢ ∑ cdp + ∑ c fho − ∑ c fhb ⎥ (1) fho∈FHOa fhb∈FHBa ⎣⎢ dp∈DPa ⎦⎥ ∑ Tariffl ⋅ flowlt ∑ ∑ l∈L ∑ s∈Sa xst − ∑ fho∈FHOa ∑ l∈L LAa+,l d ∈Da xdt + vtfho − ⋅[ sp∈SPa ∑ fhb∈FHBa flowl+,t , ∀d ∈ D, t ∈ T (4) ∑ u tfho ≤ 1 ∀fho ∈ FHO, t ∈ T (5) ∑ u tfhb ≤ 1 ∀fhb ∈ FHB, t ∈ T (6) t∈T t∈T max R min po u po ≤ x po ≤ R po u po xslp ≤ ∑ po∈PO ∑ sp∈SP slp IM sp xsp ∀sp ∈ SP IM eg po x po ≤ 1 painj,t − ∑ fho∈FHOa − xst + s∈Sa ∑ painj,t ∀po ∈ PO vtfho + painj,t −1 ∀eg ∈ EG ∑ xdt − d ∈Da ∑ fhb∈FHBa ∑ sp∈SPa vtsp + vtsp − ∑ dp∈DPa vtdp + vtfhb − − (1 − Lossl ) ⋅ (9) ∑ dp∈DPa vtdp − vtfhb = 0 , ∀a ∈ A , t ∈ T (10) ≤ RU a , ∀ a ∈ A, t ∈ T (11) painj,t −1 − painj,t ≤ RDa , ∀ a ∈ A, t ∈ T (12) xst − xst −1 ≤ LGsup,t , ∀s ∈ S lg , t ∈ T (13) xst −1 − xst ≤ LGsdn,t , ∀s ∈ S lg , t ∈ T (14) flowlt = ∑ a∈A painj,t ⋅ PTDFl a , ref ∀ a ∈ A , l ∈ LAC , t ∈ T flowlt = flowl+,t − flowl−,t flowlt ≤ FLl ∀ a∈ A , l ∈ L, t ∈ T , ∀ l ∈ L, t ∈ T (15) (16) (17) flowlt − flowlt −1 ≤ FLru l , ∀ l ∈ L, t ∈ T (18) flowlt −1 , ∀ l ∈ L, t ∈ T (19) − flowlt ≤ FLrd l where cst = Pst ⋅ xst cdt = Pdt ⋅ xdt ctp = Pp ⋅ vtp ∀s ∈ S , t ∈ T (20) ∀d ∈ D , t ∈ T (21) ∀p ∈ P, t ∈ T (22) ( ( ) ( t vtsp = usp ⋅ Qsp ⋅ U t − Tsp − U t − Tsp ( ( )) ∀sp ∈ SP, t ∈ T ) ( t vtdp = udp ⋅ Qdp ⋅ U t − Tdp − U t − Tdp )) (23) (24) vtfho = u tfho ⋅ Q fho ∀fho ∈ FHO, t ∈ T (25) vtfhb = u tfhb ⋅ Q fhb ∀fhb ∈ FHB, t ∈ T (26) (2) flowl−,t ] − ∑ LAa−,l ⋅ [ flowl+,t ⋅ (1 − Lossl ) − flowl−,t ] = 0 , ∀s ∈ S , t ∈ T (7) (8) ∀dp ∈ DP, t ∈ T l∈L xst ≤ Qst xdt ≤ Qdt , ∀a ∈ A , l ∈ L , t ∈ T (3) The objective function (1) comprises the total offer cost minus the total load utility plus the cost incurred from the flow tariffs. The objective function is subject to market order and network constraints. The market order constraints express the feasibility region of the problem solution concerning the simple supply offers and demand bids, and the clearing conditions of block orders (profile block orders, linked block orders, exclusive groups of block orders and flexible hourly orders) and complex orders. Especially, equation (2) represents the power balance equation in each bidding area. Constraints (3)-(4) express the feasibility region of the problem solution concerning the simple supply offers and demand bids. Constraints (5)-(6) express the clearing conditions for flexible hourly offers/bids. Equation (7) imposes that the clearing status of a profile block order should always be zero or between its minimum and maximum acceptance ratio (the latter is usually equal to 1). In case of a max regular block order ( R min po = R po = 1 ) equation (7) is converted into a “fill-or-kill” constraint. Constraint (8) expresses the relationship between the linked block orders and their “parent” orders. Constraint (9) forces the sum of the accepted ratios of block orders belonging to exclusive group eg to be less than 1. Equation (10) defines the net injection (also called “net position”) of bidding area a. Equations (11)(12) denote the limitation on the variations of the net position from period t-1 to period t. Constraints (13)-(14) indicate that the amount of energy that is matched by the hourly suborders belonging to a Load Gradient order in dispatch period t is limited by the amount of energy that was matched by the hourly sub-orders in the dispatch period t-1. Finally, a DC power flow model represents the inter-zonal flow on AC lines; additionally, tariffs and variable losses are included for the DC lines. Equations (15)-(16) define the inter-zonal flow on AC lines and constraint (17) represents the limit of the flow in both AC and DC lines. Equations (18)-(19) express the hourly variations of the flow over an interconnector. The ramping limit may be different for each period. For the first period, the limitation of flow takes into account the value of the flow of the last hour of the previous day. Equations (20)-(22) express the cost/utility functions of hourly and profile orders that are included in the objective function and are defined by the product of the corresponding cleared quantity-price pairs. Equations (23)-(26) express the cleared quantities of the hourly and profile block offers/bids. IV. SOLUTION ALGORITHM The MILP model described above is solved within an iterative process for handling the Paradoxically Accepted Block orders and the orders not satisfying Minimum Income Condition. The proposed process constitutes a simpler process as compared to the iterative processes of EUPHEMIA [1]; it employs the following steps: a) The MILP problem described in Section II is solved, and the market clearing prices (MCPs) for each trading period (hour) of the trading day and for each bidding area, along with the attained welfare of each block order, are attained. b) A post-process begins, in which the algorithm determines the existence of paradoxically accepted block and complex orders, as follows: i) In case the welfare of an accepted block order is negative, then the block order is designated as a paradoxically accepted block (PAB) and it is withdrawn from the Order Book. ii) In case the Minimum Income Condition of a MIC order is not satisfied even though some of its hourly sub-orders have been cleared (which are not due to the enforcement of a “scheduled stop” condition), namely in case the required revenues of the MIC order (incorporating both the variable and fixed term) are greater than the acquired market revenues from the market solution (sum for all hours of the product of cleared hourly quantities multiplied by the respective hourly MCPs), then two separate cases are designated: 1) In case the required revenues are greater than the acquired market revenues, but their difference is less than a pre-defined threshold (X %) of the required revenues, then the MIC order is designated as paradoxically accepted, but it is given another Y-1 chances to be normally accepted in the following iterations of the algorithm. Parameter Y is also pre-defined by the respective PXs. 2) In case the required revenues are greater than the acquired market revenues, but their difference is greater than a pre-defined tolerance (X %) of the required revenues, then it is considered that there is no possibility that this MIC order shall be ever normally accepted (satisfy its MIC condition), and it is withdrawn from the Order Book. c) In case there is at least one designated paradoxically accepted block or MIC order after step (b), the algorithm continues with a new iteration in step (a). Otherwise, the algorithm terminates. It should be noted that MIC orders under a “scheduled stop” condition (with non-zero cleared quantities for the first three hours of the day) have a special treatment during the iterative process, as denoted in step b)ii). Parameters X and Y can be pre-defined by the respective PX(s), considering the flexibility level that should be given the paradoxically accepted MIC orders to have more chances to satisfy their required revenues. Parameter Y (>1) has been set due to the fact that in each iteration of the iterative process a number of block orders are designated as PABs and are withdrawn from the Order Book (see step b)i) above) leaving “space” for other orders (block and/or MIC) to be normally accepted. For example, a MIC order that is too close to satisfy its MIC condition at one iteration, could take advantage of the withdrawal of some PABs (corresponding to supply offers) at the end of this iteration, and given that MCPs will be higher at the next iteration, may succed in satisfying its MIC condition at the next iteration of the process. Profoundly, the selection of values for parameters X and Y differentiates slightly the attained solution of the algorithm, as further demonstrated in Section IV.B. The overall solution algorithm is illustrated in Fig.1. Solution of the Pan European centralized market splitting problem TABLE I. For each bidding area Iterations For each hour Calculation of MCPs Binary variables of Paradoxically Accepted Blocks are fixed to zero and give another Y chances or remove the appropriate complex orders Calculation of: Welfare of block orders Required market revenues of MIC orders Acquired market revenues of MIC orders MIC Orders Are there any paradoxically accepted blocks? NO NO Final Solution Are Required >Acquired revenues? YES YES Case A: If Required - Acquired < X% Required Give Y-1 chances to be satisfied Y=max(0,Y-1) Case B: If Required - Acquired > X% Required Remove from the order book Figure 1. Overal solution algorithm V. the iterative process, due to the gradual withdrawal of PABs from the Order Book (shown in the last column of Table I). TEST RESULTS A. Test Case The algorithm is tested in the pan-European electricity market, consisting of 25 existing and prospective power exchanges, comprising a total of 42 bidding areas, since Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Italy have 5, 4, 2 and 6 bidding zones respectively. A simplified version of the European transmission grid is used in this paper, consisting of 59 AC and 12 DC transmission lines. The reactance of each "equivalent" interconnector has been computed as the reactance of all parallel AC lines between the bidding areas, as depicted in a network model for the whole continental Europe, provided by ENTSO-E under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). It should be noted that the authors do not have the submitted market orders in European PXs fed to EUPHEMIA solver, since such information constitutes commercial data that cannot be easily disclosed by the respective PXs. For demonstration purposes, a set of 90,000 simple hourly priced energy offers are randomly created for all bidding areas, along with approximately 100 priced demand bids for each bidding zone. Additionally, a set of 2,900 block orders (profile block offers/bids, linked profile block offers/bids, flexible hourly offers/bids, flexible block offers/bids) and 80 complex orders (subject to Minimum Income, Schedule Stop, Load Gradient, or combining Minimum Income and Load Gradient Condition) are randomly created. Table I presents the problem size in each iteration, along with the number of PABs. The number of binary variables is decreasing during PROBLEM SIZE IN EACH ITERATION Single Equations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 495,657 Single Variables Binary Variables Number of PABs 501,138 10,376 9,917 9,876 9,830 9,828 9,824 9,823 459 41 46 2 4 1 0 B. Test results For demonstration purposes, some indicative clearing results are presented in this Section. The clearing status (CS) of selected profile block offers is presented on Table II, along with their offer prices, the corresponding weighted average clearing prices (WACPs, considering the start/end times of each profile offer) and their Minimum Acceptance Ratios (MARs). The clearing status of PBO286 is normally equal to 1, since the offer price is less than the respective WACP. Profile block offers PBO1061 and PBO34 bear MARs equal to 0.5 and 0.75, respectively. PBO1061 is partially accepted and the weighted average price is exactly equal to the offer price 31.39 €/MWh. However, the PBO34 is also partially cleared even though the offer price is lower than the weighted average clearing price. This is attributed to the various constraints of the model (as enumerated in Section II) that affect the clearing of an order. Specifically, in this case an hourly net position ramping constraint is binding (with a non-zero shadow price, equal to the difference between the offer price and the WACP), and it constrains the overall injection in the bidding area where PBO34 has been submitted. Table III presents the clearing process of a MIC order with a schedule stop condition. In this run, X=20% and Y=3. In the first three iterations, the MIC order is within the predefined tolerance (X) and it is given all three chances to be satisfied. After the 3rd iteration, it is designated as a paradoxically accepted MIC order (since it still has a nonzero cleared quantity), and it is withdrawn from the Order Book, keeping only the hourly sub-orders of the first three hours in the Order Book, due to the specified schedule stop condition. TABLE II. Profile offer code PBO286 PBO1061 PBO34 PROFILE BLOCK OFFERS CLEARING Offer price [€/MWh] 40.57 31.39 49.66 WACP [€/MWh] MAR [p.u.] CS [p.u.] 56.12 31.39 53.60 1.00 0.50 0.75 1.000 0.829 0.863 TABLE III. Iter. no 1 2 3 4 5 Cleared Quantity [MWh] 3,295.20 3,596.76 3,634.07 300.00 300.00 MIC ORDERS CLEARING PROCESS Required revenues per cleared MWh [€/MWh] 60.46 60.00 59.95 115.00 115.00 Acquired market revenues per cleared MWh [€/MWh] 55.70 58.40 58.34 51.52 51.52 VI. CS [p.u.] 1 1 1 0 0 10 525.30 9 8 7 525.20 6 5 525.15 4 Welfare 525.10 Iterations Welfare [106 €] 525.25 2 525.05 1 0 525.00 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Value of parameter X 50% 60% 70% Figure 2. Number of iterations and total welafare as a function of X 12 525.19 10 Welfare [106 €] 8 Welfare 525.19 Iterations 6 525.18 4 525.18 Iterations 525.19 525.19 2 525.18 0 525.18 2 3 4 5 In this paper a novel iterative algorithm for the clearing of the pan-European day-ahead electricity market, eliminating the paradoxically accepted blocks and MIC orders, is presented. A MILP model is formulated integrating the full set of block and complex orders which are tradable in European PXs and fed to EUPHEMIA solver. The algorithm is tested in a European zonal network using the flow-based approach. The performed benchmarking verifies the applicability of the proposed algorithm for the solution of real-world day-ahead markets, since the computational requirements are minimal. Further research shall be focused in the incorporation of PUN orders and the transformation of the zonal-based model into a nodal-based model for the better handling of intra-zonal congestion in the European transmission network. REFERENCES 3 Iterations CONCLUSIONS 6 Value of parameter Y Figure 3. Number of iterations and total welafare as a function of Y These hourly sub-orders are cleared by the market solution, providing a total quantity of 300 MWh at the final solution. Profoundly, the MIC condition is not valid for this cleared quantity. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is performed related to the values of X and Y. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the number of iterations for attaining algorithm convergence and the total welfare as a function of the values of X and Y, respectively. The model has been implemented in GAMS [12] and solved using CPLEX 12.5.1. , running in a desktop PC, with Intel Quad Core i7 CPU processor at 3.4 GHz, 16 GB RAM. The convergence tolerance was set to 1e-06. 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