Postal Boot Camp For Printers and Mailers
Postal Boot Camp For Printers and Mailers
POSTAL BOOT CAMP REGISTRATION FORM WHO IS THE POSTAL PROFESSOR? Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Treviso, 257 Washington Ave. Ext., Albany, NY 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Company Name Address Phone Website PIA Per Attendee: $150. Includes seminar, breakfast & lunch plus breaks Check Amex PayPal Amex Card # the mailing industry for over 40 years. Along with owning two successful direct mail companies, he has served in leadership positions for some of the most respected graphic communication corporations in the country. Although he had never worked for the USPS, George is recognized as a postal authority and mailing operations specialist. As a featured speaker at industry related conferences, he provides insight on the relationship between mailers and the US Postal Service. A long time member and supporter of the Mailing and Fulfillment Service Association (MFSA), now AMSP, he is also an active member of PIA and the former Industry Co-Chair of the Denver Postal Customer Council. City/State/Zip Organization (check one) EPICOMM G. P. Heinrich, PPhD, CQMPS, PIG, CMDP, OMG, CMQCS The Professor has been in Exp date First Registrant Name ($150) E Mail Address Second Registrant Name ($100) In 2007, MFSA honored George by presenting him with the Luke Kaiser Educational Award for outstanding contributions to education in the direct mail industry. Along with his speaking engagements, George spends a great deal of his time providing on-site mail and fulfillment related training and operational evaluations, including the Quality Mail Preparation Specialist Certification training sponsored by AMSP. Using humor and his extensive industry and postal knowledge, he has educated hundreds about the complexities and nuances of this unique business. E Mail Address Add additional attendees names on a slip and attach. Total registrants _____ Total Amount Due _____ Mail to: EPICOMM, 411 E 53 St, Ste 20B, NY, NY 10022-5112 PIA, 636 North French Road, Amherst, NY 14228 E Mail: or Tele: 212-217-6824 or 716-691-3211 Fax: 212-217-6824 or 716-691-4249 Online: or REGISTER TODAY – Seating will be limited – Bootcamp Will Not Be Offered Again This Year. Call, E Mail, Fax, Online. Postal Boot Camp For Printers and Mailers Wednesday, May 6, 2015 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Treviso, Albany, NY Featuring National Speaker & Business Leader, George Heinrich, the POSTAL PROFESSOR George Heinrich is recognized throughout the DM Industry as a leader in continuing education. He is best known for his ability to present essential information in an entertaining and engaging way. The sponsoring organizations, AMSPNY and PIA, NY/NJ, recognizing and supporting the integration and multi functional aspects of our businesses, believe this seminar will benefit all who attend to understand how direct mail is produced and how it is processed to USPS standards and regulations. This unique one-day course is designed to give attendees a basic overall knowledge of the relationship between postal regulations, mailpiece design and related postage costs. New York Chapter BETTER MAIL PREPARATION THROUGH BETTER TRAINING BETTER MAIL PREPARATION THROUGH BETTER TRAINING I ndustry experts agree that using direct mail as part of a marketing campaign increases response rates especially when used in conjunction with other marketing channels. Everyone involved in the creation of direct mail must have a thorough understanding of how the USPS processes and delivers mail. This is critical to attain maximum discounts and minimum delivery times. Obtaining postage discounts and better automation rates is becoming more and more complex. Automation is the key. Mail pieces design must comply with postal guidelines. Intelligent Mail Barcodes must be used and placed correctly to achieve fastest delivery times and the best postage discounts. WHAT WILL BE COVERED • Meet your Un- Controllable Partner – The USPS • Speaking Postal – BMC, SCF, NCOA, CASS, DPV • • Classes of Mail • • • • • • • Shape Based Processing – size does count Barcodes and Automation Tracking Codes Tabbing Folded Self Mailers How Presort Works WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE T his intensive one-day course is an excellent way to educate new employees or employees new to the mailing process. In addition it’s a great way of introducing the printer partners to the postal regulations world. Whether the mailing is being produced in-house or through an outside vendor, your staff must have a basic understanding of USPS rules and regulations to effectively manage this work. This is a must-attend for any company who is expanding into mailing services. If it’s not done correctly, the USPS will turn it back. If this happens a few times, the client will look elsewhere for someone who will prepare the mail correctly. Postage is often the highest portion of the total cost of a mailing. Understanding how mailpiece design and postal processing affects these costs will assure your clients that they are paying the most favorable postage rates. Data Management Transportation Discounts Quality Addressing WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING . . . "This is indispensable for everyone in the mailing business. I recommend it highly." . . . Marty R. –NY Industry statistics show that mailpiece designs that are not compatible with automated processing can cost as much as 70% more to mail. . . . "made the difficult world of postal regs interesting and they actually made sense" . . . Jessica S. –Nashville, TN This unique one-day course is designed to give attendees an overall knowledge of the relationship between USPS regulations, postage costs and delivery times. . . . "I used to be a trainer and have been to many courses. I think George is in the top 5% of all trainers" . . . Catherine S. –Trenton, NJ . . . "great sense of presentation and humor" . . . Charlene H. –Boston, MA . . . "instructor was engaging, informative, and class information was extremely relevant" . . . Judith M. –San Francisco, CA BETTER MAIL PREPARATION THROUGH BETTER TRAINING
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