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Zhang, Yongli Civil & Environmental Engineering PAGE 1 of 4 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY Professional Record Faculty NAME: YONGLI ZHANG DATE PREPARED: August 19, 2014 DATE REVISED: April 7, 2015 OFFICE ADDRESS: 2168 Engineering 5050 Anthony Wayne Dr. Detroit, MI 48202 OFFICE PHONE: 313-577-9962 _____________________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT/COLLEGE: Civil & Environmental Engineering/Engineering PRESENT RANK & DATE OF RANK: Assistant Professor, August 2014 WSU APPOINTMENT HISTORY: Year Appointed/Rank: 2014/Assistant Professor ______________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION: Baccalaureate: Sichuan University, Food Engineering Graduate: Guangxi University, M.S. Microbiology University of Virginia, Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering Postdoctoral: University of Virginia ______________________________________________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP(S): America Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) _____________________________________________________________________________ HONORS/AWARDS: Outstanding graduate research award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia, 2014 Acknowledgement of CEE graduate seminar committee, the University of Virginia, 2012 ______________________________________________________________________________ TEACHING A. Years at Wayne State: 1 B. Courses Taught CE6270 – Environmental Management and Sustainable Development CE 5999/7999 – Applied Environmental Microbiology C. Essays/Theses/Dissertations Directed 04/07/15 Zhang, Yongli Civil & Environmental Engineering PAGE 2 of 4 - Mentor one Ph.D. student and one Master student - Serve in two Ph.D. dissertation committee ___________________________________________________________________________ SELECTED PUBLICATIONS A. BOOK CHAPTERS Xi, C.W., Bush, K., Lachmayr, K.L., Zhang, Y.L., and Ford, T.E. “Interactions between environmental microbial ecosystems and humans: the case of the water environment and antibiotic resistance,” Food-Borne Microbes: Shaping the Host Ecosystem, edited by Lee-Ann Jaykus, Hua H. Wang, and Larry S. Schlesinger (ASM Press, April 2009). B. PUBLICATIONS IN PEER-REVIEW JOURNALS Zhang, Y.L., Liu, X.W., White, M.A., Colosi, L.M. “Economic evaluation of algae biodiesel based on meta-analyses,” International Journal of Sustainable Energy, submitted. Colosi, L.M., Resurreccion, E.P., Zhang, Y.L. “Assessing the energy and environmental performance of algae-mediated tertiary treatment of estrogenic compounds,” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 2015 (17), 421-428. Zhang, Y.L., Habteselassie, M.Y., Resurreccion, E.P., Mantripragada, V., Peng, S.S., Bauer, S., Colosi, L.M. “Evaluating removal of steroid estrogens by a model alga as a possible sustainability benefit of hypothetical integrated algae cultivation and wastewater treatment systems,” Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2014 (11), pp. 2544-2553. Zhang, Y.L., Colosi, L.M. “Practical ambiguities during calculation of energy ratios and their impacts on life cycle assessment calculations,” Energy Policy. 2013 (57), pp. 630633, 2013. Zhang, Y.L., Colosi, L.M. “What are we missing by focusing on algae biodiesel?” Biofuels. 2013 (60), pp. 591-593, 2013. Zhang, Y.L., White, M.A., Colosi, L.M. “Environmental and economic assessment of integrated systems for dairy manure treatment coupled with algae bioenergy production,” Bioresource Technology. 2013 (130), pp. 486-494. Colosi, L.M., Zhang, Y.L., Clarens, A.F., White, M.A. “Will algae produce green? Using published life cycle assessments as a starting point for economic evaluation of future algae-to-energy systems,” Biofuels. 2012 (2), pp. 129-142. Zhang, Y.L., Marrs, C.F., Simon, C., Xi, C.W. “Wastewater treatment contributes to selective increase of antibiotic resistance among Acinetobacter spp.,” Science of the Total Environment. 2009 (12), pp. 3702-3706. Xi, C.W., Zhang, Y.L., Marrs, C.F., Ye, W., Simon, C., Foxman, B., and Niragu, J. “Prevalence of antibiotic resistance in drinking water treatment and distribution systems,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2009 (17), pp. 5714-5718. Zhang, Yongli Civil & Environmental Engineering PAGE 3 of 4 Zhang, Y.L., Li, Y.Z., Tang. J.L. “Research on the application of DNA chip technique,” Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science 2001, June, pp. 133-136. Li, Y.Z., Zhang, Y.L., Tang, J.L. “An introduction to DNA chip technique,” Jiangxi Medical Inspection 2000, 18(3), pp. 170-172. C. PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES Zhang, Y.L., Clarens, A.F., White, M.A., Colosi, L.M. Algal biodiesel is financially promising: an economic meta-analysis of algae-to-fuel systems. Advanced Energy 2013, New York, April 30 – May 1 (Poster). Zhang, Y.L., White, M.A., Clarens, A.F., Colosi, L.M. Comparative LCA and Economic Analysis of Integrated Algae-Dairy Manure Treatment Systems for Small Farms. LCA-XI International Conference 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Oct 4-6 (Oral). Zhang, Y.L., Marrs, C., Simon, C., Xi, C.W. Profile of antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter spp. and antibiotic resistant genes in the wastewater treatment process and its receiving water. 108th American Society for Microbiology General Meeting 2008, Boston, Ma, USA, June 2-6 (Poster). Zhang, Y.L., Marrs, C., Simon, C., Xi, C.W. Profile of antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter spp. in the wastewater treatment process and its receiving water. Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute Meeting 2008: Water, Health, and the Environment, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, March 26-27 (Poster). Zhang, Y.L., Marrs, C., Simon, C., Xi, C.W. Profile of antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter spp. in the wastewater treatment process and its receiving water. Borchardt Conference 2008, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Feb 27-28 (Poster). D. INVITED SEMINARS OR LECTURES Sustainability decision making for integrated biofuel production and water management. Chemical Department Seminar, Wayne State University, Detroit, U.S. March 3, 2015. ______________________________________________________________________________ SERVICE TO DEPARTMENT/DIVISION, UNIVERSITY & GENERAL PUBLIC A. SERVICE TO COLLEGE 2014-2015 College of Engineering Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) 2014-2015 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) 2014-2015 Academic Oversight Committee (AOC) B. SERVICE TO PUBLIC Zhang, Yongli Civil & Environmental Engineering PAGE 4 of 4 2014 Detroit Climate Action Collaborative (Climate Change Youth Summit 2014), Detroit, MI. Nov 13, 2014. Representative of Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. C. PAPER REVIEW [1] Journal Paper: Water Research Environmental Science: Process and Impact Water Science &Technology: Water Supply Environmental Science & Pollution Research [2] Conference Paper The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE)