summer 2016
summer 2016
SUMMER 2016 Motala municipality offers free entrance to Motalabadet for 0–15 year olds. Applies for the entire summer holiday! Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. Week 24 What else is happening in Motala? Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Thu between 12.00–17.00 SPORTIS SUMMER CLUB – Sports and games at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground for residents of Charlottenborg. Questions: patrik.johansson@ F! Mon–Thu between 14.00–18.00 DROP IN AT EKÖN. Come and play football and other fun activities at the local sports ground. Questions: F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Fri RÅSSNÄS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us. Day trips, tournaments and chill out with us all week. Questions: 0141–225411 F! Mon–Fri SKOLGÅRDA FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us! Miniature golf, football golf and boat day during the week. Questions: 0141–222420 F! Mon–Thu between 14.00–18.00 DROP IN AT EKÖN Come and play football and other fun activities at the local sports ground. Questions: F! Tue between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Mon–Fri Daytime CHARLOTTENBORGS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us. Activities throughout the week, for example, go-kart, riding, adventure centre, boat tour, etc. Questions: 0141–225282 F! Tue between 18.30–21.00 SKATEBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Wed between 17.30–20.30 PHYSICAL CULTURE FUN in Frisksportarna’s cottage at Råssnäs. Try volleyball, trampoline, climbing, etc. and bring sausages for the barbeque. Questions: F! Tue between 12.00–17.00 BOAT FUN – banana boat ride with Borensbergs fritidsgård! We start out from the jetty. Questions: 0141–22 58 11, 0704–745346 F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Thu between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Thu between 18.30–21.00 SKATEBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! CAMP SECONDARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL Motala Turistbyrå, Platensgatan 12 Tel: 0141–10 12 06 Tue between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Tue between 18.30–21.00 SKATEBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Wed between 12.00–17.00 BOAT FUN – banana boat ride with Borensbergs fritidsgård! We start out from the jetty. Questions: 0141–22 58 11, 0704–745346 F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Mon–Thu between 09.30–14.30 MOTALA TENNIS CLUB’s SUMMER SCHOOL Questions: 0141–210573 SEK 1,000 Wed between 17.30–20.30 PHYSICAL CULTURE FUN in Frisksportarna’s cottage at Råssnäs. Try volleyball, trampoline, climbing, etc. and bring sausages for the barbeque. Questions: F! Mon–Thu between 10.00–13.00 MAIF ATHLETIC SCHOOL at Idrottsparken for children 6–12 years. Registration at: pinnen61@ F! Thu between 13.00–21.00 BORENSBERGS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us at the recreation centre! Questions: 0141–22 58 11, 0704–745346 F! Mon–Fri FISHING SCHOOL – we fish and learn more about fishing in Frännsjön, Boren and Norrbyströmmen! Questions: Mathis Strand 070–374 05 40 FULLY BOOKED! Thu between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Tue–Wed between 08.00–16.00 FJÄDERN DAY CAMP – Floorball camp in Motala Sports hall for children born between 2004–2008. Questions: SEK 150 Mon–Thu 13–16 June between 09.30–15.30 TRAMPOLINE SCHOOL with Frisksportarna at Råssnäs for youths aged 10–16 years. Questions: SEK 600 2 | SUMMER PROGRAMME 2016 | Thu between 18.30–21.00 SKATEBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Fri between 13.00–23.00 BORENSBERGS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us at the recreation centre! Questions: 0141–22 58 11, 0704–745346 F! F = FREE SECONDARY SCHOOL Week 25 Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Thu between 14.00–18.00 DROP IN AT EKÖN Come and play football and other fun activities at the local sports ground. Questions: F! Mon–Thu RÅSSNÄS FRITIDSGÅRD. Come and hang out with us. Day trips, tournaments and chill out with us all week. Questions: 0141–225411 F! Mon–Fri Daytime CHARLOTTENBORGS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us. Activities throughout the week, for example, go-kart, riding, adventure centre, boat tour, etc. Questions: 0141–225282 F! lk History wa l. na a c e th g n alo hout g u ro th All days r. e the summ Tue between 14.00–16.00 ADVENTURE GOLF – come and play miniature golf at Lindgården, Varamon. Age 5–16 years. Questions: 0141–54480 F! Questions: aturistbyr info@motal 0 12 05 0141–1 MIDDLE SCHOOL Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Wed between 17.30–20.30 PHYSICAL CULTURE FUN in Frisksportarna’s cottage at Råssnäs. Try volleyball, trampoline, climbing, etc. and bring sausages for the barbeque. Questions: F! Mon–Thu between 12.00–17.00 SPORTIS SUMMER CLUB – Sports and games in Gustavsviksparken for residents of Väster. Questions: F! Wed between 14.00–16.00 READING TIPS AT SUMMER CLUB in Gustavsviksparken, borrow books at the book bus. Bring your library card. Questions: F! Mon–Thu between 14.00–18.00 DROP IN AT EKÖN Come and play football and other fun activities at the local sports ground. Questions: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Tue between 14.00–16.00 ADVENTURE GOLF – come and play miniature golf at Lindgården, Varamon. Age 5–16 years. Questions: 0141–54480 F! Sun between 11.00–14.00 RECREATIONAL FISHING DAY by the locks at Borenshult. Questions: Christer Waldner 0708– 839175. UP TO 15 years! F! Wed between 14.00–16.00 READING TIPS AT SUMMER CLUB in Gustavsviksparken, borrow books at the book bus. Bring your library card. Questions: F! Wed between 17.30–20.30 PHYSICAL CULTURE FUN in Frisksportarna’s cottage at Råssnäs. Try volleyball, trampoline, climbing, etc. and bring sausages for the barbeque. Questions: F! CAMP Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Sun–Thu 19–23 June MSS SUMMER CAMP SAILING SCHOOL 2016 Age 6–18 years. Read more at: SEK 1,900 Mon–Thu between 09.30–14.30 MOTALA TENNIS CLUB’s SUMMER SCHOOL Questions: SEK 1,000 Mon–Fri between 10.00–15.00 TABLE TENNIS CAMP with Västers BTK. Questions: Daniel Ellerman 0733–568582 SEK 300 Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Mon–Fri FISHING SCHOOL – we fish and learn more about fishing in Frännsjön, Boren and Norrbyströmmen! Questions: Mathis Strand 070–374 05 40. FULLY BOOKED! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Mon–Thu between 09.30–15.30 TRAMPOLINE SCHOOL with Frisksportarna at Råssnäs for youths aged 10–16 years. Questions: SEK 600 Sun between 11.00–14.00 RECREATIONAL FISHING DAY by the locks at Borenshult. Questions: Christer Waldner 0708– 839175 F! Mon–Tue between 10.00–12:00, Wed between 10.00–15.00. SPEEDWAY CAMP Age 6–8 years. Registration: F! F = FREE SUMMER PROGRAMME 2016 | | 3 Week 26 Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Thu between 12.00–17.00 SPORTIS SUMMER CLUB – Sports and games at Ekön’s local sports ground for residents of Ekön. Questions: F! Mon between 13.00–15.00 SUMMER BOWLING! Come and play bowling in Motala Sports hall. Questions and booking: 0730–327584 F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! CAMP Wed between 17.30–20.30 PHYSICAL CULTURE FUN in Frisksportarna’s cottage at Råssnäs. Try volleyball, trampoline, climbing, etc. and bring sausages for the barbeque. Questions: F! SECONDARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL The summer ! library book at the s read 6 book Borrow and lder – you fo e th – fill in ok! will get a bo s. ar Age: 6–16 ye Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Fri RÅSSNÄS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us. Day trips, tournaments and chill out with us all week. Questions: 0141–225411 F! Mon–Fri Daytime CHARLOTTENBORGS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us. Activities throughout the week, for example, go-kart, riding, adventure centre, boat tour, etc. Questions: 0141–225282 F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Mon between 13.00–15.00 SUMMER BOWLING! Come and play bowling in Motala Sports hall. Questions and booking: 0730–327584 Wed between 14.00–16.00 READING TIPS AT SUMMER CLUB at Ekön local sports ground, borrow books at the book bus. Bring your library card. Questions: F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Wed between 17.30–20.30 PHYSICAL CULTURE FUN in Frisksportarna’s cottage at Råssnäs. Try volleyball, trampoline, climbing, etc. and bring sausages for the barbeque. Questions: F! Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Mon–Thu between 09.30–15.30 TRAMPOLINE SCHOOL with Frisksportarna at Råssnäs for youths aged 10–16 years. Questions: SEK 600 Wed between 14.00–16.00 READING TIPS AT SUMMER CLUB at Ekön local sports ground, borrow books at the book bus. Bring your library card. Questions: F! Mon–Thu between 09.30–14.30 MOTALA TENNIS CLUB’s SUMMER SCHOOL Questions: SEK 1,000 Mon–Thu S:T ANNA CAMP for children 10–12 years. Organiser Motala municipality FULLY BOOKED! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Thu–Sun S:T ANNA CAMP for children 10–12 years. Organiser Motala municipality FULLY BOOKED! Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Mon–Fri between 10.00–15.00 TABLE TENNIS CAMP with Västers BTK. Questions: Daniel Ellerman 0733–568582 SEK 600 Fri at 18.00 CHILL OUT & BARBEQUE barbeque at Furulid. Read more on: F! 4 | SUMMER PROGRAMME 2016 | F = FREE SECONDARY SCHOOL Disc Golf acka in Bondeb an c s e e b is fr 20 ee of fr d e be borrow tadion. Iss charge at t Booking a 64 2 5 2 –2 1 4 1 0 Week 27 Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Fri between 13.00–19.00 SUMMER IN THE CITY – Hallen Ungdomscenter will move out to the city park and its theme will be Ball! Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! Mon–Fri RÅSSNÄS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us. Day trips, tournaments and chill out with us all week. Questions: 0141–225411 F! Mon–Fri Daytime CHARLOTTENBORGS FRITIDSGÅRD Come and hang out with us. Activities throughout the week, for example, go-kart, riding, adventure centre, boat tour, etc. Questions: 0141–225282 F! MIDDLE SCHOOL Mon between 13.00–19.00 SUMMER IN THE CITY – Soap football! The city park. Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon at 14.00–17.00 RIDING FOR BEGINNERS – ride, brush and pamper the horses. Registration: 0141–234700 F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Tue between 08.00–16.00 FLY-FISHING – try fishing with fly rods. Registration by 1/7 at the latest. Questions and registration: Anders Karlsson 070–1581880 or Stig Bäckström 070–9686145 F! Wed between 17.30–20.30 PHYSICAL CULTURE FUN in Frisksportarna’s cottage at Råssnäs. Try volleyball, trampoline, climbing, etc. and bring sausages for the barbeque. Questions: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Thu between 11.00–15.00 BOAT FUN – do you like action on the water behind a boat? Welcome! Location Brandbryggan Varamon. Good swimming skills are required. F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! CAMP Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Sun–Wed S:T ANNA CAMP Organiser Motala municipality. Read more on: FULLY BOOKED! Wed–Sat S:T ANNA CAMP Organiser Motala municipality. Read more on: FULLY BOOKED! F = FREE Tue between 13.00–19.00 SUMMER IN THE CITY – Ball games in the boards! The city park. Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Tue between 08.00–16.00 FLY-FISHING – try fishing with fly rods. Registration by 1/7 at the latest. Questions and registration: Anders Karlsson 070–1581880 or Stig Bäckström 070–9686145 F! Wed between 13.00–19.00 SUMMER IN THE CITY – Number game ball! The city park. Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! Wed between 17.30–20.30 PHYSICAL CULTURE FUN in Frisksportarna’s cottage at Råssnäs. Try volleyball, trampoline, climbing, etc. and bring sausages for the barbeque. Questions: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Thu between 13.00–19.00 SUMMER IN THE CITY – Theme activity! The city park. Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! Thu between 11.00–15.00 BOAT FUN – do you like action on the water behind a boat? Welcome! Location Brandbryggan Varamon. Good swimming skills are required. F! Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Fri between 13.00–19.00 SUMMER IN THE CITY – Football golf & Boules! The city park. Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! SUMMER PROGRAMME 2016 | | 5 MIDDLE SCHOOL Week 28 Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon at 14.00–17.00 RIDING FOR BEGINNERS – ride, brush and pamper the horses. Registration: 0141–234700 F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Tue between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Come and r try parkou ! at Råssnäs Tue between 18.30–21.00 SKATEBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Thu between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Thu between 18.30–21.00 SKATEBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Friday at 10.00 BOOK MINGLE at Borensberg library. Questions:, 0141–225875 F! SECONDARY SCHOOL Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Sun between 12.00–21.00 STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Come and hang out with us every day – Banana boat ride between 12.45–14.45, Funballz between 16.00–18.00, at 19.00 Barbeque – we will treat you to sausages. Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! Mon at 17.00 VOLLEYBALL STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Tue at 17.00 WINDSURFING/SUP STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Tue between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Tue between 18.30–21.00 SKATEBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! SECONDARY SCHOOL CONTD. Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Wed at 18.00 SOAP FOOTBALL STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Thu at 17.00 ADVENTURE GOLF STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Thu between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Thu between 18.30–21.00 SKATEBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Fri FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site throughout the week. Questions: F! Friday at 11.00 BOOK MINGLE at Borensberg library. Questions:, 0141–225875 F! Fri at 18.00 CHILL OUT & BARBEQUE barbeque at Furulid. Read more on: F! Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Fri at 18.00 CHILL OUT & BARBEQUE barbeque at Furulid. Read more on: F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Sat at 17.00 AFTER SUN barbeque evening with music and activities. STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! Wed at 14.00 HIGH WIRE ADVENTURE TRACK STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Sun at 17.00 PEDAL BOAT RACE STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! 6 | SUMMER PROGRAMME 2016 | F = FREE Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon at 14.00–17.00 RIDING FOR BEGINNERS – ride, brush and pamper the horses. Registration: 0141–234700 F! Week 30 MIDDLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL Week 29 Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Thu between 15.00–18.00 FOOTBALL EC at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground. Registration on site. Questions: patrik. F! Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Mon–Thu between 12.00–21.00 STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Come and hang out with us every day – Banana boat ride between 12.45–14.45, Funballz between 16.00–18.00, at 19.00 Barbeque – we will treat you to sausages. Age 13–25 years. Questions: F! Tue at 17.00 WINDSURFING/SUP STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Sat between 15.00–18.00 THE CRAYFISH EVENT KRÄFTIVALEN by the locks at Borenshult. Age 0–15 years. Questions: Christer Waldner 0708–839175 F! SECONDARY SCHOOL SECONDARY SCHOOL Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Mon at 17.00 VOLLEYBALL STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon between 11.00–14.00 HANDBALL – mini tournaments at Ekön’s local sports ground. Everyone is welcome. Questions: F! Mon between 13.00–15.00 SUMMER BOWLING! Come and play bowling in Motala Sports hall. Questions and booking: 0730–327584 F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Wed at 14.00 HIGH WIRE ADVENTURE TRACK STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Thu between 15.00–18.00 FOOTBALL EC at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground. Registration on site. Questions: patrik. F! Wed at 18.00 SOAP FOOTBALL STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Thu at 17.00 ADVENTURE GOLF STRANDSATT – The hall is in Varamon, south of Skogsborg. Age 13–25 years. Registration on site during the day. Questions: F! Fri at 18.00 CHILL OUT & BARBEQUE barbeque at Furulid. Read more on: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Sat between 15.00–18.00 THE CRAYFISH EVENT KRÄFTIVALEN by the locks at Borenshult. Questions: Christer Waldner 0708–839175. UP TO 15 years! F! Mon–Fri between 10.00–15.00 TABLE TENNIS CAMP with Västers BTK. Questions: Daniel Ellerman 0733–568582 SEK 300 CAMP CAMP Mon between 11.00–14.00 HANDBALL – mini tournaments at Ekön’s local sports ground. Everyone is welcome. Questions: F! Mon between 13.00–15.00 SUMMER BOWLING! Come and play bowling in Motala Sports hall. Questions and booking: 0730–327584 F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! F = FREE Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Fri between 10.00–15.00 TABLE TENNIS CAMP with Västers BTK. Questions: Daniel Ellerman 0733–568582 SEK 300 SUMMER PROGRAMME 2016 | | 7 Week 31 mp CulturekC3a2 wee Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon between 11.00–14.00 HANDBALL – mini tournaments at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground. Everyone is welcome. Questions: F! Mon between 13.00–15.00 SUMMER BOWLING! Come and play bowling in Motala Sports hall. Questions and booking: 0730–327584 F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Wed between 14.00–16.00 ADVENTURE GOLF – come and play miniature golf at Lindgården, Varamon. Age 5–16 years. Questions: 0141–54480 F! Thu between 15.00–18.00 FOOTBALL EC at Ekön’s local sports ground. Registration on site. Questions: patrik.johansson@ F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! CAMP Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! Mon–Fri between 10.00–15.00 TABLE TENNIS CAMP with Västers BTK. Questions: Daniel Ellerman 0733–568582 SEK 300 8 | SUMMER PROGRAMME 2016 | SECONDARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL fore Register be , /7 5/6 or 1 fo. for more in . 7 see page 2 Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon between 11.00–14.00 HANDBALL – mini tournaments at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground. Everyone is welcome. Questions: F! Mon between 13.00–15.00 SUMMER BOWLING! Come and play bowling in Motala Sports hall. Questions and booking: 0730–327584 F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Wed between 14.00–16.00 ADVENTURE GOLF – come and play miniature golf at Lindgården, Varamon. Age 5–16 years. Questions: 0141–54480 F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Thu at 15.30 SUMMER BOOK MINGLE Motala library. Registration not required. Questions:, 0141–225491 F! Thu between 15.00–18.00 FOOTBALL EC at Ekön’s local sports ground. Registration on site. Questions: patrik.johansson@ F! Fri between 17.00–20.00 DROP IN FOOTBALL – come and play football at Charlottenborg’s local sports ground with Borens IK. Questions: F! F = FREE Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Fri between 13.00–15.30 CULTURE CAMP AT HOME WITH – WHO ARE YOU? What does your place of residence say? Together we examine places, phenomena and cultural heritage and create own works of art. Children from different parts of the world 7–12 years. Location Motala library. Questions and registration:, 0141–225491. Registration deadline 1 July F! Mon–Fri between 09.00–12.00 CULTURE CAMP STOP-MOTION FILM Location Bildverkstan, Sjögatan 5. Questions and registration: Registration deadline 1 July F! Mon–Tue between 13.00–16.00 CULTURE CAMP BESTEN & CYKLONENS ÖGA (THE BEAST & AND THE EYE OF THE CYCLONE) – Drawing workshop. Location Bildverkstan. Questions and registration: Registration deadline 1 July F! Tue between 14.00–16.00 ADVENTURE GOLF – come and play miniature golf at Lindgården, Varamon. Age 5–16 years. Questions: 0141–54480 F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! CAMP Wed–Thu between 13.00–16.00 CULTURE CAMP BESTEN & CYKLONENS ÖGA (THE BEAST & AND THE EYE OF THE CYCLONE) – Drawing workshop. Location Bildverkstan. Questions and registration: Registration deadline 1 July F! Tue–Sat between 09.00–16.00 SPORTIS CAMP for children born between 2004–2006 – a sports week where you can try 20 different sports. Questions: SEK 300 Mon–Fri New for this year. CULTURE CAMP 2016 – workshops for different ages. Theatre course, Writer’s jam, Stop–motion film, drawing workshops etc. See the schedule above F! 7–13 August MAIF SUMMER HOCKEY SCHOOL in Exeo Arena. Registration: Questions: 073–5202567 SEK 2,300 F = FREE SECONDARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL Week 32 Mon–Sun between 10.00–18.00 MOTALABADET – free swimming in heated swimming pools for 0–15 year olds (and those who have just completed year 9). Parental supervision is required for children up to the age of 10. Only pool attendants available, swim at your own risk. F! Mon–Tue between 09.00–12.00 CULTURE CAMP BESTEN & CYKLONENS ÖGA (THE BEAST & AND THE EYE OF THE CYCLONE) – writer’s jam. Location Hall Loket in Motala library. Questions and registration: Registration deadline 1 July F! Tue between 14.00–16.00 ADVENTURE GOLF – come and play miniature golf at Lindgården, Varamon. Age 5–16 years. Questions: 0141–54480 F! Tue between 15.00–17.00 “CREATIVITY” – arts and crafts, sewing, stitching and playing games. Location Furulid in Varamon. Read more on: F! Tue between 16.00–18.30 KICKBOARD IN THE SKATE HALL Questions: F! Wed between 18.30–20.00 LANGUAGE CAFÉ – please feel free to have a seat and talk and learn or teach the Swedish language. Read more on: F! Wed–Thu between 09.00–12.00 CULTURE CAMP BESTEN & CYKLONENS ÖGA (THE BEAST & AND THE EYE OF THE CYCLONE) – writer’s jam. Location Hall Loket in Motala library. Questions and registration: Registration deadline 1 July. F! Thu–Fri between 09.00–12.00 CULTURE CAMP THEATRE COURSE – Dreamt of becoming a film star, musical artist or would you like to try working in theatre? Location Kulturakademin. Questions and registration: Maria.d.Karlsson@motala. se. Registration deadline 15 June F! Thu–Fri between 13.00–16.00 CULTURE CAMP THEATRE COURSE – Dreamt of becoming a film star, musical artist or would you like to try working in theatre? Location Kulturakademin. Questions and registration: Maria.d.Karlsson@motala. se. Registration deadline 15 June F! Fri between 13.00–16.00 END OF CULTURE CAMP Exhibition of the work of children and youths. Location Konsthallen F! SUMMER PROGRAMME 2016 | | 9
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