Emre Soyer
Emre Soyer
POPULAR CURRENT Asst. Prof. of Judgment & Decision Making Ozyegin University (OzU) (2012 - present) Fooled by experience Harvard Business Review, May 2015, p. 72 (with Robin Hogarth) Behavioral Decision Making Executive, MBA, MSc, PhD, BA A picture’s worth a thousand numbers Harvard Business Review, June 2013, p. 26 (with Robin Hogarth) Creativity & Ideation Executive, MBA, BA Persuasion & Negotiation Executive, BA Using simulated experience to make sense of big data MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter 2015, p. 26 (with Robin Hogarth) Don’t Be Fooled! Behavioral science talks @ Soho House Istanbul EXPERIENCE TALKS & BLOGS HBR Turkey – Decision making blog (Turkish) Behavior Studio – Decision making blog G--gap – Blog about intergenerational relations (with Mehmet U. Soyer) g--gap.com (coming soon) Story & Music – Literary project (with Mehmet U. Soyer) Song by song – Novel pending online publication soyersoyer.com Co-creator and NGO relations IYI-FON, Pro-social marketing (2009-10) emre.soyer@ozyegin.edu.tr www.emresoyer.com @BalliSoyer behaviorstudio.com Co-creator and manager In the morning of a day Climate change platform (2007-09) ART EDUCATION HAZ – Music project (with Ipek Aktar) ipekipek.com Hogarth & Soyer. Kind and wicked learning environments Current Directions in Psychological Science (forthcoming) Ph.D Judgment and Decision Making MAS. Economics Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2005-12) MSc. Development Economics University of Nottingham (2004-05) RESEARCH BA Economics Koc University (2000-04) Hogarth & Soyer. Providing information for decision making Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (2014) Business and Economics Universita Bocconi (Erasmus 2002-03) Hogarth & Soyer. The simplicity of simulated experience Journal of Business Research (forthcoming) Hogarth & Soyer. Experiencing simulated outcomes Neuroeconomics, Judgment and Decision Making (2014) Hogarth, Mukherjee & Soyer. Assessing the chances of success Journal of Experimental Psychology: LMC (2013) Soyer & Hogarth. The illusion of predictability International Journal of Forecasting (2012) Hogarth & Soyer. Sequentially simulated outcomes Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2011) Soyer & Hogarth. The size and distribution of donations Judgment and Decision Making (2011). Behavioral Management Consultant Ozyegin University (OzU) (2012 - present) Management Consultant Consultist Barcelona (2012 Jan-Jun) Emre Soyer hbrturkiye.com/kisi/yazar/emre-soyer TEACHING Filtered reality TEDxOZU, October 2013 Maturitá Italian High School (1992-2000) ABILITIES Piano and Bass Competitive tennis Last update May 2015 English, Spanish, Italian, Turkish (fluent) German, Catalan (beginner) Stata, R, Matlab, SPSS, Qualtrics, Excel VBA, Adobe Premiere, Logic