entry form here - The English Chess Federation
entry form here - The English Chess Federation
ECF Under 18 & Under 13 County Championships 2015 Sunday 21st June 2015 Venue: The King’s School, Brook Street, Grantham, NG31 6RP Under 18 Open Championship (12 boards) Under 18 Minor (6 boards, average grade <120) Under 13 Open Championship (6 boards) Under Minor (6 boards, average grade <80) There is additionally a prize for best school team of 3 players taking part in the U18 Open Championship. Time: Registration from 10.15am (Tower Block Foyer), play starts 11am, event will finish about 5:30pm. Play will be in the main School Hall, team rooms will be in the Tower Block. Event Format: Under 18 Open - Two rounds, all moves in 60 minutes + 10 secs per move Other events - Four rounds, all moves in 25 minutes + 10 secs per move. All sections subject to minimum entry of three teams. All games will be ECF graded. All players are required to be ‘Bronze level or above’ members of the ECF.1 Entry Fees: Under 18 Open £40 per team, all other events £25 per team (add £10 per team for entries received after 29th May; all entries must be received by 12th June) Entry fees include VAT at 20%. ECF VAT Registration Number: 195643626 Chief Arbiter: Dave Welch We are very grateful to The King’s School for hosting the event and providing their facilities. We expect all teams to treat the buildings with respect, in particular leaving the team rooms in the same condition they were in on arrival. Meals and snacks will be available all day in the school canteen; a menu will be available closer to the day. A chess bookstore will also be available. All queries to Phillip.Beckett@kings.lincs.sch.uk Return form or details together with payment to Phill Beckett at The King’s School (address as above) County ________________________________________________ Number of teams: Under 18 Open (@£40)________________Under 18 Minor (@£25) ___________ Under 13 Open (@£25)________________Under 13 Minor (@£25)___________ Main contact_____________________________________ Email________________________ Mobile________________ These details can be emailed (Cheques payable to ECF must be sent prior to event; add £10 per team for entries received after 29th May) 1 Free ECF membership is available to any junior who has not previously been an ECF member. See http://englishchess.org.uk/Juniors/free-silvermembership-of-the-ecf/